Gaming Red Dead Redemption 2 (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Stadia)

feck, one guy gave it a 0, God Of war a 1, Crash Bandicoot a 0 on X1 but a 10 on Switch.

Loads gave it a 0 based on no pc release and loads of the negative scores are brand new accounts. I really wouldn't trust metacritic user scores tbh.
feck, one guy gave it a 0, God Of war a 1, Crash Bandicoot a 0 on X1 but a 10 on Switch.

Loads gave it a 0 based on no pc release and loads of the negative scores are brand new accounts. I really wouldn't trust metacritic user scores tbh.

Also, a lot of people are complete idiots. Trusting user reviews is a complete no no.
As always Critic scores are a little high, mostly for obvious reasons, and the user scores are populated with a lot of idiots.

It's no shock there's a difference. In RDR2 it's also amplified by the fact that a lot are struggling with how rubbish the control scheme and overall sluggishness of the gamplay is, so I guess some are being extra hard on it based on that.
As always Critic scores are a little high, mostly for obvious reasons, and the user scores are populated with a lot of idiots.

It's no shock there's a difference. In RDR2 it's also amplified by the fact that a lot are struggling with how rubbish the control scheme and overall sluggishness of the gamplay is, so I guess some are being extra hard on it based on that.

I've had absolutely no problem with the control scheme and haven't found it to be sluggish at all, but incredibly realistic and weighty. This isn't Fortnite.
Weird how some people who like Fortnite seem to take offence at any other game getting attention. Feels like the toxicity in politics is spilling into everything.

I can understand this not being someone's type of game, but it's objectively not a bad game.
Weird how some people who like Fortnite seem to take offence at any other game getting attention. Feels like the toxicity in politics is spilling into everything.

I can understand this not being someone's type of game, but it's objectively not a bad game.

It's more toxic to call anyone who has anything negative to say about something a fortnite fan as if that's supposed to be a slight.
Seriously dude, you've got to stop throwing Fortnite around as if it's some kind of bearing on this game.

People have become used to instant gratification in gaming, anything that requires a little patience is completely lost on people. I absolutely promise you the majority of people out there complaining about it being slow are COD and Fortnite players.
People have become used to instant gratification in gaming, anything that requires a little patience is completely lost on people. I absolutely promise you the majority of people out there complaining about it being slow are COD and Fortnite players.

You just come across more butt hurt that this isn't being universally decried as the best game ever.

Seriously, what is wrong with people having different opinions? And even if you want to try to take some kind of soapbox stand with the realism thing, that still doesn't mean that everyone should instantly like it. After all, Rockstar ARE known for their game mechanics being slightly wonky, and some of the control choice alone in this are not intuitive which has nothing to do with realism.

In any case, I'm enjoying it more than RDR1 so far so I'll reserve my judgment of this one. I merely offered up a thought on why some reviews of gamers might be so low, as harsh and silly as some clearly are.
You kind of did though didn't you. After all, if that wasn't your point, why did you even bring up Fortnite (interestingly right after another user did no less).

Explain to me exactly what Fortnite has to do with this, if I've got your opinion wrong.

I guess this is really the essence of how a forum works.
Hi guys,

Apologies if this has already been asked, but can anyone point me in the right direction of the cheapest place to pick this up for the Xbox please?

I have never even played the first version, but have always heard rave reviews from friends and family, so I'm intrigued.

I guess this is really the essence of how a forum works.

What, seconds after one poster brings up fortnite you coincidentally do too? In any case, feel free to explain your point on that and how you are not being a bit of a hypocrite with your toxic view.

Or don't, after all that's how a forum works too. I'm just confused as to why you two guys decided, completely separately but within seconds of each other, that Fortnite was a good reference here.
I have a disturbing addiction to tying people up, taking them to a scenic cliff and throwing them off of it.
What, seconds after one poster brings up fortnite you coincidentally do too? In any case, feel free to explain your point on that and how you are not being a bit of a hypocrite with your toxic view.

Or don't, after all that's how a forum works too. I'm just confused as to why you two guys decided, completely separately but within seconds of each other, that Fortnite was a good reference here.

Fine you got us. We were texting each other to see how quickly it would take you get triggered and start calling people 'butt hurt'.

I said all along that the 'i just read his comment and replied' story would never work.

Anyway, I like both types of games, Fortnite is a nice game with a fun online dynamic which makes up for it not being a particularly good FPS. I'd rather play COD, but both games are fine. I'm much more into sandbox games these days. I don't mind if anyone else isn't.

If you've been on Reddit at all, you'll know exactly where the observation about Fortnite fans comes from.
Hi guys,

Apologies if this has already been asked, but can anyone point me in the right direction of the cheapest place to pick this up for the Xbox please?

I have never even played the first version, but have always heard rave reviews from friends and family, so I'm intrigued.


If you get it off amazon, you can return it hassle free if you don’t like it and they are usually one of the cheapest too.

