Queen Elizabeth II | 1926-2022 | Rest in Peace

Is there a thread for celebrities being cancelled due to their opinions on the monarchy? Trevor Sinclair is getting it for his tweets.

Possibly wishful thinking on my part but I reckon Liz Truss' previous anti-monarchy stance might put a damper on The Mail/The Express etc's rush to burn people at the stake for this. Not too arsed about Sinclair disappearing for a while personally given his history of being an utter gobshite.
Banned more like.

Unbelievable using a Manchester United public forum to post such vile disrespectful comments.
I think for as many people who can keep their shit together during these next few days there will be as many losing it and making statements that are usually the result if at least 6, maybe 10 pints of snakebite while trying not to fall over in the piss and sawdust. Grant them mercy and a bit of sniggering for they know not where they left their brains.
Thank you for that. So there does not seem to be so much pomp and ceremony as in the UK.
That's anyway not really appreciated in the Netherlands more generally. Plus it helps that kings/queens normally retire in the Netherlands, they don't stay at it until their deaths. Finally, the monarchy just isn't seen as such a defining feature in the Netherlands. It's more like fun, traditional thing to have around. (Or not, depending on your views.)

I'm firmly in the 'or not' camp myself. I was Canada and the Netherlands would get rid of their monarchies yesterday. It's not happening yet, but the monarchy is gradually losing popularity in the Netherlands, and same in Canada - I think the general mood is getting more into apathy in both places.

Some great posts in the last 10 or so pages by @neverdie and @Wibble btw. (And some I'm forgetting probably.)
That's anyway not really appreciated in the Netherlands more generally. Plus it helps that kings/queens normally retire in the Netherlands, they don't stay at it until their deaths. Finally, the monarchy just isn't seen as such a defining feature in the Netherlands. It's more like fun, traditional thing to have around. (Or not, depending on your views.)

I'm firmly in the 'or not' camp myself. I was Canada and the Netherlands would get rid of their monarchies yesterday. It's not happening yet, but the monarchy is gradually losing popularity in the Netherlands, and same in Canada - I think the general mood is getting more into apathy in both places.

Some great posts in the last 10 or so pages by @neverdie and @Wibble btw. (And some I'm forgetting probably.)
Thanks mate and don’t worry about it.
On a more serious note, did the Queen have a caf account? It must be @Hectic right? Makes so much sense
Heard so many good things about her but the bad things heard about her out weighs the good she had done, Heard she's a Racist, killed millions or people...

What's her legacy for those of you from the UK?
Heard so many good things about her but the bad things heard about her out weighs the good she had done, Heard she's a Racist, killed millions or people...

What's her legacy for those of you from the UK?

for a lot of us she will be remembered for being our first time. since the 50s she is estimated to have invoked prima nocta on no less than 370,000 occasions.
The Prince Charles speech was good. Fair fecking play to him for keeping his shit together. Kind of always liked him since he became a bit of a hippy. Reckon he’ll do a good job.
I agree. I’m no royalist by any means but when he was talking about losing his mum it was quite moving. Anyone who’s lost a parent can relate to that.
Some great posts in the last 10 or so pages by @neverdie and @Wibble btw. (And some I'm forgetting probably.)
i found this to be a great read
That's Enough Monarchy for Now, Thank You
Craig Murray said:
The plans for the queen’s demise were organised decades ago and it shows. The BBC, ITV and Channels 4 and even 5 stop all entertainment in favour of pre-prepared sycophancy, as though we still lived in a world where people could not switch over and watch Gordon Ramsay on Blaze instead — and that’s ignoring Netflix, Amazon and the entire internet.

I watched a few minutes of the BBC last night, up until a “royal commentator” said that people were standing outside Buckingham Palace because the nation needed to draw together for physical comfort in its great grief. There were a couple of hundred of them. Broadcasters kept focusing on a dozen bouquets left on a pavement in a desperate attempt to whip up people to produce more.

I do not doubt this will all work and there will indeed be big crowds and carpets of flowers. Many people felt a great deal of devotion to Elizabeth II, or rather to the extraordinarily sanitised image of her with which they were presented.

I witnessed her at very close quarters working on two state visits which I had a major part in organising, to Poland and to Ghana. She was very dutiful and serious, genuinely anxious to get everything right and worried by it. She struck me as personally pleasant and kindly. She was not, to be frank, particularly bright and sharp. I was used to working with senior ministers both domestic and foreign and she was not at that level. But then somebody selected purely by accident of birth is unlikely to be so.

Key staff organising a state visit get by tradition a private, individual audience of thank you. They also get honours on the spot. I turned down a LVO (Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order) in Warsaw and a CVO (Commander of the Victorian Order) in Accra. Because of the unique circumstance, I am one of very few people, or possibly the only person, who has ever refused an honour from the queen and then had a private audience at which she asked why! I must certainly be the only person that happened to twice.

