2 man midfield
Last Man Standing finalist 2021/22
Never knew Colston Hall was named after a slave trader.
The slave trade is what Bristol's wealth was built on.Never knew Colston Hall was named after a slave trader.
It got dragged to the river and is now swimming with the fishes.Think of it as dismembering them. It preserves the artistic form and visual reminder of barbarity without any of the bad stuff.
Yeah, I just never knew the name Colston. Apparently it's due to be renamed soon.The slave trade is what Bristol's wealth was built on.
While it’s a fake claim, it seems as though Trump is basically celebrating that he has reduced Americans their constitutional first Amendment rights?
Not that his voters have the intelligence to understand that nuance.
One of the worst types of person.Here, I'll post for those that want to push her bullshit agenda. She's no different than many others simply seeing an opportunity to cash in from racial tensions and polarized political climate.
Every Receipt Proving Candace Owens Is A Con Artist Who Is Following The Money
We have the receipts.
Nope, it's a statement to the white folk.
If you're, to this day, silent on racial oppression and injustices - you are complicit.
The slave trade is what Bristol's wealth was built on.
Well here is what his base is posting
It's shocking it's still up and it's not like people haven't tried to get it taken down through the 'proper channels' either. I hope BCC show some balls and don't allow it to be restored.
They are in the process of renaming it, though even that caused a huge backlash from right wingers across the cityNever knew Colston Hall was named after a slave trader.
Both Liverpool and Manchester benefited from the slave trade. As did London.I'd be alright with knocking Bristol down.
Freedom of the press to represent two sides of the same ruling class hegemony.‘In capitalist usage, freedom of the press means freedom of the rich to bribe the press, freedom to use their wealth to shape and fabricate so-called public opinion.’
When can people protest then? There's no vaccine for SARS. Do we wait 20 years?Jesus fecking Christ. And Berlin’s r0 was >1 last week. This is insane.
Both Liverpool and Manchester benefited from the slave trade. As did London.
well we need London....
It's not about the BAME folk.there are 8m people who live in London. How many were on the march yesterday? How many BAME people were at home yesterday, are they all complicit?
It's not about the BAME folk.
And marching isnt the only way to take action against racism and oppression.
Again. Silence is being complicit.
Sorry for ruining your plans, man.
Yeah, I'm from Bulgaria and I was trying to explain our perspective. We never had centuries of systematic oppression and exploitation, it was actually the total opposite. I do agree we have a racism issue, but it's just not systemic and there is no reason why we as white people have to feel guilty. Actually, it's exactly why I feel strong sympathy towards the struggles of minorities in the West, because our country suffers from being between the hammer and the anvil (the non-stop historical clash of the West and the East) to this day.
FFS. She has never made a good point in her life. Read up on who she is.
Out of interest, what are the great points you think she made?
I'm not sure Ronaldo's Mum Eh? has either. His opinions are often bizarre. He seems to be wrong about everything. Kindred spirits?
She's the face of the right wing TPUSA . She is the closet racists wet dream, a black person who trashes other black people, spouting the usual talking points. She just did her usual grift, spouting black crime statistics while spitting in the grave of George Floyd.
Not in the territory of our nation. The history of their oppression again starts with the West, continued with the Ottoman empire, who treated them as the lowest servants to the sultan, below even the non-muslims.What about the Romani people in Bulgaria? I would dare say that has been quite systematic for centuries, and still is.
‘In capitalist usage, freedom of the press means freedom of the rich to bribe the press, freedom to use their wealth to shape and fabricate so-called public opinion.’
- some Russian guy a while ago.
2020 - mainstream British media adding balance to anti-racist protests by platforming a racist.
Oh poor you, being asked to be anti-racist and acknowledge your white privilege must be soooooo difficult.Or maybe people have got their own lives to get on with you loon!
When can people protest then? There's no vaccine for SARS. Do we wait 20 years?
This is SARS. Which is the point.SARS has killed 0 people in the UK, with 4 reported cases, so a rather ridiculous comparison.
Oh poor you, being asked to be anti-racist and acknowledge your white privilege must be soooooo difficult.
White fragility is unreal.
Again. Being silent on racism and oppression is being complicit.
This isnt a conversation for smileys and emojis either.