'Redcafe Top 100 Movies: The Better Than Last Time List' Committee Selection

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I'm not going to give you all a top 10 just for you to pick apart at will. A lot of the films I enjoy are big Hollywood blockbusters (I do like the more subtle works as well, but I just can't appreciate them much) which are notorious for people to just pick major flaws in, and compare them to some obscure film made by an unknown director which is clearly 'much better'. I just like the films I like.
Ah, but that's different - this is about the best films, not the ones who enjoyed most. How much you enjoyed them will inevitably factor into it but it's not the only factor nor the key factor.

And you were questioning why other people wouldn't have them in their lists, you can't just backtrack and say 'well those are the movies I like and I like them because I like them, so that's that, alright!'...you were the one who challenged their non-placements first, you're the one who started it!

If you don't want people challenging your opinion then maybe you're not up to this movie critic business...nor am I mind, I can't even use the word pretentious never mind be it. 'tis a good excuse to watch some of the classics, though.

Just give us a top 10 anyway, 'tis all just a bit of fun sure. If yo like them and you're happy liking them then it shouldn't bother you what others think, I'm just interested. I won't be picking them apart because I don't think I've watched 100 movies yet...I've not even watched the Godfather yet.
Ah, but that's different - this is about the best films, not the ones who enjoyed most. How much you enjoyed them will inevitably factor into it but it's not the only factor nor the key factor.

And you were questioning why other people wouldn't have them in their lists, you can't just backtrack and say 'well those are the movies I like and I like them because I like them, so that's that, alright!'...you were the one who challenged their non-placements first, you're the one who started it!

If you don't want people challenging your opinion then maybe you're not up to this movie critic business...nor am I mind, I can't even use the word pretentious never mind be it. 'tis a good excuse to watch some of the classics, though.

Just give us a top 10 anyway, 'tis all just a bit of fun sure. If yo like them and you're happy liking them then it shouldn't bother you what others think, I'm just interested. I won't be picking them apart because I don't think I've watched 100 movies yet...I've not even watched the Godfather yet.

I can see how that would look like I was backtracking. I didn't mean it in that way. It seemed that people were judging me on the films I mentioned, so I felt compelled to say that. Either way, I still stick by my point. They both (Dark Knight and Forrest Gump) would hardly have won (and been nominated for) as many awards as they have been. Look at how Forrest Gump dominated the Oscars (can't remember the exact one it was). Surely, even despite other factors, you can't ignore its success among the critics?

To be honest, I'm not sure of what other critera there are to judge films by (Fully aware that there are them - I just don't know OF them!). Do you go by the atmosphere or emotional content of a film? How well it portrays a the story? Dark Knight and Forrest Gump, respectively, done both of those. Dark Knight (And Batman Begins) was an incrediblely atmospheric movie, complete opposites to the (in my opinion, much worse) Tim Burton versions. I think that the reason that the Dark Knight is so ridiculed by some people is purely based on the fact that it is, at heart, a comic book story.

I didn't realise that this was so serious. I had it down as just a bit of light debate on what constituted a movie better than another... didn't realise this movie critic business would get so deep. In that case, I pass - I'm sure most of my suggestions would be scoffed at by the more pretentious (good word!) of people in here.

I'll post my top 10 in a moment (want to make sure I don't miss out any, although I undoubtedly will!) but expect the usual cliche filled movies to be included.

You seem like a decent guy Brwned, apologies if I haven't 'fitted in with the crowd' in here. I'm not a great lover of classic movies, as I'm sure has been obvious with how I've posted. I'll get going with the top 10.
That's just about the most insulting thing anyone's ever said to me. Brophs? Seriously? That's a low blow.
Ok, my top 10 (I've missed so many off of this, I'm going to be kicking myself...):

1. The Karate Kid (Snigger all you want, it's been a favourite of mine for years. Predictable and cliched, but I just love it)
2. The Dark Knight
3. Forrest Gump
4. LoTR: Return of the King (The best out of the whole series, and I'd been waiting for this film for years after reading the books)
5. Gladiator
6. Ghost (I'm not just a big blockbuster type of guy!)
7. Blood Diamond (Di Caprio's bad, bad accent aside, a brilliant storyline)
8. 8 Mile (Eminem is one of my favourite musicians, this film naturally interests me)
9. Saving Private Ryan
10. Ali (Have no idea how well this film is accept in the critics world, I just enjoy it)

Honourable mentions to Troy (Even I can understand the slatings it received, but it's just the sheer size of the movie that gets me), Schnidlers List and the original Rocky.

