Gaming Red Dead Redemption 2 (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Stadia)

Managed to find a few gold bars, amassed 9000 dollars with the camp fully upgraded and one of the best horses in the game. 95 percent of time spent on non-story stuff.

Where did you find the gold bars? You can spoiler it for those that don’t want to know.
Where did you find the gold bars? You can spoiler it for those that don’t want to know.
There’s one spot in the sheriff’s office in Limpany southwest of camp.

There’s also glitch where you can get infinite gold bars, if they haven’t patched it yet.
So is this game living up to expectations? Ready to get my copy but need a bit more convincing.

Played the first one btw on the xbox and really enjoyed it, but still on the fence on getting RDR2.

So is this game living up to expectations? Ready to get my copy but need a bit more convincing.

Played the first one btw on the xbox and really enjoyed it, but still on the fence on getting RDR2.

Why are you on the fence mate? You enjoyed the first one... this one is one of the highest rated games of all time... surely you can just jump in??
So is this game living up to expectations? Ready to get my copy but need a bit more convincing.

Played the first one btw on the xbox and really enjoyed it, but still on the fence on getting RDR2.


I wasn't enjoying it at first, but now I can't get enough. I think it had a strange learning curve and the tutorial part was too slow. Once it opens up into a more open world it's brilliant.
Why are you on the fence mate? You enjoyed the first one... this one is one of the highest rated games of all time... surely you can just jump in??

Have not played much of open world/RPG games, not sure if i can enjoy it like as before. But i think I'll give this a try.
I wasn't enjoying it at first, but now I can't get enough. I think it had a strange learning curve and the tutorial part was too slow. Once it opens up into a more open world it's brilliant.

Sounds good. Will go ahead a pull the trigger on this one.
Seems to me that people who complain about the pace may as well be RPG fans whining about COD, the game’s clearly not made with you in mind, too bad (no snark intended). I find it weird that there are people out there who want an open world to get lost in, but who don’t feel it when a major company gets super detailed and adds the little things that just make it that much more real. To each their own, I guess.

Just got to chapter 3, nice to have a change of scenery. Last night I got home from work and my hours of gaming consisted of some chatting and chores around the camp, a couple of minor missions, some fishing and chatting, and then more hanging out at the camp.

Fantastically immersive, and the way the characters behave and interact is so ridiculously life-life
Holy shit that’s so funny dude. Someone potentially getting seriously hurt, so let’s compare it to a video game.

If that is actually real then you are weird and nice twitter name on that account.

Why don’t you use it then? Btw that video was so funny had me in stitches. Great input and I’m looking forward to you providing more tweets from a guy named I can’t stand these hoes so I will stand. So why would I ignore you with that valuable input?

Can you please just put him on ignore. Watching this forum equivalent of you chasing him around the playground pulling his hair is really tiresome for everyone else reading the thread.
Can you please just put him on ignore. Watching this forum equivalent of you chasing him around the playground pulling his hair is really tiresome for everyone else reading the thread.

As if we didn’t have enough of a derail earlier with the SJW nonsense :lol:
So Seabreeze 2.0 was doing fine until I decided to go get the train from Valentine to St Denis. I left Seabreeze on the platform and bought my ticket. Next thing I know the train is pulling into the station and she just walks right infront of it.

Seabreeze 2.0 is gone, and I don't have enough money for v3.0. Quite annoyed, had to steal some scabby fecker be honest, I've grown quite attached to, he's survived multiple falls down cliff faces with me, so he's a hardy bastard.

I have a bit of a gripe with the Javier mission outside Blackwater, I was trotting over the plains to get to the mission symbol, then it turned to a locked position - meaning I had to come back at a later date. So I just trot off to try and lasso some pronghorns, but because you're wanted dead or alive in that area already, I was ambushed by a lynch mob. 20 minutes later, 12 murder charges and a $297 bounty later...I can't afford it...not for a long time. feck sake.

Now I need to pay that and get Seabreeze v3.0
Where did you find the gold bars? You can spoiler it for those that don’t want to know.

I "cheated" and used tutorials for treasure hunts on YouTube. Didn't exploit any glitches though.

