Gaming Red Dead Redemption 2 (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Stadia)

I have literally never heard of this website, although you always get some contrarian journalists trying to make a name for themselves when a big game is released. Every other major publication is raving about this game.

Read it and tend to agree with the above tweet. They also gave BOTW a 6 and watchdogs 2 a 9. So it’s clear their tactic is to get as much attention as possible.

If the lead was a female I’m sure they would have given it a 10.



What is it with video games and instantly hating women. Maybe just maybe its a bit of rubbish video game. Still gonna get as it's so pretty looking
No I actually thought the review was interesting as it's was saying something different.

They're saying something different for the sake of clicks and to be the outliers. As @Bojan11 pointed out they generally underscore games that are highly rated by others. It's an agenda driven review, the most impartial review I've seen so far is from Gamespot, who recognise the negatives but also recognise how good it is is spite of a few flaws.
They're saying something different for the sake of clicks and to be the outliers. As @Bojan11 pointed out they generally underscore games that are highly rated by others. It's an agenda driven review, the most impartial review I've seen so far is from Gamespot, who recognise the negatives but also recognise how good it is is spite of a few flaws.
Never really liked SA, thought the map was so .. empty, despite being so big. I also fecking hated all that gang war stuff and territory crap. Vice City shits all over it imo.

GTAV is really good but just look on metacritic, it's one of the highest rated games ever!

Because it's one of the best games ever. The world they created is one of the best ever made.
Couldn’t give two shits that some random unknown magazines/websites are slating RDR2. It’s going to be phenomenal.

Currently waiting for my fresh lasagne in a restaurant I used to go all the time with my grandparents, pint of Best, have taken some photos of lovely autumnal forests by the river Dee and plan on playing at midnight.

Today is a good day.
Game reviews kinda fascinate me - so much gets "GOAT" contending scores it's actually made high scores irrelevant a bit for me. They've set the precedent though, so it's hard to scale the review scoring systems back a bit. An 8/10 for games is seen as shit generally being my point.

No doubt Rockstar have another super replayable game on their hands here though, will delve into it.

Read it and tend to agree with the above tweet. They also gave BOTW a 6 and watchdogs 2 a 9. So it’s clear their tactic is to get as much attention as possible.

If the lead was a female I’m sure they would have given it a 10.

Or even better a ginger female lead and called it red head redemption
Game reviews kinda fascinate me - so much gets "GOAT" contending scores it's actually made high scores irrelevant a bit for me. They've set the precedent though, so it's hard to scale the review scoring systems back a bit. An 8/10 for games is seen as shit generally being my point.

No doubt Rockstar have another super replayable game on their hands here though, will delve into it.
Yeah, they fecked up the scale for reviewing. Really a 5 or 6 should be considered decent, but it's considered crap because they only really review on an 8, 9, 10 scale.
This game better be shit otherwise I'm going to be proper annoyed.
Yeah, they fecked up the scale for reviewing. Really a 5 or 6 should be considered decent, but it's considered crap because they only really review on an 8, 9, 10 scale.

So many people do this for all things. I don't if it's because of critic reviews. There was a thread about the player ratings and a lot of people see 7 as average, whereas 7 for me is good because I use the full scale (like you should!).
Ah so you are trolling
Are you taking the piss ?

Rather than someone have criticism of a video game your excited for, you've instead come up with a conspiracy involving SJW/Women/Clickbait. Christ almighty your a grown up for feck sake.
So many people do this for all things. I don't if it's because of critic reviews. There was a thread about the player ratings and a lot of people see 7 as average, whereas 7 for me is good because I use the full scale (like you should!).
Back to the rating system again :lol: 5 is starting point and depending on performance that number slides up or down.

4hrs left, can’t wait, going to be some hootin tootin gun slinging going on partner, yeeeee haaaaa!!1
Back to the rating system again :lol: 5 is starting point and depending on performance that number slides up or down.

4hrs left, can’t wait, going to be some hootin tootin gun slinging going on partner, yeeeee haaaaa!!1


What snacks are good to get in? I want Doritos but they're probably the worst for gaming
So many people do this for all things. I don't if it's because of critic reviews. There was a thread about the player ratings and a lot of people see 7 as average, whereas 7 for me is good because I use the full scale (like you should!).

While I agree that all forms are a bit out of whack. It's massively out of whack for gaming.....probably because a lot of them go massively in on a point system where 0.0 to about 6.9 are generally pointless and all mean the absolute same thing = shite.

I genuinely will rarely give a perfect score to anything, if it's bloody perfect, why would you even bother with anything else after it pretty much. I'm a stickler on even giving out 9/10's for films. But for a game I'd feel the pressure to give that score more because otherwise it'll look I'm absolutely destroying an otherwise great game because I'm giving it 8/10 and not 9.6/10.
While I agree that all forms are a bit out of whack. It's massively out of whack for gaming.....probably because a lot of them go massively in on a point system where 0.0 to about 6.9 are generally pointless and all mean the absolute same thing = shite.

I genuinely will rarely give a perfect score to anything, if it's bloody perfect, why would you even bother with anything else after it pretty much. I'm a stickler on even giving out 9/10's for films. But for a game I'd feel the pressure to give that score more because otherwise it'll look I'm absolutely destroying an otherwise great game because I'm giving it 8/10 and not 9.6/10.

With a game it's a tough one. Do you rate it on where gaming is up to right now? Or save the perfect score for something even better? Because they're obviously going to improve far more than, well anything else really. I think the former is the only real way for gaming specifically. If that's the case I expect RDR2 to be a 10, although I still standby that it'll just do everything better than ever before, and not be revolutionary as some people kept saying a month or so ago. Everything points to that from what I've seen.
Are you taking the piss ?

Rather than someone have criticism of a video game your excited for, you've instead come up with a conspiracy involving SJW/Women/Clickbait. Christ almighty your a grown up for feck sake.
So are you and not only should you be capable of using your and you're correctly but you should realise that taking one review that calls it average and acting like it's law, even though all other reviews are full of praise, is childish and showing you have a bias against the game.
Are you taking the piss ?

Rather than someone have criticism of a video game your excited for, you've instead come up with a conspiracy involving SJW/Women/Clickbait. Christ almighty your a grown up for feck sake.

I never once mentioned SJW or women, but that site is quite clearly trying to create as much traffic as possible, as shown by their previous reviews of highly regarded games by being completely contraian.

Talking of acting like a grown up yet your last response was a fecking emoji.
So are you and not only should you be capable of using your and you're correctly but you should realise that taking one review that calls it average and acting like it's law, even though all other reviews are full of praise, is childish and showing you have a bias against the game.
Oh god what I've gotten into.
I never once mentioned SJW or women, but that site is quite clearly trying to create as much traffic as possible, as shown by their previous reviews of highly regarded games by being completely contraian.

Talking of acting like a grown up yet your last response was a fecking emoji.
You literally mentioned a poster who quoted a tweet saying that the review ''ends in some fecking SJW rant'' and said ''If the lead was a female I’m sure they would have given it a 10.''

Again why can't someone have criticism of something your excited for without there being a alternative conspiracy.
No I actually thought the review was interesting as it's was saying something different.
This was your original post.

Hitler said something different...but that doesn't mean it's good. That site's reviews of other games is very fluctuant to the point of being controversial for the sake of being controversial, not a whole lot of substance to it. The review put up earlier on is very good. A balanced argument of good and bad points about the game delivered in a professional manner with small anecdotes about his playing time. From what I gather it's very slow-paced and the controls are clunky. The visuals and story itself are, unsurprisingly, highly praised.

Yeah not sure, bit like GTA 5 maybe? You can get a posse together and carry out missions online in exchange for money/items?
Oh god what I've gotten into.

You literally mentioned a poster who quoted a tweet saying that the review ''ends in some fecking SJW rant'' and said ''If the lead was a female I’m sure they would have given it a 10.''

Again why can't someone have criticism of something your excited for without there being a alternative conspiracy.

I mentioned a very specific part of that post, listing the other highly rated games that site have conveniently given low scores to.

As far as I can see from your post history in this thread you seem to have some sort of agenda with the game, negative posts and then on embargo day you post the only negative review and put some snarky remark about it being shit.

All of this behaviour screams of an attention seeking troll.
This was your original post.

Hitler said something different...but that doesn't mean it's good. That site's reviews of other games is very fluctuant to the point of being controversial for the sake of being controversial, not a whole lot of substance to it. The review put up earlier on is very good. A balanced argument of good and bad points about the game delivered in a professional manner with small anecdotes about his playing time. From what I gather it's very slow-paced and the controls are clunky. The visuals and story itself are, unsurprisingly, highly praised.'s_law
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Since we are now into Hitler references this is a bit pointless now but you still didn't answer my point. I don't get why(well I sort of do know why)people have such a strong reaction when someone criticise something they like in particular video games. Why there has to be some alternative motive or some hidden conspiracy rather than 1)The critic having different taste to you or 2)maybe the critic actually has a point

At no point have you made a point for me to answer.

If we're taking critics opinions into this, why are you choosing to ignore the dozens of positive reviews, from established reviewers over a completely unknown website? Could it possibly be because you're trying to push an agenda?

I wouldn't say my reaction is particularly strong, I was just pointing out that at the release of any highly rated game there is always one or two sites or reviewers who decide to go against the grain and slate the game, I don't think it's a coincidence that the website you chose to cite have a history of doing this. Now taking that into consideration I wouldn't really say that's a huge conspiracy as you seem to be trying to claim. If anything I'd say of the two of us you have had the stronger reaction.

As for your final point, I can't possibly comment until I've played the game, but I can make an educated opinion based on multiple other opinions, which in this case would suggest the game is very good despite a slow start and some repetition.