I can't give you a list of my opinion of the 'best' movies as: 1. I'm too tired to consider anything beyond my own interests right now and 2. I doubt I'm qualified enough to do so anyway (In terms of how many of the classic films I've watched). So a list of my favourites will have to do.
Is that sarcasm? If so, there's not really a need for it, is there?

If you mean me, where have I shown any contempt?

My guess is no, mehro was being genuine. He's the OP after all and was asking for these kind of lists.

And R. Nilsson was responding to Excal's ridicule because he found it rude.

That's my take on the matter. But it's 3am and I've almost been awake for 24 hours. That's when you start posting without thinking much and make things a bit more interesting the day after when you've gotten your sleep.
Yeah, you should probably get that sleep in, because Nilsson's comment had absolutely nothing to do with the smilies I posted.

Yup. You're right. Got no idea what your or his comment was about. Just felt obligated to answer both his quotes. Was in that sort of mood.
Yup. You're right. Got no idea what your or his comment was about. Just felt obligated to answer both his quotes. Was in that sort of mood.

My comment (insofar as smilies constitute such) was in response to the post I quoted. I can't speak for Nilsson, but his comment seemed pretty straightforward to me.
It's not really pretentious(well it can be), it's just appreciating film as an art form and not just an entertainment form. I don't care what anyone likes, but when someone comes up to me and says something like Transformer being a blood good film....or that they think Citizen Kane is an awful film just because it was boring to them...oh come on man, cuts me deep, but I usually hold back on losing it however much I'd want to ><

It's kind of like football really.....Liverpool fan comes up and tells you "Gerrard is the best player in the world"....you should be laughing instantly. If he just says something like "he's my favourite player", the laughter goes away. Had to use the Liverpool analogy, I guess I could of used the Fletcher is a great midfielder one too -_-
Forrest Gump is widely regarded as one of Tom Hanks' best films, while Dark Knight is arguably one of Christopher Nolans best films (I'd argue second after Inception, which would also be deep into my top 100 list).

This is a wind-up right?

I'll never understand why some people hold watching films that are obscure to the masses in such contempt.

This is why this will not work. I liked Forrest Gump because it was a very nice story. Dark knight was an exciting popcorn flick which I also enjoyed. I have seen both movies more than twice.

But the person who picks these will instantly be looked down upon and possibly have their intelligence questioned by the likes of R Nilsson because they are too main stream and Hollywood.

So on one hand Brwned takes exception with my post stating the list will compile of movies most of us have never heard of and on the other people who like popular films are not taken seriously by movie geeks

I will just say my top 10 would include the original Star Wars trilogy and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Therefore I am out
I think you're overestimating just how many obscure films are going to be on there, look at the previous list and you'll see...here's the top 50, how many haven't you seen never mind heard of?:

1.Godfather 2
3.Apocalypse Now
5.Taxi Driver
6.Raging Bull
7.Blade Runner
9.Clockwork Orange, A
10.The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
11.One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
12.In the Mood for Love
13.Das Boot
14.Seven Samurai
15.Deer Hunter, The
16.Dr Strangelove
17.On the Waterfront
18.Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back
19.Pulp Fiction
20.City of God
21.Usual Suspects, The
26.Great Escape, The
27.Life of Brian
28.Double Indemnity
29.Full Metal Jacket
30.Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
31.Schindlers list
32.Mullholland Drive
36.Shining, The
37.Silence of the Lambs
39.Fight Club
40.Reservoir Dogs
43.Shawshank Redemption, The
44.Terminator 2
45.To Kill a Mockingbird
46.2001: A Space Odyssey
47.Big Lebowski, The
48.Citizen Kane
49.Old Boy
50.Streetcar Named Desire, A
I am in. And I better be selected. I did this last time which had me watching 5 movies a day on the weekends at some point.
Ok, my top 10 (I've missed so many off of this, I'm going to be kicking myself...):

1. The Karate Kid (Snigger all you want, it's been a favourite of mine for years. Predictable and cliched, but I just love it)
2. The Dark Knight
3. Forrest Gump
4. LoTR: Return of the King (The best out of the whole series, and I'd been waiting for this film for years after reading the books)
5. Gladiator
6. Ghost (I'm not just a big blockbuster type of guy!)
7. Blood Diamond (Di Caprio's bad, bad accent aside, a brilliant storyline)
8. 8 Mile (Eminem is one of my favourite musicians, this film naturally interests me)
9. Saving Private Ryan
10. Ali (Have no idea how well this film is accept in the critics world, I just enjoy it)

Honourable mentions to Troy (Even I can understand the slatings it received, but it's just the sheer size of the movie that gets me), Schnidlers List and the original Rocky.

