Gaming Red Dead Redemption 2 (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Stadia)

What's the point of hunting ? Other than Legendary animals, is there any real benefit? I think I've been hunting all wrong. My sachel is full so I have not been getting all the parts which I assume must be of some use when crafting

Parts for crafting. Plus for the challenges to unlock things in the trapper. The reinforced equipment allows you to carry more amo. The one you buy is 25% the reinforced trapper is 50%

I’ve really enjoyed the hunting aspect and just randomly roaming around you find so many challenges and side missions and just intresting things talking to people on the road, you learn so much from what they say and it’s intresting following up on what they have said. Like the mayors daughter, the princess Isabeu mystery, the pig farmers, Pagans, the glowing pentagram and so on. There are loads of things you just stumble across when out hunting.

Camp upgrades help, with things like camp happiness, health and also things like the chicken coup mean you get extra deadeye from the stew. I think as well you only unlock certain missions from camp characters if they are happy. Things like those silly crafts like antlers on trees or buckskin tables help with all this.
This has become a monotonous slog now.

Missions have become: Ride to marker (which takes forever every time), talk to guy, ride with guy for hour and have to listen to him waffle on about something uninteresting, get to bad guys, kill them, collect object, ride for ages back to guy. Rinse, repeat. The whole thing looks incredible and the atmosphere is second to none but the actual gameplay and missions are so dated.

Chapter 5 was unnecessary and ridiculous too.

I keep thinking ‘please be the last mission’ and it throws up another one which I have to ride for ages to.

Getting bored with it now.
This has become a monotonous slog now.

Missions have become: Ride to marker (which takes forever every time), talk to guy, ride with guy for hour and have to listen to him waffle on about something uninteresting, get to bad guys, kill them, collect object, ride for ages back to guy. Rinse, repeat. The whole thing looks incredible and the atmosphere is second to none but the actual gameplay and missions are so dated.

Chapter 5 was unnecessary and ridiculous too.

I keep thinking ‘please be the last mission’ and it throws up another one which I have to ride for ages to.

Getting bored with it now.

Sounds like GTA without the fun of $ sign rims. (i haven't tried it yet).
This has become a monotonous slog now.

Missions have become: Ride to marker (which takes forever every time), talk to guy, ride with guy for hour and have to listen to him waffle on about something uninteresting, get to bad guys, kill them, collect object, ride for ages back to guy. Rinse, repeat. The whole thing looks incredible and the atmosphere is second to none but the actual gameplay and missions are so dated.

Chapter 5 was unnecessary and ridiculous too.

I keep thinking ‘please be the last mission’ and it throws up another one which I have to ride for ages to.

Getting bored with it now.

I'm honestly wondering what you expected? This in a nutshell is the same as every Rockstar Game ever. I'm loving it. There are so many different interactions with people it will take a while before I get bored.
Yeah I'm still loving it and I've been playing it nearly a month. As far as I'm concerned I start up the game and I'm sucked into that world for a few hours.
Anyone got any decent names for their horses? I was hoping mine would be male so I could call it Duke - but it was female (the white awesome one you can find up in the snow) so I've called it Willow - which isn't anywhere near as good. Tempted by 'White Lightning' but I'm not sure any decent cowboy would have called their horse that.

Named the first cheap horse I bought arrow, as I thought he was reasonably quick. I got a black Hungarian that I named midnight, and my Arabian white is named Ghost :)
I love the game but I do understand his complaints with chapter five. Part of what makes the game so good is being able to explore the world and then do the missions in between. When you're forced to do these linear missions one after another without any other aspect of the game available it can get a bit boring.
Named the first cheap horse I bought arrow, as I thought he was reasonably quick. I got a black Hungarian that I named midnight, and my Arabian white is named Ghost :)

I've had a Midnight (I think). I accidentally blew him up.
Then I had Charlie named after my girlfriend's childhood horse. He got f*ckin' one shotted in a gunfight.
Then I had Bojack because he had the exact same face pattern. He got crushed by a carriage.
Now I have an Ardennes called Ace and it's an absolute unit. The front of her face looks like a playing card and also I thought it was male but I'm sticking with Ace.
I've had a Midnight (I think). I accidentally blew him up.
Then I had Charlie named after my girlfriend's childhood horse. He got f*ckin' one shotted in a gunfight.
Then I had Bojack because he had the exact same face pattern. He got crushed by a carriage.
Now I have an Ardennes called Ace and it's an absolute unit. The front of her face looks like a playing card and also I thought it was male but I'm sticking with Ace.

