Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Anonymous are a joke. Just a bunch of kids who dont know shit about cybersecurity. Certainly no match for Russian hackers.

Anonymous is a very heterogeneous group. Some are kids in a basement, others are skilled hackers. This myth of the "russian hacker" is a bit like the superhuman tchetchen soldiers, some are dangerous, most of them are just trolling twitter in bots farms.
It does seem that Putin pushed this war and simply has lost his mind. According to the Guardian:
It was clear to see he literally bullied people into agreeing with him the time is right. Just watch that meeting where he was figuratively bitch slapping his chief of intelligence.

No was not an option. It reminds me of those corporate leaders that just think they rule the world and anyone who disagrees is ejected. This is what I heard of that prick that used to run RBS which forced the UK to bail them out for £50bn.
So as a layman I’m thinking those are very tough sanctions right?

Kinda like the economic nuclear button has been pressed. Intel saying that Russia has prepared for this though, so hard to say how bad it will be. Also will probably affect the European energy market badly, hence why they probably stalled on pushing the button immediately.
Kinda like the economic nuclear button has been pressed. Intel saying that Russia has prepared for this though, so hard to say how bad it will be. Also will probably affect the European energy market badly, hence why they probably stalled on pushing the button immediately.
If they prepared as well as for this war, they're back in medieval times
Russia will have 100% factored all of these sanctions into play. There’s no way they wouldn’t have.
The Norwegian PM is now considering sending weapons to Ukraine, which he as late as yesterday said he wouldn't do. It's been Norwegian policy for over half a century not to sell arms to countries who are involved in war. As far as I know this is also the reason for Germany's tardiness. No matter how this war turns out, it will definitely have changed Europe in both small and big ways.
Russia will have 100% factored all of these sanctions into play. There’s no way they wouldn’t have.
It's hard to say. No doubt they anticipated sanctions but the West is going extremely heavy on them now. Also domestic complains might increase even more.
Russia will have 100% factored all of these sanctions into play. There’s no way they wouldn’t have.
They did (including alternatives to SWIFT) but that's what makes it so insane. They have committed economic suicide and did it after having thought about it for a long time.
Kinda like the economic nuclear button has been pressed. Intel saying that Russia has prepared for this though, so hard to say how bad it will be. Also will probably affect the European energy market badly, hence why they probably stalled on pushing the button immediately.
We keep hearing Putin has prepared but all the evidence so far is of the opposite.

I know sanctions against the Russian CB is huge but I am not sure what that means practically? Does it mean they won't be able to deploy their FX reserves to control the fall in the ruble?

Russia will still get money from oil and gas and while they won't be able to utilise them effectively, I am sure a China or an India would accept a promissory note at a 20, 30 or even 40% haircut and be satisfied they'll be paid in the future.
The Norwegian PM is now considering sending weapons to Ukraine, which he as late as yesterday said he wouldn't do. It's been Norwegian policy for over half a century not to sell arms to countries who are involved in war. As far as I know this is also the reason for Germany's tardiness. No matter how this war turns out, it will definitely have changed Europe in both small and big ways.
This is correct. But Putin changed Europe
If they prepared as well as for this war, they're back in medieval times

Too early to tell for my liking. Although their airborne operations so far look very strange, it's worth to mention that their "big guns" hasn't been properly set in play yet. Sending in light infantry and armor first could very well be a tactic to soften the defense before sending in heavy artillery to break the lines. Especially if you have a high command who thinks that young and inexperienced soldiers are just collateral damage.
Too early to tell for my liking. Although their airborne operations so far look very strange, it's worth to mention that their "big guns" hasn't been properly set in play yet. Sending in light infantry and armor first could very well be a tactic to soften the defense before sending in heavy artillery to break the lines. Especially if you have a high command who thinks that young and inexperienced soldiers are just collateral damage.
Agreed on there possibly being different tactics, but the reports about their lack of fuel after three days don't exactly point to genius strategic planning on this part
Yeah Russia is done for, seriously. Unfortunately its going to mean suffering for a lot of innocent people over there too.
Yes, let's not forget that these sanctions will affect innocent Russian citizens too.

There's more victims in this war than just Ukrainians unfortunately, albeit less lethal in terms of application.

the country of Russia has two responses.

1. Utter destruction, the most extreme version possible of cutting off ones nose to spite their face

2. someone in their government gets wise and takes the reigns of the country from Putin and his cronies, and repairs the damage done.
Sad state of affairs, for the parents too. I wonder what the Russian government told them.

It’s strange but reading that just choked me up… I think something about the ludicrousness of it - of egocentric anachronistic leaders and their effects on real people.

Also the sweetness of letting them ring their parents. It’s the humanness of it - it’s beautiful.
the country of Russia has two responses.

1. Utter destruction, the most extreme version possible of cutting off ones nose to spite their face

2. someone in their government gets wise and takes the reigns of the country from Putin and his cronies, and repairs the damage done.

His cronies are the only people with the power to do that. Any domestic resistance movement powerful enough to oppose Putin is already imprisoned or dead. The entire Russian hierarchy has been built to serve one man.
Anonymous is a very heterogeneous group. Some are kids in a basement, others are skilled hackers. This myth of the "russian hacker" is a bit like the superhuman tchetchen soldiers, some are dangerous, most of them are just trolling twitter in bots farms.

Hackers savy enough to do to some actual damage are employed by large organisations or by the government they dont have the time for this shit.

State sponsored Russian and Chinese hackers are the real deal. The new ransomwares and malwares which are hitting the internet are proper pieces of software with version control and proper software development practices being followed which many experts believe point to organisations not a bunch of nerds in a basement.
It's been 120 minutes now.

Do we think this was baseless scaremongering, or is it still likely to happen soon?

Or has it already started?
I mean, shelling is absolutely happening. Not sure I would have the phrase "baseless scaremongering"...

Russia will have 100% factored all of these sanctions into play. There’s no way they wouldn’t have.

They are a bunch of clowns in my opinion, you can see how they managed to attack Ukraine, very amateurish lost already a lot of soldiers, tanks and aircraft

His cronies are the only people with the power to do that. Any domestic resistance movement powerful enough to oppose Putin is already be imprisoned or dead. It's a hierarchy built to serve one man.

The whole world now has some interest in Russian politics, and major vested interest in the correct individual being in power. If there was ever a time to make a move against Putin politically, it’s now. The support will global.
I wonder what the US has flying around the Ukraine that requires a bunch of aerial refueling tankers to be on station just over the border in Romania?

LAGR223 from Mildenhall

Recon flights have been operating for days. LAGR220-223 seem to be going along with the drones and other surveillance craft. FORTE11, IIRC is one of the drones that keeps flying over the Black Sea. HOMER21 is another to look out for, a Rivet Joint (whatever that is, looks to be recon).
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Russia will have 100% factored all of these sanctions into play. There’s no way they wouldn’t have.

You think?

Not sure. I think Russia thought that Europe wouldn't do this due to their reliance on oil and gas.