Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

That I assumed but it's not officially through Apple. I guess same goes for other electronics. Officially Apple positions was supportive of sanctions and that's why its so bizarre for me.
But they still get a cut in the end — indirectly, as someone buys iPhones from them to sell them in Russia. Still, it's weird as feck.
That I assumed but it's not officially through Apple. I guess same goes for other electronics. Officially Apple positions was supportive of sanctions and that's why its so bizarre for me.

I read an article a few weeks ago about many companies announced leaving Russia's market didn't do it actually. Many probably still working in Russia just under different brand names. Corpo greed will always be stronger than morality.
I read an article a few weeks ago about many companies announced leaving Russia's market didn't do it actually. Many probably still working in Russia just under different brand names. Corpo greed will always be stronger than morality.
Then they should be fined to oblivion for circumventing the sanctions. But who am I kidding, when everyone does it...
How weak are the sanctions or better said how easy can Russia circumvent them if they're still capable to build and launch missiles waves? And why has the west stopped talking about further sanctions? So many questions, so few answers.

I read a lot about how propaganda is indiscriminate but I'm yet to met anyone that I've considered to be intelligent before the invasion who'd be caught up in that shit*. Maybe I'm just lucky though.

*Aside from my grandfather but he has Parkinsons and his brains are completely gone at this point, sadly.

P.S. that's from people that I know personally. You can argue that Chomsky (who clearly is (was?) extremely intelligent) rehashes a lot of points that are used by the Russian propaganda but I'm not sure that he has been influenced by it – his similar points originate from his own anti-American imperialist rhetoric.
“Our commanders are taking a very considered approach,” said his deputy brigade commander, a lieutenant colonel who uses the call sign Consul. “You cannot underestimate the enemy,” he said. “The enemy is strong and cunning. So this counteroffensive requires steady preparation.”

He said it had been wrong to think that the counteroffensive would be swift and easy, adding that when the military commanders found a weakness where they could push through, they would.

“Bit by bit, we will find a place where the seam will split open,” Consul said. “Water cuts through stone, and we’ll do the same, bit by bit. At first it is a small stream and then it turns into a river.”
Seems like a good guy, if being sentenced in absentia for "fakes against the army". He wrote one of my favorite stories Metro 2033.

A concern for Western militaries is that the longer this drags on the more Russia learn. They've gone from being a total joke at the start to quite capable in some areas, and every time we use Western equipment against them they learn a little bit more about how it works. A breakthrough needs to come.
If I am not mistaken that is an F15, which Germany does not have. And the missile below could be anything.
You are right, in the article it says: A South Korean Air Force F-15K fighter jet flying with a Taurus long-range air-to-surface missile during an exercise.

Which leads us to the issue that Taurus isn't used with any jet Ukraine currently has or soon should get. It's probably easier to integrate into an F-16 than into a MiG-29, but still it would need some effort.
A concern for Western militaries is that the longer this drags on the more Russia learn. They've gone from being a total joke at the start to quite capable in some areas, and every time we use Western equipment against them they learn a little bit more about how it works. A breakthrough needs to come.

From reports of the last weeks and months it becomes clear, that only those seemingly endless minefields are stopping big advances. Everything else Ukraine is able to handle pretty well. Yes Russia learns how to operate drones better and they stopped throwing columns forward, but on the other hand their artillery became very quiet in comparison to 2022. I'm pretty sure only those minefields hold their entire southern front together.
From reports of the last weeks and months it becomes clear, that only those seemingly endless minefields are stopping big advances. Everything else Ukraine is able to handle pretty well. Yes Russia learns how to operate drones better and they stopped throwing columns forward, but on the other hand their artillery became very quiet in comparison to 2022. I'm pretty sure only those minefields hold their entire southern front together.

They're also learning how to jam Western missiles and guided artillery and get around missile defences.
From reports of the last weeks and months it becomes clear, that only those seemingly endless minefields are stopping big advances. Everything else Ukraine is able to handle pretty well. Yes Russia learns how to operate drones better and they stopped throwing columns forward, but on the other hand their artillery became very quiet in comparison to 2022. I'm pretty sure only those minefields hold their entire southern front together.

