'Redcafe Top 100 Movies: The Better Than Last Time List' Committee Selection

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What is actually involved? I like my fair share of genres and eras going back to the thirties.
Much like your politics.

Its the way I tell them.


Looking at that previous hundred list, one thing that jumps out at me is that there is too little Hitchcock on there - The Birds, The 39 Steps, Vertigo did not feature - they are all better than Psycho.
I'll never understand why some people hold watching films that are obscure to the masses in such contempt.
Cinema seems to be different from other art forms in that because it's such a universal medium everything is lumped into a single continuum. Whereas with literature you wouldn't compare 'The Da Vinci Code' with 'Ulysses', in film 'Porky's' and 'La Belle et la Bete' end up on the same list.
Cinema seems to be different from other art forms in that because it's such a universal medium everthing is lumped into a single continuum. Whereas with literature you wouldn't compare 'The Da Vinci Code' with 'Ulysses', in film Porky's and 'La Belle et la Bete' end up on the same list.

Good point, literature and music are often broken apart and considered though film isn't, that is quite interesting.
Cinema seems to be different from other art forms in that because it's such a universal medium everything is lumped into a single continuum. Whereas with literature you wouldn't compare 'The Da Vinci Code' with 'Ulysses', in film 'Porky's' and 'La Belle et la Bete' end up on the same list.

Although hopefully a very long list
Perhaps we should have a top ten list of different genres as well or instead of the main list.
People do stupid comparisons with music and literature too....."like xxx was boring, I'll stick to Harry Potter kthx" -_-
Knew that would happen. Despite Brwned asking me for a list of films that I enjoy, and not a list of what I consider to be the 'best' films. You reckon 8 mile, Troy etc would be anywhere near my list of 100 best films? I fully acknowledge that just because I like a film doesn't mean it can't be shit.

It's comments like the one I got from crappyperson that gives me the impression most people in here are going to be pretentious, and why I was mistaken in saying I was interested.
As long as the list doesn't have fight club, I found it unwatchable.
How will the films be judged? Purely on taste or with consideration for technical brilliance or importance in Cinema history. For instance I think 2001: A space odyssey is quite simply terrible as a piece of entertainment, however I'd feel stupid leaving it off any top 100 movies list because of its importance, influence and ahead of its time filming techniques.
Ok, my top 10 (I've missed so many off of this, I'm going to be kicking myself...):

1. The Karate Kid (Snigger all you want, it's been a favourite of mine for years. Predictable and cliched, but I just love it)
2. The Dark Knight
3. Forrest Gump
4. LoTR: Return of the King (The best out of the whole series, and I'd been waiting for this film for years after reading the books)
5. Gladiator
6. Ghost (I'm not just a big blockbuster type of guy!)
7. Blood Diamond (Di Caprio's bad, bad accent aside, a brilliant storyline)
8. 8 Mile (Eminem is one of my favourite musicians, this film naturally interests me)
9. Saving Private Ryan
10. Ali (Have no idea how well this film is accept in the critics world, I just enjoy it)

Honourable mentions to Troy (Even I can understand the slatings it received, but it's just the sheer size of the movie that gets me), Schnidlers List and the original Rocky.

I can't give you a list of my opinion of the 'best' movies as: 1. I'm too tired to consider anything beyond my own interests right now and 2. I doubt I'm qualified enough to do so anyway (In terms of how many of the classic films I've watched). So a list of my favourites will have to do.

Mate, his accent was spot on for the role he played. Trust me, I know the saffer jock accent and he's spent bucket loads of time in SA so he would have picked it up. EDIT: I'm South African if that helps.
Mate, his accent was spot on for the role he played. Trust me, I know the saffer jock accent and he's spent bucket loads of time in SA so he would have picked it up. EDIT: I'm South African if that helps.

I must be mistaken then! Maybe it's just the accent as a whole that I find bad ;)
How will the films be judged? Purely on taste or with consideration for technical brilliance or importance in Cinema history. For instance I think 2001: A space odyssey is quite simply terrible as a piece of entertainment, however I'd feel stupid leaving it off any top 100 movies list because of its importance, influence and ahead of its time filming techniques.

On amount of/quality of breasts in said film.

Elvira: they looked like a quality pair, but to the best of my recollection she never actually got them out. That'll stand against her when the voting starts.
Schindler's List: lots of tits, but were they quality? Doubtful.
Under Siege: stripper comes out of cake, absolutely stunning set of breasts. That'll certainly play well with the voters.
On amount of/quality of breasts in said film.

Elvira: they looked like a quality pair, but to the best of my recollection she never actually got them out. That'll stand against her when the voting starts.
Schindler's List: lots of tits, but were they quality? Doubtful.
Under Siege: stripper comes out of cake, absolutely stunning set of breasts. That'll certainly play well with the voters.

In that case we may as well hand the title over to Total Recall now and save ourselves some time and effort.
How will the films be judged? Purely on taste or with consideration for technical brilliance or importance in Cinema history. For instance I think 2001: A space odyssey is quite simply terrible as a piece of entertainment, however I'd feel stupid leaving it off any top 100 movies list because of its importance, influence and ahead of its time filming techniques.

