I know it's a figure of speech, but I don't really find many parallels between the US and the Roman Empire. Sometimes I think people forget how short-lived was the US hegemony, in fact shorter than a life of a person if you assume it started after the II WW, some could say they were already the top dog and in a full imperial mode following the Spanish-American war. Looking at a bigger picture American hegemony was more of an exception rather than a norm, so a regression toward the mean was always expected. But I am a bit surprised that Americans capitulated so easily and that they managed to convince themselves they're so weak and poor that they need a major revolution and a complete shift of politics. If you told me a decade ago it would take expensive eggs and not the cheapest taxi for your burrito delivery to derail the most powerful nation in the world and if you told me that American would discard all the values they worshipped so easily, I definitely wouldn't believe that.