Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Question, theoretically if one was to fly to Poland to cross the border would they be allowed to join the resistance movement?
I’m not at all religious, but I pray that I will get the full satisfaction of ramming this post right back down your throat before this is out. The choice between being the next Belarus or a member state of the EU is well worth fighting for. You are ignorant to think otherwise.

On the ignore list for now. Enough of your shit.
Hear, hear.
Don’t think Putin will stop it

He consider Ukraines as an impure race

We are now in 1939, but many people still didn’t realize it
It has been for the last 50 years. We've gone to great lengths to avoid direct confrontation between NATO and Russia, and a few times it's been a close run thing.

There's every possibility that NATO getting involved in Ukraine will prompt the Russians to start launching the ICBMs pre-emptively.

It's an easy threat to make, doesn't mean it's going to actually happen. Going to great lengths to avoid direct confrontation and a new world war is hardly much of a surprise, nuclear weapons or no nuclear weapons. The willingness to launch nukes and end the world as we know it is seriously overrated by some. Full panic mode would erupt around Putin if he ever starts talking about launching nukes at anyone.
Imagine how many analysts in Western militaries are studying the Russian military right now.

They are employing these fancy (maybe useless) gizmo's, while also sending undertrained and under supplied kids to the front lines.

Putin was supposed to have learned from earlier wars and the shortcomings of conscripts and created a well trained/equiped military. Seems to be anything but.
Question, theoretically if one was to fly to Poland to cross the border would they be allowed to join the resistance movement?

The problem might be coming back. People who went to fight ISIS with the Kurds have been found guilty of terror offences before e.g. Aidan James. Even though US and UK were supporting the Kurds against ISIS.
If a NATO fighter downs a Russian one, or vice versa, that is nuclear war territory in reality not just actuality. Semantics will not matter should this happen.

Happened on the Syria-Turkey border not too long ago.
I don't think it is, as a NFZ would incentivize both sides to avoid conflict. It would also incentivize Putin to change tactics not involving air surpremacy.

It would also give him an excuse to pull back and concentrate on preventing his country from completely colapsing... Just a thought / wishful thinking maybe.
What I am really surprised about is the idea of how easily will Putin jump into nuclear war territory if one of his fighter jets are shot down. It feels surreal to read that Putin is just longing for this opportunity. He is not. He is a corrupt leader, who has done tons of atrocities and is shit scared of his own citizens. He clearly values his life and well being above all. Should NATO just continue to watch while the cnut kills thousands of innocent people defending their motherland. This is happening right in front of NATOs doors and being executed by NATOs main potential enemy. Ffs, it is Putin who should be afraid of NATO army and its ammunition both conventional as welll as WMDs. Russia will lose any war against NATO. Jet fights happened in Syria already. With all due respect, Ukraine is much closer to heart for NATO.
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Pro Nazi US Republican congressman expressing his love for Hitler and Putin...

Not surprised. There's always been an undercurrent of Nazi support in the US, even back to WWII.

These guys have always been there but they have been empowered by social media idiots and Russia funding.

This is the genuinely scary prospect. The US in the hands of the Republican Nazis because then Europe are on their own.
Imagine how many analysts in Western militaries are studying the Russian military right now.

Not entirely sure what there is to study, seems like fairly standard equipment used for surveys. Go onboard a construction vessel and you'll probably find quite a few plastic ones taped on various surfaces that are left behind from when whichever survey company was onboard to do a dimensional report.
I still don't understand why people think this is a given just because Putin says so.
Well, we're all calling Putin "Pulter" now, and making these comparisons quite easily. If Hitler had a nuclear bomb he would have used it when he was in his bunker and losing was inevitable. So hopefully the comparisons aren't accurate.
What I am really surprised abiut is how easily will Putin jump into nuclear war territory if one of his fighter jets are shot down. It feels surreal to read that Putin is just longing for this opportunity. It is not. He is a corrupt leader, who has done tons of atrocities and is shit scared of his own citizens. He clearly values his life and well being above all. Should NATO just continue to watch while the cnut kills thousands of innocent people defending their motherland. This is happening right in front of NATOs doors and being executed by NATOs main potential enemy. Ffs, Putin should be afraid of NATO army and its ammunition both conventional as welll as WMDs.

Some people seem to think he doesn't care about Russia's future or his own. I've said it before, but legitimately, psychopaths even feel the self-preservation instinct.

It would be justifiable under international law under Article 51 of the UN Charter I believe if Ukraine were in agreement. To not take sides it should be applied to both. It'd then be up to Putin to make a decision.
Happened on the Syria-Turkey border not too long ago.
There have been many occasions where such has been ignored, but have there been any where it was war on the Russian border? This is a different level.
Well, we're all calling Putin "Pulter" now, and making these comparisons quite easily. If Hitler had a nuclear bomb he would have used it when he was in his bunker and losing was inevitable. So hopefully the comparisons aren't accurate.

It's an absurd comparison.
There have been many occasions where such has been ignored, but have there been any where it was war on the Russian border? This is a different level.

Yeah there are obvious differences, but perhaps the lesson from that incident is that ultimately each side can find an excuse to overlook it/back down, if they feel it’s in their interest. I.e. nuclear war is not inevitable in the event it happens.
Well, we're all calling Putin "Pulter" now, and making these comparisons quite easily. If Hitler had a nuclear bomb he would have used it when he was in his bunker and losing was inevitable. So hopefully the comparisons aren't accurate.

Would the german military (because hitler wouldn't be the one pressing the button) launch those nukes if the allies didn't enter german territory? I don't think they would have.
Time to kick Russia out of SWIFT.

Their stock market will be worth zero on Monday, probably the highest ever drop in a single day for any stock market. The Russian Ruble will also match the soviet era ruble ... almost zero as well.
Time to kick Russia out of SWIFT.

Their stock market will be worth zero on Monday, probably the highest ever drop in a single day for any stock market. The Russian Ruble will also match the soviet era ruble ... almost zero as well.

Should be done already
I don't think it is, as a NFZ would incentivize both sides to avoid conflict. It would also incentivize Putin to change tactics not involving air surpremacy.
But if Putin concedes a NFZ, that makes whatever he's trying to do a lot more difficult. It would be seen as direct interference (an act of war). It's like rolling the dice then as to whether it all escalates to the point where no one wants it to.

It's an absurd comparison.
I agree, I think the Putin/Hitler comparisons are misplaced.
Yeah there are obvious differences, but perhaps the lesson from that incident is that ultimately each side can find an excuse to overlook it/back down, if they feel it’s in their interest. I.e. nuclear war is not inevitable in the event it happens.
Agreed, but the self-economic-suicide of this whole invasion tells me that the Russians are not playing from the same playbook as before.They've basically placed a worldwide embargo on themselves and did it knowingly.