Pro Evolution Soccer 2011

You can increase the speed.Did you miss it in the video or did you even watch it ?

Yeah I did watch it and despite that having played the last few PES's.. every game felt like a chore, in real life if you're dribbling past opponents, if you weaving in and out and knocking it past opponents the speed you're playing at is fast, real football consists of a slow speed at times and fast when you're picking up the tempo.. personally I felt that the past few next gen Pro's fail to reflect reality and seem obsessed with making the game slow and a world away from the thrilling nature of their PS2 games, which whilst being a tad too fast at least were enjoyable and arguably more representative of the beautiful game.

Fifa is too fast anyway. They slowed the World Cup game down and it improved things massively.

and I don't remember Pro Evo ever being insanely fast.

Problem with the last Fifa was the pinball passing, you could drive an opponent dizzy with the one touch passing and hopefully it'll be sorted out for future versions.. but I still rather have that than playing through treacle.

Pro wasn't insanely fast, but it was fast enough.. end to end action.

A game where you're in control of the tempo in the game (i.e. passing it around slowly or suddenly running past players and passing at a higher tempo when you want) is the ideal medium and a true simulation of football.
@ Raees: If they can fix the pressure/Stamina levels then it will be a big step.Right now there is no downside to constantly pressurizing the opponent
Apparently you have the choice between the same old precise and scripted passing (by pressing X or A) or you'll have this sort of manual passing (by pressing LB+A,L1+X).
I don't see the point tbh, if introducing such a "freedom" tool why give the users to possibility to use the same old easy passing ? Why not force everyone to use this new and more realistic passing ?
When playing online I don't think many would wanna go the hard way

not quite. The passing is very much towards manual.

The direction you are holding the analog stick in now far more greatly dertermines where the ball is going to go. The power bar (for all passes) determines the speed of the pass.

For crappy players, this can result in passes going way off target if you don't take time to measure them (so you are on the ball for longer). The better players, like Iniesta, Fabregas etc have a bit more AI assistance to their passing to make their passes come off quicker and more accurately. This is so the best passers in football are markedly better on the ball and easier to pass with that nobodies.

The L1+pass stuff is completely manual with no assistance what-so-ever.

Everything I have heard, from every preview, from every source, has said the game plays completly differently to how it used to - that the passing is a very different beast and takes getting used to as it is nowhere near as easy as it used to be and that everyone who played it was mashing the ball out for throw-ins and goal kicks in their first couple of games.

I have no doubt that PES2011 is very different to the games that have come before and everyone has been really, really positive about it so far.

Really looking forward to it.
@ Raees: If they can fix the pressure/Stamina levels then it will be a big step.Right now there is no downside to constantly pressurizing the opponent

I agree. This is one of the biggest concerns of the game. Without pressure or stamina levels, it allows you to press the opponent for the whole 90 mins with no consequences. Constant pressure on the balls leads to having to release the ball quick which leads to ping pong passing and then a unrealistic game. If they can fix this issue, it will considerably improve the game
seemingly it is being played by people who know how to play it.

Passing power and direction is manual this year - so passing is going to take a lot more skill

Sadly it wont make a blind bit of difference for improvements to be competitive with FIFA. It looks to be behind FIFA10 which is saying a lot, especially on the presentation of the game and also the playability. Commentary is still awful.
Problem with the last Fifa was the pinball passing, you could drive an opponent dizzy with the one touch passing and hopefully it'll be sorted out for future versions.. but I still rather have that than playing through treacle.

Pro wasn't insanely fast, but it was fast enough.. end to end action.

A game where you're in control of the tempo in the game (i.e. passing it around slowly or suddenly running past players and passing at a higher tempo when you want) is the ideal medium and a true simulation of football.

It does take far too long and is nowhere near fluid enough when you play the ball from one end of the pitch to the other on Pro Evo, though I thought that was more down to the clumsy linear movement of the players, than the actual speed of the game. Even with the player support thing on full, you usually had to stand there and force a player to run beyond you before you could play it.

That's the one area where I think Fifa is miles ahead...your players run forwards into space so you can play the ball as you go. THe World cup game was excellent for this, I thought, and the pace was pretty much perfect. In fact, if it was a proper, bug free Fifa, it'd be the best footy game out there by far.
Lets be honest here it doesn't matter which footie game is the best or far ahead of the other, if the magazines and site reviews all give one the best scores and it had more adverts then it would sell more, as for most people this is the way the world works. Just look at crap phone.

I'm happy to try both and decide. FIFA WC was good but got a bit fed up of every striker getting brushed off the ball by defenders with strength, doesn't happen like that.
Lot of people have jumped over to FIFA. I think PES deserves a chance. Its always been PES for me
Everyone that played Master League Online Beta said that this PES is nothing you have ever seen, that they had to get use to the game all over again, all passing is manual and freedom is really big. And pace is much slower and realistic.

