Gaming Red Dead Redemption 2 (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Stadia)

Holy shit! Went into a cabin and there was a big ass bear in it, instant death.
Who buys the carts?

You unlock a wagon fence in a mission. Can't remember whose it is.

Holy shit! Went into a cabin and there was a big ass bear in it, instant death.


I rode through the woods back from Strawberry and must've rode very close to a bear because it's roar was so loud. I got to a hill and turned around to look and the fecker charged at me. Tried to run off but the horse bucked me off! So the bear catches and mauls me. Thought I was dead but mashed B and and managed to stab the fecker enough to get off me. Then I dead eyed it in the face. There was so much blood everywhere and I had huge claw marks all over me for ages!
This is absolutely incredible on the X in thing I’ve ever seen in gaming.
@Alock1 where are you?

It’s time to come out and start gloating. After the beatings you took on here at the hands of the PS boys on here at the start of this gen getting called stuff like Mr 720p you deserve some payback.

Most expensive console puts out best graphics shocker?

Ps4 vs Xbox graphic difference was overplayed. I've got multiplats on both and never notice any difference. However, the criticism was buffed by the fact the PS4 was also cheaper!

Great to hear about the immersion in this but I guess everyone expected nothing less of Rockstar. How is the gameplay, and gameplay variety? I love the western setting but I find it a little limiting as far as gameplay is concerned due to lack of vehicles, weapon types, explosives; even protagonists (with individual abilities) if you compare to GTA5.
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You unlock a wagon fence in a mission. Can't remember whose it is.


I rode through the woods back from Strawberry and must've rode very close to a bear because it's roar was so loud. I got to a hill and turned around to look and the fecker charged at me. Tried to run off but the horse bucked me off! So the bear catches and mauls me. Thought I was dead but mashed B and and managed to stab the fecker enough to get off me. Then I dead eyed it in the face. There was so much blood everywhere and I had huge claw marks all over me for ages!
I'm just gonna put this out there. You are effing lightyears ahead most of us. I got 8 words into your reply and realised I didn't even know there was a place called Strawberry.

Disappointed you haven't completed it yet
You unlock a wagon fence in a mission. Can't remember whose it is.


I rode through the woods back from Strawberry and must've rode very close to a bear because it's roar was so loud. I got to a hill and turned around to look and the fecker charged at me. Tried to run off but the horse bucked me off! So the bear catches and mauls me. Thought I was dead but mashed B and and managed to stab the fecker enough to get off me. Then I dead eyed it in the face. There was so much blood everywhere and I had huge claw marks all over me for ages!
I don't know if it's just in those woods or if it's everywhere there are bears, but you can actually see where they've been clawing and scratching themselves on trees. I thought that was a nice touch. You can usually hear bears long before you see them. Cougars too, for some reason they constantly growl. Snakes are right gits though.
Absolutely amazing game!! One thing however that has annoyed me slightly is when I robbed the back room of the doctors I had to shoot a few guys but despite using a mask to hide my identity the lawmen still knew who I was. It was a disaster had to shoot my way out ended up killing 4-5 of them now I’ve racked up a $140 bounty in Valentine ha. Surely there’s a way to rob stores and be able to get away with it? otherwise it’s pretty pointless. Am I doing something wrong here?
Absolutely amazing game!! One thing however that has annoyed me slightly is when I robbed the back room of the doctors I had to shoot a few guys but despite using a mask to hide my identity the lawmen still knew who I was. It was a disaster had to shoot my way out ended up killing 4-5 of them now I’ve racked up a $140 bounty in Valentine ha. Surely there’s a way to rob stores and be able to get away with it? otherwise it’s pretty pointless. Am I doing something wrong here?
According to a post on reddit it's not just about the face mask, you also have to be on a different horse eto the one you've been seen on and in different clothes than you've been seen wearing.
Can someone explain the controls for duels before I put my controller through the TV?

Hold R2 slowly and get shot. Hold it quickly and get shot. Double Tap R2 and miss by miles...

According to a post on reddit it's not just about the face mask, you also have to be on a different horse eto the one you've been seen on and in different clothes than you've been seen wearing.

Really? Ha I suppose that does make sense when you think about it, I didn’t expect a game to go into that level of detail but with this one maybe I should’ve the level of detail is amazing. Thanks now I’ll know for the next time I hold somewhere up, now I just have to get money to pay this bounty off, think I’ve got around $40 at the moment! :lol:
I’m in the minority but To say I’m disappointed with RDR2 is an understatement, I was expecting it to be one of the best games this year but tbh it’s not even in the same league as Spider Man.

I loaned it off my friend for the weekend and so far I'm about 2 and abit hours in and I simply find it boring. It dawned on me I’m not actually enjoying it and it feels more like a chore to play. I can’t see me going further with it.

I loved the first RDR but this Just isn’t for me.
You loaned it off your friend for the weekend...the game only came out on Friday though? He / she clearly wasn’t bothered about it either?
You loaned it off your friend for the weekend...the game only came out on Friday though? He / she clearly wasn’t bothered about it either?

He preordered but didn’t have time to play as he was away so he let me loan it but he’s back Monday. I’ve played another couple of hours today and haven’t bothered going any further.

Too slow and boring for me.
He preordered but didn’t have time to play as he was away so he let me loan it but he’s back Monday. I’ve played another couple of hours today and haven’t bothered going any further.

Too slow and boring for me.