I'm genuinely baffled how people find these random places in a vast open world without guidance. It would take days (actual days) to find the illustrated spots on treasure maps.
My trusty steed was killed last night, I was in the middle of nowhere so decided to trek by foot to the nearest stable. On the way I found a run down house with a fat red neck sat on the porch. As I approached he got really excited, called his wife and invited me in for a drink. I accepted the offer and went in, the bloke was sat at the table and he asked me to go upstairs to find his wife, she was getting dressed and told me to wait downstairs. I took a seat next to the fat bloke and his wife came down dressed in a gown, they served me a bowl of stew and proceeded to tell me how they've been alone since their mother died. The wife poured me a drink, then another and another, then I passed out. I woke up in a ditch with a dead old lady and 600 dollars lighter. I got my bearings, found the house and massacred the inbred bastards.
Can you please just put him on ignore. Watching this forum equivalent of you chasing him around the playground pulling his hair is really tiresome for everyone else reading the thread.

I’m not the one posting stupid tweets trying to be funny. I just wanted to know if it was real why it was funny or any way relevant to this thread.

There’s one spot in the sheriff’s office in Limpany southwest of camp.

There’s also glitch where you can get infinite gold bars, if they haven’t patched it yet.

It’s not been been patched. I just did it over 7 times and got over 100k now. So basically I can buy the whole game if the items weren’t locked. It’s pretty easy to do. I just have no idea how people find or think of these glitches though because it requires you to save the game then load the game. There was one for GTA online when it first came out where you sell a car and never lose it so you could earn like 50k every time doing it, but you had to disconnect your internet at a certain point.

I wanted a better horse than the racing one they give you with the pre order bonus. I found the white Arabian horse, but it kept running off whilst I tried to calm it down and stupid wolves came in that area so I lost it and couldn’t be bothered searching. I’ve read chapter 4 unlocks some elite horses, so I’d probably end up buying them.
I "cheated" and used tutorials for treasure hunts on YouTube. Didn't exploit any glitches though.

I'm genuinely baffled how people find these random places in a vast open world without guidance. It would take days (actual days) to find the illustrated spots on treasure maps.
I know, one of the clues I was looking for (I say looking, I really mean 'hoping to stumble across') I had actually been about 50m from whilst I was hunting the legendary beaver. The picture gave me no hint that it was there...always need guidance with this stuff.
I still don't have an answer to the question whether offline (story mode) progress in terms of cash, upgrades, horses etc. will carry over to online?
Seems to me that people who complain about the pace may as well be RPG fans whining about COD, the game’s clearly not made with you in mind, too bad (no snark intended). I find it weird that there are people out there who want an open world to get lost in, but who don’t feel it when a major company gets super detailed and adds the little things that just make it that much more real. To each their own, I guess.

Just got to chapter 3, nice to have a change of scenery. Last night I got home from work and my hours of gaming consisted of some chatting and chores around the camp, a couple of minor missions, some fishing and chatting, and then more hanging out at the camp.

Fantastically immersive, and the way the characters behave and interact is so ridiculously life-life
Just started this yesterday and completely agree.

I get strokes for folks but I find it madness how anyone can complain about the pacing of this game. I mean you’ve got this wonderfully detailed world that’s just inviting you to be immersed, why would you want to blitzkrieg through it?

If anything I find it super refreshing amongst the horde of ADHD turbo charged triple AAA games where you’re traversing at a million miles an hour, becoming a Demigod a few hours into the game only to inevitably burn out and get bored of the game prematurely.

I still haven’t left the snow camp in the beginning and I’m already completely engrossed. Super stoked with the approach rockstar have taken with this.

Games like this and Kingdom Come deliverance have made me fall in love with gaming again after years of feeling burned out and frankly bored of the same predictable triple A formula. Not even the likes of God of War and Spider-Man were able to reel me back in.
I still don't have an answer to the question whether offline (story mode) progress in terms of cash, upgrades, horses etc. will carry over to online?


And if I did that glitch online, I would be banned or reset within a day as they really wanna sell you money cards and shit. I got lucky with the 2013 car glitch online because Rockstar were new to the micro transaction scene and I don’t think they knew how popular shark cards would be back then. But after that glitch any money glitch was patched within a day and everyone who done the glitch would be reset and put in the bad sport lobby.

