Gaming Red Dead Redemption 2 (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Stadia)

I did it again, had a big pelt on my horse, came across a pristine bear to skin, killed a guy for his horse so I could keep both pelts, honor went down. Maybe I should just embrace the madness.
I never have a clue when to sleep, eat etc. My deadeye is always shit. Someone tell me what to do to have a high amount of everything most of the time
That core bit in the middle? That would explain why mine is so low then. Was wondering how to increase that.
Your deadeye core can be replenished by drinking alcohol, smoking or eating certain cooked meats at a campfire. The more core you have, the more the deadeye metre is replenished when you kill something. To level up your deadeye you have to things such as skinning animals, camp chores, drinking Valerian Root or crafting things. You also get deadeye upgrades through the story automatically.
I'm finding this a bit of a chore to be honest, not too sure why it gets the acclaim that it does.

The characters are ok, the storyline is predictable and the quest lines so far have been pretty standard fare i.e. 'Go here, steal wagon, take it to yellow marker', rinse repeat.

I expect a little bit more from gaming in 2018. It looks gorgeous, the atmosphere and landcapes are spot-on. But it's all, I dunno, a bit boring? I spend so much time having to ride my horse for bloody ages to get anywhere. And the guns feel weak and a bit crappy too although maybe I need to invest in some better ones?

Not blown away, far from it. Going to finish the main story ASAP and then trade it I think.
I'm finding this a bit of a chore to be honest, not too sure why it gets the acclaim that it does.

The characters are ok, the storyline is predictable and the quest lines so far have been pretty standard fare i.e. 'Go here, steal wagon, take it to yellow marker', rinse repeat.

I expect a little bit more from gaming in 2018. It looks gorgeous, the atmosphere and landcapes are spot-on. But it's all, I dunno, a bit boring? I spend so much time having to ride my horse for bloody ages to get anywhere. And the guns feel weak and a bit crappy too although maybe I need to invest in some better ones?

Not blown away, far from it. Going to finish the main story ASAP and then trade it I think.

I think this plus you wanting to finish the main story ASAP means this game was clearly not for you. I’ve played probably about 15 main missions and I’ve had the game two weeks. My favourite thing about the game is exploring on my horse looking at the whole world and doing random shit.
I think this plus you wanting to finish the main story ASAP means this game was clearly not for you. I’ve played probably about 15 main missions and I’ve had the game two weeks. My favourite thing about the game is exploring on my horse looking at the whole world and doing random shit.
Yeah I don't think I'll ever get bored of just riding my horse through the environments. I don't even push my horse to run fast, I just use a constant gallop even on paths I've already taken a dozen times before. It just feels wrong to get around at the fastest pace, like it would feel wrong in real life.
I think this plus you wanting to finish the main story ASAP means this game was clearly not for you. I’ve played probably about 15 main missions and I’ve had the game two weeks. My favourite thing about the game is exploring on my horse looking at the whole world and doing random shit.
This is the thing, I generally love games where I can role play and do stuff like fishing etc. I just find RDR2 a little bland. After I've done stuff like dancing with an NPC or some fishing (which has been in gaming for years on other stuff), I get bored.

There are too many random guys running around which kills the immersion for me as well "Help me!" as I ride past. Nah you're ok, I am just trying to get to my next mission because it feels like I've been riding this horse across these samey looking environments for 20 minutes now.

I'm probably coming across as grumpy. I do appreciate how much time and effort has gone into this. I just feel like I've done it all a million times before in games like Skyrim, and I expect more from gaming these days.
Went searching for the white Arabian last night. Spooked it but managed to get onto it on the second attempt, then it kicked me off and fecked off into the distance. I spent two days camping looking for it and I couldn't find it again - when will I get another chance? Managed to hunt some legendary white bastard at the same time so the trip wasn't completely wasted.
Not sure what people were expecting. This is no different to any other Rockstar game ever made.
I was expecting evolution I guess. Everything in this looks 2018 but the actualy gameplay mechanics and quest structures are stuck in the past. I could be playing a game that is 10 years old if it wasn't for the incredible 4K visuals.

I'm not saying it's a bad game. I really enjoy the Rockstar games. I love GTA Vice City and I love GTA V, for example - which are both more 'fun' than this is, probably because they take themselves less seriously. And yes, I know this is supposed to be weighty, serious and have that authentic western vibe. And it delivers on this spectacularly.

