Queen Elizabeth II | 1926-2022 | Rest in Peace

i have it on semi good authority that she may be on the slightly more ‘may not be living ‘side of the ‘living/may not be living’ spectrum. i was only trusted with the info as i’m like a mafia boss with info.
i have it on semi good authority that she may be on the slightly more ‘may not be living ‘side of the ‘living/may not be living’ spectrum. i was only trusted with the info as i’m like a mafia boss with info.
I'm not ready
I’m surprised Charles didn’t think of getting covid and giving it to her sooner.
Zombie monarch is a new take.

we’ll need to offer any children under the age of 5 up to her to have their life blood sucked from them and donated to the queen. luckily food and goods shortages as a result of brexit and covid will mean most children won’t live to see 5 anyway.
Prince Charles has covid and he met the queen's 2 days prior.

The narrative has begun.
I must say I have a lot of time for Liz. I'm sure I saw a picture of her driving a ranger rover recently. What a gangster.

I feel for her as well having to face Johnson on a weekly basis. How awkward must that be given everything that's transpired..
Poor old doll, I hope Covid doesn’t finish her off would be a disappointing way to go after such a long time in power.
If there was ever a time to summon the spirit of the blitz now is it. Get well soon Mum.
Yes indeed, and the Royal Family stayed in London right through the blitz, and when the V1s and V2s came as well.

And now Queenie is sharing our Covid danger as well. She deserves a new yacht for sure, the bigger the better. Not one of these modern Abramovich-type ones, but a real classic style design that won't date.
Yes indeed, and the Royal Family stayed in London right through the blitz, and when the V1s and V2s came as well.

And now Queenie is sharing our Covid danger as well. She deserves a new yacht for sure, the bigger the better. Not one of these modern Abramovich-type ones, but a real classic style design that won't date.
She’s got this…
"God save the Queen" yet if the Queen passes away can we sue and/or arrest God for failing to carry out his duties?
The monarchy is also dead when she goes.
Being a Royalist I have to agree with you, although Kate my change peoples opinions when she finally gets her chance albeit as Queen consort. Met her a few times and I could see the younger generation having a lot of time for her. She really is a charismatic person.
Covid has a lot to answer for if we don't get our bank holiday.
Finally Ronaldo would take the throne of most famous person in the world.
What if she already died when all the rumours were happening and now they’re just ready to bury her?