Gaming Red Dead Redemption 2 (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Stadia)

Also still on Chapter 2. By the time I decide I'm ready for a mission I've been playing for hours and need to go to sleep.
Chapter 2 is when fishing is unlocked, I believe.

The honour bar lets you get discount on items. Some items are locked if you don’t have enough honour. Which happened to me even though I have 100k.

Also think some side missions are reliant on having good honour.
I think my plan is to mainly plow through the chapter 2 missions and then do the exploring. The intro chapter was slow enough so I want some meat on the story now.

Also I made a mistake not going for a Doc Holliday / Wyatt Earp handlebar moustache which needs correcting when I get the chance.
Can I feck off and go to Saint Denis early for a look? Only on Chapter 2 mission 1. I'm at the point where I want to feck around, I'll binge play missions eventually.
Can I feck off and go to Saint Denis early for a look? Only on Chapter 2 mission 1. I'm at the point where I want to feck around, I'll binge play missions eventually.
I wanted to do that but my mate said not to as the point where you enter in the story is supposedly really cool.
Seems to me that people who complain about the pace may as well be RPG fans whining about COD, the game’s clearly not made with you in mind, too bad (no snark intended). I find it weird that there are people out there who want an open world to get lost in, but who don’t feel it when a major company gets super detailed and adds the little things that just make it that much more real. To each their own, I guess.

Just got to chapter 3, nice to have a change of scenery. Last night I got home from work and my hours of gaming consisted of some chatting and chores around the camp, a couple of minor missions, some fishing and chatting, and then more hanging out at the camp.

Fantastically immersive, and the way the characters behave and interact is so ridiculously life-life

I think when people say slow, they mean following an npc at a tedious pace over a large stretch. It’s a huge game and getting from a to b can be a bit of journey sometimes and when it’s with in the confines of set route it can get very tedious. At least I found it to be so. Being able to go at your own pace and route certainly made the game feel a lot better.

My only grip now is the controls are clunky. Nothing happens fast, and sometimes doesn’t work at all. Horses path finding gets in the way of actually steering the thing. If been rammed into a tree more than once because the horse wanted to avoid a bush for example. You could it’s immersion because horses are stupid, but to me it’s tedious fighting the controls and it takes away from the immersion.

Another complaint is the mask. I don’t get it’s purpose because it doesn’t work. Even when there’s no witnesses I still find myself wanted with a large bounty with the mask on. I robbed a train, had the mask on the whole time. Escaped(wanted level disappeared) took the mask off, turned a corner and I’m lit up like a Christmas tree utterly surrounded in seconds. Frustrating, immersion breaking. I love the game but little things are breaking up my game play and taking me out of it.
I think when people say slow, they mean following an npc at a tedious pace over a large stretch. It’s a huge game and getting from a to b can be a bit of journey sometimes and when it’s with in the confines of set route it can get very tedious. At least I found it to be so. Being able to go at your own pace and route certainly made the game feel a lot better.

My only grip now is the controls are clunky. Nothing happens fast, and sometimes doesn’t work at all. Horses path finding gets in the way of actually steering the thing. If been rammed into a tree more than once because the horse wanted to avoid a bush for example. You could it’s immersion because horses are stupid, but to me it’s tedious fighting the controls and it takes away from the immersion.

Another complaint is the mask. I don’t get it’s purpose because it doesn’t work. Even when there’s no witnesses I still find myself wanted with a large bounty with the mask on. I robbed a train, had the mask on the whole time. Escaped(wanted level disappeared) took the mask off, turned a corner and I’m lit up like a Christmas tree utterly surrounded in seconds. Frustrating, immersion breaking. I love the game but little things are breaking up my game play and taking me out of it.
I think for the mask to work you need to change your horse and clothes after you perform the crime. So if you reenter the crime area looking the exact same just without a mask you will be wanted.

That's what I've been doing when stealing carriages to sell and I haven't had any bounty put on me for my crimes.

I think changing your hair and shaving/getting a beard also helps but I haven't done that

Edit - Also you can store 3 different outfits on your horse so you can change quickly after the crime
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I think for the mask to work you need to change your horse and clothes after you perform the crime. So if you reenter the crime area looking the exact same just without a mask you will be wanted.

That's what I've been doing when stealing carriages to sell and I haven't had any bounty put on me for my crimes.

