'Redcafe Top 100 Movies: The Better Than Last Time List' Committee Selection

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Well, myself and Mehro think it's the tits. I reckon you'd love it, it's actually a manga to film adapation, it's also very stylish - fantastic looking movie.

Just watched the first 12 minutes of Ichi, instantly decided I need to buy it on DVD.

It will be interesting to see the level of difference between the Top 100 this year compared to the prior year.

There may be a few "new entries" althought I'd limit that to less than 5 generally.

I think it's wise that a deadline is set for a few months in advance. There are some films that I will always love, whilst there are others that I will enjoy and then never pick up again.

I, and I assume many others will also have staple favourites, but there are some instances where a film needs to be seen more than once to fully appreciate it.

The immediate film that springs to mind is the Exorcist. The first time I watched it, I thought it was quite laughable and didn't quite understand the fuss.

I watched it a few weeks later though and I thought it was fantastic, and it was only then that I appreciated what it offered as a horror film.

I'd recommend that people on the committee look to re-watch the films though becasue sometimes your pre-conceived impression or immediate impression is far wide of the mark. Another film that I had to watch twice was O Brother Where Art Thou which would have never made my list on initial viewing.

I agree, I'm going to rewatch both of the Kill Bills and see what's actually up with them, I've the feeling they might be growers in time.

What's the feeling on anime in the lists? I know atleast 3 or 4 will make my list if I'm picked.
Mr Doom, have you seen most of our top 100?

I have indeed ... aside from Dog Day Afternoon (I'm not sure how I've managed to miss this), Truffaut's 400 Blows, Hiroshima Mon Amour and Itchi (not a Miike fan). Although looking at the list there's definitely a few I need (and want!) to revisit to refresh my memory!

Although I appreciate that not being a Takashi Miike fan renders my opinion meaningless ;-)
Just watched the first 12 minutes of Ichi, instantly decided I need to buy it on DVD.

I agree, I'm going to rewatch both of the Kill Bills and see what's actually up with them, I've the feeling they might be growers in time.

What's the feeling on anime in the lists? I know atleast 3 or 4 will make my list if I'm picked.

Put the Prophet high on your list. Arguably the best prison film IMO and thats putting it in the company of the much loved Shawshank.

My knowledge on anime is pretty limited, but both 'Princess Mononoke' and 'Spirited Away' would definitely make my Top 100.
Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke are two of the most beautiful films I've ever seen. Even if at times I was utterly confused. Especially with Spirited Away, until I got it. EDIT: Howl's Moving Castle was fairly good too, but never really had that - Wow moment like the house in Spirited at night and the general scenery of PM.

Akira and Ghost in the Shell both just ooze style and sophistication - what is with Japanese cinema eh? Just fecking cool.

Wonder if anyone will throw in Advent Children.
Which really shouldn't surprise anyone

a) Most people here grew up in either the 80's, 90's or 00's.
b) Much more movies are being made now.
c) Movies have changed a lot.
d) Modern films are much more available

There are some old films that I think are fantastic, but on the whole I prefer films from the last 3 decades.

Isn't there 'only' about 150 Hollywood productions a year now?
I have indeed ... aside from Dog Day Afternoon (I'm not sure how I've managed to miss this), Truffaut's 400 Blows, Hiroshima Mon Amour and Itchi (not a Miike fan). Although looking at the list there's definitely a few I need (and want!) to revisit to refresh my memory!

Although I appreciate that not being a Takashi Miike fan renders my opinion meaningless ;-)

Good man. How about having a go at this then?
Abso-feckin-lutely ... although does that mean I have to watch Itchi?!

Well, that's up to you. But since dealine's months away, it would be worthwhile for us to watch the RC top 100, I think I've seen all but Mean Streets for some inexplicable reason.
Of the old top 100 list I've seen all but Wild at Heart, Leaving Las Vegas and Mean Streets. I came close to see Wild at Heart once but then I saw Nic Cage was in it.
Well, myself and Mehro think it's the tits. I reckon you'd love it, it's actually a manga to film adapation, it's also very stylish - fantastic looking movie.

Itchi is great. On my top 100 there would probably be at least 10 E-Asian movies. Korean, Japanese and Chinese cinema can be very brilliant in a different way than the west is.
Hoping for a bit more love for Aguirre in the list this time. Unpolished genius.
Spoony doesn't rate Stalker, and he hasn't seen Wild Strawberries. I can already say now that a few Tarkovsky films will appear very high on my list.

I have seen Stalker since I made te last list... loved it! It will definitely be on my new one.

For this new list, I will be watching a lot of old english westerns, some old japenese I missed out on last time and french movies.
Itchi is great. On my top 100 there would probably be at least 10 E-Asian movies. Korean, Japanese and Chinese cinema can be very brilliant in a different way than the west is.

How many of RC's Top 100 have you seen?

I have seen Stalker since I made te last list... loved it! It will definitely be on my new one.

For this new list, I will be watching a lot of old english westerns, some old japenese I missed out on last time and french movies.

Watch all of Kubrick's, Hitchcock's, Bergman's, Tarkovsky's, WKW, Cohen Bros', Herzog's, Polanksi's, Lych's(shut up, Grinner), Wilder's and basically every well known director's film catalogue.

You've got enough time.
How many of RC's Top 100 have you seen?

Watch all of Kubrick's, Hitchcock's, Bergman's, Tarkovsky's, WKW, Cohen Bros', Herzog's, Polanksi's, Lych's(shut up, Grinner), Wilder's and basically every well known director's film catalogue.

