Based on what I tend to see in this forum, I'm sure people will argue against this, but the vast majority of cops are good people that do a thankless, dangerous job and genuinely care about protecting all citizens, as per their oath. The vast majority are just as outraged that someone that took an oath to protect and serve has needlessly taken a life and damaged the trust that so many officers and police departments have worked hard to build. Is the system perfect? Hell no. Are some cops or even departments bad/racist/crooked? Absolutely. But to paint all of them as bad is unfair and inaccurate. Cops around the country, that had absolutely nothing to do with Floyd's death, are being screamed at, assaulted, having projectiles thrown at them ranging from fireworks to bottles urine and watching people spray paint things like "kill all pigs" around their city. I can't imagine what it must feel like to put your life on the line day in and day out to protect all citizens and then be subject to this because of what happened hundreds or thousands of miles away. I can't imagine what a frustrating and confusing time it must be for black police officers around the country.
People have every right to protest. Every right to be outraged. Every right to demand justice. And the vast majority are doing so peacefully and legitimately want change and justice. Then you have opportunists and anarchists stoking the flames and inciting riots, destruction of property and further divisiveness. I've seen countless videos of peaceful black protesters intervening on little antifa thugs trying to turn peaceful demonstrations violent. There are forces, domestic and international, trying to use this situation for their benefit to destabilize our society, not to bring justice for Floyd and end systemic issues.
I'm appalled by the number of people condoning the violence, the riots, the looting. How is it justified to burn and loot around the country because of what happened in Minneapolis? I don't think those actions are justified there, either, but one could at least argue that they are acting against the institution that caused Floyd's death. The Atlanta, Baltimore, DC, New York, etc. etc. police departments have nothing to do with Minneapolis.
What is justice? True justice is due process. This country was founded on this principle and these riots will not subvert anyone's right to a fair trial (which in this case I hope ends in convictions). But due process takes time. The process is underway, we have to let it run its course. In the meantime, I support everyone's right to peacefully demonstrate their outrage and their demands for change, but violence, destruction and theft don't do that.
We can only improve as a country if we are united, and the country is certainly united in wanting justice for Floyd. This incident has the power to bring about true change by bringing everyone together (as we've seen by the unity demonstrated by the majority of the protestors from all walks of life, and from many cops who have held banners supporting justice for Floyd while doing their job to maintain peace during demonstrations), but these riots (not the protests) are doing the opposite and do no honor or justice for Floyd or the others who have similarly suffered.
As a Brit who is a proud nationalized US citizen, I love this country and all of the people that are a part of it. It breaks my heart to see those that want to leverage injustice to bring about more divisiveness and anarchy, winning.