(I had earlier in my career been asked if I would accept an OBE (Order of the British Empire) and said no. As with the vast majority of people who refused an honour, I very much doubt the queen ever knew that had happened.)

Anyway, in my audiences I told the queen I was both a republican and a Scottish nationalist. I should state in fairness that she was absolutely fine with that, replied very pleasantly and seemed vaguely amused. Instead of the honour, she gave me personal gifts each time — a letter rack made by Viscount Linley and a silver Armada dish.

I later auctioned the letter rack to raise funds for Julian Assange.

The purpose of that lengthy trip down memory lane is to explain that I found the late queen to be personally a pleasant and well-motivated person, doing what she believed to be right. We are all shaped by our environment; I would have turned into a much more horrible monarch than she, had I been born into it, certainly a great deal more sybaritic (as the rest of her family appear to be).

Opening the Borders Railway in 2015, on the day Queen Elizabeth II became the longest-reigning British monarch. In her speech, she said she had never aspired to achieve that milestone. (Scottish government, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)

So, there is no personal malice behind my prognostication that the party will be over very soon for the monarchy. It is not only that the institution and pageantry seem ludicrous in the current age. So does its presentation. The BBC is behaving as though we are in the 1950s and apparently will do so for many days. The entire notion of a state broadcasting platform is outmoded, and I suspect a lot more people will see that.

In the U.K., 29 percent of the people want to abolish the monarchy, excluding Don’t Knows; in Scotland that is 43 percent. In the U.K. as a whole, 18-to-24-year-olds are 62 percent in favour of abolition of the monarchy, excluding Don’t Knows. They will be further alienated by the outlandish current proceedings. Only the loyal will be reinforced — a large section of the population will snigger as the absurd pomposity grows. I found myself yesterday on Twitter urging people to be a bit kinder as the queen lay dying.

Think seriously on this. Twenty nine percent of the population want to abolish the monarchy. Think of all the BBC coverage of the monarchy you have seen over the last decade. What percentage do you estimate reflected or gave an airing to republican views? Less than 1 percent?

Now think of media coverage across all the broadcast and print media.

How often has the media reflected the republican viewpoint of a third of the population? Far, far less than a third of the time. Closer to 0 percent than 1 percent. Yes, there are bits of the media that dislike Meghan, for being black or are willing to go after Prince Andrew. But the institution of the monarchy itself?

There can be no clearer example than the monarchy of the unrelenting media propaganda by which the establishment maintains its grip.

The corporate and state media are unanimous in slavish support of monarchy. Thailand has vicious laws protecting its monarchy. We don’t need them; we have the ownership of state and corporate media enforcing the same.

sentiment is "rip to the queen" but "rip to the monarhcy, too".

full article here.

Thanks mate and don’t worry about it.
Without the monarchy, parliament and such, most of you wouldn't have been born. We wouldn't be living in a free country. Some lax people here taking utter shite.

Without the monarchy, parliament and such, most of you wouldn't have been born. We wouldn't be living in a free country. Some lax people here taking utter shite.

without the nazis and pol pot and a bunch of other terrible stuff that had an effect on the course of history, billions or people wouldn't be alive either. nor would we be alive if genghis khan hadn't murdered millions of people. it's a ridiculous argument.

and i'd condition "free country" with "relatively". if you elect representatives that bow their heads to people dressed up as curtains because of history or something and someone's postcode determines whether they'll live and die poor or rich, statistically, and the popular will on so many issues is never actually converted into political action, then how free are you? if you need capital to be free, which you do in a capitalist society, and the majority are born without capital and so have to work their entire lives just to live, how free are you?

we have the freedom to complain about it. that's not nothing but it isn't the kind of freedom you'd want from a "democracy", is it.

also, basic history lesson. the monarchy had to be fought into giving up its absolute control over the peasants. this it did to accommodate the merchant class which gained a share in the business of peasant exploitation. that's the history of the civil war and reformation for you. if it was up to the monarchy, we wouldn't be living in neo-feudalism but actual old fashioned feudalism, or the good old days.
How are the Welsh feeling?

Have they lost a Prince or gained a

Our kings died long ago. Those weirdos calling themselves the prince of Wales is like me killing my neighbour, cutting off his face and wearing it like a mask, and when his wife gets home answering the door and declaring myself Mr Johnson
Without the monarchy and such, most of you wouldn't have been born. We wouldn't be living in a free country. Some lax people here taking utter shite.


Can you explain this? Like what’s the thinking? Is it a Marty Mcfly situation? Genuinely have no idea about the logic youre applying here
Our kings died long ago. Those weirdos calling themselves the prince of Wales is like me killing my neighbour, cutting off his face and wearing it like a mask, and when his wife gets home answering the door and declaring myself Mr Johnson

This you?