Plus half the people that play GTA online aren’t really the type who touch single player as times are changing. So I doubt Rockstar would want these people at unfair advantage as its people like them who buy the money cards.
My wife recently bought us a new TV stand and a side table from Ikea, I'm gonna let on to her that it's gonna be an all day job putting them together so I can take a day off work to play it some more.

The soundtrack for this game is fecking superb so far.
That whole section where you hit the saloon with Lenny :lol: Don't think I've ever seen anything like that in a game before.

So I had my first game crash last night and it was pretty annoying as it during a rare moment of action. I'd been to an O'Driscoll camp and cleared them out with the boys, grabbed some cash from the fireplace and was still ransacking the cabin when 3 lawmen showed up. I could hear them outside checking out the scene and they were getting closer to the door where I was primed with a freshly cleaned shotgun to greet them but then the game crashed completely. When I reloaded I was asleep next to a tree just outside the area. It was annoying because that was the first genuinely tense moment of the game. Meh.

I picked up that Ardennes horse you get for pre ordering and kitted him out with a mohawk and braided tail. He's an absolute unit though. Looks a bit ridiculous imo. Kind of prefer the more slimline look of ol Tennesee Walker.
I still don't have an answer to the question whether offline (story mode) progress in terms of cash, upgrades, horses etc. will carry over to online?
Online you'll likely create a character anyway, so progress will begin anew. I don't think anybody answered before because online aint really a thing yet as it's not even going into beta until next month.
Hunted, and killed, my first legendary animal last night. It was the Grizzly Bear and was part of a mission. The only thing is, i had my horse following me and it freaked the feck out which then alerted the bear who charged at me and almost mauled me to death (à la, The Revenant) until i managed to shake free and shoot him in the face.

It was worth it though, as the pelt brought me $60. Not too shabby.
Online you'll likely create a character anyway, so progress will begin anew. I don't think anybody answered before because online aint really a thing yet as it's not even going into beta until next month.

Alright, guess I'll have to wait. As much as I love this game, it kind of takes away from the experience knowing all the hours I've put in are in vain (not really, but still).
Alright, guess I'll have to wait. As much as I love this game, it kind of takes away from the experience knowing all the hours I've put in are in vain (not really, but still).
You shouldn't wait on that. If it is anything like GTA V online, it will be almost like a whole separate game . Whether you progress in the game now or then won't matter a bit. You'll actually be setting yourself back because you'll be so much less familiar with the game world and mechanics.
Getting used to the controls. Jumped off my horse, tried to get up the inventory wheel - pressed LT (or is it RT.....well there is my problem) in error and full on punched my horse full on into the face :(

I'm just free-roaming a lot. 13 hours in and I've only done 1 mission in Chapter 2. Handy as in doing so I build up the characters abilities and bonding with my new horse (War Horse with the RDR version I bought).
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Rockstar Games® is proud to announce that the critically acclaimed Red Dead Redemption 2 has achieved the single-biggest opening weekend in the history of entertainment*. With over $725 million in worldwide retail sell-through during its first three days, Red Dead Redemption 2 is the second-highest grossing entertainment launch of all time next to Rockstar Games' previously released title, Grand Theft Auto V, which achieved over $1 billion in retail sell-through in three days.*

  • Biggest opening weekend in retail sell-through across all entertainment releases;
  • Second biggest launch (three days) in retail sell-through across all entertainment releases;
  • Biggest entertainment launch of 2018;
  • Most pre-ordered full game ever on PlayStation Network;
  • Biggest day one full game sales ever on PlayStation Network;
  • Biggest first three days full game sales ever on PlayStation Network.

Monster sales considering the setting. GTA also came out on a Tuesday.
Did the turning off HDR make it better?

I’ve reached chapter 3, so decided to stop doing everything and go on a legendary animal hunt. Got a bear, moose and wolf so far.

Yeah I have. It made the game look considerably better. Hopefully they'll patch it though.
Yeah I have. It made the game look considerably better. Hopefully they'll patch it though.

Digital foundry had article today saying the Xbox one x uses fake HDR. So they haven’t implemented it properly on both consoles even though it looks stunning on the X.

You've got nothing to lose by turning on HDR in Red Dead Redemption 2 but nothing to gain either and this begs the question - what's the point in it being there? It all comes as somewhat of a disappointment within a game that is a technical tour-de-force. This is compounded by the fact that various other titles in the last few weeks have delivered absolutely phenomenal results from their HDR implementations.

