Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Novaya Gazeta had checked the metadata on Putin’s war address and apparently it was recorded on Monday. Quelle surprise.

Seems like that claim has been rolled back on from my morning read of twitter.
Ukraine and the West aren't the aggressor. I'm still not sure what you are implying here.

West can't engage with military force at this point as it will be WW III. If Ukraine was part of NATO things would be very different.
I think the west will still use the excuse of avoiding WW3 if Russia invades Latvia and Lithuania. There is zero appetite for war in the west and Putin is going to keep going as he seems completely unhinged in the recent interviews.
Everybody should just bear in mind that Russia are only using 200,000 troops in Ukraine. They still have 700,000 troops and thousands more planes in their barracks on reserve ready to do other shit around the world.

If NATO decides to step in, I'll back it, but be prepared for a new world if it all goes out of hand.
I think the west will still use the excuse of avoiding WW3 if Russia invades Latvia and Lithuania. There is zero appetite for war in the west and Putin is going to keep going as he seems completely unhinged in the recent interviews.
TBH this is not an excuse. Putin is out of his mind…
Still not to the extend that he attacks a NATO country. Then it will be just inevitable.
I think the west will still use the excuse of avoiding WW3 if Russia invades Latvia and Lithuania. There is zero appetite for war in the west and Putin is going to keep going as he seems completely unhinged in the recent interviews.
I think the mood will quickly change if he actually attacks places that have NATO troops (or more specific US troops) stationed there. It would basically be suicide. Yes he'd kill a lot of people too, but he would be dead none the less.
I think the west will still use the excuse of avoiding WW3 if Russia invades Latvia and Lithuania. There is zero appetite for war in the west and Putin is going to keep going as he seems completely unhinged in the recent interviews.

I disagree, now if certain folks come to power again in the near future this could happen. At least the US would be there ready to fight in the near term, too many calls for action would come from various parts of the political spectrum. Can't speak for EU countries though but it probably would be fine either way.
Ukrainian forces have shot down six Russian fighters and a helicopter in an increasingly intense battle to maintain control over key cities, a senior Ukrainian military official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to release information outside official channels.

Ukrainian troops have also repelled, for the time being, Russian advances on two major cities: Chernihiv, in the north near Belarus, and Kharkiv, in the northeast close to Russia’s border, the official said.
It doesn't matter what I believe.

What matters is what the crazy fecking Russian believes.

And nobody could read him? Or if they did read him, they read him wrong?
What irks me, is that the West played this all wrong.
And they're still reading this wrong.

No, The US and UK intelligence services have read this exactly as it panned out. The response is weak, as military actions would ignite a much larger war. It is RESPONSIBLE not to go to war with Russia. It is RESPONSIBLE to try diplomatic efforts and sanctions first.

And you will propably see a lot of NATO forces being relocated towards Russia now, so Putin has his wish. A destroyed Ukraine, a split Europe and a new cold war for decades - that is the best case scenario if sanctions and diplomacy will not work, as it propably will not!
I disagree, now if certain folks come to power again in the near future this could happen. At least the US would be there, too many calls for action would come from various parts of the political spectrum. Can't speak for EU countries though but it probably would be fine either way.

These are EU countries. The first countries to be there will be EU members and I would suspect France, Spain, Italy and most central-eastern Europe members. If anything I don't think that the US or even the UK would be first simply because it is EU territory and that they would only act after an agreement with the EU.
These are EU countries. The first countries to be there will be EU members and I would suspect France, Spain, Italy and most central-eastern Europe members. If anything I don't think that the US or even the UK would be first simply because it is EU territory and that they would only act after an agreement with the EU.

US already have bilateral treaties with all the Baltic states and even places like Hungary and Romania, EU has no say over US troop deployments in Europe, only the individual countries do. Nonetheless, it would be great to see the EU militaries take the lead in the defense and am sure would be very welcomed by all.
I think the west will still use the excuse of avoiding WW3 if Russia invades Latvia and Lithuania. There is zero appetite for war in the west and Putin is going to keep going as he seems completely unhinged in the recent interviews.

No no no

That’s a hole different ball game if NATO soil is touched by Russia

Entirely different ball game

That won’t happen, let’s say it did, guaranteed WW3.

NATO not protecting NATO would be an utter catastrophe and as weak as what they’ve been imo in this Ukraine situation, Ukraine weren’t NATO, we won’t have any excuses not too act if NATO is touched.

Touching NATO soil would be all out war you can bet all you have on it.
No no no

That’s a hole different ball game of NATO soil is touched by Russia

Entirely different ball game

That won’t happen, let’s say it did, guaranteed WW3.

