Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Agreed, but why do you think NATO/The West aren't getting involved ?
Intel are working, so far looks like Putin has been trying to avoid massive civilian death. Thus the hope that sanctions reach Putin's brain and he slows down and decides to sit at the table. If he continues and starts using termobaric ammo or something more serious, then NATO will confront directly, knowing that all other possibilities have been tried and failed.
Why is the EU dragging its feet over Swift?
Should have happened already.
My understanding is that cutting Russia off from SWIFT is equivalent to cutting the supply of gas and oil because no one will be able to pay them.

I've seen now on BBC that they're talking about 'targeted' sanctions and it wouldn't surprise me if they still leave an option for paying for energy and it will be largely due to Germany and Italy being stupid enough to close their nuclear plants and leaving themselves at Putin's beck and call.
I see such comments a lot on here and I don't mean disrespect but do people in Euroe/North America think the rest of the world does not exist? This is not the first War in the world since social media or twitter

I think he means that so much of the war is on reported and information is on social media, this is a new thing for those in the West. Its not that they don't know of other issues and plights, its just not thrown at them down social media 24/7 and to the level it is now. Literally every second of this war is being reported and there is even live streams from Ukraine.
I think he means that so much of the war is on reported and information is on social media, this is a new thing for those in the West. Its not that they don't know of other issues and plights, its just not thrown at them down social media 24/7 and to the level it is now. Literally every second of this war is being reported and there is even live streams from Ukraine.

Yeah I understand. Personally, I've been following war/conflict on social media since like 2010's. I don't even bother now. Twitter is full of rumors and whatever gets retweeted the most. Fog of war is multiplied on it.
Twitter may not be as heavily used but the disparity of power between Russia and Ukrain is not much too dissimilar to say ISIS and Turkey. This is more like big bully Russia wrecking Ukraine than a head to head War. Anyway, maybe I follow the news regularly or something.
Or twitter?
I don’t even know what you’re arguing.

This is getting way more attention than pretty much any other modern war, for obvious reasons.
I have no idea except the bold has already happened. They have moved against the NATO alliance in terms of expected sanctions and so on. It has already been an economic suicide. So I'm wary because I have no idea how far they're willing to go in the Ukraine. Pretty fecking far if they've factored all this in and are still doing it, is my guess.

Not really. There are no F-22s or F-35s involved (yet). NATO countries are not involved. I am talking about what Raul said, about declaring a no fly zone above Ukraine, of course after Ukraine itself asks NATO to enforce it. There is no russian planes that can even get a sniff of the F-22s.

Putin believes that the west is mentally weak and that the US Air Force will not get involved. That's his gamble. If the US Air Force gets involved, we will see the end of Putin quite fast, his own people will get rid of him.
Yeah, I tend to err on the side of caution when it comes to a nuclear conflict being much more likely because some want NATO to intervene directly.
You've gone well beyond erring on the side of caution, to anything NATO/the West does will get the nukes flying.
Or twitter?
I don’t even know what you’re arguing.

This is getting way more attention than pretty much any other modern war, for obvious reasons.
Also has to do with the scale. For 21tst century standards this is a big conventional war.
I't can't be real? If so it has to be the most stupid military operation ever.
I doubt it's real.
I think it's been taken down already which suggests it isn't.
I't can't be real? If so it has to be the most stupid military operation ever.

If you remember that scene from A Bridge Too Far where the Polish Brigade jumped down with the Germans waiting for them right at the spot, it is exactly that.

edit: It may not be happening right now, but the fact it happened at least once is dumb enough.
I think he means that so much of the war is on reported and information is on social media, this is a new thing for those in the West. Its not that they don't know of other issues and plights, its just not thrown at them down social media 24/7 and to the level it is now. Literally every second of this war is being reported and there is even live streams from Ukraine.

Having reporting as it happens in real time is not new. Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm) was broadcast on TV 1990-91.
Sad state of affairs, for the parents too. I wonder what the Russian government told them.