Are you still at the start of the game? the initial tutorial part of the game last around 3hrs in the snow filled mountains. After that the game completely opens up and you can pretty much do anything, so much to do in this game outside of the story itself, don’t know how anyone could find this game boring but everyone has their own tastes I suppose.
One thing I can't fault is the missions so far, can't think of one that I've not enjoyed, some were a little slow but the majority have been action packed, interesting or pretty darn hilarious & the characters are incredible for the most part.
I jumped from AC Odyssey to this and the difference in mission quality, it's like men vs toddlers. Both worlds were stunning but jeez, the difference is staggering.

Such a beautiful world, minor issues aside if It continues this way, It could very well be my favourite.
I really enjoy it. People who find it slow and sluggish have probably missed the point.

Will any player/horse progress from story mode remain online?
Found a small shack in the marshes outside of Saint Denis, some over friendly looking hill billy guy invited me in for food, no way was I going in there.
So i've put a few hours in today and i've progressed through the "tutorial" stage in the snowy mountains. Went to that little town (i think it's called Valentine) and done a few missions there, then just done some exploring. I can feel the game getting its claws in now.
I'm so glad that everyone thinks that this game is shit, just as I knew it would be. Now I don't feel bad about not being able to play it until Christmas time.
Just pimped out my pistol, was casually riding past the saloon and some guys started talking smack so I was thinking alright square go, he had two mates, so I landed a couple of blows then his pals whipped out pistols and blew me away. Revived and it cost me $15, no less than a minute later I’m back on my horse and riding to camp when a wagon jumps out from the bushes and a bunch of guys who I have no idea who they are start unloading on me again and before I can even get my gun out I’m dead costing me $20.

I might actually hate this game a little.
Most expensive console puts out best graphics shocker?

Ps4 vs Xbox graphic difference was overplayed. I've got multiplats on both and never notice any difference. However, the criticism was buffed by the fact the PS4 was also cheaper!

Great to hear about the immersion in this but I guess everyone expected nothing less of Rockstar. How is the gameplay, and gameplay variety? I love the western setting but I find it a little limiting as far as gameplay is concerned due to lack of vehicles, weapon types, explosives; even protagonists (with individual abilities) if you compare to GTA5.

The setting will always have its drawbacks compared to GTA. Hence why I am interested to know what they will do for online. I haven’t done many main missions, so can’t really comment on the mission variety yet. But I think you’d like the game a lot if you enjoyed the first one. The first few hours are a bit boring but then it gets better once you reach the first town.

And no the PS4 and Xbox graphic difference was not overplayed. One console could hit 1080p regularly for most games and the other couldn’t. Do you have a X?
I'm just gonna put this out there. You are effing lightyears ahead most of us. I got 8 words into your reply and realised I didn't even know there was a place called Strawberry.

Disappointed you haven't completed it yet

It's not that far in. I've been pissing about a lot but decided to do some main missions.
Found a small shack in the marshes outside of Saint Denis, some over friendly looking hill billy guy invited me in for food, no way was I going in there.

You should go in. I was invited in for a drink at a house and the result was pretty awesome.
‘Right, let’s do some main missions’

-rides towards mission but stumbles across stranger doing some weird shit-

-get involved with said stranger, they give you details of some other mission much farther away...but more tempting-

-go to new mission-

-stumble across new stranger, murder them, get wanted level, lose wanted level-

-find post office for bounty payoff, not enough money-

-steal a wagon to sell for money, ride wagon towards the fence, stumble across stranger doing something interesting-

-get involved with them-

...never quite get to that main mission...godamnit.
Has anyone been up and around the Indian reservation yet? Absolutely beautiful up there. The hot springs are also so pretty.
Has anyone been up and around the Indian reservation yet? Absolutely beautiful up there. The hot springs are also so pretty.

Where's that? I'm guessing top right of the map? Not been up there yet.
FFS. Just robbed a stagecoach because it looked dead fancy and had four massive horses pulling it. Hogtied the driver but had a witness, chased him down and had to kill him because he wouldn't stop. That got witnessed by two driving a wagon, so I killed them and someone got out of the wagon as a witness to that so I killed him too. Got $25 for the stagecoach! Thought it would've been more than the top whack of $40 that I've had from lesser wagons.
When you get to a 230 dollar budget but then realize it might be wise to try and pay your Upper West Elizabeth bounty of 170 dollars now rather than when you’ve pissed away the money. The things I could’ve done with that money...
I’m a bit disappointed I didn’t find any items in that destroyed top of the hill civil war fort between Saint Denis and Annesburg. But finding it and exploring the scenery already had me absolutely in awe in the first place. Then I went onwards towards annesburg and stopped in a little patch of flowers in the middle of the dense forest. You had a bit of a view and the sun was lighting up the flowers and suddenly there’s hopeful ambient piano music playing in the back. So beautiful!
I bought it yesterday and installed it. I have the next 2 days off and planned an old school binge session.

Hope it's worth the profoundly confused glare my wife gave me when I told her I'm taking time off to play a video game.
My copy has arrived today. Yaay!

I was looking at the metacritic scores and it's strange how low the user score is compared to the critic one.
Struggling to get into it at the moment. Think my gaming habits have changed though. I used to love attention to detail, a lot of activities outside the main story etc

But now I’d rather just play a linear type of game. After playing last night, the whole time I thought meh.. rather just go back to GTA online.

I’ll keep persisting to see if I can click into it.
My copy has arrived today. Yaay!

I was looking at the metacritic scores and it's strange how low the user score is compared to the critic one.
Just look into it, you'll see a ton of 0's and a lot of the mixed reviews are for really petty things too. It's clear the score is being skewed by people hating just to hate.
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Look at this review for example.

Just a horse riding simulator. Ride horse, shoot something get bored. How can all these people give it 10 when it's been out mere hours

Says the person giving it a 0.