As for it's importance to Konami. Well again, a look at that list will tell you it's their biggest selling franchise, racking up £55 million worldwide sales to second placed Metal Gear Solid's 26m (Metal Gear does actually sell more individually cos it isn't a yearly release) ...So it's a complete cop out to claim Konami are either not bothered by it (which would be an incredibly reckless business strategy for their biggest selling yearly game) or hampered by the budget. Considering FIFAs all-time sales are only about 10m more, they should save enough to spend roughly the same (or there abouts) on that aspect of the game as FIFA (assuming they both put back in relative to what they make and EA don't operate at a loss*) just by not licensing everything for so long.
EA is definitely a bigger studio, but some PES fans seem to like to pretend PES developers are working 20hr days making gaming code out of bits of string and tin cans in a darkened shed somewhere out of a sheer labour of love. They're a big company and it's their biggest selling franchise and 2nd biggest selling individual game. Saying they haven't got the resources, or that they aren't bothered is bollocks. And if they really haven't and aren't, then they're terrible terrible businessmen.
* They may actually do this, or more so than Konami do considering they make much more as a studio and it's their flagship game. I still doubt it though.
Yeah but I exaggerate massively to seem cooler than I actually am on the internet.
On a side note, I've decided the Galacticos can't really be the Galacticos until they have Bruce Willis.