I just feel that in an age where open world, sandbox games are ten-a-penny, this just feels so overrated. I was expecting so much more going from comments on here but it's just a shiny, bigger Read Dead Redemption 1, with worse characters, more monotonous fetch quests and a bog standard story arc. I've seen it all a hundred times before and want more from my gaming now.

edit: not sure what happened to my font here!
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I was expecting evolution I guess. Everything in this looks 2018 but the actualy gameplay mechanics and quest structures are stuck in the past. I could be playing a game that is 10 years old if it wasn't for the incredible 4K visuals.

I'm not saying it's a bad game. I really enjoy the Rockstar games. I love GTA Vice City and I love GTA V, for example - which are both more 'fun' than this is, probably because they take themselves less seriously. And yes, I know this is supposed to be weighty, serious and have that authentic western vibe. And it delivers on this spectacularly.

I just feel that in an age where open world, sandbox games are ten-a-penny, this just feels so overrated. I was expecting so much more going from comments on here but it's just a shiny, bigger Read Dead Redemption 1, with worse characters, monotonous fetch quests and a bog standard story arc. I've seen it all a hundred times already.

edit: not sure what happened to my font here!
it's fecking ace.

i don't get the bolded part, there's so much in this game that leaves me in awe that i can't believe R* thought to put into a videogame. the world is incredible.
it's fecking ace.

i don't get the bolded part, there's so much in this game that leaves me in awe that i can't believe R* thought to put into a videogame. the world is incredible.
It's not groundbreaking stuff though is it?

'Go to sleep at your camp'

'Press X to dance with NPC'

'Get drunk at bar'

All of this stuff has been around for ages. No-one executes it like R*, granted. But the more I play, the more I'm like "Meh, I've done this so many times in games now, it's not appealing to me."

I get that most of you absoutely love it though so I've said my bit, don't need to repeat myself.
One thing that really bugs me is that even if you set the weapons in the gunsmith to be on your back and shoulder they tend to disappear after a bit and you have to go dig about on the horse again. I would prefer it as once I set it that’s it, everytime I step off my horse unless I say different they should be strapped to me.

Another thing that when I’m out on my horse and a situation pops up and I just use the aim prompt to pull out a weapon it always seems to be my sniper rifle. The most inappropriate gun for the situation, would be better if I could set it so that it’s always my schofields or Lancaster.

I tend to just automatically go in to the wheel now to choose a weapon and hit some tobacco chew but kinda kills the flow of the situation.
The gameplay mechanics are just all right, it doesn't really matter because the setting and story in this game are absolutely ace. This is the best open world I've ever seen for me and even beats awesome creations in Witcher and Horizon.
It's not groundbreaking stuff though is it?

'Go to sleep at your camp'

'Press X to dance with NPC'

'Get drunk at bar'

All of this stuff has been around for ages. No-one executes it like R*, granted. But the more I play, the more I'm like "Meh, I've done this so many times in games now, it's not appealing to me."

I get that most of you absoutely love it though so I've said my bit, don't need to repeat myself.
What would you have liked for it to have that would be groundbreaking?
On the one hand, I think you’re right; Rockstar have created a very good game with the same flaws that exist within their games, but haven’t done much to take the mantle of Triple A much further than some of the classics in recent years.

On the other, some of your criticism sounds like you’re not even sure yourself what more you want from the game. Aside from polishing the abysmal controls and shooting systems, providing some sort of remedy for the glacial pace Arthur struts around, and tightening the story toward the latter arcs, what more could do they do?
I was expecting evolution I guess. Everything in this looks 2018 but the actualy gameplay mechanics and quest structures are stuck in the past. I could be playing a game that is 10 years old if it wasn't for the incredible 4K visuals.

I'm not saying it's a bad game. I really enjoy the Rockstar games. I love GTA Vice City and I love GTA V, for example - which are both more 'fun' than this is, probably because they take themselves less seriously. And yes, I know this is supposed to be weighty, serious and have that authentic western vibe. And it delivers on this spectacularly.

I just feel that in an age where open world, sandbox games are ten-a-penny, this just feels so overrated. I was expecting so much more going from comments on here but it's just a shiny, bigger Read Dead Redemption 1, with worse characters, more monotonous fetch quests and a bog standard story arc. I've seen it all a hundred times before and want more from my gaming now.

edit: not sure what happened to my font here!

Fair enough. I just wanted a bigger, shinier Red Dead Dedemption because for me I love getting immersed in a sandbox world and there's none more iconic than the American Old West.

Not sure I'd say the characters are worse from what I've played so far either. I love the whole gang on the run vibe and the dynamics within the group.
It's not groundbreaking stuff though is it?

'Go to sleep at your camp'

'Press X to dance with NPC'

'Get drunk at bar'

All of this stuff has been around for ages. No-one executes it like R*, granted. But the more I play, the more I'm like "Meh, I've done this so many times in games now, it's not appealing to me."