I think changing your hair and shaving/getting a beard also helps but I haven't done that

Edit - Also you can store 3 different outfits on your horse so you can change quickly after the crime

Damn, I didn’t know that. This game still has mysteries to me. Thanks for tips, bud. :)
There is always someone to witness a crime FFS. It's ridiculous!

Haven't done it yet but what if you just silently knife someone in an alleyway somewhere and make no noise? Can you get away with that? Thinking of trying it in Valentine after dark. There's always a fool leaning at the side of the saloon so he's a prime candidate.
Finished work today, start a new job on Monday. Going to play the shit out of this after starting it at the weekend.

I've just done the first hunting mission and I'm still confined to the snowy areas. Only about 2 hours in I'd say. How long roughly until I'm let loose into the real world?
Also still on Chapter 2. By the time I decide I'm ready for a mission I've been playing for hours and need to go to sleep.

Had the same yesterday :lol: Started at 7 pm and finished at 1.30 AM without touching a story mission. Only chasing gold bars and bumping into random stuff. A testament to the greatness of the game.
How do you tell the direction of the wind? I don't shower that much so my body odour gives me away while hunting.
Finished work today, start a new job on Monday. Going to play the shit out of this after starting it at the weekend.

I've just done the first hunting mission and I'm still confined to the snowy areas. Only about 2 hours in I'd say. How long roughly until I'm let loose into the real world?

Not long after that I'd say.

How do you tell the direction of the wind? I don't shower that much so my body odour gives me away while hunting.

Take a bath you filthy animal. Or buy that scent covering stuff.
So, I decide to take a trip to St. Denis for the day. Never been there before, I've got a bit of money to play with and I'd like to see the place, its sights, theatre, tailor, all the rest. I take a train and get there in the evening. Beautiful!

I walk out the station and the next thing I hear is the shouting of a woman who's being berated by some dude who looks like her abusive BF. Of course, I intervene, but not in time as he shoots her dead and runs away. Doing the logical thing, I run after him and when I catch up I lasso and hogtie him. Rewarded? of course not. Next thing I see :-


FFS. So, without a horse (of course he's way outside the city) I'm on foot running from a hundred (so it seems) policemen. Somehow find a horse and cart and bolt out the city (eventually) with a $30 bounty on my head. The screen says the police are no longer after me! Great! So, I can walk back in the city, go to the post office and pay off!

Not 100m away from the post-office, a woman walks into me from behind! Yes, walks into ME! Guess what?! She jumps back and shouts in exasperation!! Next thing I see on the screen?


Now the bounty is something like $100 and I'm not longer allowed in the city, period!! Whilst trying to flee the numerous policemen I run through one of the bayou lakes only to get eaten by a gator.

Feck me!

(I love this game, though).
Some cool things I noticed...

- I robbed a store and shot the guys leg off. I came back days later and he actually had a wooden peg leg in the place where his actual leg used to be. How detailed is that?!
- Different animation for mounting a horse on a steep incline
- Shot someone on a wooden surface. Many days later when the body was removed the blood still stained the wood.
- Shot a farmer who was shooting at me. I placed his body into the hog enclosure and all the hogs fed on his body.
I was strolling through Rhodes and there was some English lad looking for his mate Gavin. He was just walking around aimlessly yelling "GAV, GAVIN" over and over again.

I hope he found him.
Love the little random encounters in St Denis where a lady empties a bucket of shite all over the guys standing on the street below.

I’ve read that R* staff are worked to the bone on these games, but the people who actually sit down and think of all the random events they want in the game must have a great time.
Can anyone tell me how the online element works? Will it be much the same as GTA with 16 or so random players in the open world?
Can anyone tell me how the online element works? Will it be much the same as GTA with 16 or so random players in the open world?

After beta, presume it will be similar to original and GTAV. Free-roam around in the open world helping random online people or being a cnut with a bounty on your head - partaking in team deathmatch, also have the private world doing missions (like GTA Heists) with your mates - just unsure how long it will be before the full online features roll out.
After beta, presume it will be similar to original and GTAV. Free-roam around in the open world helping random online people or being a cnut with a bounty on your head - partaking in team deathmatch, also have the private world doing missions (like GTA Heists) with your mates - just unsure how long it will be before the full online features roll out.

So I can shoot the shit with my mate in Texas who loves this game whilst doing missions/having a laugh etc? Sounds perfect
Love the little random encounters in St Denis where a lady empties a bucket of shite all over the guys standing on the street below.