Wow :lol: Thank goodness there weren’t animal rights legislations back in the day or you would be done in for neglect and abuse :p

Truthfully, the Arabian is a bit small for me, and I thought riding on the back of the much bigger Hungarian was much cooler, but I can’t deal with the drop off in acceleration and speed :mad:
Only had two; Arabian called Silver and Hungarian Haldbreed called Luna. And now I'm looking after Buell.

I read that the Murfrees have a unique horse at one their camps that is all scarred and beat up, no doubt from those inbred twats. I'd like to rescue it.
Hunting and all of that secondary stuff like pouring funds into the camp is pretty pointless I found. I’m at the end of Chapter 6 now and wish that I didn’t waste so much time on the camp etc.

The game is easy enough without doing the other stuff.
This really doesn't seem like the right game for you!
Only had two; Arabian called Silver and Hungarian Haldbreed called Luna. And now I'm looking after Buell.

I read that the Murfrees have a unique horse at one their camps that is all scarred and beat up, no doubt from those inbred twats. I'd like to rescue it.
Have you found their main camp? See I came across a fellow on my travels who had information and I’ve been looking for them but as of yet no luck except for when I imagine they are killing and raping poor campers and I stumble across it.

Not really a spoiler but holds information I came across that sheds some light on their location, I just haven’t found it. When I do tho, Murfree feckers are going to be piled up Turkoman high and lit on fire.

came a cross someone who had hung himself from a tree deep in Murfree country, upon looting him I found his suicide note which mentions the torture he went though at the Murfree cave. He had escaped but rather than risk being caught he took his life.

Edit: found them, killed them all.
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I'm honestly wondering what you expected? This in a nutshell is the same as every Rockstar Game ever. I'm loving it. There are so many different interactions with people it will take a while before I get bored.
I expected it to not feel like a game from 2014. When you get past the lovely graphics and huge world, it’s a pretty dull game. Because it’s a Rockstar game, I think people tend to go OTT.

“But you can hunt! And camp!”

You can do all of these things in the FarCry games too. And it’s just as tedious in them.

It’s NOT a bad game by any means, I’ve put in hell of a lot of hours. But the side missions are pointless and the main storyline is really weak in the latter part of the game.

It says it all when I can’t wait for the whole thing to end.

I have played and enjoyed every GTA game. RDR1 was ok but suffered from the same issues as this: samey missions and a story which just got predictable and bland.
RD2 is excellent in many ways but in my opinion the story is ridiculously overrated. There are a few highlights but most is just standard western fluff. Considering the story missions are so linear it should have been outstanding but it was a massive disappointment for me.

Yeah thats exactly what a lot of people are saying. I was expecting RD to be "game of the generation" kinda title. Still excited to play this will defo be picking it up at Christmas.
This video is a 3 minute example of why the bounty system is a bit fecked up at times. I knocked a guy over, he actually stepped back into my path because the NPC's are completely retarded at avoiding your horse sometimes, and I was done for assault, all I wanted to do was leave the scene and pay my bounty once the heat was off. But no, some dick drags me off my horse, and then I run after decking him.

I thought I could nip to the post office to pay my bounty, but the lawmen start shooting unrelentlessly at me for a $5 bounty!? They killed my fecking horse too. Glad the last thing I did whilst alive was revive her. Bullshit.

Gonna be honest, Dutch is really starting to piss me off, I'm at the start of chapter 6 and it's the same line 'money', 'then we disappear', like feck off. I'm dying of TB now and I have maxed out my honour, I like how Arthur is mellowing and seeing the big picture. Also, for some reason I really didn't like the Guarma part of the game. Just felt...weird. I was annoyed because I didn't know there all my shit was and it was just a shooting fest constantly. Not a huge fan tbh

This just happened to me, also in St Denis, on the way to pay a tiny bounty.
A total lack of proportionality.
Sometimes it allows you to surrender but in this case they did not give me the option.
This has become a monotonous slog now.