I get that most of you absoutely love it though so I've said my bit, don't need to repeat myself.

I’ve literally not danced with a single NPC or camped much. I did go up into the mountains for the first time in ages last night though and forgot how good the snow looked. Put on my bear hat and went looking for a gunslinger. I found an ice pond and wondered what happens if I shoot it, run on it, etc... had a shootout with a gang, chased a deer through the trees, shot a wolf and realised there were way too fecking many to handle and bolted on my horse near death and barely escaped across a river, etc.. and that was all in about 45 mins of no real directioned playing. Was great fun.
It's not groundbreaking stuff though is it?

'Go to sleep at your camp'

'Press X to dance with NPC'

'Get drunk at bar'

All of this stuff has been around for ages. No-one executes it like R*, granted. But the more I play, the more I'm like "Meh, I've done this so many times in games now, it's not appealing to me."

I get that most of you absoutely love it though so I've said my bit, don't need to repeat myself.
it's not groundbreaking, but what is these days?

Most great games of this generation tend to just refine what's come before into a better experience. God of War, H:ZD, TW3 etc. There's only so much that can be done with the current hardware.

I'd say the last truly revolutionary game was BotW but I can't think of many more, really.
@Massive Spanner @Solius @CassiusClaymore @Andersons Dietician

Again, let me make it clear that I don't think it's a bad game. I enjoy it, for what it is. I was simply expecting more, going from posts here and on Reddit.

For example, spending an hour just 'doing nothing, like hunting' or whatever. You've been able to do this in games like Far Cry since like forever. I'm not interested in doing it again in RDR2.

We already have games like DayZ that have been around for ages, where you can truly lose yourself in an absolutely massive world, meet real players, build stuff to survive, hunt wildlife, kill stuff etc. That's just one example, there are so many games now where you can do everything that RDR2 offers, and then some. This does have that extra R* polish though and that alone was reason enough for me to dip my toes into the world.

I was expecting a world that felt more alive than it does in this though, everything still feels formulaic, like it did in RDR1 8 years ago. I hate seeing random NPCs standing around waiting for me to discover them, so I can show them how to get back to town, even though the town is literally 3 minutes away, again, is just money for old rope. It's lazy, I've done these kind fetch quests time and time again in RDR1. And it ruins the immersion. I'd rather be alone for hours, in the wilderness, for atmosphere purposes than see some cheesy random dude every 5 minutes who wants to talk shit with me, just so I can complete some mundane side quest.

I really did think I'd be blown away by this - I expected story telling and acting not seen before in gaming. Instead, we've still got characters talking over each other when I'm trying to focus on completing a mission. Clunky combat and movement. I just don't get the hype surrounding this but if we cast our minds back, it was similiar with Skyrim and that had many of the same issues (for me) that this has and that's samey missions, bad combat etc.

What I do enjoy is the sun coming up in the morning as I ride towards a new town. That is spectacular. But I'm looking forward to it finishing now and getting my teeth into something with more substance than 'Go to yellow marker, steal man's wagon, take it to next yellow marker, rinse, repeat.'
@Massive Spanner @Solius @CassiusClaymore @Andersons Dietician

Again, let me make it clear that I don't think it's a bad game. I enjoy it, for what it is. I was simply expecting more, going from posts here and on Reddit.

For example, spending an hour just 'doing nothing, like hunting' or whatever. You've been able to do this in games like Far Cry since like forever. I'm not interested in doing it again in RDR2.

We already have games like DayZ that have been around for ages, where you can truly lose yourself in an absolutely massive world, meet real players, build stuff to survive, hunt wildlife, kill stuff etc. That's just one example, there are so many games now where you can do everything that RDR2 offers, and then some. This does have that extra R* polish though and that alone was reason enough for me to dip my toes into the world.

I was expecting a world that felt more alive than it does in this though, everything still feels formulaic, like it did in RDR1 8 years ago. I hate seeing random NPCs standing around waiting for me to discover them, so I can show them how to get back to town, even though the town is literally 3 minutes away, again, is just money for old rope. It's lazy, I've done these kind fetch quests time and time again in RDR1. And it ruins the immersion. I'd rather be alone for hours, in the wilderness, for atmosphere purposes than see some cheesy random dude every 5 minutes who wants to talk shit with me, just so I can complete some mundane side quest.

I really did think I'd be blown away by this - I expected story telling and acting not seen before in gaming. Instead, we've still got characters talking over each other when I'm trying to focus on completing a mission. Clunky combat and movement. I just don't get the hype surrounding this but if we cast our minds back, it was similiar with Skyrim and that had many of the same issues (for me) that this has and that's samey missions, bad combat etc.