Can't wait for the game, they finally got it right! PES is back!
PES was always the better choice. They just fecked up after PES 6 and had all sorts of glitches not to mention the gameplay was utter wank. It was then people started jumping on the Fifa bandwagon. 2010 wasn't bad but the gameplay bores me at times and Top Player is not that challenging at all. From the video above, it does look very visually appealing but it also did last year round so we'll just have to wait and see.
PES was always the better choice. They just fecked up after PES 6 and had all sorts of glitches not to mention the gameplay was utter wank. It was then people started jumping on the Fifa bandwagon. 2010 wasn't bad but the gameplay bores me at times and Top Player is not that challenging at all. From the video above, it does look very visually appealing but it also did last year round so we'll just have to wait and see.

Pretty much spot on. I've had FIFA the last 2 years but only because PES was so dissapointing. IF they have managed to get it sorted this year then I shall be swapping back.

I hope they've finally sorted the online out too.
FIFA has been the better choice for years now! PES turned to arcadey shite a while ago now, which is a shame because I loved the early Winning Eleven/Pro Evo games.

Hopefully this new PES will be HUGELY improved but I won't hold my breath, Konami have promised a better game every year but not delivered.
I've never really liked Fifa. The game doesn't really excite me. And I think that Fifa's graphics are extremely odd. They come off as surreal, almost cartoonish. The shape of the players on wide screen looks quite two dimensional and skinny and for the times I've played, the players' bodies are almost always disproportionate with their head size. Also, the kits always seem to have a weird shape and the numbering at the back almost always seems unnatural and disfigured.

It is quite odd
Everyone that played Master League Online Beta said that this PES is nothing you have ever seen, that they had to get use to the game all over again, all passing is manual and freedom is really big. And pace is much slower and realistic.

Can't wait for the game, they finally got it right! PES is back!

I don't see the big difference between this and the current one.
FIFA has been the better choice for years now! PES turned to arcadey shite a while ago now, which is a shame because I loved the early Winning Eleven/Pro Evo games.

Hopefully this new PES will be HUGELY improved but I won't hold my breath, Konami have promised a better game every year but not delivered.

If by "years" you mean the last few, then yes FIFA's been "better for years". Oh so you only enjoyed the earlier PES'? Up to PES 6 on the PS2, Pro evo was miles ahead. Maybe you should head back to the FIFA thread, you're clearly a fanboi.

On the topic of PES, The second video looks better than the first for me. Can't wait for the demo to come out. Anyone know the date?
If by "years" you mean the last few, then yes FIFA's been "better for years". Oh so you only enjoyed the earlier PES'? Up to PES 6 on the PS2, Pro evo was miles ahead. Maybe you should head back to the FIFA thread, you're clearly a fanboi.

Grow up you idiot, I'm 31 years old and haven't got the time to be a "fan" of any video game.

I enjoyed PES up until 6 (not the dodgy first 360 release, that was awful) but it's gone downhill a LOT since and everyone with a good taste in video games will have noticed this and yes, it has been "years". The last Pro Evo game worth actually buying was 6, what year was that released? Oh yes, 4 years ago.

The FIFA games have come on in leaps and bounds over the last few years. The latest World Cup installment is simply a fantastic game of football, it's extremely realistic. I used to hate the FIFA series until FIFA 08, which was still a poor game but I could see how the series was progressing and that EA's developers were actually acting on feedback from the fans i.e. US LOT who actually have to buy/play the games.
Simply the best football game on earth... end of.

In your opinion maybe. However, if you've held that opinion over the last 2 years then you're seriously misguided. Konami have really let it's fans down for a number of years now. Fingers crossed they can return to their former glory. I won't be holding my breath though.
Grow up you idiot, I'm 31 years old and haven't got the time to be a "fan" of any video game.

I enjoyed PES up until 6 (not the dodgy first 360 release, that was awful) but it's gone downhill a LOT since and everyone with a good taste in video games will have noticed this and yes, it has been "years". The last Pro Evo game worth actually buying was 6, what year was that released? Oh yes, 4 years ago.

The FIFA games have come on in leaps and bounds over the last few years. The latest World Cup installment is simply a fantastic game of football, it's extremely realistic. I used to hate the FIFA series until FIFA 08, which was still a poor game but I could see how the series was progressing and that EA's developers were actually acting on feedback from the fans i.e. US LOT who actually have to buy/play the games.

Agreed 100%

I used to LOVE PES/W11....unfortunately PES 6 was the last good one...
Was a staunch advocate of it, but since FIFA 08, FIFA has been pissing all over PES and has well and truly overtaken it in terms of gameplay..

I don't know what it was, whether it was Konami's inability to take it to the next gen consoles or what exactly...but credit to EA for getting back into the game, something that they were behind by light years around since 2001...