And confusingly, this is a prequel numbered as a sequel to the second game in the series so you don’t have to have played the first one to play this. It’s a good game, you should give it a shot.
Fine you got us. We were texting each other to see how quickly it would take you get triggered and start calling people 'butt hurt'.

I said all along that the 'i just read his comment and replied' story would never work.

Odd. I wasn't insinuating you were both friends or even the same poster with two accounts, I was honestly just interested in why Fortnite was mentioned. Which still isn't explained btw.

A question for you, since you are against the toxicity, don't you find his initial post to me to be exactly what you were talking about? I offer up some explanation for people not thinking this was the best game ever, whilst clearly saying the harsh scores were stupid. Yet his response was "this isn't fortnite". Now maybe I'm wrong, but that's exactly what you were talking about with the political toxicity no? Jumping straight on a different point without digesting what I actually wrote?

Anyway, I like both types of games, Fortnite is a nice game with a fun online dynamic which makes up for it not being a particularly good FPS. I'd rather play COD, but both games are fine. I'm much more into sandbox games these days. I don't mind if anyone else isn't.

I'm not questioning what you like mate, for the record I play Fortnite with my son because it's yet another way for us to bond (even though I'm a traditional shooter kind of guy, the building irks me) and I don't really play COD anymore. But neither are up there as games I love, not even close. But they also aren't even close to the same type of game as RDR, so I'm still confused as to exactly why you brought it up.

If you've been on Reddit at all, you'll know exactly where the observation about Fortnite fans comes from.

But this isn't Reddit. Surely if you want to have a discussion about something on a forum, you shouldn't assume we all read another? I rarely read Reddit, and I certainly don't read the gaming section on there. Now that's toxic.

Anyway my friend, I'm not digging at you at all. I'm just curious as to the thought process of bringing up Fortnite. BTW, out of further interest, how do you find the control scheme and overall pace of game mechanics in RDR2?
As always Critic scores are a little high, mostly for obvious reasons, and the user scores are populated with a lot of idiots.

It's no shock there's a difference. In RDR2 it's also amplified by the fact that a lot are struggling with how rubbish the control scheme and overall sluggishness of the gamplay is, so I guess some are being extra hard on it based on that.
What are the obvious reason?

I just thought it was odd. GoW and Zelda have high user scores - 9 plus and 8.5 respectively - as well.
People have become used to instant gratification in gaming, anything that requires a little patience is completely lost on people. I absolutely promise you the majority of people out there complaining about it being slow are COD and Fortnite players.
Or people who have played GoW or other games that are brilliantly responsive.

I'm yet to play this but I always find the "you can't criticise my game" thing funny. People here are crucial of Witcher 3 and Zelda as well. Who cares? Every game has flaws.
It's a pretty fecking fantastic game once it opens up to be fair.

But the controls and shooting mechanics are a bit shit and that's its biggest let down.

Oh, and I've never played Fortnite.
Or people who have played GoW or other games that are brilliantly responsive.

I'm yet to play this but I always find the "you can't criticise my game" thing funny. People here are crucial of Witcher 3 and Zelda as well. Who cares? Every game has flaws.

Why do you keep bringing GOW into this thread constantly? We get it you love it and there’s a thread for that where you can marvel all over it like I did in that thread. Besides being open world that’s where the comparison stops, so no idea why you keep bringing GOW into this thread. A better comparison would be Horizon.
Not sure if many have done this, but if you go into a store and go into first person it's a lot better. It's nice to see all the things you're looking at, and it controls a little better when you're in tight spaces.
Why do you keep bringing GOW into this thread constantly? We get it you love it and there’s a thread for that where you can marvel all over it like I did in that thread. Besides being open world that’s where the comparison stops, so no idea why you keep bringing GOW into this thread. A better comparison would be Horizon.
Again you're being defensive. Replace it with another responsive game by all means. I mean, it is possible to feel a game has a flaw. Rockstar games have all had their fair share. Heck, every single game has its own ones.

Sorry to break it to you but threads on a particular topic are inherently meant for people who marvel over it. It's really not how this forum thing works.

Anyway, I'm going to start this today! For people who are saying the controls are complicated, will I find it hard to play this and Bloodborne at the same time as if started that a week back?
What is it with people encouraging abuse of return policies in this thread. No wonder when people have a problem now that companies take the piss.:lol:
I'm really loving this game so far. Spent so much time just hunting and exploring the wilderness.

I didn't expect to like it as much as I have as I wasn't a huge fan of RDR1, GTA4 or GTA5 but I've found this way more fun. Probably my favourite Rockstar game since Bully.

I have got 1500 dollars right now but I haven't paid any of my bounties off which are about 500 dollars. Doesn't feel like an outlaw thing to do so I'm trying to avoid doing it

One thing that I don't understand is if there's any point in giving food to the camp as I have been keeping them well fed but haven't noticed anything different. Plus no one else contributes to the box
What is it with people encouraging abuse of return policies in this thread. No wonder when people have a problem now that companies take the piss.:lol:

I’m sure the bottom line is completely unaffected
Again you're being defensive. Replace it with another responsive game by all means. I mean, it is possible to feel a game has a flaw. Rockstar games have all had their fair share. Heck, every single game has its own ones.

