RAWK Goes Into Meltdown (2012/2013)

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Some whacky first person Suarez fanfic from the literature vaults of RAWK:

goofy RAWKite pretending to be Suarez said:
what you lookin' at? You all a bunch of feckin' assholes. You know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be? You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your feckin' fingers and say, "That's the bad guy." So... what that make you? Good? You're not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie. Me, I don't have that problem. Me, I always tell the truth. Even when I lie. So say good night to the bad guy! Come on. The last time you gonna see a bad guy like this again, let me tell you. Come on. Make way for the bad guy. There's a bad guy comin' through! Better get outta his way!
Well, at least the author appears to have a suitably piss-poor grasp of the English language to do a reasonable impression.
RAWK has split into two warring tribes, the Luisitos and the Brendonians. A line is drawn in the sand and both tribes are going to fight to the death. Who will you choose ?

You`re forgetting about the third tribe,us,the faithful Rafalites,who still believes in him

Does that make Houllier a pre-Rafalite?


It's like westside story. Maybe they can have an all-out Anchorman style rumble behind Anfield.
All will be forgiven if they get a result this weekend and it will be 'on' again

I bet Rodgers has been working on a speech to make after the game to calm the waters.

"Don't let the Man Utd controlled media tear us apart! I love Luis!"
Henderson will now be the best CM in the league and Sturridge the second best striker, behind Suarez.
Scary stuff on the hilarious Post Match thread:


Ill leave a picture as its visually easier for people to comprehend.

Daniel "The Poucher" Sturridge
You can just imagine him thinking "Grrrrrr..."

I realise that Rodgers hasn't been in the job for long, but - if this was happening to our club - I can't imagine supporting any United player over SAF. Not one.

Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever going to happen.
He's done way too much for this club for that to even be considered an option, but even if he wasn't in his 26th year, etc. you still have to stick by your manager unless he's a complete twat and clearly the problem in your team (which I'm sorry to say but Rodgers is not at fault for liverpool being liverpool).
There's a reason a manager is put in charge. If Suarez wasn't banging them in like he is this season RAWK would have a whole 'nother tune to it.
So as they keep on pumping the teams below them, I wonder how they will fare with the upcoming games away to Arsenal and City...
Well hopefully they get something against City but I hope Arsenal destroy them. They're probably a bit giddy after today's result so a loss to another team above them will put them back in their box
They always do well when the pressure is off - that's what creates the Scouser boom bust cycle. As soon as they start putting a run together, they'll collapse.
Good result for Liverpool, but they should not get too excited considering it was against a mid table team.
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