I don’t even know where to begin with this.
Kind of reluctantly seeing it this way to be honest. It’s great to see so many non black people taking a stand but the more I think about it, the more the cynical side of me thinks a massive amount of people are doing it just to sort of 'be there'.
I dunno, to me there needs to be action, more action from the white population backing this thing. And most of what has gone on before this doesn’t tell me this will happen.
Either one of two things are going on here.
one - the white people around the globe who back this protest (those we see marching/posting things on social media) are in the majority and have not done anywhere near enough to stop the continued institutional racism that is rank in the 'western world'.
two - the white people around the globe who back the protest are actually in the minority and have been doing their bit. However the dark reality is that the majority whilst not actively racist, do not care about racism. It can't be both and it can't be in between because we're seeing the same thing happen everywhere and the same minority of people saying the same things. You touched on this with America voting in Trump but it's not even just there.
I see protests in England yet in a majority white nation, the Prime Minister is a man with a history of racially abusive comments. Non white people in these nations are still repeatedly pointing to racism in their daily life, work and even just going out to shops or for a night out.
I see protests in Canada yet in a majority white nation, the Prime Minister is a man with a history of using black face. Again, non white people in Canada are still talking about widescale racism.
I see protests in Ireland yet in a majority white nation, politicians are actively using 'racist propaganda' to win votes. Again, immigrants are still talking about their racist experiences.
I see protests in New Zealand yet in a majority white nation, the Prime Minister said nothing for years as her close colleagues went on racist tirades. And once again the minority in this country are still saying racism is widespread.
It doesn't make sense, how can all the people protesting from all these countries be coming from countries where casual and open racism appears to be rewarded by you getting to run the whole fecking country. Something is not adding up here. How and why are these people getting into and staying in these positions? It should be noted that all of these politicians have also had their say on George Floyd.
As a white person at these marches, it's all well and good coming out now but when all of this is scaled back down to normal day to day life, the racism is going to continue and you need to follow through. Nobody has a problem criticising and calling out non-racist police officers for standing idle but when you go back to your normal life practice what you preach because if you don't you're just as bad as them.
Don't stay silent at your work drinks when your coked-up-middle-aged-six-figure-salary directors start racially abusing people and calling it 'banter'.
Don't stay silent when you're a white footballer and one of your team mates or opposition players is getting racially abused by the crowd. Walk off the pitch. And don't turn around and say they 'overreacted' in a post match press conference.
Don't stay silent when you're standing in a night club queue and the bouncer turns away a group of black guys in front of you because he saw them "causing problems around the corner", get out of that line, walk away.
Don't stay silent when you have a black partner and don't wanna upset your "traditional" parents by telling them about it.
Don't stay silent when you preach anti racism but allow Zenit St Petersburg to play in your football competitions (UEFA)
Don't stay silent when you're sat in your NHS management conference and look around the room and there are no black or Asian faces.
Don't stay silent when people from ethnic backgrounds have to send on average 60% more job applications than white people do just to get a call back and even have to lie about their name.
And also, for the love of god, stop calling the police on black men standing around doing normal things and describing it as 'suspicious' or 'drug dealing', stop it right now!
I'm surprised it has taken this long
I think it should be mandatory sacking if their body cameras are turned up. Have them running at all times while they are on duty.https://twitter.com/i/events/1267565639616491521
Crazy...unarmed black man shot dead after police fire into a crowd. All of their body cameras were turned off.
Not really needed. Everyone is talking about the protesters spreading covid but forgets that pretty much all police are being deployed in alternating 12h shifts at the moment. And they're exactly the type that won't wear a mask because it makes them look weak, spend long times up close to each other and go to work despite an oncoming bit of a cold (They're informed by FOX etc. too).Maybe a mass strike would do the trick since I can’t see how any sorts of supply chains hold up over there under the slightest bit of strain.
I don’t even know where to begin with this.
Question: “Is that your Bible?”
Answer: “It’s a Bible.”
Not going to lie I was staring at his lips the whole times, can't stop laughing at how he looked.I really wish Trump wasn't so genuinely funny.
Of course conveniently skipped over the BLM sprayed wallThe WH released an official video of his nice stroll to church yesterday. It looks like he had a lovely time with his mates on the quiet streets of DC.
Why would you not believe that?
I don’t even know where to begin with this.
Another clip that deserves the “Curb” musicI really wish Trump wasn't so genuinely funny.
I think it should be mandatory sacking if their body cameras are turned up. Have them running at all times while they are on duty.
I understand why you say this but I can't agree for obvious reasons. There needs to be a facility to turn the camera off when you are going to the toilet or having refreshments etc.
In the UK they can be tuned on and off however if someone uses taser they automatically turn on including those within a certain radius. I'm sure something could be done in the US with regards to drawing your gun.
I don’t even know where to begin with this.
Floyd Mayweather has donated an $88,500 cheque to the family of George Floyd to cover funeral expenses.
Because they are whiteWhy were they just let go?![]()
It should still be a stackable offence for not turning them back on after going to the toilet or having a refreshment.
If I 'forgot' to do certain aspects of my job I'd 100% be in line for a sacking.
I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightestKanye West has offered to cover Derek Chauvin’s legal fees.
You're entitled to your opinion.
I'm very pro bodycam and have seen the benefits to both the public and the police in using them.
Its akin to drug tests in football. You miss the test, you get punished as though it were positive.
If a bodycam is turned off, there should be some assumption of guilt. Or at least the removal of any "benefit of the doubt".
I don't understand the rationale for it not being a stackable offence if they have them turned off whilst on duty.
Toilet breaks and refreshments sure, but what reason beyond that should they be allowed to have them off?
I agree with that.
You can't be sacking lads for forgetting to turn it on after coming back from the jacks but if a fella gets shot in the meantime, the fact it was off should be admissible as evidence against the shooter.
Yeah I'd agree with this. Use the omission to activate it to allow a court to draw an inference.
I mentioned earlier though that here in the UK (at least with taser) bodycam activates itself if used. It also activates everyone else's near by.
Yeah I'd agree with this. Use the omission to activate it to allow a court to draw an inference.
I mentioned earlier though that here in the UK (at least with taser) bodycam activates itself if used. It also activates everyone else's near by.
This isn't really a limitation of technology but willingness on part of the US police departments to open themselves up for accountability.
That would be the most sensible solution. A chip in the bottom of the holster that activates the cam as soon as a tazer, gun, baton etc is drawn.
Yeah I fear that to be the case. More openness and accountability is exactly what's needed so a clear change in this area would be a tiny step to reform the service and public opinion.
Yeah it's easy to do and already in use in the UK. It's strange really as our cameras are from the US so it's not like they can't do it.
They have bodycam, it's the most open system of policing. What more could you expect? Unless you're God himself I don't think you can get a better proof to an incident than a bodycam.
The other 3 cops weren't charged (yet as we speak) not because there's no proof, but because of something else more sinister.
The video is all in the internet for the whole world to judge for themselves and here's the local DA worried about not getting a conviction if he go murder 1 because some jury might be some sort of law professor and nitpick on law technicalities.