Gaming Resident Evil 2 (PC, all good consoles & Xbox) - £8.74 on PS Store

It should be like zombie game law though that one headshot kills the basic ones.
Gets easier with zombies once your weapons get upgraded I found. I like the improved difficulty.

Yeah Ive added a few bits a bobs to matilda and it does seem to be getting a bit better. Just wish it was "true to life :lol:" where one head shot does the trick. I think there must be a money shot some where on the heads, because sometimes even with standard matilda I was able to get a head shot that just exploded the head.

I was running from the tyrant and went through a door fast and straight into a zombie lunging right at me, panic fired and the head just exploded. It was awesome :lol:.
is their no way to stomp on their heads when they're down or something? Or push them off when they get on you?
Yeah Ive added a few bits a bobs to matilda and it does seem to be getting a bit better. Just wish it was "true to life :lol:" where one head shot does the trick. I think there must be a money shot some where on the heads, because sometimes even with standard matilda I was able to get a head shot that just exploded the head.

I was running from the tyrant and went through a door fast and straight into a zombie lunging right at me, panic fired and the head just exploded. It was awesome :lol:.

Yeah I'm guessing as you upgrade you get a higher chance of a critical hit. I've shot zombies with the shotgun presuming they're dead and I've stayed in the same room exploring for ammo/pickups for a minute or so and they've literally just sat up and attacked me again :lol:
is their no way to stomp on their heads when they're down or something? Or push them off when they get on you?

For a while I was knee capping them and then slashing the feck out of them with the knife while they were down. It worked really well. Then I lost the knife when I used it on a zombie that grabbed me.
Yeah I'm on normal too.

feck I hate when it's dark and I only have a torch.

Yeah its fecking horrible. Anybody playing this with headphones on? Might give it a go later :lol: Hoping they remake RE3, was the worst of the first 3 but they could redeem themselves if this one is anything to go by.
For a while I was knee capping them and then slashing the feck out of them with the knife while they were down. It worked really well. Then I lost the knife when I used it on a zombie that grabbed me.

Works well until your knife wears out and breaks. I lost my knife so early on :lol:
Yeah I'm guessing as you upgrade you get a higher chance of a critical hit. I've shot zombies with the shotgun presuming they're dead and I've stayed in the same room exploring for ammo/pickups for a minute or so and they've literally just sat up and attacked me again :lol:

:lol: Yeah, I slash everything with a knife now to make sure.
I like that they essentially gave knives a life bar and have the mechanics of if you stick one in an enemy that attacks you, then you can only retrieve it once it’s dead.

A nice way of circumventing the old RE4 tactic of kneecapping an enemy then slashing them repeatedly with the knife when theyre on the ground to kill them, in order to save ammo.
I got up to a bit I did not care for, luckily it was as short as it was shit. I'm loving the pacing, it ramps up and then calms down and then on ocassion goes absolutely mental.

Ada needs her own game. So does Barry. Rebecca, Billy and Jill need to make a comeback too. Basically I hope the next game has one or two of those characters instead of Chris and/or Leon again.
Am I supposed to be finding safe codes in places? Only thing I managed to open was my desk :lol:
Lisa Trevor scares me and feck Hunters
They'd probably let her loose around the mansion if this is anything to go by. :lol:. I'd buy it again, happily, but I'd prefer one of the others first. With this reimagining thing they have going they could fix the flaws in 0, 5 and 6. They could do wonderful things with Code Veronica, 3 and 4.

If I remember right then I should be nearly finished Leon's A scenario. Although there's been some new bits and I spent a good 20 minutes confusing myself during a fairly simple puzzle. I reckon I've a few boss fights coming up, I'm being loaded with ammo and weapons.
They'd probably let her loose around the mansion if this is anything to go by. :lol:. I'd buy it again, happily, but I'd prefer one of the others first. With this reimagining thing they have going they could fix the flaws in 0, 5 and 6. They could do wonderful things with Code Veronica, 3 and 4.

If I remember right then I should be nearly finished Leon's A scenario. Although there's been some new bits and I spent a good 20 minutes confusing myself during a fairly simple puzzle. I reckon I've a few boss fights coming up, I'm being loaded with ammo and weapons.

Agree with all that but I think 6 was beyond saving. That said I've not played that since it was released so perhaps I'm being overly harsh.

Lickers are strong! And sneaking past them is tense. I was staring at one for about 20 seconds and then it just leapt and clawed me :lol:
Looks amazing, I really hope that we get some kind of Resident Evil outbreak remake. Or maybe even DLC for this game? Probably not but we can dream.
On my list! Loved RE 4 and played some of the older ones on PS2. Can't seem to get into RE 7, but then again, I've got the attention span of a demented gold fish.
I think i'm over halfway through Claire's story and its been a lot of fun.

Like the remake of RE1 it's got a very good balance between being faithful to the original and feeling fresh. It is scary and tense and the ammo situation has a nice balance between being fair and challenging.Trying to work out which enemies to take out and which to leave is a cool part of the game.
Claire's face looks a little funny.

Leon though, what a hunk.
From what I’ve seen she’s got a similar look to the female main character in Mass Effect Andromeda when that came out.
On my list! Loved RE 4 and played some of the older ones on PS2. Can't seem to get into RE 7, but then again, I've got the attention span of a demented gold fish.
I didn't enjoy re7, it just didn't feel like a resi game.
My method to preserve ammo is hack a leg away and leave them crawl.
You can just put one bullet in their head to stun them for a couple of seconds and dart past.

I think I've screwed up and have gone to the last location long before I've finished exploring. I also needlessly wasted a ton of ammo on a boss. I think I'm going to go back and reload a save.