I know they were not slaves, but I have been to Bulgaria several times, I also have had some friends from Bulgaria, some of them moved here, and of course were happy for that as life in Bulgarie can be quite hard (no offence). I know people in Bulgaria works hard as hell to make a living. But I was also told a lot of stories around the Romanis, like one guy said they used to take bats with them as youths (that would be early 90's) and go out and beat up "gypsies". I have also seen a documentary about romani kids being sent to special schools for disabilited and mistreated etc. I can not remember it all and I do not pretend to know more than you, but my impression is that all of Europe has mistreated the Romanis, although they are quite good at making their own societys within societies. In my nation as well (Norway), they were treated badly historically.
Please make a thread

you could do it about Bulgaria in general, I have a lot of good memories from there, I have been to Pleben, Troyan, Varna etc. In Pleben we were warned of the Romanis on street. Never walk alone as a tourist at night here they said. We could be stabbed and robbed. But I think the traffic and the police were more scary haha.. I remember a taxi driver that scared the shit out of me, he drove like a madman and almost hit the front of a trailer taking shortcuts into the wrong side of the road before turns. And the police

I got the impression you did not want to deal with them at all. ever

Anyways, a topic/post about Bulgarian society would be cool.
Edit : And so many beautiful women in Bulgaria. And the fish you fry and eat like chips with salt and citrus. Loved it. sorry a bit of offtopic here I will not elaborate more now