Having reporting as it happens in real time is not new. Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm) was broadcast on TV 1990-91.

Theres a huge difference between that and this. It was controlled broadcast from the media, what we're getting now is random Joe Soap in x town filming his best buddy stepping in front of tanks etc.. Anyway its a little off topic but mostly I was explaining to Shamans why this is all new to us. Not to everyone of course.
Not really. There are no F-22s or F-35s involved (yet). NATO countries are not involved. I am talking about what Raul said, about declaring a no fly zone above Ukraine, of course after Ukraine itself asks NATO to enforce it. There is no russian planes that can even get a sniff of the F-22s.

Putin believes that the west is mentally weak and that the US Air Force will not get involved. That's his gamble. If the US Air Force gets involved, we will see the end of Putin quite fast, his own people will get rid of him.
Yes, but that is my point, too. The Russians can't compete with the US Air Force so will find other means of competing. If the US Air Force gets involved you are absolutely risking a nuclear war (even if it doesn't happen, you will still have decided to risk it, and that is a gamble whatever way you look at it).
You've gone well beyond erring on the side of caution, to anything NATO/the West does will get the nukes flying.
No, I've already said NATO and its allies have sent in guns and sanctions and will be prepared for an internal insurgency. Like arming the Iraqis against the Americans, where the Iraqis are the Ukrainians and the Americans are the Russians. That is the logical outcome. It will be a disaster for Russia (and the Ukraine, but that's already the case) but a disaster that stops just short of risking American/Russian conflict which no one in their right mind wants.
I maintain what I have said over the last couple of days - NATO should enforce a no fly zone, especially in the wake of indiscriminate Russian bombing.

Putin and the Russian state media are covering up this entire thing. They claim it’s a special operation in the Donbas. They claim to the troops it is training exercises. A no fly zone does not interfere with these things. Putin can’t even try to pretend to his own people what is going on, if he contests it.

Are we seriously saying we are allowing Putin to bomb and destroy major urban population centres, just because he claims he will nuke anyone who intervene? A line has to be drawn somewhere and bombing the shit out of Kyiv is well over it.
Add to the fact that the families of said Oligarchs are mostly in Europe anyway. Don't think they'd want a nuke going off wherever their children could be.

Yes, of course, you are right.

And most of oligarchs themselves have a luxury life in the West and they don't want to give it up. And why? To occupy Ukraine? What for? For the nationalistic dreams of Putin? I bet that most of them are not happy with this invasion.
I would absolutely love this to be true but have serious doubts:

The way the screen goes completely white looks kinda fake to me. Could be real but like yourself I'd doubt it.
Theres a huge difference between that and this. It was controlled broadcast from the media, what we're getting now is random Joe Soap in x town filming his best buddy stepping in front of tanks etc.. Anyway its a little off topic but mostly I was explaining to Shamans why this is all new to us. Not to everyone of course.

Iraq 1 & 2 and Afghanistan were all reported from the perspective of 'embedded' journalists. It was curated propaganda in all but name.
Yes, but that is my point, too. The Russians can't compete with the US Air Force so will find other means of competing. If the US Air Force gets involved you are absolutely risking a nuclear war (even if it doesn't happen, you will still have decided to risk it, and that is a gamble whatever way you look at it).

You are saying that Putin is crazy enough to use nukes instead of giving up the invasion.

Perhaps he is not that crazy. Most thugs give up when someone is stronger than them. But even if Putin is completely crazy, his lackeys will get rid of him before he uses nukes.
Theres a huge difference between that and this. It was controlled broadcast from the media, what we're getting now is random Joe Soap in x town filming his best buddy stepping in front of tanks etc.. Anyway its a little off topic but mostly I was explaining to Shamans why this is all new to us. Not to everyone of course.

That's fair enough but there are problems with social media too whereby a lot of lies go viral. Some of the most viewed videos including one on tiktok with over 10 million views have nothing to do with this war but were filmed years ago in some other part of the world. The correction never gets widespread as the lie which can itself do a lot of damage as a form of propaganda.