Pro Evolution Soccer 2011

The L1 O cross in pro evo = :drool:
No. I bought both and thought PES was better. The only aspect I prefer in Fifa is the crossing.

i prefer the feel of the passing in Fifa. However, I prefer the more intuitive way i can mix my game up between short controlled passes and then bursts of speed and dribbling in Pro - didn't feel Fifa gave the same freedom.

Can't wait to play the demo tonight.

Stupid work.

Stupid after work football.

Stupid having to wait for the bugger to download once I do get home.
I'm actually thinking of not playing the demo of either fifa or pro evo this time. I want the experience when I buy both to be better.
This is a PES 2011 thread, thanks though.

Alright, judging by the TS's video clips, i don't like these things:

*the goalkeeping AI seems horrible
*360 degrees movements? more like 45 degrees triangular moves.
*the passes seem to have pin point accuracy

however, the animations look great and the defensive AI looks decent as well...

thats my 10 kronor
I take it there's no advanced demo download available for the 360?
You a member?

You can download it right now, you have to turn on Automatic downloading which can be found under system settings.

Then restart your console and a message will come up, press O and check your download management and it should be downloading


What's one of those?

If you check the Playstation store there's two options ie: A one year Playstation plus membership which is £40 or a 3 months membership which is £11.99.

Games: enjoy loads of PlayStation Network games, minis and PS one classics plus premium avatars and dynamic themes, all worth at least £200* a year. You'll also get exclusive PlayStation Store discounts and early access to demos and beta trials. Content is updated every month on PlayStation Store, so there will always be something new to enjoy.

Full Game Trial: try before you buy with a one-hour trial of selected
PlayStation Network titles and Blu-ray Disc releases.

Automatic Download: receive the latest PS3 system software updates, all your game updates and even game demos without lifting a finger.
That's crap that you get access to demos early. Fair enough you get some stuff for free or at a discount....but delaying releases that are already free just to please paying customers is a load of rubbish.
Ah. No intention of paying for any of that. Oh well. Here's hoping the demo is available to us lesser mortals soon enough.

available on the 15th for non-plus users.

I signed up the other day and I have autodownload activated, but I think I activated it for early in the day, so it won't have picked the demo up. irritating. oh well.
I don't care, I have to get it! Once I know the demo is out it pains me to not play it.
That's crap that you get access to demos early. Fair enough you get some stuff for free or at a discount....but delaying releases that are already free just to please paying customers is a load of rubbish.

tbf, the PES10 demo came out on PSN on the 17th of Sept last it's hardly delaying it for free users, merely bumping it for paying ones.

Also to someone who spends a needless £5 on fags every day, a £10 to get this and the FIFA demo early isn't that much of a problem. You spend a £10 on all sorts of pointlessly rubbish flippant stuff most weeks anyway.
tbf, the PES10 demo came out on PSN on the 17th of Sept last it's hardly delaying it for free users, merely bumping it for paying ones.

No no no, the glass is half empty not full!

If it's ready, why wait?
Good for you! Let us know what you think. I'll probably buy this and fifa if they both turn out to be good.
I'm playing this now....Will give my thoughts soon. I just wanted to make you all jealous by telling you I was playing this now.
I'm playing this now....Will give my thoughts soon. I just wanted to make you all jealous by telling you I was playing this now.

What do you usually buy Mockers?
95-99 fifa 2000-06 pes, 07-10 fifa

Initial points: Half Length is a good 10 minutes...But only 2 teams available, Bayern and Barca. (EDIT: there's also Chivas and someone else, but you can only play these 2 teams against each other..e.g, you can only play Barca vs Bayern)

Feels a little sluggish first go...but that could just be me getting used to PES controls again...It's better than 10
OK. Well, it's better. And it's not shit.

It's got a less clunky feel to it than the last one. It moves quite lightly and the first touch animations are sometimes sublime. If you're used to FIFA this'll be a good entry point. It's lighter in the way FIFA 09 felt lighter than 08. In a good way. Shooting is good, as it usually is on Pro, but the pressure guage is so sensitive that if you hold down shoot for longer than 0.00001 of a second you're taking a rugby conversion, which annoys me. Never the less the one touch animations for both passing and shooting are often great, and the general impression you're scoring a unique goal remains in tact...