You just have to find a good balance of it. I myself think comedies are often terribly underrated among film critics. A movie you can watch again and again when you're 14 and then again at 25 must be doing something right.

Avatar didn't have the best script ever but it's important in the movie history. Technically the best made movie.

Also, Toy Story. First proper famous computer animated movie. 8 year old kids and 50 year old parents/grandparents both like it.
On amount of/quality of breasts in said film.

Elvira: they looked like a quality pair, but to the best of my recollection she never actually got them out. That'll stand against her when the voting starts.
Schindler's List: lots of tits, but were they quality? Doubtful.
Under Siege: stripper comes out of cake, absolutely stunning set of breasts. That'll certainly play well with the voters.


Elvira's tits. :drool:
I would be really open to watching movies that others reckon should be on the list but I haven't seen or re-watching old movies for that matter.
Thinking about what my top 100 would be (vaguely) today, I'd like to take part.
Yep, I just missed out last time around. Hopefully, I'll get around to watching some of the older stuff I've always wanted to.

So, are we repeating the same formula as last time?

Yes, I think so. You've seen more than enough films but I reckon it'll give us an excuse to go on a mad movie marathon.

Thinking about what my top 100 would be (vaguely) today, I'd like to take part.

Your interest has been noted.

Gioogle her ginger haired version.

EDIT : Dammit.

Have you seen films by Hitchcock, Kurosawa, WKW, Kubrick et al? what I'm getting at Jay, is have you seen a shedload of films in your lifetime? and if you haven't would be willing to do so? Thing is there's no point of having a best list if you've not seen the classics, for example. This isn't aimed at you, but everyone - if you love movies then you're more than welcome. It's not about obscure movies, just look at Redcafe's Top 100 a lot of them are pretty generic and mainstream.
Have you seen films by Hitchcock, Kurosawa, WKW, Kubrick et al? what I'm getting at Jay, is have you seen a shedload of films in your lifetime? and if you haven't would be willing to do so? Thing is there's no point of having a best list if you've not seen the classics, for example. This isn't aimed at you, but everyone - if you love movies then you're more than welcome. It's not about obscure movies, just look at Redcafe's Top 100 a lot of them are pretty generic and mainstream.

That's fine Spoons. I'll admit I never watch subtitled foreign flicks frankly because they don't interest me no matter how acclaimed they were. But I'd like to believe I've seen enough classics to form an opinion. Any which way I prefer old school movies than the visual spectacles banded around these days. This in no means is a dig at people who enjoy visual spectacles, just that I dont enjoy them as much as I would enjoy, say Grapes of wrath.
If we have to do 100, I reckon I'm still in.

Same again, Adzz... have you seen loads of movies?

That's fine Spoons. I'll admit I never watch subtitled foreign flicks frankly because they don't interest me no matter how acclaimed they were. But I'd like to believe I've seen enough classics to form an opinion. Any which way I prefer old school movies than the visual spectacles banded around these days. This in no means is a dig at people who enjoy visual spectacles, just that I dont enjoy them as much as I would enjoy, say Grapes of wrath.

Seems good enough to me. But I would suggest you watch some classic foreign films, you never know but you may enjoy them.
Seems good enough to me. But I would suggest you watch some classic foreign films, you never know but you may enjoy them.

I know. I have no doubt that there are some real gems out there. But I can't help but feel that unless and until I truly understand what someone is saying that I can capture the essence of it, which means I'm never too sure of subtitles capturing the exact meaning/insinuation of a sentence. If that makes sense.
I know. I have no doubt that there are some real gems out there. But I can't help but feel that unless and until I truly understand what someone is saying that I can capture the essence of it, which means I'm never too sure of subtitles capturing the exact meaning/insinuation of a sentence. If that makes sense.

Maybe you could start off with some Jacques Tati then...or early German expressionism.
Jay, stop getting distracted from Werwolf!

Sorry but it's an abomination when movies like Grapes of Wrath and Rebel without a Cause don't even make the damn list and se7en does.

Maybe you could start off with some Jacques Tati then...or early German expressionism.

Any suggestions as to the movies I should look at and you can also point me towards those horrible things called torrents so I can report them distributing such movies.
I know. I have no doubt that there are some real gems out there. But I can't help but feel that unless and until I truly understand what someone is saying that I can capture the essence of it, which means I'm never too sure of subtitles capturing the exact meaning/insinuation of a sentence. If that makes sense.

You could try something like Infernal Affairs; a foreign movie that's very accessible, in terms of familiarity of the basic plot and key characteristics, or essentially a movie that appeals to the masses of English speaking viewers in terms of storyline. Which is why it was re-made and adored by the mainstream audiences.

Or you could go the completely opposite direction, and try something like In the Mood for Love in which the essence is strongly based on the atmosphere it creates, in the absorbing visual (and audio? I can't think of the word...) beauty, and thus somewhat lessens the importance of the dialogue.
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