Agreed about WC 2010's truly is a brilliant game..
I think Pro Evo dropped to FIFA's level these last few years, rather than the other way round. We've gone from one great and one mediocre game to two mediocre ones. Dunno if it's to do with tweaking them for online play but both versions have basically been a bit shite for ages. End result, I haven't played either of them regularly since Pro Evo 6.

Fingers crossed this really is a return to form but we've heard it all before.
Grow up you idiot, I'm 31 years old and haven't got the time to be a "fan" of any video game.

I enjoyed PES up until 6 (not the dodgy first 360 release, that was awful) but it's gone downhill a LOT since and everyone with a good taste in video games will have noticed this and yes, it has been "years". The last Pro Evo game worth actually buying was 6, what year was that released? Oh yes, 4 years ago.

The FIFA games have come on in leaps and bounds over the last few years. The latest World Cup installment is simply a fantastic game of football, it's extremely realistic. I used to hate the FIFA series until FIFA 08, which was still a poor game but I could see how the series was progressing and that EA's developers were actually acting on feedback from the fans i.e. US LOT who actually have to buy/play the games.

4 years is hardly "years". Oh and PES 6 is hardly an "early installment" of the game, so forgive me if I misinterpreted your post. So what if you're 31 years old? Fan bois have no age limit.

This looks unbelievably shit. As if they've gone backwards from last year. Worse animations, awful speed. No sign of 360 degree movement whatsoever. Konami clearly taking the piss year after year now.
I think Pro Evo dropped to FIFA's level these last few years, rather than the other way round. We've gone from one great and one mediocre game to two mediocre ones. Dunno if it's to do with tweaking them for online play but both versions have basically been a bit shite for ages. End result, I haven't played either of them regularly since Pro Evo 6.
So what's the best FIFA/PES? I've hardly ever played any of them (except FIFA 99) and I'm thinking of buying an old one for nothing.
So what's the best FIFA/PES? I've hardly every played any of them (except FIFA 99) and I'm thinking of buying an old one for nothing.

PES 5 was my favourite. Lots will say PES 6 I imagine though.
Best footy games of all time for me (excluding management ones)..

FIFA WC 2010
FIFA 98/WC 98... <-------I guess maybe for nostalgia, but its time that game was impressive in its graphics, atmosphere, commentary etc..
I think Pro Evo dropped to FIFA's level these last few years, rather than the other way round. We've gone from one great and one mediocre game to two mediocre ones. Dunno if it's to do with tweaking them for online play but both versions have basically been a bit shite for ages. End result, I haven't played either of them regularly since Pro Evo 6.

Fingers crossed this really is a return to form but we've heard it all before.

This is true, which is sad.

At the moment FIFA is clearly the better of the 2 mediocre games, which is a shame because i love PES. I hope 2011 is a big improvement as most of the people i know are FIFA converts these days - no more late night PES tournaments for me! :mad:
This looks unbelievably shit. As if they've gone backwards from last year. Worse animations, awful speed. No sign of 360 degree movement whatsoever. Konami clearly taking the piss year after year now.


First try it before you start talking nonsense.
He makes it clear he's on about the video, in which case his opinions based from that are completely valid.

Only that he is wrong about all 3 things, animations are far better, only a blind man couldn't see that, speed is maybe awful for ppl that are used to arcadey FIFA, speed is fine and realistic and 360 degree is there and works great.

Unlike him, I actually tried the Beta at my friends yesterday and know what I am talking about.

I am yet to see negative review from testers, only bollocks are coming from ppl who only see the videos.
Only that he is wrong about all 3 things, animations are far better, only a blind man couldn't see that, speed is maybe awful for ppl that are used to arcadey FIFA, speed is fine and realistic and 360 degree is there and works great.

Unlike him, I actually tried the Beta at my friends yesterday and know what I am talking about.

I am yet to see negative review from testers, only bollocks are coming from ppl who only see the videos.

Yes but he makes it clear he's only basing the opinion from the video and in the video the 360 movement doesnt look 360 at all. Again.... in the video.
Best footy games of all time for me (excluding management ones)..

FIFA WC 2010
FIFA 98/WC 98... <-------I guess maybe for nostalgia, but its time that game was impressive in its graphics, atmosphere, commentary etc..

Road to world cup 98 was brilliant, i think i played that more than any. That little blue bird thing smiling at you through the loading screens.

Is that the one that had Reel Big Fish on the soundtrack as well?
Yes but he makes it clear he's only basing the opinion from the video and in the video the 360 movement doesnt look 360 at all. Again.... in the video.

I am sorry but he does not make it clear, he made assumption only on video that the whole game is crap, and he is wrong, that's all there is to that.
I'm a massive PES fan, and I was pretty hopeful after reading some of the early reviews. It's hard to tell from the videos, but it looks to me like they still have massive problems with the animations. The short passes look incredibly unrealistic.

Also the main problem with a lot of these videos is the reviewer using the d-pad, which has limited movements compared to analogue.