Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Wait, why is this allowed? Isn't this exposing of Ukrainian defence?

A few years ago I heavily criticised Mo Salah for becoming an honorary citizen of Chechnya and posing with Kadyrow himself. But there were enough people on here to explain to me how I was overreacting. The man is a monster and his troops are incredibly dangerous and scary. We need to hold these people accountable in peacetimes.
This, plus the fact that the Chinese state banks seem to be ready to drop Russia at the first sign of economic trouble, is potentially a game changer. Let's see.

I hope the gucci bags agree as well.
Yes its become clear by the day that the leaders within Nato are a bunch of spinless morons who think harming Russia's economy will stop him
I think there's a lot of politics but what I don't understand is how someone like Macron is happy to be more aggressive with sanctions when there's an election in 3 months and the new German government that's just been elected is afraid. They have years to fix their political ratings if things go a bit bad for them at home.

Italy, I think, has elections next year although that handbag exemption is a joke and cannot be justified.

Germany definitely have overcompensated for WW2 in terms of reducing military prowess :lol:
Even bloody Japan are more competent than them at the moment. Crazy stuff.
Germany definitely have overcompensated for WW2 in terms of reducing military prowess :lol:
Just mental, isn't it. Seems that those 5000 helmets they sent was basically all they had. We completely rely on US to protect us, if not then Germany would probably fall in a matter of minutes.
There's a lot of reports (mostly from their relatives) that Russia sends fresh conscripts straight to Ukraine, despite it being illegal. Most of them are either forced/tricked to sign or their commanders simply sign a "temporary" contract for them. Those are mostly 18-19 year old kids that obviously don't know any better.
That's not what it's for but it is an organisation designed to counter Russia, and Putin does have a point that Nato has expanded Eastwards since its inception. This war is his version only he's using tanks instead of a membership agreement.

It's all about pride with Putin, no matter the cost. I think very little of what he does is due to a perceived sense of protecting his people, and his increasing aggression has probably been the catalyst for NATO's expansion anyway. It's about recovering lost pride, and Ukraine having the audacity to not be under his control.
There's a lot of reports (mostly from their relatives) that Russia sends fresh conscripts straight to Ukraine, despite it being illegal. Most of them are either forced/tricked to sign or their commanders simply sign a "temporary" contract for them. Those are mostly 18-19 year old kids that obviously don't know any better.

Unfortunately illegality and war crimes have lost all meaning now, because everyone is scared of nukes.
Question, when saddam hussein invaded Kuwait, the USA/UK went in to help kuwait. Whats different now? Is NATO and western europe really going to sit back and watch a eurppean country be butchered and destroyed. Surely the lessons of 80 years ago are still relevant?
Just mental, isn't it. Seems that those 5000 helmets they sent was basically all they had. We completely rely on US to protect us, if not then Germany would probably fall in a matter of minutes.
They somehow never find the balance...
Unfortunately illegality and war crimes have lost all meaning now, because everyone is scared of nukes.
Illegality had lost its meaning in Russia a lot earlier — if we're talking about the actions of our government and its institutions, it is.
When I first watched, it looked like the tank had skidded out of control. But then I remembered its a tank, and they don't skid out of control on tarmac. Just senseless imbeciles.
It’s worth watching the other video angle. Ukrainians ambush some Russians in a truck carrying a large stationary gun to the left of this shot and this AV spots it late and tries to turn. Ukrainians took the gun and Russians have no been able to find it.
Question, when saddam hussein invaded Kuwait, the USA/UK went in to help kuwait. Whats different now? Is NATO and western europe really going to sit back and watch a eurppean country be butchered and destroyed. Surely the lessons of 80 years ago are still relevant?
Iraq couldn’t nuke London or Washington.
That's not what it's for but it is an organisation designed to counter Russia, and Putin does have a point that Nato has expanded Eastwards since its inception. This war is his version only he's using tanks instead of a membership agreement.
Because his mafia state has not been able to fool people and countries that have 'benefitted' from the USSR rule.

They very well know all this nicely, nicey attitude has always been a mask that he's ready to take off at the first sign of weakness. He just had to take long to do it and since he's getting on in age now, his dumb pride feels the necessity to leave a legacy.

He can feck right off.
Question, when saddam hussein invaded Kuwait, the USA/UK went in to help kuwait. Whats different now? Is NATO and western europe really going to sit back and watch a eurppean country be butchered and destroyed. Surely the lessons of 80 years ago are still relevant?
Bigger geopolitical interests as Kuwait is a major oil producer. Also, Iraq is...not exactly Russia in terms of power. Also don't discount Saudi involvement here, they didn't want Hussein to become a serious oil rival.
There's a lot of reports (mostly from their relatives) that Russia sends fresh conscripts straight to Ukraine, despite it being illegal. Most of them are either forced/tricked to sign or their commanders simply sign a "temporary" contract for them. Those are mostly 18-19 year old kids that obviously don't know any better.
Just for fodder? Cant see any military logic in this.
Yes its become clear by the day that the leaders within Nato are a bunch of spinless morons who think harming Russia's economy will stop him

Question, when saddam hussein invaded Kuwait, the USA/UK went in to help kuwait. Whats different now? Is NATO and western europe really going to sit back and watch a eurppean country be butchered and destroyed. Surely the lessons of 80 years ago are still relevant?

