Gaming Red Dead Redemption 2 (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Stadia)

Some guy shot my horse in a random encounter. We had full bonding and I’d had that horse for ages :( I hogtied the cnut and fed him to the gators. Trying to buy a new one was a pain in the arse as no stables seemed to have any. Instead I jumped into their yard and stuck a saddle on a nice looking one and rode off :lol:
Some guy shot my horse in a random encounter. We had full bonding and I’d had that horse for ages :( I hogtied the cnut and fed him to the gators. Trying to buy a new one was a pain in the arse as no stables seemed to have any. Instead I jumped into their yard and stuck a saddle on a nice looking one and rode off :lol:
Can't you just reload an earlier save when losing a horse like that? Did your stolen horse have some nice stats at least?
Can't you just reload an earlier save when losing a horse like that? Did your stolen horse have some nice stats at least?

Some of my saves are well too long ago. That's why I couldn't when mine got shot.

Some guy shot my horse in a random encounter. We had full bonding and I’d had that horse for ages :( I hogtied the cnut and fed him to the gators. Trying to buy a new one was a pain in the arse as no stables seemed to have any. Instead I jumped into their yard and stuck a saddle on a nice looking one and rode off :lol:

It'll be a slow Tennessee Walker won't it? I thought about doing the same, but went and tamed another Thoroughbred. They're pretty fast.

Decided to not buy this game. It seems very consuming and I want to wait for the ps5 release of it. I just hope I forget all the spoilers i've been reading :lol: The random encounters seems more detailed than the GTA missions sometimes, that is very cool.
Man you're crazy if you're waiting for the PS5 to play this beauty. Random encouters are plenty and ridiculious
The voice actor for Jack might be the worst I’ve ever heard.
No matter. You know what to do: Hogtie, railroad, 1407 to St Denis.

Jack sorted.
I do not condone murdering sweet children. Jack's an angel.
Man you're crazy if you're waiting for the PS5 to play this beauty. Random encouters are plenty and ridiculious

Seconded. We don’t even know when it’ll come out, but I’m pretty confident it’s not going to be next year. Mike’s looking at a long wait.

Even then I don’t imagine a remaster will be ready at launch.

If you’ve got a proper 4K TV, maybe hold off until they’ve patched HDR (I at least hope they’ll do that, so underwhelming), but other than that I don’t see any good reason to wait. If you don’t have a PS4 I could half understand it, but I’d say that would be worth it for the other exclusives.
Seconded. We don’t even know when it’ll come out, but I’m pretty confident it’s not going to be next year. Mike’s looking at a long wait.

Even then I don’t imagine a remaster will be ready at launch.

If you’ve got a proper 4K TV, maybe hold off until they’ve patched HDR (I at least hope they’ll do that, so underwhelming), but other than that I don’t see any good reason to wait. If you don’t have a PS4 I could half understand it, but I’d say that would be worth it for the other exclusives.
Even without 4K TV, it looks gorgeous.
I'm not quite getting what peoples problem is with the PS4 Pro and 4k HDR. It looks absolutely gorgeous to me, I tried turning the HDR off as some folk said it looked better but after a good few minutes of having to mess about with the picture settings I just wasn't seeing the big improvement, or whatever's meant to be wrong with the HDR so I just switched back.
What a game! I don't get on a lot, but went on for a few missions on Saturday night. Ended up blasting about 5 hours without a single mission played :boring:
Even without HDR and on a "normal" 1080p tv it looks incredible. I don't know how anyone would argue otherwise. Perhaps in still images it doesn't hold up under close scrutiny? In motion, it's absolutely spectacular.

I've read about a known bug about some people at camp disappearing in chapter 2. I was wondering if I was affected because those people don't seem to show up often. If I see little Jack walking around, I'm good, right? There's also this woman with a white blouse and a hat sitting around and sometimes crying, so I guess she might be Sadie, but I'm not sure.
For those who have completed the story...

Would you advise finishing stranger missions before finishing chapter 4? Or will they be safe going into 5 & 6?
Even without HDR and on a "normal" 1080p tv it looks incredible. I don't know how anyone would argue otherwise. Perhaps in still images it doesn't hold up under close scrutiny? In motion, it's absolutely spectacular.