You've got enough time.

I did try to do that the last time.. went on a Hitchcock's marathon.. already seen almost all of his and Kubrick.. Off that list I will mostly nee to catch up on Bergman, Lych and Herzog I think..
Well, that's up to you. But since dealine's months away, it would be worthwhile for us to watch the RC top 100, I think I've seen all but Mean Streets for some inexplicable reason.

Get watching man. De Niro's best performance outside Taxi Driver imho.
Hoping for a bit more love for Aguirre in the list this time. Unpolished genius.

It'll probably be in top 10 or something.

Don't really know what films I should watch, feels like I'm pretty well traversed in most famous directors filmographies. I'll probably rewatch Apocalypse Now and City of God and see if I still rate them as highly.
Get watching man. De Niro's best performance outside Taxi Driver imho.

Worry not! it's on my to see list.

It'll probably be in top 10 or something.

Don't really know what films I should watch, feels like I'm pretty well traversed in most famous directors filmographies. I'll probably rewatch Apocalypse Now and City of God and see if I still rate them as highly.

Kitano's stuff?
I did try to do that the last time.. went on a Hitchcock's marathon.. already seen almost all of his and Kubrick.. Off that list I will mostly nee to catch up on Bergman, Lych and Herzog I think..

Nice. Saw Dial M for Murder last night. Grace Kelly :drool:
That's probably my fav Hitchcock film. What's yours, Hopes?

I'm not really sure to be honest. I don't think I've seen a Hitchcock film I haven't liked (maybe Lifeboat and that isn't too bad actually). Have you seen Rope? Very similar to DMfM. I love the claustrophobic atmosphere he created in these 2 movies and the inherent tension that you derive from it. Rear Window, Vertigo, Psycho are all good but they've been seen and spoken about so much that it loses a bit of its appeal.

I still havent seen Marnie or Shadown of a Doubt yet and I've heard they're both great. This weekend maybe.
I'm not really sure to be honest. I don't think I've seen a Hitchcock film I haven't liked (maybe Lifeboat and that isn't too bad actually). Have you seen Rope? Very similar to DMfM. I love the claustrophobic atmosphere he created in these 2 movies and the inherent tension that you derive from it. Rear Window, Vertigo, Psycho are all good but they've been seen and spoken about so much that it loses a bit of its appeal.

I still havent seen Marnie or Shadown of a Doubt yet and I've heard they're both great. This weekend maybe.

Rebecca and Notorious should be on the list.

I just watched North by Northwest for the first time in many years, it is nowhere near as good as I remember it to be and is horribly dated. It is amazing to think it is only three years older than Dr. No which feels far more sophisticated and modern, you can see why James Bond was so huge in the sixties.
Rebecca and Notorious should be on the list.

I just watched North by Northwest for the first time in many years, it is nowhere near as good as I remember it to be and is horribly dated. It is amazing to think it is only three years older than Dr. No which feels far more sophisticated and modern, you can see why James Bond was so huge in the sixties.

Both great films, Rebecca I don't care too much for but Notorious is genius. I got to agree with NbN seeming dated on second-viewing. Usually isnt the case with his movies. Its a never-ending list though - The Frenzy, 39 Steps, Birds, The Man who knew too much, The Lady Vanishes. I'm sure i'm forgetting a lot more.
Of the old top 100 list I've seen all but Wild at Heart, Leaving Las Vegas and Mean Streets. I came close to see Wild at Heart once but then I saw Nic Cage was in it.

Nic Cage is sensational in Leaving Las Vegas. Fantastic movie too.
Both great films, Rebecca I don't care too much for but Notorious is genius. I got to agree with NbN seeming dated on second-viewing. Usually isnt the case with his movies. Its a never-ending list though - The Frenzy, 39 Steps, Birds, The Man who knew too much, The Lady Vanishes. I'm sure i'm forgetting a lot more.

Absolutely, how he never won an oscar is incredible.
I agree. I knew you'd like the look of Ichi, also try Audition, Rainy Dog, Gozu and Visitor Q. I reckon your mind is probably as warped as mine is.

Yeah, I'm on it, thanks for the recommendations, I'll try them all. You mentioned I think, one called a thousand red lanterns, or candles, or something - I can't remember it's name but I wanted to see it, duly forgot the name and promptly forgot who said it - but I'm sure it was you.

Also, just watched Kill Bill again earlier, it's fantastic, I know it split opinion at first, but it's so OTT and overstated that's it's fecking subtly cool.
Movies that have suffered on later viewings for me:

Back to the Future: Partly due to the fact that the 80's (for all that I lived through them) seem as dead as the 50's to me, this also just seems like a well-done popcorn flick. Good, but hardly worthy of the status it's granted. This feels like one of those movies where, in terms of consensus opinion, popularity has taken the place of quality.

The Sixth Sense: Partly because Shyamalamadingdong just made the same movie four or five more times, (I've stopped counting. And watching,) and partly because the edgy atmosphere is just lost once the twist is no longer a surprise. It's left a sort of meandering drama that again isn't bad, but is more notable in the fact that it was a big hit, and convinced Hollywood to continue fund MNS' movies for years despite the lack of any new ideas.

Fight Club: I am Jack's terminal boredom with Palahniuk. I thought this was brilliant when it came out. I was also 20 when it came out. Now it seems shallow and inane. Think this mostly appeals to adolescents (of all ages).
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