6,000 nukes.
Question, when saddam hussein invaded Kuwait, the USA/UK went in to help kuwait. Whats different now? Is NATO and western europe really going to sit back and watch a eurppean country be butchered and destroyed. Surely the lessons of 80 years ago are still relevant?

Saddam did not have nukes.
Just for fodder? Cant see any military logic in this.
I would assume so. Again, people tend to react differently to you when you have 200 thousand troops near the border instead of 50 thousands even if actually 150 thousands of them are complete rookies.
I think there's a lot of politics but what I don't understand is how someone like Macron is happy to be more aggressive with sanctions when there's an election in 3 months and the new German government that's just been elected is afraid. They have years to fix their political ratings if things go a bit bad for them at home.

Italy, I think, has elections next year although that handbag exemption is a joke and cannot be justified.

Even bloody Japan are more competent than them at the moment. Crazy stuff.
Has the NATO meeting finished? I fell asleep for 2 hours (first time i slept in almost 2 days) There was supposed to be a NATO sumit this afternoon.
I think there's a lot of politics but what I don't understand is how someone like Macron is happy to be more aggressive with sanctions when there's an election in 3 months and the new German government that's just been elected is afraid. They have years to fix their political ratings if things go a bit bad for them at home.

Italy, I think, has elections next year although that handbag exemption is a joke and cannot be justified.

Even bloody Japan are more competent than them at the moment. Crazy stuff.
Crazy thing is that Mario Draghi is a technical prime minister, so he shouldn't worry too much about numbers.

Though then, two far-right parties are polling (combined) at 40$, and both are in Putin's pocket.
Those Russian flights over Ireland & the U.K. a few months ago, were no training were they? Seems to me they were checking response times in the event that the U.K. in particular might go to war
I would assume so. Again, people tend to react differently to you when you have 200 thousand troops near the border instead of 50 thousands even if actually 150 thousands of them are complete rookies.
True, remembered the photos of these boys captured on day 1
I would assume so. Again, people tend to react differently to you when you have 200 thousand troops near the border instead of 50 thousands even if actually 150 thousands of them are complete rookies.

If he was going for shock and awe, then sending in rookies with outdated equipment was probably the wrong approach. All it has done is given the Ukrainians confidence and belief.
Those Russian flights over Ireland & the U.K. a few months ago, were no training were they? Seems to me they were checking response times in the event that the U.K. in particular might go to war

They happen all the time and have been going on for years. I don't think they're particularly related.
It's incredible that in an age where climate change is such an existential threat that we're still doing things like this in the supposedly 'civilized' world.
Pootin won't be around for that, why would he he give a shite. He's building his legacy for a planet devoid of life.
Question, when saddam hussein invaded Kuwait, the USA/UK went in to help kuwait. Whats different now? Is NATO and western europe really going to sit back and watch a eurppean country be butchered and destroyed. Surely the lessons of 80 years ago are still relevant?
Russia is not Iraq.
There's a lot of reports (mostly from their relatives) that Russia sends fresh conscripts straight to Ukraine, despite it being illegal. Most of them are either forced/tricked to sign or their commanders simply sign a "temporary" contract for them. Those are mostly 18-19 year old kids that obviously don't know any better.

That wouldn't surprise me either. The video of that Russian POW yesterday clearly showed a teenager (if we say that anyone under 20 is a teenager) definitely not built like a regular soldier, and we know that several conscripts were among the "green men" in 2014. That being said, what is Russia doing with their own regulars? I thought they had over 1 million active personnel.
Question, when saddam hussein invaded Kuwait, the USA/UK went in to help kuwait. Whats different now? Is NATO and western europe really going to sit back and watch a eurppean country be butchered and destroyed. Surely the lessons of 80 years ago are still relevant?

UN Council resolutions authorising both 91 in response to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and Afghan in response to 9/11. Iraq 2003 is not as cut and dry but they were warned by the UN they had x days to disarm and that it was the "final opportunity" to do so. China and Russia either agreed or abstained from those votes.
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Just mental, isn't it. Seems that those 5000 helmets they sent was basically all they had. We completely rely on US to protect us, if not then Germany would probably fall in a matter of minutes.

Isn't that pretty much by design? If I'm not mistaken Germany have been very limited when it comes to what they can and can't have, the trade-off being that the US were supposed to "protect" them.
Question, when saddam hussein invaded Kuwait, the USA/UK went in to help kuwait. Whats different now? Is NATO and western europe really going to sit back and watch a eurppean country be butchered and destroyed. Surely the lessons of 80 years ago are still relevant?

The difference is that Russia isn't Irak.
That wouldn't surprise me either. The video of that Russian POW yesterday clearly showed a teenager (if we say that anyone under 20 is a teenager) definitely not built like a regular soldier, and we know that several conscripts were among the "green men" in 2014. That being said, what is Russia doing with their own regulars? I thought they had over 1 million active personnel.
Again, being in millitary does not mean you are only combat staff. There are numerous support positions in a modern army, and they are on the same payroll.
Those Russian flights over Ireland & the U.K. a few months ago, were no training were they? Seems to me they were checking response times in the event that the U.K. in particular might go to war

They were but that's just a common thing rather than any particular readiness for this invasion.

I was morbidly thinking who the first country Russia would try nuke if they wanted to send a message. It would probably be the UK wouldn't it.