Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

I always thought that seeing any movement of new drafting in Russia could tell you how they were doing in the battle fields. That is one of the ways to get noises from the other side. I wonder if they still draft people now.

The fact that I have not heard much about it lately could mean that they are probably comfortable with their field situations for now.

The next mobilization wave can be dangerous for the inner peace in Russia. I think most of the willing already went with the first wave or enlisted themselves over the last 1.5 years. And there was still arguing and fights. Also even the most propaganda irradiated know by now that going to Ukraine has a very high probabilty to return without legs/arms or not to return at all. I expect, that the next mobilization will meet much more resistance and that can be dangerous for the next elections, no matter how fake they are.
Or I overestimate their will of self preservation of course. Putin could also do a false flag operation to find more willing slaves to die for him.
The next mobilization wave can be dangerous for the inner peace in Russia. I think most of the willing already went with the first wave or enlisted themselves over the last 1.5 years. And there was still arguing and fights. Also even the most propaganda irradiated know by now that going to Ukraine has a very high probabilty to return without legs/arms or not to return at all. I expect, that the next mobilization will meet much more resistance and that can be dangerous for the next elections, no matter how fake they are.
Or I overestimate their will of self preservation of course. Putin could also do a false flag operation to find more willing slaves to die for him.

There are definitely a lot more men they can send to the front, so this isn't over anytime soon, Russia has always had different standards to what is acceptable in terms of losses compared to the west.

Wonder when they will start conscripting in high numbers from St. Petersburg and Moscow though, that should be a real winner.
Another downed Ka-52 it seems. These were causing serious trouble to the Ukrainians.

Realistically, U.S. officials say the jets won’t arrive until the spring at the earliest.

“We’d probably get some pilots flying, training by the end of the year, but an actual F-16 with Ukrainian colors” is not likely before the spring, said a fourth U.S. official.
There are definitely a lot more men they can send to the front, so this isn't over anytime soon, Russia has always had different standards to what is acceptable in terms of losses compared to the west.

Wonder when they will start conscripting in high numbers from St. Petersburg and Moscow though, that should be a real winner.

Or if they also start conscripting (let's say) unmarried women with no children or something of the likes. I hope we never go there, but that would cause a major uproar if Putin really has both the balls and the rotten brain to do it.
He's caused over 300.000 casualties so far without loving that and all that jazz
Most of the casualties are from the outer provinces from what I've read. If it were Moscow/St Petersburg sons dying then Putin would have a bigger problem on his hands with unrest.
I always thought that seeing any movement of new drafting in Russia could tell you how they were doing in the battle fields. That is one of the ways to get noises from the other side. I wonder if they still draft people now.

The fact that I have not heard much about it lately could mean that they are probably comfortable with their field situations for now.

The fact that they just raised the conscription age makes them look super comfortable
Putin would love that. It would prove his allegation that Russia was fighting a necessary defensive war against the West, and be the just the recruiting sergeant for his armed forces that he needs. Whilst giving no real military advantage to Ukraine whatsoever.

Much better from a propaganda point of view to persuade the Russian people that their sons are dying in tens of thousands in a needless and pointless foreign war for no other reason than Putin's own megalomania.
What better propaganda than to see Putin has brought the war to their country from the Russian population's POV. Just like with Hitler.
What better propaganda than to see Putin has brought the war to their country from the Russian population's POV. Just like with Hitler.

Ukraine has already admitted to trying to fly drones into the ministery of defense. And no this is not like Dresden unless you are into massively over the top comparisons. Just like when Ukraine blew up an airfield in Crimea.
The next mobilization wave can be dangerous for the inner peace in Russia. I think most of the willing already went with the first wave or enlisted themselves over the last 1.5 years. And there was still arguing and fights. Also even the most propaganda irradiated know by now that going to Ukraine has a very high probabilty to return without legs/arms or not to return at all. I expect, that the next mobilization will meet much more resistance and that can be dangerous for the next elections, no matter how fake they are.
Or I overestimate their will of self preservation of course. Putin could also do a false flag operation to find more willing slaves to die for him.
Russia threw active duty personnel, reserve, conscripted and now they're widening the age for conscription too?
Ukraine has already admitted to trying to fly drones into the ministery of defense. And no this is not like Dresden unless you are into massively over the top comparisons. Just like when Ukraine blew up an airfield in Crimea.
Who mentioned Dresden? :confused:
Well when you mentioned Hitler what event did you have in mind? The most famous event of Britain taking the war to Germany is dresden.
I mentioned Hitler in the sense of the Allies bringing the war to Germany's doorstep with bombings, attacks and such. There's no military gain in attacking Moscow, Belgorod, Crimea and other parts but in the sense of propaganda and atmosphere it counts a lot. Russian ordinary people being aware Putin brought the war to them and not being safe. Putin will threw more and more people to the war weather Ukraine attacks his home soil or not.
Dresden was obviously of no military purpose rather than show of to Soviets and dealing the cards before the WW2 even ended with the tragic, immense loss of life and total destruction, but that's for another thread I guess.
I mentioned Hitler in the sense of the Allies bringing the war to Germany's doorstep with bombings, attacks and such. There's no military gain in attacking Moscow, Belgorod, Crimea and other parts but in the sense of propaganda and atmosphere it counts a lot. Russian ordinary people being aware Putin brought the war to them and not being safe. Putin will threw more and more people to the war weather Ukraine attacks his home soil or not.
Dresden was obviously of no military purpose rather than show of to Soviets and dealing the cards before the WW2 even ended with the tragic, immense loss of life and total destruction, but that's for another thread I guess.

But they have already attacked Moscow and Crimea. Not in any large scale but it was not what i was pitching either.
How obvious do you want people to see that you're on Kremlin's payroll?
Orban's government: yes.
How obvious do you want people to see that you're on Kremlin's payroll?
Orban's government: yes.


What a plonker.


How obvious do you want people to see that you're on Kremlin's payroll?
Orban's government: yes.

Another cuckoo making no sense, like the many others who push for Russia's reintegration while forgetting that there are several precedents of banning countries out of the Olympics. Here's a good read about the history of banning countries out of the Olympics. If we go by that article, Afghanistan might well get the axe for the same reasons they got axed in 2000.

And besides, Russia has never atoned itself for the vast doping conspiracy that saw their name tarnished in the world of sports ever since.
In terms of men to throw to the front, they will basically never run out of.

But at some point, they have to run out of actual military equipment/vehicles/artillery etc, that is not as easily replacable, but they have a lot of old soviet equipment just laying around unfortunately, might even take years more to wear them down, who knows.

Putin really needs to fall out a window.
In terms of men to throw to the front, they will basically never run out of.

But at some point, they have to run out of actual military equipment/vehicles/artillery etc, that is not as easily replacable, but they have a lot of old soviet equipment just laying around unfortunately, might even take years more to wear them down, who knows.

Putin really needs to fall out a window.

I think we live in a difference age. Russia isnt fighting for its survival. I think most just want it to fecking end and get back to normal. There will be massive desertion and more and more conscripts not comitted to the cause.

No different to any war. Same with the conchies in WW1 and 2. Some will think everyone should stay and fight, some will run, some have families they won’t leave. If that is the biggest issue Ukraine face after this ends, they will have won.