Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Some good read with the current fronts situations.

According to that, the UA forces are still around the first main defense line of the RA to the South. The RA is pushing them on the North East front and has made some limited gains, and both sides didn't seem to be able to break through anything significant on those fronts so far although UA may have some potential to do that with the current operation.
Now with visual confirmation. Staromaiorske is liberated. Urozhaine can be attacked from three sides now, it should be next.

I would definitely check that pilot's qualifications after that epic fail. :lol:

Seems like the crash course for new pilots is going well.

The good thing is, that US have literally thousands of them rusting in the desert. Different to the Leopards, the replenishments of the damaged/destroyed Abrams shouldn't take too much time as it is with the Bradleys right now.
Interesting guy. Weird style of writing from the journalist, unless I missed something it was the interview interspersed with a restaurant review.
I kinda like det it for the scene setting and all, though it would grate on me to read too many articles like that. I am now in the mood for a risotto.
Some rough footage doing the rounds of a Ukrainian column diving into what's basically a killbox. The trolls pushing it like mad while ignoring the fact the Ukrainian assault in the area was still a success.
Some rough footage doing the rounds of a Ukrainian column diving into what's basically a killbox. The trolls pushing it like mad while ignoring the fact the Ukrainian assault in the area was still a success.
Overall it might have been a succes but questions has to be asked about that particular attack because from what we could see in the video it was a complete shitshow, something you would expect from an old soviet army not the modern army Ukraine is trying to develope into. The commanders that planned that attack sent a lot of Ukrainian soldiers to their deaths just because of their incompetence and unless problems like that are adressed they will just keep on repeating them.
what we could see in the video it was a complete shitshow, something you would expect from an old soviet army not the modern army Ukraine is trying to develope into. The commanders that planned that attack sent a lot of Ukrainian soldiers to their deaths just because of their incompetence and unless problems like that are adressed they will just keep on repeating them.

And how exactly do you propose to push forward without air support through kilometres deep mine fields? Don't you think they discussed all possible tactics with NATO officials while they have been trained by them for a year now? I think it's pretty condescending to critize people in extreme conditions without trusting them to know the basics at the same time. If you have a better way, I'm sure they would be glad to hear it to minize their losses.

edit: And to the death part. Most of the damaged and destroyed western MBTs and IFVs I've seen so far kept their crews alive, so I wouldn't be too sure about that either.
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And how exactly do you propose to push forward without air support through kilometres deep mine fields? Don't you think they discussed all possible tactics with NATO officials while they have been trained by them for a year now? I think it's pretty condescending to critize people in extreme conditions without trusting them to know the basics at the same time. If you have a better way, I'm sure they would be glad to hear it to minize their losses.

edit: And to the death part. Most of the damaged and destroyed western MBTs and IFVs I've seen so far kept their crews alive, so I wouldn't be too sure about that either.
Well...even Russians were making fun of Ukraine's tactics apparently.

To conclude, I would like to share a brief radio interception between Russian servicemembers that I heard almost a month ago:
  • How is it going for you guys? Are you holding?
  • Yeah.
  • What about Ukrainians? What do you think?
  • I have a feeling that their assault was planned by Gerasimov and executed by Muradov.