Queen Elizabeth II | 1926-2022 | Rest in Peace

I'm a black man born in England with Jamaican heritage. I'm still English. It gets boring when people ask me 'where are you originally from? The same thing applies to the Queen being German.

Fact is, If you go back far enough, the mass majority of us can trace our beginning away from the UK.
Yeah, no. This ain't it champ.
Tough break for her if she doesn't get a chance to enjoy all that guilt free dick that will be on offer after Philip croaked it.
I'm a black man born in England with Jamaican heritage. I'm still English. It gets boring when people ask me 'where are you originally from? The same thing applies to the Queen being German.

Fact is, If you go back far enough, the mass majority of us can trace our beginning away from the UK.
Aren’t we all from Africa if we go back far enough?
The Queen seems like a nice lady. I sometimes wish that my homeland didn't gain independence. I think it would have been in a far better state than it's in today.
Being a Royalist I have to agree with you, although Kate my change peoples opinions when she finally gets her chance albeit as Queen consort. Met her a few times and I could see the younger generation having a lot of time for her. She really is a charismatic person.

Listen: Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government! Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony!
The Royals are safe as long as the UK (and Australia) are insecure children who like being told what to do by posh people. How else can you explain Boris Johnson?
The Royals are safe as long as the UK (and Australia) are insecure children who like being told what to do by posh people. How else can you explain Boris Johnson?
Cos 'es funny and speaks his mind innit?
Actually I'm Scottish so once we rebuild Hadrian's Wall and claim Northumberland de jure he won't be my PM either.
When independence fails

Well that's just typical of you yanks, no style whatsoever. This is the sort of thing we want, but bigger
I know what the royal yacht looked like, you tea and crumpets having ninnie.

I just posted the ship that’s literally named the Queen Elizabeth*.

*and yes, I know there’s one before her.
I think the indigenous people of the Americas might disagree.

Yeah, I know and my point still stands (0,9% of US population are of native origin).
Also, they migrated 25.000 years ago from asia to america, so I guess they're just asians.
Such a stupid logic. The queen is as german as Obama is kenian and Trump is german.
If you're still thinking differently about that topic, let's just agree to disagree as I can not wrap my head around the kind of view you have on this matter. To me, it feels deeply unjust to judge someone's identity like that. In case of the queen, it's very often politicizing her to dissociate your country/your own identity because you resent monarchy. It's okay to resent monarchy and still think the queen is not german by the way. There's nothing illogical about it.
Yeah, I know and my point still stands (0,9% of US population are of native origin).
Also, they migrated 25.000 years ago from asia to america, so I guess they're just asians.
Such a stupid logic. The queen is as german as Obama is kenian and Trump is german.
If you're still thinking differently about that topic, let's just agree to disagree as I can not wrap my head around the kind of view you have on this matter. To me, it feels deeply unjust to judge someone's identity like that. In case of the queen, it's very often politicizing her to dissociate your country/your own identity because you resent monarchy. It's okay to resent monarchy and still think the queen is not german by the way. There's nothing illogical about it.

While I mostly agree there is a certain irony in it only being 100 years since the royals changed their name and cut ties with the German royals, yet they are held up as the most British thing there is.
Listen: Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government! Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony!
Well I suppose if monty python says so who am I to argue? Word.
While I mostly agree there is a certain irony in it only being 100 years since the royals changed their name and cut ties with the German royals, yet they are held up as the most British thing there is.

small edit: I don't understand why you'd phrase "yet". It's completely possible to cut ties with german relatives while you yourself are british. I my self am 50% hungarian, born in germany and although I carry an hungarian name, I have no ties at all to that country. It just so happened that my father was born there.

I lack historical detail knowledge in that regard, but as far as I can tell the last british monarch who was not born in Great Britain was George II. August who lived from 1683 to 1760. Queen Victoria was born as Princess Alexandrina Victoria of Kent, which isn't the most of german names. Considering the deep connection between german and english history, I can't see that irony. Most of european monarchs are related to each other and some changed names, others didn't. It's just that german and british culture is not as far apart that a change of name would have been necessary to be accepted as a ruler, I guess.
The huge amount of genetic disorders really shows that connection in quite a fascinating way :lol:
fecking inbreds
small edit: I don't understand why you'd phrase "yet".

It is a conjunction.

Considering the deep connection between german and english history, I can't see that irony.

Because the British Royals are held up being the most British thing there is. Their Germanic history doesn't make them German now but there is a certain irony that they have a far shorter association with the UK than many of their subjects.

Of course by no means the main reason (or even a reason) that I want a republic.
How many bank holidays will we get when she kicks the bucket?
Where you hear that?
Someone online blogger claims that she died on Monday and there’s going to be a press release this week (I think she said Thursday). Let’s see, it’s probably BS.