Pro Evolution Soccer 2011

True or just that I expect a hell of alot more progress in terms of gameplay/graphics development.
Oh god, first time in so long I'm actually enjoying a Pro Evo. It feels so much better. Weighty passing, realistic time on the ball, decent movement, build up is realistic as well. Will take a while to get used to the finishing though. Love the new replays as well. feck YEAH PRO EVO!
Okay. As an avid FIFA fan and player, I thought I'd give this a go when i saw the demo was on XBLM today after playing FIFA 11 demo on PS3.

First thoughts, the menus are awesome. Love the way they work and look pretty. I chose to be Barca against Bayern, the tactics and game plan menus are a bit shitty. I couldn't see where you changed your line-up so I left it. The "Leave it to your manager (offensive/balanced/defensive)" thing is quite cool though. Adjusts your formation slightly to fit the styles. So far, it's alright.

Started the game, straight away BOOM. I'm wow'd by the graphics. Don't know why, but the players coming out of the tunnel and the line-up thing really impressed me. Even the pitch looked awesome. Started playing the game and the gameplay has been drastically improved since PES 2009 (only PES I've played, which I bought a week ago actually to test the series and thought it was shit).

The passing is good, no ping-ponging like FIFA 10 but maybe you can change some settings for it. The power meter is a bit crap though, quite hard to judge it. The shooting is good and the way the ball moves is very realistic, probably better than FIFA 11 demo. Animations, player movements and touches are all very impressive too.

Overall, the gameplay is top notch. Maybe even slightly better than the FIFA demo. But I have some issues with PES that will still make me choose FIFA over it. No commentary, VERY annoying. Yes, FIFA uses the same phrases all the time and that - but it's so quiet and dull without it. Goal celebrations - err, why couldn't I do them? Maybe I'm being a spaz about it. And if PES 2009 is anything to go by, this wont have team names. Just "North London club" "West London club" etc. Which would frustrate me like hell.

Having the champions league and such in this game is a plus, but from what people have said about the rest of the PES series the actual career mode thing is balls which is what I play a lot of on FIFA and I like a lot.

PES is nearly there, with some more things added in, it could be brilliant. I might even buy this for PS3 so I've got FIFA for Xbox, PES for PS3. Depends how flushed I'm feeling when it comes out and how much I'm enjoying FIFA11.
You do realize there is going to be commentary in the final game right?? But like FIFA, the commentary is fairly crap.

That goal celebrations thingy is crap, just like the build a stadium thing that they are going to have in the final build of this game. Seriously, Rooney doing flips?? It's better that they set the celebrations for the players which they normally do, that's what on PES.

PES only has the FIFPro license since EA bought the full FIFA license, hence some of the team names being fake.

I did download the FIFA 11 demo though. It is seriously just a repackaged WC2010 game. Just some minor, barely noticeable tweaks. PES on the other hand though, is like a fairly new game, which will take a bit of time of getting used to. But it does look and plays good.
I wondered why they had commentary in 2009 and not in this one. Don't worry, dumb moment!

Goal celebration thing is good imo. Especially in 11. Lets you personalize your goals some more and you can do bigger better celebrations depending what game it is and the situation or skip it if it's the 5th goal against Cardiff.

Agreed FIFA isn't like a new game, but it's got more than just a few barely noticeable tweaks. I can't comment on whether this is like a new game or not as I never played 2010, but it's a hell of a lot fecking better than 2009 which I'm regretting spending a fiver on.

Some of the gameplay on this can be frustrating, as good as the passing is, you can aim your pass right where you want it and it can do in the complete opposite direction - something which I haven't had on FIFA 11 yet. I'm going to play the demo for this more though and decide whether I want to get both this year as so far I'm impressed.
That goal celebration thing is a bit tacky and needless in my opinion. They're better off concentrating on the gameplay that include needless stuff like that. People might enjoy it the 1st few times, then not bother after. It gets very tiresome.
Just played my first few games. Not sure what to make of it. In some ways it's brilliant. The manual passing is long overdue, and even the keepers seem slightly better. I played probably the best pass I ever have in PES a moment ago with a reverse through ball that left my player one on one with the keeper.