I've read about a known bug about some people at camp disappearing in chapter 2. I was wondering if I was affected because those people don't seem to show up often. If I see little Jack walking around, I'm good, right? There's also this woman with a white blouse and a hat sitting around and sometimes crying, so I guess she might be Sadie, but I'm not sure.
If you see Jack and John in camp after you’ve done an early mission going into town with Uncle you’re fine.
Got caught in an intense lightning storm up by the waterfall in Roanoake at night. Booked it back through the woods and there was a corpse hanging from a tree at the side of the trail.

I knew exactly what was coming, but it still scared the shite out if me when a group of hillbillies came out of the woods with cloth masks and knives. It's the most spooked I've ever been from any game - the sheer atmosphere of the dark woods, lightning and the hanging body was legitamately terrifying! My heart was racing afterwards :nervous:
I'm not quite getting what peoples problem is with the PS4 Pro and 4k HDR. It looks absolutely gorgeous to me, I tried turning the HDR off as some folk said it looked better but after a good few minutes of having to mess about with the picture settings I just wasn't seeing the big improvement, or whatever's meant to be wrong with the HDR so I just switched back.

I don’t see it as worse with HDR either, but in any other game or show or whatever that utilises HDR I find that there’s a marked improvement. Not so with RDR2.
Arthur Morgan is probably my favourite protagonist in a video game. So credit to rockstar as I didn’t think Marston would be topped.
I love the little random events/NPCs. Came across a civil war veteran bunkered down in a little fort on a hill, he threatened me as I approached and warned that there were confederates around still and to be careful. I bid him adieu, then moments later 3 guys on horseback come charging down the hill and all hell breaks loose. I rode around his fort in circles on my horse using it as cover while I gunned down the attackers and once the red mist settled I returned to my new friend to see if he was okay. He wasn't. He was lying prone on the ground outside his fort. Dead. I think I must have accidentally ridden over him in the chaos.

I felt really sad as I looted his body. RIP Captain Russell.
Can't you just reload an earlier save when losing a horse like that? Did your stolen horse have some nice stats at least?

I could but I like to go with whatever happens even if it’s bad.
I thought the game peaked in chapter 3 with the Grays vs Braithwaite story. Chapter 4 was good but I was disappointed with 5 and 6 and wasn’t sure why until I read your post. Less interesting characters definitely get all the screen time, I thought the Indian plot was terrible because the Indians had no personality and I just never cared about them in this game.

Meanwhile there was Javier, Strauss and the Reverend who do nothing since the earlier chapters, what was their purpose? I know Javier helped out in missions but we never really learn anything about him or in the end even have reason to dislike him, which we should considering his role in RDR1.

I’ve only just started epilogue chapter one. I’d probably agree with your rating because even though parts of the story and the severe lack of fast travel have disappointed me, it’s so immersive, beautiful and fun I can’t find a way to dislike it.
Yeah, chapter 3 is the all time high point of the game - the handholding tutorials are gone, the world opens up massively, and the camp is at the happiest it will ever be.

To be fair, the game ties up Strauss nicely, and Reverend does get a scene where he leaves if you finish the Penelope Braithwaite quest. But yeah, Javier, Karen, Mary-Beth etc.; so many characters with more depth that could’ve been looked into and developed, but for some reason the game shoves the pretty cliched narrative of Indian settlement disputes in your face. They exist only for the sake a few conversations in the camp. Bit annoying.

