Gaming Resident Evil 2 (PC, all good consoles & Xbox) - £8.74 on PS Store

Ahhh, the times when Resident Evil was all about Redfields, Kennedy and other characters that mattered. The last decent I played was Revelations, that one with Jill.

Not even half good as RE 4 but it kept the formula to some degree.
Where’s the love for Code Veronica?
Code Veronica was very good. Especially at the start exploring the prison. It went a bit overboard at times though with that Di Caprio looking git and being just a bit too fantastical with the story, but it was contained on an island so it got away with it. I'd take a remake of that too.
Yeah 5 is OK, I try not to treat it as a RE game though, more an action game. It's decent and enough fun, but was a let down, especially following 4 which was near perfect.

Less said about 6 the better. I did finish it when I got it but never been back to it. It was just a clusterfeck. Waiting to get 7 back off my brother as I still haven't played that yet (Well I played the first hour or so).
4 is one of the best games ever made.
And I'm still waiting to play 7 but wanted the vr experience but I'm not set up for that.
Code Veronica was very good. Especially at the start exploring the prison. It went a bit overboard at times though with that Di Caprio looking git and being just a bit too fantastical with the story, but it was contained on an island so it got away with it. I'd take a remake of that too.

Didn’t you fly off the island in the end and end up in the Antarctic?
I must be one of the few who didn't like Resident Evil 4. I felt it had very little in common with the previous games and they'd turned it into a third person shooter / action game. Perhaps a defining title for over-the-shoulder shooters, so I can see why it was liked, but as a Resident Evil game it was not at all what I wanted. Resident Evil 7 was the first one I liked since 3 back on the PS1 (not counting the PS4 Resi Evil 1 remaster and I never played 0).
I must be one of the few who didn't like Resident Evil 4. I felt it had very little in common with the previous games and they'd turned it into a third person shooter / action game. Perhaps a defining title for over-the-shoulder shooters, so I can see why it was liked, but as a Resident Evil game it was not at all what I wanted. Resident Evil 7 was the first one I liked since 3 back on the PS1 (not counting the PS4 Resi Evil 1 remaster and I never played 0).
Zero wasn't too bad, it at least captures the original spirit, it was a bit on the tedious side but worth a pick up if you are bored one day.
Didn’t you fly off the island in the end and end up in the Antarctic?
Now that you mention it that does ring a bell. It was a mostly contained story so they could go more ridiculous. I've not played it since the Dreamcast now that I think about it.

@Ainu the remaster of 0 is pretty decent. Although you can actually see the problems that took the series down hill starting to creep into it. There's more ammo and more enemies you have to fight. You can see the beginnings of what 5 and 6 became in 0.
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I actually have Resi Evil 0 remastered in my PS4 library, just haven't touched it yet. I think I saw it on a mate's GameCube back in the day and liked the look of it. At the moment it's just one more game in an enormous backlog though.
Just finished Resi 5 for the first time in a few years. It's decent enough fun, but they took everything that made 4 great and made it worse. Sheva is an absolute abominiation, and for a Resi game I thought the bosses were crap. The Wesker/Jill fight in particular has to rank as one of the worst in a any game I've played. Which is a shame as I love the Wesker character.

And, I mentioned earlier, the end fight is a joke. Plane crash lands in a volcano, but Chris, Sheva and Wesker survive :wenger:

Going to start Resident Evil 0, which I've never played before so looking forward to. Was going to play CV:X but I've played that before so that can wait til after 0.
Remember how good the bosses were in the first Resi Evil game?

What was the name of that weird monster that stalks you for a bit in the gardens? You had that boss fight where the only way to kill her was to push the four statues off the side.
Remember how good the bosses were in the first Resi Evil game?

What was the name of that weird monster that stalks you for a bit in the gardens? You had that boss fight where the only way to kill her was to push the four statues off the side.

I think you're referring to Lisa Trevor. She was spooky as feck.

She wasn't in the original game though, she was introduced along with a few other changes in the remake. I hope they do a remake of the remake, and eventually remake 3.
I think you're referring to Lisa Trevor. She was spooky as feck.

She wasn't in the original game though, she was introduced along with a few other changes in the remake. I hope they do a remake of the remake, and eventually remake 3.
Yeah that's it, I didn't know that she was added in though. The remake was fantastic.
Remember how good the bosses were in the first Resi Evil game?