But some problems remain. Some of the animations, particularly short passes, look odd. The AI is still below-par, and they don't make enough runs or seem to anticipate what you're doing. The shooting system feels slightly too easy to me and they haven't gotten rid of that daft penalty camera.
Well, it's er...different.

I don't know if I like it or not. It feels like it plays a lot better, it definitely flows a lot better, and the players do seem a lot less clumsy. It feels more like a Pro Evo game than any of the other next gen efforts.

On the negative side, despite feeling like a completely different game for PES10, much of the things that irritated me remain. For example, pressing pass only for your player to take several more touches of the ball, and get tackled, without actually trying to pass the ball. Getting a player to accelerate away or turn when receiving a ball feels like you're moving a train out of a station. Also not sure the new camera angle works properly. It looks great, but seems to make it impossible to play a pass in relation to the direction you want it to go, at times.

Nah, I'm not sold on this. Not yet anyway...but I am intrigued. It's definitely tried to move itself along way from last year.
If thats the case.. I must admit then that this current gen of consoles have been the worst since gaming began in terms of mind blowingness.. I can't think of a single game on the current consoles that had me enraptured like the Pro's of yesteryear and GTA: San Andreas, Metal gear solid etc.

I think it's mainly because they're the same games with better graphics. There's not much innovation, to be fair and that's the reason why I've got bored with computers games in general. I still haven't played Mass Effect which has being gathering dust on my shelf for a couple of years.

I'm actually waiting for virtual reality come to think of it.

The falling animations haven't been sorted. Yet again, an awful lot of the time when players are tackled as they're running forwards, they defy the laws of physics and momentum and just fall backwards onto their arses.
I really don't know what to make of it. So many things have been improved, yet there are others you'd assume would have been first on the list and haven't been sorted.
Lets be honest guys, this is a fecking shit game. I thought it was a cliche, but the old ones are miles better. Utter rubbish, didn't even finish a game on the demo. You'd have to be a mug to buy this over fifa.
I quite enjoyed it - it's the first time I've tried a PES game on the PS3 - I've always played it on the PC in the past.

It's fun, more so than the FIFA11 demo. But it just seems a bit random and incomplete. Especially the players awareness seems rather rubbish. They don't seem to know where the ball is despite it being two inches in front of them.

The refereeing is crap as well. I hate the way the ref blows the whistle the millisecond a foul happens. And offsides gets called no matter what, even if the player in question is no where near the ball and the other team has a good counter possibility.

Too many wonder goals from outside the box. I don't really feel I have much control of where the ball is going, yet it flies into the top corner.

It's fun, but I reckon the various quirks will get annoying rather fast. Oh, and the passing is very satisfying, but it's a tad too easy to pull teams apart - at least when you're Bayern or Barca. I expected more of a challenge on Professional, but a couple ping-pong passes and you're past the entire defense.

First impression: PES11 demo > FIFA11 demo. But I only play online, so will probably go for FIFA.
An improvement over last year for sure, but it still lacks in too many areas.

The AI is so wildly inconsistent, one minute making amazing interceptions or clearances and the next allowing a ball to roll right in front of them or bounce off their legs.

The animation, while improved, seems to jump from one movement to the next at times. Something FIFA has all but eliminated with their kinematics.

Please tell me the "Feint Link" bollocks isn't turned on for multiplayer, if so it will be a nightmare. Allowing people to link skill moves with the push of a button (well technically a button and a direction) is going to kill it quick.

If I buy Pro Evo 2011 it will be from the bargain bin.
An improvement over last year for sure, but it still lacks in too many areas.

The AI is so wildly inconsistent, one minute making amazing interceptions or clearances and the next allowing a ball to roll right in front of them or bounce off their legs.

The animation, while improved, seems to jump from one movement to the next at times. Something FIFA has all but eliminated with their kinematics.

Please tell me the "Feint Link" bollocks isn't turned on for multiplayer, if so it will be a nightmare. Allowing people to link skill moves with the push of a button (well technically a button and a direction) is going to kill it quick.

