Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

“They are making mostly small, incremental gains” on all three axes, the official said. “They are still facing stiff Russian resistance — second and third layers of defenses.”


It's so hard to know how to interpret these articles - it seems like the actual headline is UA has made consistent small gains since the offensive started which is positive but there is no way of knowing the cost of those gains. It might be extremely good news, it might be terrible.
“Arguably, the problem was in the assumption that with a few months of training, Ukrainian units could be converted into fighting more the way American forces might fight, leading the assault against a well-prepared Russian defense, rather than helping Ukrainians fight more the best way they know how.”

^By the way, the above NYT article says that the 9 Western-trained brigades amount to roughly 36,000 troops. That seems...low? I hope for Ukraine's sake they got a lot more in reserves than that.
Elite Ukrainian army snipers tell Kyiv Post about their war job in an exclusive interview. It’s far better not to be seen and let someone else do the shooting, they said.

If a Russian soldier is spotted, an AFU sniper’s preferred tactic is the same as any other infantryman on the battlefield: Get a precise map grid and then call in indirect [artillery or mortar fire]. Bring in a drone to help. If possible, avoid shooting your rifle, which would risk exposing your position. If you must take the shot, be ready, the Russians won’t wait to figure out where exactly you are, they will plaster your general area with an automatic grenade launcher or mortars, as fast as they can.

Based on the three interviewee accounts, service in the AFU as a sniper in the Russo-Ukrainian War is probably one of the most dangerous military professions in the world today. According to them, in an average sniper unit, over a year of fighting, about nine of ten got hit by shrapnel or shell fragments, and one of two was either killed, or so badly injured he can no longer fight.
The Russians "mine everything. Open doors, boxes and crates, even toys," he said. Even their own dead: "They know that our med-evac groups lift the wounded and the dead, under which they then find these explosives. And this is very dangerous for us."

"We lose one sapper every day, either wounded or dead. It's a dangerous job. And whether a whole brigade is advancing or around 12 guys go out on their mission, it's always the sappers that go first. It's very dangerous," he said.
"No New Testament ethics for you. Old the Old Testament."

Regarding the Russian Media Monitor, a youtube comment remarks the following (which is true, I believe):

<<The best way to increase and sustain support for Ukraine is to have every civilized person from the western world subscribe to this channel — and to watch it on a regular basis.>>
This war shows how important drones are now and will become in the future. Whether for reconnaissance, dropping explosives or as suicide drones against men, armord vehicles, tanks or even ships. Nothing is safe from them. Drone manufacturors will make a fortune in the coming years as all militaries in the world will order all kinds of drones.
Surely going to the bottom would be death for a modern ship? Norway had to completely scrap a new and very expensive frigate when it sank.
It's a landing ship from the 70's so not very modern and probably not filled with advanced electronics like Helge Ingstad who was equipped with the most modern air and sub sea surveillance sensors.
But even if she can be repaired she will probably be out of sevice for a long time.
Surely going to the bottom would be death for a modern ship? Norway had to completely scrap a new and very expensive frigate when it sank.
Depends on what bottom means in this case. As they are now towing it around inside the harbour it is well possible that in the end it sinks about half a meter more until it sits on the ground, if they manage to get it to such a shallow position.
US and Western officials fear Putin unlikely to change course in Ukraine before 2024 election.

One US official said they have “no doubt” that Putin is “trying to hold out” until the 2024 election. Another source familiar with the intelligence said “it’s sort of the elephant in the room” for the US, Ukraine and Europe.
A European diplomat told CNN that they believe trying to ride out the war in Ukraine until the US election “is exactly Putin’s plan.
The looming US election is also on the minds of Ukrainians, two sources told CNN. They are hoping to make gains on the battlefield in the short-term that could change the dynamics at play sooner rather than later.
This war shows how important drones are now and will become in the future. Whether for reconnaissance, dropping explosives or as suicide drones against men, armord vehicles, tanks or even ships. Nothing is safe from them. Drone manufacturors will make a fortune in the coming years as all militaries in the world will order all kinds of drones.

Maybe fliying drones will mot have that much impact against planes, but marine drones, specially near future submarine drones might mean that naval fleets will be de facto obsolete. With a multiple squad of cheap tech drones you can blow yup ultra expensive aircraft carriers and other multiyear build naval ships. Only submarines are free of danger

The military ports will need to change their defenses also
Maybe fliying drones will mot have that much impact against planes, but marine drones, specially near future submarine drones might mean that naval fleets will be de facto obsolete. With a multiple squad of cheap tech drones you can blow yup ultra expensive aircraft carriers and other multiyear build naval ships. Only submarines are free of danger

The military ports will need to change their defenses also
The US Navy began implementing this in 2021. They’ll no doubt continue to improve its development.