Missions have become: Ride to marker (which takes forever every time), talk to guy, ride with guy for hour and have to listen to him waffle on about something uninteresting, get to bad guys, kill them, collect object, ride for ages back to guy. Rinse, repeat. The whole thing looks incredible and the atmosphere is second to none but the actual gameplay and missions are so dated.

Chapter 5 was unnecessary and ridiculous too.

I keep thinking ‘please be the last mission’ and it throws up another one which I have to ride for ages to.

Getting bored with it now.

My god, are you a disgruntled ex employee of Rockstar ?

Just put the damn game down and stop playing it if you hate it so much.
Anyone got any decent names for their horses? I was hoping mine would be male so I could call it Duke - but it was female (the white awesome one you can find up in the snow) so I've called it Willow - which isn't anywhere near as good. Tempted by 'White Lightning' but I'm not sure any decent cowboy would have called their horse that.

Seabreeze v2.0
Seabreeze v3.0
Seabreeze v4.0
Ghost (White Arabian).
Paying a bounty in Saint Denis is the hardest. Trying to sneak right across town to the dock is a pain when there's lawmen everywhere. I paid mine off the other day and then while attempting to mount my horse, accidentally speared a guy and f*cking started it all over again.
Paying a bounty in Saint Denis is the hardest. Trying to sneak right across town to the dock is a pain when there's lawmen everywhere. I paid mine off the other day and then while attempting to mount my horse, accidentally speared a guy and f*cking started it all over again.
You can pay your bounty at any post office though. Whenever I was wanted in St Denis, I just went to Rhodes to pay as I encountered the same trouble as you, and didn't want to risk it happening again.
This has become a monotonous slog now.

Missions have become: Ride to marker (which takes forever every time), talk to guy, ride with guy for hour and have to listen to him waffle on about something uninteresting, get to bad guys, kill them, collect object, ride for ages back to guy. Rinse, repeat. The whole thing looks incredible and the atmosphere is second to none but the actual gameplay and missions are so dated.

Chapter 5 was unnecessary and ridiculous too.

I keep thinking ‘please be the last mission’ and it throws up another one which I have to ride for ages to.

Getting bored with it now.

Almost as monotonous as your constant complaining.

If you're not enjoying it just stop playing. I did the same thing with GoW but I didn't keep posting in the thread how boring I found it.
Paying a bounty in Saint Denis is the hardest. Trying to sneak right across town to the dock is a pain when there's lawmen everywhere. I paid mine off the other day and then while attempting to mount my horse, accidentally speared a guy and f*cking started it all over again.

While I've not accidently trampled that many people in St. Denis I do think the bounty system may be either bugged or slightly more sensitive there.

I got ambushed on the bridge out of the town and became wanted for shooting back when they tried to mug me.

Chapter 5 would have been much better if you had a bit of freedom rather than being forced into the missions. I would have loved to explore at that point.
You can pay your bounty at any post office though. Whenever I was wanted in St Denis, I just went to Rhodes to pay as I encountered the same trouble as you, and didn't want to risk it happening again.

I know but at that point I was already in Saint Denis.
While I've not accidently trampled that many people in St. Denis I do think the bounty system may be either bugged or slightly more sensitive there.

I got ambushed on the bridge out of the town and became wanted for shooting back when they tried to mug me.

Chapter 5 would have been much better if you had a bit of freedom rather than being forced into the missions. I would have loved to explore at that point.

I explored a bit. Went down to the river and took some pictures.
@b82REZ @jymufc20

So I’m only allowed to post my thoughts in here if it’s glowing praise? My posts have been constructive and thoughtful, I’m not trolling the thread in any way?

I never said it was a bad game?

I’ve never understood why some people get so protective of a damn video game.

I’ve just finished Epilogue 1, really enjoyed it. The story and characters felt far more at home than the ‘main’ part of the game.

Btw, anyone else find what’s her name sexy? The one who’s hard as nails?
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While I've not accidently trampled that many people in St. Denis I do think the bounty system may be either bugged or slightly more sensitive there.

