My 2 penneth.
I've given it a few goes now and i'm sure i'll be getting it this year. I still think FIFA is the better game but i've really enjoyed this demo, unlike the FIFA one. There are still issues, the animations are clunky, the 'keepers can't catch and there's been some dismal AI going on with the defenders but I like the way it feels. Attacking feels so much better on this than in FIFA, as does shooting.
I've had FIFA for the last few years so i'm still feeling my way back into PES so I don't really know how to tackle properly or how to dribble effectively but it's still been enough to give me that excitement factor that I hadn't had from PES in about 4 years.
Like I said from the off, FIFA is the better overall game, there really is no debating that. But I prefer the feel of PES. It's nothing I can put my finger on, it just feels right.
Also, having just 2 teams to choose from is pretty shit.