Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

UK defence sources say that Russia’s FSB domestic intelligence agency (the successors to the KGB) are those most likely to have targeted Yevgeny Prigozhin’s plane.

They are totally loyal to Vladimir Putin and also run the border force.

The view is that this now probably strengthens the position of Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov, whom Prigozhin loathed and publicly criticised.

Why are the BBC littering their live coverage of this news with pictures of neo-nazis and their girlfriends laying flowers at Wagner offices with little or no comment that...these people are nazi fecks and mercenaries....It's not a human tragedy story like a normal plane crash. I'm predicting a close up of a sad teddy bear in military costume next to a pile of flowers any moment...really poor taste!
This landing, even if only for a short time, mocks Russian defense.
I didn't actually think it was possible to visually identify someone who was in a plane crash.
I didn't actually think it was possible to visually identify someone who was in a plane crash.

Depends whether the body was completely burned or not. The video I saw yesterday shortly after the crash had a body lying close to the plane. It was in a bad shape, but still recognizable I think.

So much for Lukashenko's hospitality. They were dumb enough to believe him. A call from Putin's secretary was probably enough to end their agreement.
I didn't actually think it was possible to visually identify someone who was in a plane crash.

Maybe not 100% officially, but Prigozhin has a distinctive missing finger and tattoo's on the Utkin. From what I saw, there were some sort of intact, but mangled, bodies where it might be possible to visually identify.
So much for Lukashenko's hospitality. They were dumb enough to believe him. A call from Putin's secretary was probably enough to end their agreement.

Visegrad usually reports heavily biased. The only thing we see here as "news" is that the tents are gone. That can mean anything from "Lukashenko betrayed them" to "they moved into real homes instead of tents".
Visegrad usually reports heavily biased. The only thing we see here as "news" is that the tents are gone. That can mean anything from "Lukashenko betrayed them" to "they moved into real homes instead of tents".

Sure, but I really doubt he offered them real homes after Putin killed their boss. He wouldn't risk angering Putin, especially after yesterday's event. He could also excuse this with the fact that he isn't bound by any agreement with a dead guy.
Sure, but I really doubt he offered them real homes after Putin killed their boss. He wouldn't risk angering Putin, especially after yesterday's event. He could also excuse this with the fact that he isn't bound by any agreement with a dead guy.
But the two images were taken three weeks apart. What Visegrad posted doesn't show if that tent camp was dismantled today or two weeks ago. So there is no way to know if what we see is even related to Prigozhin's death.

And even if it is we don't know if Lukashenko is sending them away or if they are packing things due to their own decision.

And besides all that Lukashenko is angering Putin all the time, as often as he can get away with it. There is not much reason why it should be different here.
I wonder if there will be a reaction to this. You'd imagine there are some people in Wagner thinking they should have finished what they started.
I wonder if there will be a reaction to this. You'd imagine there are some people in Wagner thinking they should have finished what they started.
Their leader got fecked for it. And more will die and Putin will make sure the organization will follow him now or he would make it irrelevant.

Do people actually underestimate Putin here for these kind of things? Especially, right after what just happened.
Their leader got fecked for it. And more will die and Putin will make sure the organization will follow him now or he would make it irrelevant.

Do people actually underestimate Putin here for these kind of things? Especially, right after what just happened.
That's exactly why I think there might be a counter reaction. They all saw how close they were before Prighozin got cold feet. The top in Wagner now must be thinking that either they go quietly into the night and fall out of windows in the coming year, or they go and finish what might still be a very achievable coup.
That's exactly why I think there might be a counter reaction. They all saw how close they were before Prighozin got cold feet. The top in Wagner now must be thinking that either they go quietly into the night and fall out of windows in the coming year, or they go and finish what might still be a very achievable coup.

Its almost for sure not achievable anymore, you only get one shot at this, and they blew it.
You really have to wonder wtf he was thinking, backing out of a coup halfway and thinking he'd get away with it.
You really have to wonder wtf he was thinking, backing out of a coup halfway and thinking he'd get away with it.

The analysis by our national media(DR) was that he already considered himself a dead man so went all out when he marched on Moscow. Its simply weird that he backed out and thought he could get to live. I honestly dont think he was very bright.
Its almost for sure not achievable anymore, you only get one shot at this, and they blew it.

Depends if there's still any Wagner support amongst the leadership, or if they now cower away like good little sheep.

Despite being amongst the most evil cnuts on earth, the one thing Prigozhin had going for him was that he gave the appearance of actually caring about Russians. That's something Russia hasn't had in a leader in a very long time, seeing him snubbed out like that, Utkin too, a celebrated war hero, is not going to sit well.

On the other hand, Putin's iron grip is probably as strong as it ever was, so nothing will happen.
That's exactly why I think there might be a counter reaction. They all saw how close they were before Prighozin got cold feet. The top in Wagner now must be thinking that either they go quietly into the night and fall out of windows in the coming year, or they go and finish what might still be a very achievable coup.
I don't think they have much, if any, heavy weaponry anymore.
That's exactly why I think there might be a counter reaction. They all saw how close they were before Prighozin got cold feet. The top in Wagner now must be thinking that either they go quietly into the night and fall out of windows in the coming year, or they go and finish what might still be a very achievable coup.
Again, top leaders are dead or will be soon and Putin bought some.

If there is someone who is ruthless and expert at this, it is Putin. He probably miscalculated the situation in the first place already. He won't again.
Wagner guys are mercenaries at the end of the day. They are not necessarily ideologically attached to Wagner. If Wagner can not pay salaries anymore, then it's game over.
Depends if there's still any Wagner support amongst the leadership, or if they now cower away like good little sheep.

Despite being amongst the most evil cnuts on earth, the one thing Prigozhin had going for him was that he gave the appearance of actually caring about Russians. That's something Russia hasn't had in a leader in a very long time, seeing him snubbed out like that, Utkin too, a celebrated war hero, is not going to sit well.

On the other hand, Putin's iron grip is probably as strong as it ever was, so nothing will happen.

I don't know, this whole ordeal, combined with the faltering Ukraine war, has still weakened him. Once a few cracks have surfaced, you can't erase them. Public perception is everything.
One of the best crossover in conspiracy theory history, russia today meets antivax meets assassination :lol:

i thought the "vaxxed" jokes on twitter were getting stale/repetitive, then RT goes and actually does it! fair play.

e - fake, searched the RT website and the story doesn't exist, got fooled by a photoshop again :(
i thought the "vaxxed" jokes on twitter were getting stale/repetitive, then RT goes and actually does it! fair play.

e - fake, searched the RT website and the story doesn't exist, got fooled by a photoshop again :(

My bad, I usually double check when i post things like that but I think RT is blocked in France and I couldn't use my VPN.