What I do enjoy is the sun coming up in the morning as I ride towards a new town. That is spectacular. But I'm looking forward to it finishing now and getting my teeth into something with more substance than 'Go to yellow marker, steal man's wagon, take it to next yellow marker, rinse, repeat.'

Like what?
@Massive Spanner @Solius @CassiusClaymore @Andersons Dietician
I really did think I'd be blown away by this - I expected story telling and acting not seen before in gaming.

For an open world game, the story telling & it's underlying themes, characters & their arcs and acting as a whole has never been seen before in my opinion. Even minor characters have tons of personality and NPC's with one or two lines are well acted.
@Massive Spanner @Solius @CassiusClaymore @Andersons Dietician

Again, let me make it clear that I don't think it's a bad game. I enjoy it, for what it is. I was simply expecting more, going from posts here and on Reddit.

For example, spending an hour just 'doing nothing, like hunting' or whatever. You've been able to do this in games like Far Cry since like forever. I'm not interested in doing it again in RDR2.

We already have games like DayZ that have been around for ages, where you can truly lose yourself in an absolutely massive world, meet real players, build stuff to survive, hunt wildlife, kill stuff etc. That's just one example, there are so many games now where you can do everything that RDR2 offers, and then some. This does have that extra R* polish though and that alone was reason enough for me to dip my toes into the world.

I was expecting a world that felt more alive than it does in this though, everything still feels formulaic, like it did in RDR1 8 years ago. I hate seeing random NPCs standing around waiting for me to discover them, so I can show them how to get back to town, even though the town is literally 3 minutes away, again, is just money for old rope. It's lazy, I've done these kind fetch quests time and time again in RDR1. And it ruins the immersion. I'd rather be alone for hours, in the wilderness, for atmosphere purposes than see some cheesy random dude every 5 minutes who wants to talk shit with me, just so I can complete some mundane side quest.

I really did think I'd be blown away by this - I expected story telling and acting not seen before in gaming. Instead, we've still got characters talking over each other when I'm trying to focus on completing a mission. Clunky combat and movement. I just don't get the hype surrounding this but if we cast our minds back, it was similiar with Skyrim and that had many of the same issues (for me) that this has and that's samey missions, bad combat etc.

What I do enjoy is the sun coming up in the morning as I ride towards a new town. That is spectacular. But I'm looking forward to it finishing now and getting my teeth into something with more substance than 'Go to yellow marker, steal man's wagon, take it to next yellow marker, rinse, repeat.'

I think you make some fair points tbh particularly about the repetitive nature of some of the stranger missions. The escort to town one get's old pretty quickly.

I'll get you town alright. Hog tied and dragged face down behind Fred.
I'd avoid reddit when certain games or TV shows are on until I know I've fully caught up.

Yeah I will be doing now. It's been spot on to be fair. They just fecked up.

It is a bit ridiculous. I keep trying to be a good guy and losing honor for ridiculous things. I’m only on chapter 3, but one of the most ridiculous bits for me has been the train robbery with John. Oh sure, we’re gonna rob an entire train, that’s no problem at all, but robbing the individual people on the train, that’s a no from me sir. You lose honor for that.

That's literally what they are though? They're robbers so you're bound to lose honour. I think it's meant to fluctuate as you struggle to get by.
Cyberpunk 2077. I can wait.
But even that game will probably have many of the same issues that you have with this one. I mean, you speak about something with more substance than 'Go to yellow marker, steal man's wagon, take it to next yellow marker, rinse, repeat.' But even The Witcher 3 can be reduced to that, if you're ignoring context. And context is what makes RDR 2 special in my opinion, just like The Witcher 3. Ultimately, you can reduce everything to the basic actions of "go somewhere, do something, go somewhere else, rinse, repeat". What games like The Witcher 3 and RDR 2 attempt is to give as much context and meaning as possible to those basic actions. I would not expect anything else from Cyberpunk 2077.

It seems to me like you're looking for something that is not found within the realm of AAA open-world games.

Edit: I would also like to add I think the addition of the camp was an absolutely brilliant move by Rockstar in my opinion. It does give this game something I've never had in an open world, and that's feeling like you have a place to call home in the game. And not just in the physical sense, I really feel like I'm coming home to the family when I return to camp in this game. It goes a long way to making you feel less like a random wanderer in the game world, and more like someone who truly belongs there.
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I’m pretty sure I’m now the DK of the Wild West. My horse drifting skills are on another level, if only your horse could power out of the drift. Pulled a 360 drift as I pulled in to a gang camp then started firing, they must have been stunned by my horse skills cause those poor feckers didn’t hit a thing.