Queen Elizabeth II | 1926-2022 | Rest in Peace

The Queen dying of COVID as Johnson tries to declare it all over would be quite something.
What if she already died when all the rumours were happening and now they’re just ready to bury her?
That's probably how it will go.

However with a story this big I don't know if they'll be able to keep it under wraps.

The Royals probably have NDAs with their staff but perhaps one could be tempted to leak news early or they blurt it out when drunk
Imagine being the person that gave it to her if she croaks it. Public enemy numero one.
Imagine being the person that gave it to her if she croaks it. Public enemy numero one.
The Queen dying of COVID as Johnson tries to declare it all over would be quite something.

I was thinking that - he must be praying like crazy. He's just about managed to get people to stop caring about partygate and this would be a bad look to say the least
Don't worry, Daily Mail i'm sure are already trying to link it to Harry and Megan

apparently harry, meghan and corbyn were having a three way and coughing all over each other. then harry gave it to his dad, who was meeting harry try and get him to do national service to straighten him out, but harry was too busy snorting coke and throwing around nazi salutes and pro eu rhetoric to listen but charles got covid during the negotiations and then gave it to the queen.
What public is that? Does the average joe really give a feck?

Only a small minority want to abolish the monarchy. I say small, the last article that I can find has it to 19%.
apparently harry, meghan and corbyn were having a three way and coughing all over each other. then harry gave it to his dad, who was meeting harry try and get him to do national service to straighten him out, but harry was too busy snorting coke and throwing around nazi salutes and pro eu rhetoric to listen but charles got covid during the negotiations and then gave it to the queen.

Pro-EU rhetoric :lol:

But it won't be good for the next King if he gets tagged to her death though
apparently harry, meghan and corbyn were having a three way and coughing all over each other. then harry gave it to his dad, who was meeting harry try and get him to do national service to straighten him out, but harry was too busy snorting coke and throwing around nazi salutes and pro eu rhetoric to listen but charles got covid during the negotiations and then gave it to the queen.

I think the Gays were definitely involved as well tbf. Maybe Camilla is trans and gave it to the queen while she was using the wrong bathroom at Bear-moral.
Some of these comments are in bad taste. She's somebody's mother, grandmother still.

People just see her as a symbol and can't look behind it and see the individual. An individual, that inspires people around the globe, no matter of what shit house of a monarchy she comes from. To me, as a german and absolute hater of any type of monarchy, nevermind yellowpress about Diana, Meghan, Charles or whoever, it'd be a sad day when she passes. She's a legend, honestly, an icon and one of the most important characters in the western world in the 20th century.


It's just the same with the hermancainaward subreddit where people politicize individual fates and miseries. It's okay to not have pity with someone who's most likely at fault for what covid does to him, but they simply use these cases as symbols and show no human empathy. It's quite the unhuman way of thinking of the other extreme way.
People just see her as a symbol and can't look behind it and see the individual. An individual, that inspires people around the globe, no matter of what shit house of a monarchy she comes from. To me, as a german and absolute hater of any type of monarchy, nevermind yellowpress about Diana, Meghan, Charles or whoever, it'd be a sad day when she passes. She's a legend, honestly, an icon and one of the most important characters in the western world in the 20th century.


It's just the same with the hermancainaward subreddit where people politicize individual fates and miseries. It's okay to not have pity with someone who's most likely at fault for what covid does to him, but they simply use these cases as symbols and show no human empathy. It's quite the unhuman way of thinking of the other extreme way.
You Germans always stick together.
You Germans always stick together.

She's as german as Trump

I'm a black man born in England with Jamaican heritage. I'm still English. It gets boring when people ask me 'where are you originally from? The same thing applies to the Queen being German.

Fact is, If you go back far enough, the mass majority of us can trace our beginning away from the UK.
I'm a black man born in England with Jamaican heritage. I'm still English. It gets boring when people ask me 'where are you originally from? The same thing applies to the Queen being German.

Fact is, If you go back far enough, the mass majority of us can trace our beginning away from the UK.

Cheddar Man, the remains of a man found in Cheddar Gorge in Somerset and dated back to around 11,000 years ago is suggested by DNA analysis to have had dark brown to black skin.
Cheddar Man, the remains of a man found in Cheddar Gorge in Somerset and dated back to around 11,000 years ago is suggested by DNA analysis to have had dark brown to black skin.

at least the police have someone to blame all the 11,000 year old unsolved devonshire crimes on.
I'm a black man born in England with Jamaican heritage. I'm still English. It gets boring when people ask me 'where are you originally from? The same thing applies to the Queen being German.

Fact is, If you go back far enough, the mass majority of us can trace our beginning away from the UK.
Good point. We were all single-celled organisms once, I should have remembered that.
I'm a black man born in England with Jamaican heritage. I'm still English. It gets boring when people ask me 'where are you originally from? The same thing applies to the Queen being German.

Fact is, If you go back far enough, the mass majority of us can trace our beginning away from the UK.

exactly, that's how the modern concept of nationality works. Besides, I'd understand if someone has an ambivalent feeling when it comes to these matters and for example a person has passport X but lives completely like country Y and was born there or whatever. But even then, that person simply has nationality X.
And as you said, there'd basically be no american if we applied that laughable logic.
at least the police have someone to blame all the 11,000 year old unsolved devonshire crimes on.
The skeletal remains date to the Mesolithic (ca. 9100 BP, 7100 BC) and it appears that he died a violent death. A large crater-like lesion just above the skull's right orbitsuggests that the man may have also been suffered from early an pepper spray cocktail known to have been trialed by the Met police
Being a Royalist I have to agree with you, although Kate my change peoples opinions when she finally gets her chance albeit as Queen consort. Met her a few times and I could see the younger generation having a lot of time for her. She really is a charismatic person.

I agree with you on Kate, I'm just concerned about the interim period.
Covid has a lot to answer for if we don't get our bank holiday.
If she dies you might get 7 days of mourning. So maybe it might work out better for you lot
If she dies you might get 7 days of mourning. So maybe it might work out better for you lot
You know. If we weren't worrying about the working poor, fuel poverty, rising inflation and food prices, public spending cuts and the ever widening gap between the mega rich and the rest of us that goes undeterred, I might be able to give a shit about a rich figurehead from a rich family passing away.

The Royal Family are a luxury that most people don't have time to concern themselves with, and seven days of forced "YOU MUST BE UPSET" mourning would be met with seven days of me going to work and doing nothing differently except saying "whomp whomp" every now and then.