And what's really disappointing here is that the potential for a stunning HDR implementation is there - in this game world with its stunning lighting and physically-based materials, Red Dead Redemption 2 should be up there with the best - it's just a shame it has fallen short. And by extension, as the highest profile title to deliver an underwhelming or non-existent HDR implementation, Red Dead Redemption 2 is somewhat of a mystery.
in which chapter fishing is unlocked, and the fence to sell objects? Is there something else important to unlock?
I have such a good time wandering around that I always postpone missions.
The mechanism of the bounty could improve. Almost all encounters with agents end in death, so you never end up arrested.
I live living like a gypsy, in the forest, and going out only to steal and kill.
Do you pay much attention to the honor bar? Does someone play to be respectable?
Defensive over what?

I’m asking why do you keep bringing GOW into this thread because you mentioned it like 5 different times and they both different type of games.

Where did I say no game has no flaws? Why do you just make up shit? Where have I said all Rockstar games are perfect? One of my dislikes about Rockstar games is still in this game. When you chasing someone and you will never catch them until a specific cut scene, which annoys the feck out of me as they had this bullshit in their last few games. GTA 4 was full of it.
That's the barometer for me for this year so its possibly too fresh in my mind and the first game rat pops up in my mind. The logic remains the same. People don't need to be over sensitive about their favourite games/developers.

Yeah I have. It made the game look considerably better. Hopefully they'll patch it though.
I've got a standard PS4 and a 4K TV, and am starting the game. Should I turn off HDR on the game?
That's the barometer for me for this year so its possibly too fresh in my mind and the first game rat pops up in my mind. The logic remains the same. People don't need to be over sensitive about their favourite games/developers.

I've got a standard PS4 and a 4K TV, and am starting the game. Should I turn off HDR on the game?

HDR support I believe is only with the pro unless they patched it on the standard.

And nobody is getting defensive, I said Horizon would be a much better comparison.
in which chapter fishing is unlocked, and the fence to sell objects? Is there something else important to unlock?
I have such a good time wandering around that I always postpone missions.
The mechanism of the bounty could improve. Almost all encounters with agents end in death, so you never end up arrested.
I live living like a gypsy, in the forest, and going out only to steal and kill.
Do you pay much attention to the honor bar? Does someone play to be respectable?
It's good to get through chapter 2 before postponing too many missions. The first 6 hours or so is basically a tutorial and there is much to unlock.
HDR support I believe is only with the pro unless they patched it on the standard.

And nobody is getting defensive, I said Horizon would be a much better comparison.
Maybe you aren't. But many certainly do. We all know this happens. That Horizon is a better comparison is correct for sure.

Ah okay. Because when I started it up yesterday it looked a little hazey. Or maybe that was the snow? I guess I'll play around with the settings a little.
in which chapter fishing is unlocked, and the fence to sell objects? Is there something else important to unlock?
I have such a good time wandering around that I always postpone missions.
The mechanism of the bounty could improve. Almost all encounters with agents end in death, so you never end up arrested.
I live living like a gypsy, in the forest, and going out only to steal and kill.
Do you pay much attention to the honor bar? Does someone play to be respectable?

Chapter 2 is when fishing is unlocked, I believe.

The honour bar lets you get discount on items. Some items are locked if you don’t have enough honour. Which happened to me even though I have 100k.
Maybe you aren't. But many certainly do. We all know this happens. That Horizon is a better comparison is correct for sure.

Ah okay. Because when I started it up yesterday it looked a little hazey. Or maybe that was the snow? I guess I'll play around with the settings a little.

It’s probably the snow because I lost that stupid horse again because of the visability. So I am going to do it again during the day.

I highly recommend getting the White Arabian horse if you get the fecker because it’s a elite horse and you probably won’t need another horse unless some heartless bastard shoots it or robs it.
Still on chapter 2 but loving the world design. Never played a game where the world is so "alive"
Alright, guess I'll have to wait. As much as I love this game, it kind of takes away from the experience knowing all the hours I've put in are in vain (not really, but still).

They'll pretty much be seperate games, it most likely won't have the story missions or the side missions. So it's worth doing them.
Very likely, generic missions which you can do with friends or other players online. Bounty hunting, rob a bnak etc