Rage Against The Machine For Christmas No.1

Joe McElderry
"There's no denying that X Factor winner, Joe stands the best chance of claiming the top spot with his version of Miley's 'The Climb'"
Might as well, the rest of the music in the charts is bullshit anyway.

Whether it's RATM, or Simon Cowell's experimented fame-bred artists, it's still shit!

Pardon me for speaking up but you, sir, with the Che el Argentino avatar...I would have thought that a track by a political sloganist and pro revolutionary group would curry more favour.

Does it matter what your opinion of the 'tune' is? This isn't really about whether or not you like the track it's about standing up and saying something to the manufacturing money making monolith that is the music industry.
Joe McElderry
"There's no denying that X Factor winner, Joe stands the best chance of claiming the top spot with his version of Miley's 'The Climb'"

Hold on, the little fecker hasn't even had 'his' song out a week yet and he's already talking about himself in the third person?!
its unfortunate that there are 800,000 odd people in the facebook group, but the song has only sold around 250,000, people need to start buying
I think its brilliant that they thought they would do what they told them when the lyric actualy is "feck you I wont do what you tell me" :lol:
I think its brilliant that they thought they would do what they told them when the lyric actualy is "feck you I wont do what you tell me" :lol:

Just shows you how ignorant, naive and out of touch the bbc are. John Peel will be turning in his grave. All the hosts on that show came across as complete knobs. Saying that, you have to respect the producers of the show or who ever it was who took the risk allowing rage on in the first place.
Pardon me for speaking up but you, sir, with the Che el Argentino avatar...I would have thought that a track by a political sloganist and pro revolutionary group would curry more favour.

Does it matter what your opinion of the 'tune' is? This isn't really about whether or not you like the track it's about standing up and saying something to the manufacturing money making monolith that is the music industry.

No need for a pardon, I expect to be taken apart for some of my posts.

I don't care much either way, and to me RATM is like a smaller version of X Factor compared to the music I like anyway. Obviously it's not the same, because RATM are an actual real band, It's all music I dislike, and after that, I can't jump aboard a cause that does not relate to me. An Underground Hip-Hop artist who really struggles, say MF Doom with over 40 albums/mixtapes to his name, should get a number one if we are talking of change and someone deserving. He makes music all day long, yet will never get the play he deserves because he refuses to compromise his music, for sales.
Its about 65,000 sales in front at the minute. I reckon that X Factor will probably jump ahead once the shoppers get out on the streets on saturday unfortunately....
do you know what the best part of this is?

rage against the machine's rights are held by Sony BMG; so simon cowell is getting richer as a result :lol:

No Simon owns a sub company of Sony , renamed Syco.

Sony are the ones who are going to be laughing all the way to the bank. Not Cowell.

It would have picked up in the press as well, if that were to be true.
Rage Against the Machine v The X Factor: tragic, isn't it?

Sony's RATM take another fearless stand against The Man

Ah, the inimitable sounds of Christmas. The dulcet harmonies of children caroling. The sizzle of chestnuts roasting on a brazier. The crisp crunch of snow underfoot. And a tone-deaf pretend-anarchist screaming his petulant head off about nothing intelligible.

The latter, if we’re wretchedly unfortunate, will be the racket that greets those of us who tune into Radio 1 on Sunday evening to find out which single is the Christmas No1. And all because a snowballing horde of simpletons have decided that it would teach a lesson to The Man, The Establishment and The Record Industry (basically Simon Cowell) if they bought so many copies of Killing in the Name by Rage Against the Machine that it beat The X Factor’s Joe McElderry to the top of the charts.

It’s already been said a million times, but it seems to make no difference: this dunderheaded pseudo-protest will do nothing to harm Cowell, given that, like Joe McElderry, Rage Against the Machine are ultimately owned by his record company. (Rage Against the Machine style themselves as anti-capitalists, which is no doubt why they signed a contract with Sony.)

But that’s not the sole reason the RATM-backers are daft. If the point they wanted to make is that The X Factor gives karaoke-crooning automata an unfair advantage over more talented artists, then they should have thrown their support behind a song by a talented artist, rather than one by Rage Against the Machine, who in their long and dreary career have produced nothing but decrepit heavy metal. Joe McElderry is no Stevie Wonder but, by dint of being able to sing in tune, he displays greater musical ability than that crew of washed-up rent-a-rockers. “Well, at least RATM write their own songs.” Yes, but they’re catastrophically awful songs.

Alternatively, the anti-X Factor campaigners could have done something rather more mischievous and mass-downloaded not RATM but an absurd novelty hit: say, the Mr Blobby single that was the Christmas No1 of 1993. Joe McElderry beaten by RATM? Yawn. But Joe McElderry beaten by Mr Blobby – that’s a statement. To have made such a selection, however, would have required a sense of humour, something in short supply among RATM fans.

Mr Blobby’s lyrics, incidentally (”Blobby, oh My Blobby, you’ll always prove that Blobby is the best”), were no more fatuous than RATM’s. Killing in the Name is not an intelligent assault on capitalists, warmongers or the injustices of Western life. It’s the grunting melodrama of some pustule-encrusted adolescent refusing to take the binbags out.

Some sweet, well-meaning saps have even been dopey enough to download the RATM song on the grounds that some of the proceeds will go to the homeless charity Shelter. It presumably hasn’t occurred to them to donate directly to the charity itself. Doing the latter means that not only will Shelter get a larger slice of your money, you won’t be left with an abomination against music on your MP3 player.

If you want to rebel against the record industry this Christmas, here’s an idea: don’t buy its wares.
what a bullshit article - he says people should support a talented artist (completely missing the fact that RATM are a top band anyway) and then says Mr feckING Blobby would be a better choice - clearly a muppet of the highest order.
Whoever wrote that pile of shit clearley thinks their tastes are better and more important that anyone else on the planet and that it is their place to educate the world on how to do thnhs.

So,come on, what is this journo's caf nick name?!
Whoever wrote that pile of shit clearley thinks their tastes are better and more important that anyone else on the planet and that it is their place to educate the world on how to do thnhs.

So,come on, what is this journo's caf nick name?!

Much like those campaigning against the X Factor song being Christmas no 1 then.
so I just bought my copy for 29p from Amazon - cant believe this track is 17 years old already :eek: Makes me feel very old as I remember it from the first time around!

As an interesting side note, this is actually the first time I have ever paid to download music - I'm sure there will be others in the same boat.

BTW in case anyone was wondering, according to Wiki, this is what the song was originally about:
"The song rages against the likelihood that some members of US police forces are/were members of the racist Ku Klux Klan whose symbol is the burning cricifix."
Killing in the Name - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hence the lyics some of those who work forces are the same that burn crosses.


Also from wiki:
Rolling Stone lists "Killing in the Name" as the 24th in its 100 Greatest Guitar Songs of All Time.

Now Im not saying that Rolling Stone is any type of expert opinion but it really is an all time classic anthem - so those complaining that RATM are not worthy, not only completely miss the point, but are dead wrong anyway!
apparently the gap is down to 9000 when it was 60,000 a couple of days ago, doesnt look good
Thats alright then, was just checking people weren't wasting money.

I believe Amazon are selling them at a loss, they bought them for whatever price and are trying to entice people in with a low price

Much like sainsburys and their £26 MW2

You do have to wonder how many brain dead morons we must have in this country for the winner of X Factor to have had the Xmas number 1 spot 5 years running.

You do have to wonder how many brain dead morons we must have in this country for the winner of X Factor to have had the Xmas number 1 spot 5 years running.

Sadly now it will be that way as long as the X-factor exists.

I mean a Miley Cyrus cover ffs.