I think it's meant to be a more advanced place than everywhere else so harder on crime, plus the people are softer.
Paying a bounty in Saint Denis is the hardest. Trying to sneak right across town to the dock is a pain when there's lawmen everywhere. I paid mine off the other day and then while attempting to mount my horse, accidentally speared a guy and f*cking started it all over again.

Lol the accidental spearing is out of control
If it's not that I'm riding my horse into a tree or rock
I’m shocked at the amount of horse deaths in this thread. My horse has only died once and that was due to an unfortunate dynamite throw myself but I still managed to revive him. Other than that Pegasus and now Secretariet (Big Red) have never even been close to death. What have you guys been doing to your horses?

Tip: you know if in a wooded area you just let god take the wheel and the horse will steer itself through the trees. Just hold A or PS4 equvelant and let the horse guide you.
I think it's meant to be a more advanced place than everywhere else so harder on crime, plus the people are softer.

That's the impression I got as well.

It does make some sense as St. Denis represents the antithesis of the Wild West.
I’m shocked at the amount of horse deaths in this thread. My horse has only died once and that was due to an unfortunate dynamite throw myself but I still managed to revive him. Other than that Pegasus and now Secretariet (Big Red) have never even been close to death. What have you guys been doing to your horses?

Tip: you know if in a wooded area you just let god take the wheel and the horse will steer itself through the trees. Just hold A or PS4 equvelant and let the horse guide you.

I know I’ve moaned about the gameplay and annoyed a few of you in the meantime but holy cow the setting of this game is just gorgeous. It’s because of this I’ve kept playing this far.

And the music is beautiful and works so well because it is used sparingly.

See, I do have good stuff to say about the game as well.

The amount of times I’ve held Y to loot something or get on horse only for it to glitch out and freeze for a few seconds is getting very old now though. And I had a mission bug out on me just now, I had to die on purpose to restart it.
I know I’ve moaned about the gameplay and annoyed a few of you in the meantime but holy cow the setting of this game is just gorgeous. It’s because of this I’ve kept playing this far.

And the music is beautiful and works so well because it is used sparingly.

See, I do have good stuff to say about the game as well.

The amount of times I’ve held Y to loot something or get on horse only for it to glitch out and freeze for a few seconds is getting very old now though. And I had a mission bug out on me just now, I had to die on purpose to restart it.
That reminds me, for the obscene amount of time I spent with this game, I've maybe seen 1 or 2 graphical bugs and nothing has glitched on me. Really impressed. I'm on ps4 pro.
only just started playing this - incredible. but a bit annoying that getting the camp out of the red into the yellow (provisions etc) costs a fortune - most of my money has just gone on that :(

Anyone got any decent names for their horses? I was hoping mine would be male so I could call it Duke - but it was female (the white awesome one you can find up in the snow) so I've called it Willow - which isn't anywhere near as good. Tempted by 'White Lightning' but I'm not sure any decent cowboy would have called their horse that.
First horse was Ned, my second is called Ned-209. For the third I'll probably go with RoboClop.
That reminds me, for the obscene amount of time I spent with this game, I've maybe seen 1 or 2 graphical bugs and nothing has glitched on me. Really impressed. I'm on ps4 pro.

I agree, I've only had one glitch when I got off a horse, floated next to it and then got put back onto it after 25+ hours playtime. Really impressive and shows it was not rushed to release like most games. Also, no patches after the first on day one which is almost unheard of in the first few weeks nowadays.

Sounds like the first patch will be when the online functionality is released.
Anyone find the Watson cabin north of strawberry? An old woman lives there alone and has tons of valuables and a donkey. There’s also a semi automatic shotgun in her cellar. She was a nasty old lady though, spewing all kinds of venom at me, so I tied her up put her outside while I looted. When I got outside I noticed she’d somehow gotten free and decided to hop on her donkey, while threatening to call for her sons. I quickly went after her and eventually tired her up again, shot the poor donkey so she couldn’t feck off again and untied her again, to give her another chence. Unfortunately she then pulled out a knife on me so that was that. Off with her head.
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