RAWK Goes Into Meltdown (2012/2013)

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In future we should get in contact and see if Ferguson just wants to start the game 1 up and save himself the trouble of organising it all.
No ticket for me and after seeing Webb get the game I might not actually watch it. It's come to the point where I hate the anger that man and his decisions bring out in me.
Dirty- and a cheat, as a player and even worse as a manager. Hope his nemesis forces the absolute piss out of him. I want to see him turn red and go batshit at the officials. Then get sent to the stands.
'f**k off you over sensitive scousers'

That's what ESPN should have released as a statement. It's bad enough that former Liverpool players have infested nearly every football channel and radio station as pundits/PR people but now a commentator gets in trouble for not toeing the line.

I don't like Jon Champion, he's annoying, but he shouldn't be getting in trouble for telling the truth. Suarez is a cheat, there's probably a dozen or so incidents Champion could refer to if he wants to back up his point.
I'm guessing they're lapping up Daniel Sturridge's comments? Already a club legend? Must be so fecking easy to be a Liverpool player. You can be incredibly average, but just rant on about how Liverpool are the best football club in the world and instant acceptance. God help us if he scores against us on the weekend, he'll instantly turn into the most talented young striker in the world.
Despite being bombarded by emails ESPN should have said nothing. Show some balls FFS. If he is right or wrong your commentator is allowed to express his opinion on such matters. Journalists in the country must shit a brick every time they write something about Liverpool in case their fans launch an online campaign to get them the sack.
So now the apologists want a proper apology for the apology, then a better apology?
‘Well that, I’m afraid, is the work of a cheat. The arm goes towards the ball. Well, he can claim it was an accident but accidents seem to happen where he’s concerned.’
It's fair play - in a position of that statute where you're supposed to be unbiased in your approach. To me it is fair enough.

Those fairies have a knack for going way over the top and stamping their feet like lunatics over something such as this.
The amusing thing is, Suarez doesn't mind being known as a cheat. He has done many times in England, the Netherlands and in Uruguay. So, why are Liverpool fans complaining? He's not a victim, he's being called what he is. He cheated, and will happily cheat again.
One RAWK poster suggest Benitez needs to manage, and promote, a Championship level club in order to get his managerial career back on track.

Another disagrees...

Nah, he needs a mid-table club in La Liga, one that he can have breathing down the necks of Madrid and Barca in two years.

Jesus wept.
RAFA will probably go back there after Rodgers and do another Dalglish. Perfect. :lol:
RAFA will probably go back there after Rodgers and do another Dalglish. Perfect. :lol:

I wonder what the Dippers reaction to this would be when he inevitably failed and they finished mid-table again!

Their love for him is relentless and I'd just love to see him go back have the fans slagging him off or defending him with their rose tinted glasses on

FSG discussing the prospect of Kenny Dalglish returning in an ambassadorial role? Here's how the news was greeted:

they need to fly here and grovel in my opinion!

Discussing it, eh? Just fecking get him back, get on your knees and apologise.

Wouldnt be too bothered if Kenny told them to piss off. Are they gonna make him fly to Boston to talk about it? Wankers.

He should tell them to feck off.

Ambassadorial role? He should be given a place on the board and a role overseeing all football matters in the club. God knows we could do with it.

Would love this. Give him the transfer budget again!

Can't they just give the club to Kenny?

Bring him back as your football person.

Everytime I think of john henry, i also think of his face in that photo at the FA cup final, where kennys just about to walk past him in the royal box....A feckin horrible photo so it is, makes me feel sick.



Well he won't be in charge of transfers if he comes back, thankfully.

Get Kenny in as Director of Communications and Jonny Barnes as Director of Public Outreach.

He's what this club needs as a sort of "Archangel". A guiding force and to ensure the spirit of the club always resides here.

I moan at Chelsea for these annoying FA Cup wins but thank god they beat Pool in that final. Would have been the most undeserved cup double in the history of football.
Its just absolutely shocking the bias they have against this lad. Bale dives as much as Suarez, of late even more but he's the British Ronaldo, everyone loves to sniff his arse.
Had a peep over at redcafe. fecking wanted to break my laptop in anger. Talk of how Suarez is a worse person than Giggs who got the brunt of the media for "what is his business" and the sad part is that infact the media portray Suarez as all what is bad in football. He's not without his faults but off the pitch he's a simple family man, and sure he dives a bit and swears on the pitch sometimes but who fecking doesn't. Sick of the stick the lad gets. 40 goals, 22 assists in 74 LFC starts, and he's just getting started. fecking beast of a player, really hope he destroys fungusface and his shower of cheating twats.

It's funny because nearly every Liverpool fan paints it was 'heh those old United fans, the only ones that hate him and us'. When it is complete and utter fecking loney bollocks.

Nearly every club's forum has a 'Suarez is a scummy fecker' thread of some sort.

Deluded feck wits.

Stupid caf slowdown....

Sturridge thread locked.. :lol: Sorry, Ridge thread locked..

That's the second most ridiculous nickname choice after the classic sturro. Seriously bro, "studge" when I hear that I picture a fat kid ramming cake down his throat and not a single minded goal assassin carrying Liverpool onto glory.

This is getting painful now.

We'll lock this so posters can't go amending their predictions about his nicknames.

:lol: you absolute WANKERS.. haha
Whoever plays at Centre Back for them has fairly average distribution I always think so hope we press them high and early and force Ferdinand/Vidic/Evans into errors.

To be fair Ferdinand does have a slightly alarming tendency to hoof the ball forward aimlessly even when he's not being closed down. And while there's nothing inherently wrong with Vidic's distribution I wouldn't call it anything more than average. Evans's a lot better, in my opinion.
Stupid caf slowdown....

Sturridge thread locked.. :lol: Sorry, Ridge thread locked..

:lol: you absolute WANKERS.. haha

'Ridges, Humongous D or Studge have to be the best three nick names for a single player.

How come we don't have cool nicknames like that.
To be fair Ferdinand does have a slightly alarming tendency to hoof the ball forward aimlessly even when he's not being closed down. And while there's nothing inherently wrong with Vidic's distribution I wouldn't call it anything more than average. Evans's a lot better, in my opinion.

Rio is a very good passing centre back when he doesn't do his random lump up field though. Evans, Smalling and Jones are all good passers with Evans being the stand-out. Vidic is our weakest distributor but he's just such a monster, who cares. It isn't like he's a liability or anything.
It should be Clevz, that's how we roll. With Welbz on the bench.

Bobby Van :lol:
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