If I buy Pro Evo 2011 it will be from the bargain bin.

What the hell is that? Sounds like a good way to feck it up.
Don't you have to have the paid PSN membership to download the PES 2011 demo though?

That's why I got it on my xbox instead.
What the hell is that? Sounds like a good way to feck it up.

You can string together a series of five or six skill moves that play out when you hit LB/L1 and the assigned direction on the right stick. Stepovers, spins, rainbow flicks etc. (You can even stick a dive on the end of the sequence to be a cnut)
You can string together a series of five or six skill moves that play out when you hit LB/L1 and the assigned direction on the right stick. Stepovers, spins, rainbow flicks etc. (You can even stick a dive on the end of the sequence to be a cnut)

That sounds like quite possibly the worst addition to a football game ever.

It would be a real shame if PES had undone all their reported good work with something as bizarre and shit as that.
Let's be honest, it's been shite for a while, it was never going to all of a sudden jump to a completely finished product. It's not a refined game, that's not PES's style and never has been. It's about beautiful passing moves and long range stonkers. I am pleased with the demo because it shows they are putting some effort back into the game, while Fifa which still has as many faults as PES, doesn't seem concerned about solving their issues, they're more concerned with gimmicky game play modes. Just forget all that bollocks if you have shite ball physics, EA, you big bag of wank.
It's quite fun on multiplayer...miles better than last year in that department. I have several major issues with it, from the demo, which may prevent me from bothering to buy it. Some of it might be stuff that kind of irons itself out as you get used to it more, but it just all seems very bitty.

and I don't remember a Pro Evo game being this unchallengingly easy before. Unless the actual thing is far more difficult, I'd be bored of it within a week.

Lets be honest guys, this is a fecking shit game. I thought it was a cliche, but the old ones are miles better. Utter rubbish, didn't even finish a game on the demo. You'd have to be a mug to buy this over fifa.

If I'm buying one of them this year, it'll DEFINITELY be PES.

Played the Fifa demo earlier too. It isn't even worth commenting on. If nothing else, at least PES is something a bit new.
You do realise "CPU" is the AI and not your new best mate who is always there for you, right Spammy?
I'm coming round to liking it more now actually. The shit things are less annoying because the game just feels about 100% better than the last one.

and apparently there's a higher difficulty setting on the full game?
The manual passing makes a massive difference. I'll just be happy when I can turn off the players names above their heads as you play.
I played the demo a few times, some parts I liked, some parts not so. I think maybe because I've rarely played PES over the years, a lot felt different and new to me. I liked some of the animations, whereas others looked really awkward and weird. The passing was pretty difficult but was alright once I got used to it. I scored a goal with a blatant handball, not sure how it stood, I thought Villa did a diving header and when I checked the replay it didn't touch his head and was knocked in my his outstretched left arm.
To my knowledge, there weren't any handball calls for PES2010 so I'm supposing they did not improve on that.
I played the demo a few times, some parts I liked, some parts not so. I think maybe because I've rarely played PES over the years, a lot felt different and new to me. I liked some of the animations, whereas others looked really awkward and weird. The passing was pretty difficult but was alright once I got used to it. I scored a goal with a blatant handball, not sure how it stood, I thought Villa did a diving header and when I checked the replay it didn't touch his head and was knocked in my his outstretched left arm.

How is the passing difficult? I went in to play the demo, thought I'd choose Bayern instead of Barcelona for a bit more of a challenge... And had to quit the game half way through the first half because I was stuffing them with ease. Absolutely shredding the defence. I figured it was on amatuer or something and went to change the difficulty. It was on the second highest, so I put it on highest and tried again. Same thing.
How is the passing difficult? I went in to play the demo, thought I'd choose Bayern instead of Barcelona for a bit more of a challenge... And had to quit the game half way through the first half because I was stuffing them with ease. Absolutely shredding the defence. I figured it was on amatuer or something and went to change the difficulty. It was on the second highest, so I put it on highest and tried again. Same thing.

Omg you legend.