I can't give you a list of my opinion of the 'best' movies as: 1. I'm too tired to consider anything beyond my own interests right now and 2. I doubt I'm qualified enough to do so anyway (In terms of how many of the classic films I've watched). So a list of my favourites will have to do.


Oh dear

8 mile, Troy, Ghost, Saving Private Ryan, KK
Just for what it's worth....Smith was robbed by Denzel for Ali, Denzel who was robbed by Pacino, Pacino who was robbed take your pick really....Smith will probably win something for a cheesy Hallmark movie because he's the golden boy robbing someone like Ryan Gosling -_-
You should not be in for scoffing at peoples choices. Even though Im not saying I would pick those films either, although Saving Private Ryan is a terrific film
I am fine with people picking on some mainstream movie but Troy getting an honorable mention deserves to be scoffed at.

I don't rate SPR and it is always a bone of contention between many in the caf.

In any case, the committee should have people with diverse views. But not quite as diverse as Urbanned. He will be useless if he is making case for movies like 8 mile.
What's wrong with Troy? I thought it was pretty good.

Anyway this whole thing is just going to be people scoffing at other people's lists, so I imagine you should stay well clear if you're easily offended. This idea obviously isn't going to conjure up a defnitive top 100 that everyone will agree with but then again that's not really the point. If nothing else it will get people talking.
My Top 5 favourite

1. Cinema Paradiso
2. Once Upon a Time in the West
3. The Matrix
4. True Romance
5. Last of the Mohicans

My top 5 best list I use for topics like these

1. The Mirror - Tarkovsky
2. Wreckmeister Harmonies - Bela Tarr
3. Wild Strawberries - Bergman
4. 8 1/2 - Fellini
5. Seven Samurai - Kurosawa
You're going to get pretty much the same result as last time so I don't see the point of doing it again. Unless you're going to be more selective with the committee, in which case you may as well name it the "Film Snobs who don't like mainstream Hollywood" list.
My Top 5 favourite

1. Cinema Paradiso
2. Once Upon a Time in the West
3. The Matrix
4. True Romance
5. Last of the Mohicans

My top 5 best list I use for topics like these

1. The Mirror - Tarkovsky
2. Wreckmeister Harmonies - Bela Tarr
3. Wild Strawberries - Bergman
4. 8 1/2 - Fellini
5. Seven Samurai - Kurosawa

Don't understand why you'd take out the top 2 for a "best list" when they are as close to perfection as you can in their respective genres to be honest. -_-
Don't understand why you'd take out the top 2 for a "best list" when they are as close to perfection as you can in their respective genres to be honest. -_-

Because they aren't pretentious or unknown enough for a movie committee member innit?
Ok, my top 10 (I've missed so many off of this, I'm going to be kicking myself...):

1. The Karate Kid (Snigger all you want, it's been a favourite of mine for years. Predictable and cliched, but I just love it)
2. The Dark Knight
3. Forrest Gump
4. LoTR: Return of the King (The best out of the whole series, and I'd been waiting for this film for years after reading the books)
5. Gladiator
6. Ghost (I'm not just a big blockbuster type of guy!)
7. Blood Diamond (Di Caprio's bad, bad accent aside, a brilliant storyline)
8. 8 Mile (Eminem is one of my favourite musicians, this film naturally interests me)
9. Saving Private Ryan
10. Ali (Have no idea how well this film is accept in the critics world, I just enjoy it)

Honourable mentions to Troy (Even I can understand the slatings it received, but it's just the sheer size of the movie that gets me), Schnidlers List and the original Rocky.

I can't give you a list of my opinion of the 'best' movies as: 1. I'm too tired to consider anything beyond my own interests right now and 2. I doubt I'm qualified enough to do so anyway (In terms of how many of the classic films I've watched). So a list of my favourites will have to do.

Di Caprios bad, bad accent was not actually that bad though, was it? If you think South African opinions have credibility that is...
See now it's as if you are going to make your list to impress a 'committee' instead of being YOUR list. Both are perfectly fine, can't see even the elitist of the elite shitting on either choice really.
I'd be interested in doing a top 10/15, but 100? feck.
How is this going to start then?

Is it a case of anyone interested joins the panel, or do we have to submit a top 20 list and depe nding on the credibility of our choice, some will make the cut, whilst others won't or something along those lines?
See now it's as if you are going to make your list to impress a 'committee' instead of being YOUR list. Both are perfectly fine, can't see even the elitist of the elite shitting on either choice really.

My second list was a bit tongue in cheek really. If I was to make a case for the best 5 films ever made I'd have to think a lot harder. Although it may be somewhat similar. Cinema Paradiso and Once upon a Time in the West would be in my top 10 greatest for sure.
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