Astrophysical Genius - Hard for Grinner
Well, myself and Mehro think it's the tits. I reckon you'd love it, it's actually a manga to film adapation, it's also very stylish - fantastic looking movie.
Just watched the first 12 minutes of Ichi, instantly decided I need to buy it on DVD.
It will be interesting to see the level of difference between the Top 100 this year compared to the prior year.
There may be a few "new entries" althought I'd limit that to less than 5 generally.
I think it's wise that a deadline is set for a few months in advance. There are some films that I will always love, whilst there are others that I will enjoy and then never pick up again.
I, and I assume many others will also have staple favourites, but there are some instances where a film needs to be seen more than once to fully appreciate it.
The immediate film that springs to mind is the Exorcist. The first time I watched it, I thought it was quite laughable and didn't quite understand the fuss.
I watched it a few weeks later though and I thought it was fantastic, and it was only then that I appreciated what it offered as a horror film.
I'd recommend that people on the committee look to re-watch the films though becasue sometimes your pre-conceived impression or immediate impression is far wide of the mark. Another film that I had to watch twice was O Brother Where Art Thou which would have never made my list on initial viewing.
I agree, I'm going to rewatch both of the Kill Bills and see what's actually up with them, I've the feeling they might be growers in time.
What's the feeling on anime in the lists? I know atleast 3 or 4 will make my list if I'm picked.