Sorry to break it to you but threads on a particular topic are inherently meant for people who marvel over it. It's really not how this forum thing works.

Anyway, I'm going to start this today! For people who are saying the controls are complicated, will I find it hard to play this and Bloodborne at the same time as if started that a week back?

Defensive over what?

I’m asking why do you keep bringing GOW into this thread because you mentioned it like 5 different times and they both different type of games.

Where did I say no game has no flaws? Why do you just make up shit? Where have I said all Rockstar games are perfect? One of my dislikes about Rockstar games is still in this game. When you chasing someone and you will never catch them until a specific cut scene, which annoys the feck out of me as they had this bullshit in their last few games. GTA 4 was full of it.
Where’s the risk? Play it for a week to ten days then take it back having satisfied your urge

Yea I'm not gonna do that.

Well the X is the best place to play the game. It runs at native 4k on there if that's something that interests you.

That's what's got me thinking about it. I already have a PS4 (not pro), I'm just obsessing over the 4K.
I think I've only done like 3 missions once we settled outside Valentine. Just been doing all sorts of random shit. Trying to make money mainly, which I've found mugging people down alleys works well.

I took one woman to a farm as the sun was going down and after dropping her off it was dark and I saw a house by a farm with the lights on. Decided to sneak towards it through the wheat like Theresa May when suddenly this dog starts barking at me incessantly. I didn't want the people outside to suddenly fly out shooting so I stabbed the dog, and yes I felt f*cking terrible :lol:

I moved on into the house and searched the kitchen (may have stabbed a second dog on the way). Took a few things from there and then went into the bedroom where I scared the shit out of some guy sitting on his bed! Things escalated and we had a scuffle which ended in me close-range shooting him under the chin, only for another guy to then barge into the room after hearing the commotion. So again another scuffle and I killed him too. Looted the whole place of course but feck did I feel bad walking away leaving two dead old men and two dead dogs.
I'm really loving this game so far. Spent so much time just hunting and exploring the wilderness.

I didn't expect to like it as much as I have as I wasn't a huge fan of RDR1, GTA4 or GTA5 but I've found this way more fun. Probably my favourite Rockstar game since Bully.

I have got 1500 dollars right now but I haven't paid any of my bounties off which are about 500 dollars. Doesn't feel like an outlaw thing to do so I'm trying to avoid doing it

One thing that I don't understand is if there's any point in giving food to the camp as I have been keeping them well fed but haven't noticed anything different. Plus no one else contributes to the box

Camp stew replenishes all your cores and dead eye.
Some other things that have happened to me so far:

- Got a $210 bounty literally my second time in Valentine and when I tried to go back to pay it I accidentally antagonised a random guy. Turned out he was a lawman and after some stuff ensuing my bounty reached $250 which was a ball ache to pay off.
- Accidentally killed my first horse after going straight off a small cliff and had to mercy kill it.
- Couldn't afford an actual decent horse in the mission where you buy a new one so I got this scraggly brown one and called it Donkey.
- Shaved my head to watch the hair growth during my play-through. We are currently back to buzzed.
- Hogtied a guy and left him on the railway tracks but somehow while waiting for a train he just got up and ran away. Chased him into the woods and decided to hunt him with the bow.
- Accidentally held up the bank by running too fast into the doors and then panicking and pushing the wrong button when everyone was shocked by me smashing my way in.
- Shot a snapping turtle in the face.
I think I've only done like 3 missions once we settled outside Valentine. Just been doing all sorts of random shit. Trying to make money mainly, which I've found mugging people down alleys works well.

I took one woman to a farm as the sun was going down and after dropping her off it was dark and I saw a house by a farm with the lights on. Decided to sneak towards it through the wheat like Theresa May when suddenly this dog starts barking at me incessantly. I didn't want the people outside to suddenly fly out shooting so I stabbed the dog, and yes I felt f*cking terrible :lol:

I moved on into the house and searched the kitchen (may have stabbed a second dog on the way). Took a few things from there and then went into the bedroom where I scared the shit out of some guy sitting on his bed! Things escalated and we had a scuffle which ended in me close-range shooting him under the chin, only for another guy to then barge into the room after hearing the commotion. So again another scuffle and I killed him too. Looted the whole place of course but feck did I feel bad walking away leaving two dead old men and two dead dogs.

I don't know why but the "may have stabbed another dog on the way" line made me laugh a little too much.

I'm going to hell.

So are you.
Went to do one of those stranger interactions right next to the sheriffs department in Saint Denis. Accidentally hit the wrong button and got him in a choke hold and all the cops ran out and started shooting instantly even though I was going to surrender :(

Been generally trying to stick to the more honorable actions, but I keep having to kill someone now and then so I'm thinking of going full evil route and just being a most wanted guy and never paying bounties. Though I'm not sure if I can ever do missions if I have a big bounty.