Plenty of other ways of ensuring Arthur redeems himself as a human, many better plots.
Went to pay off my bounty, came out the post office, got on horse and proceeded to knock over a dog, it died and I'm now wanted for animal cruelty.
gave up on finding the arabian horse up north and tamed a gray thoroughbreed, spent some coin on a nice charcoal saddle and so on...

from what I can gather online, there is no way to increase the speed and acceleration of the horses?

also on a sidenote, my original free ardennes horse died but yesterday when I was in the stables I was able to claim another one for free
I have adapted very well to the elegant life of St Denis. I pretend to be a gentleman, and I say I pretend because I continue with my miserable 100 dollars.
During the day I go around hunting or looting, trying to get money for daily expenses(hotel,bath,drinks,shopping).
I handle better the subject of assaults and the law. Basically with duck and cover is enough, so now I allow myself crimes in the city center.
The last one, an upper-class French woman, who I stabbed while smoking a cigarette. It provoked a very large search throughout the city.
An aristocrat, also French flirt with me every time in the tavern. Our love is only separated by a hypothetical patch.
gave up on finding the arabian horse up north and tamed a gray thoroughbreed, spent some coin on a nice charcoal saddle and so on...

from what I can gather online, there is no way to increase the speed and acceleration of the horses?

also on a sidenote, my original free ardennes horse died but yesterday when I was in the stables I was able to claim another one for free
You can sort of increase the speed, if you buy the top of the range stirrups the covered toe version they give you a boost of 2 for speed and acceleration. That white Arabian should be on the left hand side of lake Isabella. There is like a little hut up that way but you should see the horse before you reach that far.
You can sort of increase the speed, if you buy the top of the range stirrups the covered toe version they give you a boost of 2 for speed and acceleration. That white Arabian should be on the left hand side of lake Isabella. There is like a little guy up that way but you should see the horse before you reach that far.

I saw it once, got bucked off and have never seen it since every time I've gone back up there
I’m outside the gun shop in Rhodes and there’s one guy boasting about his new gun to another guy. He then accidentally shoots and kills his friend and runs off. A couple of people in town saw this got on horses and chased after him. :lol:
I have adapted very well to the elegant life of St Denis. I pretend to be a gentleman, and I say I pretend because I continue with my miserable 100 dollars.
During the day I go around hunting or looting, trying to get money for daily expenses(hotel,bath,drinks,shopping).
I handle better the subject of assaults and the law. Basically with duck and cover is enough, so now I allow myself crimes in the city center.
The last one, an upper-class French woman, who I stabbed while smoking a cigarette. It provoked a very large search throughout the city.
An aristocrat, also French flirt with me every time in the tavern. Our love is only separated by a hypothetical patch.

:lol: Some people play so differently.
Last few days I’ve just been hunting rabbits and today when I wasn’t even looking for them I managed to get 2 pristine ones with two cracking shots from range with the varmint rifle. Was super chuffed with the shot, they were both being chased by a coyote.

Next up Squirrels, badgers, raccoons and beavers. The larger animals are far easier to kill and find.
Went up north to look for bears, ended up finding an elk instead so killed and skinned it. Decided to explore a bit more and look for cabins, found a bear but fecked up and didn't get the perfect pelt, found another and got the perfect pelt.
The problem is I had no room so decided to wait on the road for someone to kill for their horse, two came along, killed both and their horses ran, I went after them but a witness came, tried to kill him but failed, bounty hunters came so I ran horse in tow and pelt on shoulder. Escaped the red and waited, eventually carried on walking, came across the moonshiners in camp, wasn't going to kill them but my horse trampled one so I had no choice. Their horse ran off though so I had to keep walking.
Finally came across a guy, killed him and took his horse and made my way back to camp at last.

Could probably put Mourinho's pic in that too.
Having real difficulty trying to get a perfect panther pelt. One jumped out at me and the horse, so I shot it prior to studying it. Then another one appeared the next day, I studied it, but didn't have a rifle, thought I could get away with a repeater to the head. Didn't work.

Now I can't bloody lure them out anywhere, even with potent predator bait. Any tips?

Also, found a guy dying on his horse, took him to the nearest doctor and watched him get his arm amputated. Class.
Riding with John made me feel inadequate. He was towering over me on his big horse with me on my dainty white Arabian. I'm retiring her to the stables and getting a big bastard to look cool.
Riding with John made me feel inadequate. He was towering over me on his big horse with me on my dainty white Arabian. I'm retiring her to the stables and getting a big bastard to look cool.
Yeah, many are focused on maxing out their horse option but while role-playing I still want a mean horse. I'll save the racing-level Arabian for later...