The main problem for me, as always in PES, is the dribbling. You can't dribble. No one has any pace. And I mean no one. And the dribbling movements don't feel 360 at all, you bob and weave in the same quadrants as you always did and the animations (though better) still feel like your cutting into the next available straight line whilst watching the same man running on a treatmill duplicated 22 times. This gets really frustrating when you're bursting down the middle or the wing looking for a break away, cos you're not bursting down the middle, you're jogging lightly down the middle and it feels like you've got sandbags attached to your ankles..Gone are the days when you could run the whole pitch as Thierry Henry. While that's not a bad thing, they are completely gone..This makes people like Messi completely redundant, which is ironic, since he's the poster boy of the game..Crossing is also poor again. Though little dink'd soft balls are good. Turning in quicksand often springs to mind to...which is odd, cos at times it feels quicker than FIFA, especially if you get a slick passing move going. But then it'll just judder to a halt whenever someone on the wing has it, or indeed you have to turn.

Also the AI wasn't great. Defenders often let balls close to them slide into your man, or your team mates stop and curtail a run just when you pass it to them sometimes...

I don't know...I'll need a few more games...but at the moment I quite like it but there's just something I feel is holding it back... It is getting more enjoyable the more I play it so, hey ho...I'll check back in a few days and see how that pans out.
OK. Well, it's better. And it's not shit.

It's got a less clunky feel to it than the last one. It moves quite lightly and the first touch animations are sometimes sublime. If you're used to FIFA this'll be a good entry point. It's lighter in the way FIFA 09 felt lighter than 08. In a good way. Shooting is good, as it usually is on Pro, but the pressure guage is so sensitive that if you hold down shoot for longer than 0.00001 of a second you're taking a rugby conversion, which annoys me. Never the less the one touch animations for both passing and shooting are often great, and the general impression you're scoring a unique goal remains in tact...

The main problem for me, as always in PES, is the dribbling. You can't dribble. No one has any pace. And I mean no one. And the dribbling movements don't feel 360 at all, you bob and weave in the same quadrants as you always did and the animations (though better) still feel like your cutting into the next available straight line whilst watching the same man running on a treatmill duplicated 22 times. This gets really frustrating when you're bursting down the middle or the wing looking for a break away, cos you're not bursting down the middle, you're jogging lightly down the middle and it feels like you've got sandbags attached to your ankles...this makes people like Messi completely redundant, which is ironic, since he's the poster boy of the game..Crossing is also poor again. Though little dink'd soft balls are good.

Also the AI wasn't great. Defenders often let balls close to them slide into your man, or your team mates stop and curtail a run just when you pass it to them sometimes...

I don't know...I'll need a few more games...but at the moment I quite like it but there's just something I feel is holding it back... It is getting more enjoyable the more I play it so, hey ho...I'll check back in a few days and see how that pans out.

Have to say this review pleases me greatly.

Never been a fan of footy games where dribbling is easy. That was the biggest flaw of Pro Evo 9 (or maybe 8? ) when you could give someone like Ronaldo the ball and let him run the length of the field, leaving defenders trailing in his wake.

I prefer when there's only a very slight difference in speed and it's all about judicious tapping of the sprint button to try and gain a yard. Football simulations should be all about passing and moving, baby.

Speaking of moving, what's the off the ball movement like? In the last Pro Evo I found all your AI team-mates infuriatingly bad at making intelligent runs to give you options for passes. The reluctance of full-backs to over-lap (without tweaking all the settings to "kamikaze, all-out attack" or somesuch) drove me crazy.
Have to say this review pleases me greatly.

Never been a fan of footy games where dribbling is easy. That was the biggest flaw of Pro Evo 9 (or maybe 8? ) when you could give someone like Ronaldo the ball and let him run the length of the field, leaving defenders trailing in his wake.

I prefer when there's only a very slight difference in speed and it's all about judicious tapping of the sprint button to try and gain a yard. Football simulations should be all about passing and moving, baby.

I can see the appeal in that for sure..But it's not that you can't dribble round everyone..who'd want to do that? it's that you cant dribble round anyone, and when you do it doesn't feel like you're dribbling. Even when you're just taking the ball forward a few steps. It feels like a man on a treadmill moving in a straight line, and not like a footballer carrying a ball forward...

Speaking of moving, what's the off the ball movement like? In the last Pro Evo I found all your AI team-mates infuriatingly bad at making intelligent runs to give you options for passes. The reluctance of full-backs to over-lap (without tweaking all the settings to "kamikaze, all-out attack" or somesuch) drove me crazy.

Exactly the same. Often I found myself in a no10 hole just waiting for someone to make a run they never did...bit frustrating..they make better runs the further back you are though it seems.

Also volleys are they usually are on Pro. I've hit some pearlers.