RAWK Goes Into Meltdown (2012/2013)

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That's probably Adrian Durham, mate.
I can't wait until the Inevitable finally happens and he put's in a transfer request. It's going to happen at some point he's a cnut and no matter what he says can't be happy finishing 8th every season.
Think it was Graham Poll, the man who went from a joke in the game to a professional troll, who claimed that United players were practising diving in training.
Think it was Graham Poll, the man who went from a joke in the game to a professional troll, who claimed that United players were practising diving in training.

Or, to give him his proper name, Graham "three yellows equals a red because I'm fecking incompetent" Poll.
Had a look on RAWK. Somewhat disappointed that Suarez's thread hasn't been locked yet. Rodgers' is, though. He's finished.
Damn! So far Rodgers has said everything. that would please the Scousers , whether right or wrong. Finally he cracked.

Fair Play to him for trying and succeeding for so long.
A Liverpool fan is on TalkSport RIGHT NOW claiming that United teaches its players, such as Rooney and Ronaldo, to dive.

No he didn't. He said that all top clubs encourage players to go down easily and went on to give the example of Rooney who dives more than he used to at Everton. He didn't actually name us exclusively at anytime
RAWK has split into two warring tribes, the Luisitos and the Brendonians. A line is drawn in the sand and both tribes are going to fight to the death. Who will you choose ?

You`re forgetting about the third tribe,us,the faithful Rafalites,who still believes in him

Does that make Houllier a pre-Rafalite?
here's how it would have been "dealt with internally" today.

Rodgers: here Luis, don't be saying daft stuff like that in interviews eh?
Luis: oh yeah, lol sorry about that boss.
Rodgers: lol, no bother wee man, here...you good for Saturday?
Luis: yeah, ready to go.
Rodgers: good man.

dealt with

I think we need Kenny back just to teach people how to deal with the fecking press

I've just been to mass there .I've prayed for Luis not to leave.Brendan is an awful person underneath it all..I've prayed for him also though.He's just a kid in a big club but he's driven a wedge between usthe worlds most knowledgable supporters.All starting with his three fecking envelopes,did me head in no end that did.Now we know Luis was one name in the envelopes.Brendan's cruel plan has come to fruition.I hope your proud Brendan.You ruined my life forever.

Oh shit! :lol:
I think we need Kenny back just to teach people how to deal with the fecking press

Oh shit! :lol:

It's great that they continue to pedal the notion that Suarez has a clean history and is an all-round nice guy that is being stitched up.

Because there is absolutely nothing to prove that he has a long history of acting like a cheat-a-cnut in his entire career, is there... Possibly the funniest part.
How do they do this?

Just when I think I can't laugh any harder at something, they manage to make me do so
I'm a bit confused. The dive that Suarez is talking about is one of the most ridiculous pieces of play-acting ever to be seen on a football pitch. Right up there with Gilardino's dive, Lehman/Drogba, Rivaldo, etc...

It seems utterly nonsensical that it would take Suarez's admission that it was a dive for the club to 'deal with it internally'.
I'm a bit confused. The dive that Suarez is talking about is one of the most ridiculous pieces of play-acting ever to be seen on a football pitch. Right up there with Gilardino's dive, Lehman/Drogba, Rivaldo, etc...

It seems utterly nonsensical that it would take Suarez's admission that it was a dive for the club to 'deal with it internally'.

I think they are referring to deal with the fact he has said it publicly. It undermines the Liverpool fans who constantly try to argue he isn't a cheat. Especially coming so soon after Champions comments.
Right, I see. It was this line that confused me whilst reading the thread:

"Diving is not something we advocate. Our ethics are correct"

I'm guessing very little was said immediately after the game...
Right, I see. It was this line that confused me whilst reading the thread:

"Diving is not something we advocate. Our ethics are correct"

I'm guessing very little was said immediately after the game...

They have to say that though. It would have been obvious to them way before today that he dived in that game, but as soon as he admits to it it puts them in a shit position.

I wonder how many penalties he will get turned down now.

Theres nothing sweeter than a genuine penalty turned down for a cheat.*

* Obviously a fours up with Cheryl Cole, Nadine and the ginger one would be sweeter, but I mean in terms of what actually is going to happen!
It makes me laugh that no matter how bang to rights Liverpool are, Scousers will point at United and go "but look! Look at what they're doing! If only you could see!"

They never go "yeah, fair cop la, he should cut that shit out - he's good enough not to resort to all that stuff". That's what we used to say about Drogba. When he admitted diving he got booed at Chelsea. He cut a lot of that stuff out after that and left the club as probably the most influential legend in our history. For them, it really is a case of "always the victim, it's never their fault".

Conspiracy! Xenophobia! It's cos he's South American/a foreigner (like he's the first of either in the Premiership)/Alex Ferguson's diving comments.

Never just the fact that Luis is probably the most comprehensive cheat the Premier League has ever seen. Not just diving, achilles raking (three games in a row), handballing, disgusting tackles timed simultaneously with feigning injury to detract attention (see Kompany tackle, Ajax tackle and Stoke's keeper tackle the other week). He's just a nasty piece of work on a football pitch, end of.
I like how we have the foreigners branded on the Caf now.

(By foreigners I mean non-United fans)

That's what they came up with recently. :lol:

Also, the Suarez thread is now locked. :D

LFC learnt from Kenny's mistake of indefensibly backing Suarez. Hence they advised BR to publicly state his dissaproval forthwith. Very simple.

If it was that simple.
His contrived kick on Scott Parker was the sneakiest of the lot in my view.

What a knob.

That kick. Also, there was a stamp on another player this season. I am not sure who. The scousers branded that as nothing, and that he just "mistimed", and it wasn't as if the said opposition player would have been hurt. :rolleyes:
They have to say that though. It would have been obvious to them way before today that he dived in that game, but as soon as he admits to it it puts them in a shit position.

I wonder how many penalties he will get turned down now.

Theres nothing sweeter than a genuine penalty turned down for a cheat.*

* Obviously a fours up with Cheryl Cole, Nadine and the ginger one would be sweeter, but I mean in terms of what actually is going to happen!

He could have said it but he could also have avoided condemning his player like that.Maybe something "we don't advocate diving bla bla bla ... The matter is being dealt by LFC, no more comment on that ...."
They just made Suarez (not that he needed help) look like a fecking idiot publicly by disapproving him like that.Very poor PR
I found Suarez honesty refreshing

Phil Neville admitting he dived in a post-match interview was refreshing. Doing it months later after your manager defended your behaviour is entirely different.

And now Rodgers has been seen to be a cheat himself who's only angry at Suarez for admitting to the dive, not actually diving in the first place.

Is there the slightest chance that it could work in his favour though? I mean, it's not like he's ever involved in controversy so ref's might reward his honesty.

True true. See how well it's working out for Lance Armstrong. ;)
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