What was the name of that weird monster that stalks you for a bit in the gardens? You had that boss fight where the only way to kill her was to push the four statues off the side.
The bit in the caves with her and the bit she chases you through the woods scared the shit out of me first time I played them.
Finished Zero. It was OK. Not a patch on the original 3 and Code Veronica, but it was quite cool having a partner in an old school Resident Evil who you could switch between. Item management, while annoying at times, was actually one of my favourite parts. No item box was a good move and something they did well to move away from. It will be interesting to see what they do with 2 regards to this (unless they already have and I've missed it). Bosses and general enemies were also poor. Mimicry Marcus' have to be the one of the most annoying enemies in an RE game.

The villain and general story though was poor though, I thought. Still, worth a play through if you're bored one weekend and need to fill some time.
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I might get this within the first few days of release. It's my dream Resident Evil game in two ways.

RE2 scenario in remade graphics using RE4 over the shoulder camera... because feck tank controls and fixed camera angles. It was awkward back then and my god is it aged as feck and an all-round general nightmare now.
Haven't played a RE since RE2 back in the day. I expect I'll get this remake on PS4.

What's the best RE on PS4 currently?
I’m really excited about this but a bit worried too as I’m building up so much hype for it that I could be disappointed. I’ve avoided all gameplay trailers but have seen little news bits. Is it really looking as good as we hope?

Also, is Mr X only apart of one scenario , e.g Claire’s story? I loved the dynamic of the two scenarios in the original which I heard they weren’t doing this time.
Ahhh, the times when Resident Evil was all about Redfields, Kennedy and other characters that mattered. The last decent I played was Revelations, that one with Jill.

Not even half good as RE 4 but it kept the formula to some degree.

That’s the only one I haven’t played . I played a demo of revelations two with Claire and Barry that I thought was pretty poor and decided not to buy. Does it play like the sequel?

My favourites in order would be
RE1 remake (originally on GameCube)
Code Veronica

...the rest were not so great
Will probably see how this one gets reviewed and, even then, wait until it goes down. It can't really be spoilt as I played it 20-years ago, so no rush.

That’s the only one I haven’t played . I played a demo of revelations two with Claire and Barry that I thought was pretty poor and decided not to buy. Does it play like the sequel?

My favourites in order would be
RE1 remake (originally on GameCube)
Code Veronica

...the rest were not so great
The whole Rev duology is more of a spinoff with a big scope and few familiar characters. Let's say it's playable but in terms of story I would risk and say that RE 5 & 6 was more satisfactory in terms of plot and characters.

Didn't play 2nd Rev game but I know it's not a direct sequel as for some reason they decided to cut the Jill part from it. Shame, she had a decent storyline in 1st one, very old fashioned RE mission to simply stop bio-terrorism. She carried this game above average level.
The whole Rev duology is more of a spinoff with a big scope and few familiar characters. Let's say it's playable but in terms of story I would risk and say that RE 5 & 6 was more satisfactory in terms of plot and characters.

Didn't play 2nd Rev game but I know it's not a direct sequel as for some reason they decided to cut the Jill part from it. Shame, she had a decent storyline in 1st one, very old fashioned RE mission to simply stop bio-terrorism. She carried this game above average level.

Revelations 2 was very much a throwback to the old style I liked most from Resident Evil 2, 3 and Code Veronica. I liked it, decent story, would have liked to have seen more follow up.

As for the new demo I have it but havent played yet. I loved RE2 and seeing the videos of the remake, something felt off to me. So hopefully in actually playing it, it feels better because I'd love to play through the game again
The level of gore you can inflict on a zombie is amazing. I fired off two shotgun blasts into the mid-section of a zombie which cut him in half... However he was not dead and dragged himself across the floor with his hands and you could see very graphic detail of his intestines coming out of his body as he dragged himself across the floor.

Zombies are really hard to kill in this game in terms of how much punishment they can take to be put down permanently. You could easily blow half a zombie's head off and you'll think it's dead, only to find it's upwards and moving again when you come back and see it later.

Overall it looks like a really fun game... A tip for anyone doing the 30 minute demo. I would try not to look up too much of the lore around the police station and use the time wisely as it goes by really fast and there comes a point where you can't go back into a big area of the demo (you'll know when you see it).
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I actually thought the zombies went down pretty easy but their jerky movements (particularly when just having been shot) resulted in a few misfired gun shots. Low ammo panic was certainly a feature.

I think the problem might have been my tv or that I didn’t play with the right settings but the sound seemed a bit off/quiet. I’m definitely going to buy the deluxe addition as I need to play it with the original soundtrack.

Overall I’m looking forward to it. The gore level was just :devil::lol: