RAWK Goes Into Meltdown (2012/2013)

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Good luck in El Deludico #YAWN
I'm going to find it difficult to support Sergeant Rodgers' Moany Tarts Club Band, but I'll try.


(1) Reflect on His Brentness.


Imagine the comedy gold after they beat the mighty Berties. Imagine.

(2) Don't do Luis Suarez. They'll need him on form.
Those aren't patterns behind him, it's the Aura of Success...or some RAWKish claptrap.
Yep, it's the Spirit of Shankly.

The young midfielder knew it. His mouth opened wide, trying to exhale the disappointment, his neck craned towards the sky, but the sky simply laughed back at him.

You know how this story goes. You already know the next chapter. You know how he was dangled out of the summer transfer window, like roadkill from a lamppost, for any lower-half scavengers to devour.

As Henderson celebrated his goal, all inhibitions departed. Thoughts turned to that afternoon in Stoke a season-and-a-half previous. Once again, his mouth was wide open - but this time he inhaled the adulation of the small pocket of Liverpool fans in the corner who had transformed into an amalgamation of limbs.

The Quest of Sir Jordan of Henderson*:


*Not the actual title.

The Quest of Sir Jordan of Henderson*:


*Not the actual title.
Ah, L6! Love him/her. Always writing with an eye on us & seldom disappoints.

His powerful, swerving, long-range effort against Norwich in January brought him his biggest Anfield cheer, his biggest celebration, and his biggest moment in that burdening red shirt. From then, everything he touched was applauded, every blade of grass scurried across appreciated. Every pass, in full onomatopoeic glory, had Norwich in a stupor.
'He galloped up the pitch, like Dostoyevsky's troika fuelled with Seb Vettel's Red Bull, and soon the Kop was uplifted like a balloon, no, one of dem airships...but full of eckster C.'
'He galloped up the pitch, like Dostoyevsky's troika fuelled with Seb Vettel's Red Bull, and soon the Kop was uplifted like a balloon, no, one of dem airships...but full of eckster C.'

He fought out there on the the snotgreen pitch, the scrotumtightening pitch, but ...
Every pass, in full onomatopoeic glory, had Norwich in a stupor.
[my bolding]

L6 is without a doubt writing for that tiny niche market -- 'people entertained by overwrought Scousers'.
I guess if you can put shit on a stick, there is no reason you can't hang roadkill from a fecking lamp post.

rawk said:
Do not let hindsight lead a merry dance, for there should be no suggestion Henderson was wrongfully denied the Ballon d'Or after his first season with Liverpool.

Best stuff I've seen here for a while, from us and them... an 'onomatopoeic' pass? What the feck is that? a 'plosive backside? That usage is further away from accurate semantics than Chomsky's famous 'colourless green ideas sleep furiously' !
I just googled the word. Apparently it means

The use of words that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to.

So I've no idea how a pass can be 'onomatopoeic.'

Once again you have loons replying "top post mate" "great read la," they just lap it up.
I just googled the word. Apparently it means

So I've no idea how a pass can be 'onomatopoeic.'

Once again you have loons replying "top post mate" "great read la," they just lap it up.

Words like "bash", "crash", "bang" etc. are all onomatopoeic. The original Batman series could be described as being an onomatopoiec comic such was there reliance on it for effect. No surprise then that the Scousers are using it to describe Jordan fecking Henderson, the superhero from Sunderland.
A 'car crash' would be a more adequate term in summing up Jordan Henderson's career with Liverpool.
Jesus, that's one of the all-time greats. I don't think I've ever read such a load of pretentious bollocks in my life. And all about Jordan Henderson!

But it's a tale worth reliving, because after a youngster is written off so sourly, the road to redemption tastes that little bit sweeter. It's happened many times before, it will happen many times again. For years, Brazilian glottal stop Lucas Leiva suffered from a similar affliction. It is not something limited to Merseyside either.

He is not in the clear yet. There is an inclination from many to subconsciously totalise good things and bad things throughout a career. Until the good outweighs the bad, there will always be caveats to the praise; likewise, before all is engulfed by hysterical inferno as a world class player suffers a few bad games, there is the dampening reflection of all that came before.

'Glottal stop'? What? The second half sounds like Kevin McCarra on a bad day after being smacked round the head with a brick.
Jesus, that's one of the all-time greats. I don't think I've ever read such a load of pretentious bollocks in my life. And all about Jordan Henderson!

'Glottal stop'? What? The second half sounds like Kevin McCarra on a bad day after being smacked round the head with a brick.

Plech, the church goers demand to know when Kopites 27 will be out :lol:
Apt. On RAWKese:

Using long words that may or may not exist that you have found in the first thesaurus you came across when doing a search on Google. Words so indubitable in their incorpulessnessary, that to question their very subversavariousness is a sure fire way to find yourself in a situation of obfuscatariousness.

And this is important.

Breaking up every paragraph with a short line that is designed to imbibe greater meaning and seriousness. A line perceived to be so full of knowing, that God Himself cannot begin to understand its completeness. A line of such damning wisdom, that the prophets of the scriptures would look at each other ashen faced with embarrassment – at their ignorance of the comprehension of its perspicacity.

"We're out of the cups and we have only got two more trophies to play for. It's disappointing to go out of the FA Cup but it's important that we bounce straight back from that. And I think we have."

What trophies are these? The Europa league and the Merseyside league trophy?
Best stuff I've seen here for a while, from us and them... an 'onomatopoeic' pass? What the feck is that? a 'plosive backside? That usage is further away from accurate semantics than Chomsky's famous 'colourless green ideas sleep furiously' !

It's classic RAWK material. Reading the replied posts to the article is the icing on the cake! They're fecking nuts.

Now I won't be able to get that quote or the picture out of my head everytime I see him passing, will probably hear the sounds too.
Some of the replies to Henderson tribute;

Absolutely fantastic article. Like seriously, I was on the verge of tears (in a manly, proud kind of way)

If that's possible.

People slag the site but there's some great posting on here at the moment, cracking opening post and then Harinder wades in with his own little gem.

Brilliant read Kris. One of your best pieces.

I hope people folk focus on this thread and on the writers we have here on the site
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