Snitches on Tom Hagen
On a more serious note, You have a point but I really don't know what to expect from RAWK, these days. They're like X-Files with almost every episode containing various WTF moments.

I would say V Persie probably finishes more chances than Suarez (not a better finisher) but the fact that he can nutmeg any PL defender and create something out of nothing time and time again puts him way above RVP in skill alone, if he was at manure he would be hailed as good as messi by the media, to be honest i would rate him among the 5 best players in the world as it stands anyway.

Letter I had back from ESPN re complaint:
Thank you for your feedback with regards to the commentators on ESPN. Hearing from our fans and receiving your feedback is important and we have shared your feedback with our production team.
We take our responsibility to deliver the highest standards of coverage to our viewers. ESPN's editorial policy is for commentators to be unbiased and honest, to call things as they see them. Inevitably this can involve treading a fine line on occasion, especially in the heat of the moment. Comments during the Mansfield v Liverpool match caused offense where none was intended and we have spoken to our commentator about this incident.
Candice Customer Care
--------------- Original Message ---------------
Actions of a Cheat comment toward Luis Suarez
Blatant bigot that wouldn't of made this comment at an English/British player
How does he know that was Suarez's intention, he does not.

I'm one of Suarez' staunch defenders, and forever defending him. But, sorry, i'm really disappointed in the part of the interview (unless something has been slightly lost in translation) that he's come out and admitted to diving, even letting people know the exact incident and match.
Yeah, cause nobody EVER formulated an opinion from him flailing to ground clutching limbs nearly every game..