NATO not protecting NATO would be an utter catastrophe and as weak as what they’ve been imo in this Ukraine situation, Ukraine weren’t NATO.

Touching NATO soil would be all out war you can bet all you have on it.

Except that's like expecting your enemy to step willingly into your landmine.

Putin isnt that stupid.

He's skirting on the technicalities and in the end of the day the west stood by and do nothing
No no no

That’s a hole different ball game if NATO soil is touched by Russia

Entirely different ball game

That won’t happen, let’s say it did, guaranteed WW3.

NATO not protecting NATO would be an utter catastrophe and as weak as what they’ve been imo in this Ukraine situation, Ukraine weren’t NATO, we won’t have any excuses not too act if NATO is touched.

Touching NATO soil would be all out war you can bet all you have on it.
This. As soon as Putin steps on NATO soil it means WW III. Ukraine is absolutely different matter.
Zelenskyy doing a full military call up now and appealing for blood donations.
Except that's like expecting your enemy to step willingly into your landmine.

Putin isnt that stupid.

He's skirting on the technicalities and in the end of the day the west stood by and do nothing

I agree we’ve stood by and done nothing for Ukraine

What I’m saying is that definitely won’t happen if it’s a NATO Country that was too be invaded.

it would be war, Europe against Russia
I think the west will still use the excuse of avoiding WW3 if Russia invades Latvia and Lithuania. There is zero appetite for war in the west and Putin is going to keep going as he seems completely unhinged in the recent interviews.

We will stand by Latvia and Lithuania! I have no doubt. Nato and the west might be slow to react, but cross that line and it WILL happen or everyone will loose the support of the US and NATO will crumble, which would lead to every nation to defend for themselves, which would lead to war anyway!
Everybody should just bear in mind that Russia are only using 200,000 troops in Ukraine. They still have 700,000 troops and thousands more planes in their barracks on reserve ready to do other shit around the world.

If NATO decides to step in, I'll back it, but be prepared for a new world if it all goes out of hand.
I'm sure NATO will take your advice under consideration.

In all seriousness when there's a madman like Putin loose on the world, what choice do you have.
No, The US and UK intelligence services have read this exactly as it panned out. The response is weak, as military actions would ignite a much larger war. It is RESPONSIBLE not to go to war with Russia. It is RESPONSIBLE to try diplomatic efforts and sanctions first.

And you will propably see a lot of NATO forces being relocated towards Russia now, so Putin has his wish. A destroyed Ukraine, a split Europe and a new cold war for decades - that is the best case scenario if sanctions and diplomacy will not work, as it propably will not!

Any relevant information on that? I don't know, any leaks from journalists that have predicted this.

Because all i've read was "no way Putin attacks" "this is just a dick measuring contest".

Wait, it's RESPONSIBLE not to go to war with Russia?
What's responsible about that?

It's like 91' when we were attacked by Serbia. It took the UN years to act.
There's nothing responsible about that. A lot of lives were lost in between.

If the West is to ACT at all, the sooner the better.

Threaten to pull out the red button for all i care.
Maybe the world needs a nuclear reset.
Russia needs to be isolated from the rest of the world and treated as a rogue state.
But while they are a permanent member of the UN, that cannot happen.
So we end up with military v economic sanctions.
Does not feel like an equal battle.
Forget about NATO, the Russians aren't stupid. Ukraine is on their own here but hopefully we've stacked them with loads of weapons.
Don't think this excuses what Russia is doing, although yes it is very hypocritical of the US and UK to be up in arms over this given they invaded a country on knowingly false information not more than 2 decades ago.

Few countries are completely innocent (although Ukraine is definitely one that hasn't had any involvement in recent wars) but that doesn't mean any country should go about invading others and balk at criticism against it.
It absolutely does not, but one doing what it does (invading countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan and many many more, bombing Jugoslavia is another example) gives the excuse for Russia to do what it wants. And in my honest opinion the first does it in much much worse way.
US already have bilateral treaties with all the Baltic states and even places like Hungary and Romania, EU has no say over US troop deployments in Europe, only the individual countries do. Nonetheless, it would be great to see the EU militaries take the lead in the defense and am sure would be very welcomed by all.

EU has no say over US troops deployments withing the EU, are you daft?
Zelenskyy at pains to distinguish between the Russian Federation and the Russian people in his speech.

Interpreter on Sky News sounds like she is going to burst into tears.
Any relevant information on that? I don't know, any leaks from journalists that have predicted this.

Because all i've read was "no way Putin attacks" "this is just a dick measuring contest".

I'm curious where you've read this, because many analysts and even government officials have been pretty clear about this being the probable result.