That's a very good topic as whole about the situation and why not even any other Western* army wouldn't be faster in their advance in the South of Ukraine as they are atm.

Only to advance fast in these conditions is to have 100-200 modern fighter jets on the air daily just bombing the enemy fortifications without any missiles to spare, just carpet bomb and that might not even be enough to deny the minefields, just to give more support.
Optics wise, and based on a very limited number of sound bites I’ve seen (posted on here) he seems to be one of the very, very few republicans who has not gone completely insane. I may be wrong of course.
He‘s a regular Republican, an asshole but not a complete raging lunatic.

Moderate republicans are far and few between now, you know the ones that are true conservatives with values, who respect the law. I don‘t count Christie as one, he is an opportunist.
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A concern for Western militaries is that the longer this drags on the more Russia learn. They've gone from being a total joke at the start to quite capable in some areas, and every time we use Western equipment against them they learn a little bit more about how it works. A breakthrough needs to come.
I'm not sure that's true at all. I'd wager any professional army could do what they're doing now if they had the numbers (and probably vice versa for Ukraine) because it's simply modern day trench warfare but with them having the advantage of having more soldiers, artillery and airpower. I don't really see how they could mess this situation up unless UA either gets way more artillery delivered and can start to out gun them (unlikely) or can establish air control (which seems even more unlikely). I know there's been a lot of media spin and positivity but realistically what can UA do apart from what it's doing and maybe after years they will be able to reshape the frontline in their favour.
I'm not sure that's true at all. I'd wager any professional army could do what they're doing now if they had the numbers (and probably vice versa for Ukraine) because it's simply modern day trench warfare but with them having the advantage of having more soldiers, artillery and airpower. I don't really see how they could mess this situation up unless UA either gets way more artillery delivered and can start to out gun them (unlikely) or can establish air control (which seems even more unlikely). I know there's been a lot of media spin and positivity but realistically what can UA do apart from what it's doing and maybe after years they will be able to reshape the frontline in their favour.

I don't mean in the context of the Ukraine war but a potential future conflict with Nato. They are learning how to neutralise a chunk of the Western military arsenal.
I don't mean in the context of the Ukraine war but a potential future conflict with Nato. They are learning how to neutralise a chunk of the Western military arsenal.
Are they? Most reports seem to suggest the western arms they don’t have an answer for, the issue is there’s not enough.
Are they? Most reports seem to suggest the western arms they don’t have an answer for, the issue is there’s not enough.

They are now jamming our missile guidance systems, figuring out how to overwhelm air defences, and have learned how to effectively target our armour. Small stuff but it adds up, although we will also be learning a lot about them.
They are now jamming our missile guidance systems, figuring out how to overwhelm air defences, and have learned how to effectively target our armour. Small stuff but it adds up, although we will also be learning a lot about them.
I'm by no means going to pretend to be an expert but couldn't they do all this pre war? Re tanks, I don't think there's anything special about western MBTs other than they are higher quality and will have better armour, reliability, weapons etc. but if you hit it with an anti tank missile or mine it'll still be fecked. I do think the drone expertise is valuable for sure and I guess all warfare is valuable experience to a point but I am not sure it gives a huge insight into NATO unless it's just a very basic level because UA has only been NATO trained in recent memory and hadn't used half the stuff they're using now until a year ago or less.
I'm by no means going to pretend to be an expert but couldn't they do all this pre war? Re tanks, I don't think there's anything special about western MBTs other than they are higher quality and will have better armour, reliability, weapons etc. but if you hit it with an anti tank missile or mine it'll still be fecked. I do think the drone expertise is valuable for sure and I guess all warfare is valuable experience to a point but I am not sure it gives a huge insight into NATO unless it's just a very basic level because UA has only been NATO trained in recent memory and hadn't used half the stuff they're using now until a year ago or less.

They knew some but there is no substitute for combat experience, its decades since theyve been up against modern Western kit. For example the missiles, they now know the flight profiles and how and when to jam them, before it was just theory. A modern tank is immune to anti tank weapons from certain directions but now we've seen how they behave and how to defeat them in a real fight. Its all valuable intelligence for both sides.