I’ve read that R* staff are worked to the bone on these games, but the people who actually sit down and think of all the random events they want in the game must have a great time.
There's another good one outside Saint Denis. Involves two convicts breaking rocks by the side of the road with two lawmen supervising.
Can I feck off and go to Saint Denis early for a look? Only on Chapter 2 mission 1. I'm at the point where I want to feck around, I'll binge play missions eventually.
Yes you can, I ended up there because some dude needed a doctor and had a little explore.
Can I feck off and go to Saint Denis early for a look? Only on Chapter 2 mission 1. I'm at the point where I want to feck around, I'll binge play missions eventually.

Yeah I went. Very impressive. Although I think it'd have been more fitting to wait.
There's another good one outside Saint Denis. Involves two convicts breaking rocks by the side of the road with two lawmen supervising.

Yeah seen that and enjoyed it. The guy near Strawberry who is tracking a bear is my favourite, if you’ve not come across that then you’re in for a treat.
Ended up explorig a bit, came across a pig farm with a couple inside. The look on Arthur's face as the penny dropped about their full relationship was hilarious.

Once I ended up back in Valentine to pick up my big shire horse Satan I was asked by a prostitute to dispose of her john's body in the pig sty, made the mistake of throwing it onto the trough which made a lot of noise, a witness heard it and I ran after them but they alerted the law and I had to surrender and pay 25 dollars
So I can shoot the shit with my mate in Texas who loves this game whilst doing missions/having a laugh etc? Sounds perfect

Going by previous version and Rockstars online experience with GTAV I dont see why not. I remember RDR1, spawning into online free-roam only to keep getting gunned down by some fella who unlocked rapid fire - on a horse as you Spawn in close proximity to where you died. Then just went into a local/private game with mates picking flowers, hunting and gang missions. Cant remember was the team deathmatch joinable from private online game or if you had to be free-roam.
Going by previous version and Rockstars online experience with GTAV I dont see why not. I remember RDR1, spawning into online free-roam only to keep getting gunned down by some fella who unlocked rapid fire - on a horse as you Spawn in close proximity to where you died. Then just went into a local/private game with mates picking flowers, hunting and gang missions. Cant remember was the team deathmatch joinable from private online game or if you had to be free-roam.

I never played the first one so was just hoping it would be like GTAV online mechanics
Going by previous version and Rockstars online experience with GTAV I dont see why not. I remember RDR1, spawning into online free-roam only to keep getting gunned down by some fella who unlocked rapid fire - on a horse as you Spawn in close proximity to where you died. Then just went into a local/private game with mates picking flowers, hunting and gang missions. Cant remember was the team deathmatch joinable from private online game or if you had to be free-roam.

I'm cream my pants if it was cross platform, although I suppose that's a definite no go. I really want to go hunting with my mate but he's on PS4.
I drank one, as soon as I started getting drowsy I knew something was up, I stood up and started walking out expecting to collapse but I didn't so I turned around, killed both and looted everything.

Me too but I carried on drinking anyway. Worth it for the shock value. Then I went back and killed both and looted everything
Me too but I carried on drinking anyway. Worth it for the shock value. Then I went back and killed both and looted everything
I was going to but decided i'd come back and kill them anyway so may as well just do it then and there.

I did say i'd be trying to be good but every time I come across isolated people and houses I turn outlaw real quick.
By the way, if any PS4 users will be going online once it's out feel free to add me to PSN, same name as here, just let me know in the message that you're from here.
I was strolling through Rhodes and there was some English lad looking for his mate Gavin. He was just walking around aimlessly yelling "GAV, GAVIN" over and over again.

I hope he found him.

I saw him as well. I didn’t have my horse and so was jogging along and all I could here for what seemed like miles was “gavin! Gavin! Has any one seen gavin? He’s English! Gavin!” On and on and on and on I turn around and the fecker had been following me. I was just about to knife the cnut when I came across a mission and he fecked off back to where he started. He got lucky :lol:
That stranger mission where you have to capture the escaped zoo animals. :lol:
Am I fecked if I go too far into the bad honour? I'm currently just robbing wagons to sell and it goes down every time. And in between I'm trying to bond with a donkey from the ranch so it'll follow me home and I can keep it as a pet, and every time I jump on it it goes down.