Pro Evolution Soccer 2011

Shooting for me is hit and miss and very hard to control...

And goalkeepers are retarded.
Been playing it for a couple of hours and I think it's brilliant. Feels far more like a game of football than FIFA does, for me at least. Players make intelligent runs, the fact that you have total control over where the ball goes adds immeasurable satisfaction when you deliver the perfect pass and it feels light years ahead of the last version.

There are some niggles. Defending is a little clumsy and hit and miss and the referee is whistle happy when it comes to tackling but they're not enough (yet) to spoil my enjoyment of the game. Unless FIFA is a wholly different game from World Cup I feel I've made the right choice picking PES up instead of its glossy cousin. Doesn't necessarily mean it's everyone's cup of tea but then again PES fans have always existed on the fringes of society!

Problems I have with this review:

Players make intelligent runs - Players are certainly more intelligent. But runs? no one runs. At all. It's the slowest game with the ball I've ever played. In fact they're faster when they're celebrating that at any point in the actual game when they're running. It's incredibly clunky too. kick push heaaaave. Kick push heaaaave. Get on with it!!! Oh feck it I'll just pass it then.

I feel I've made the right choice picking PES up instead of its glossy cousin - PES looks better than FIFA. It has for the last 2 years in fact. On pitch.

PES fans have always existed on the fringes of society - Excpet pre PS3 age when no one over the age of 14 would be seen dead with a copy of FIFA and EVERYONE played PES. But yeah, other than that, fringes of society.

My initial impressions are it's slow with the ball to the point of frustration and very easy to score (I've found). I also hate the way the ball hits the net. I'm not sure why. It looks liks something out of a manga cartoon. However almost everything else is decent and some things quite quality. it looks amazing (Old Trafford is beautiful) and so far, I'm finding it newly enjoyable. It's certainly not the same game as last year, nor is it anything like FIFA (which I still think is the better game, it just hasn't changed and I'm tired of it) and for that reason, I'll probably end up playing this more.
Problems I have with this review:

Players make intelligent runs - Players are certainly more intelligent. But runs? no one runs. At all. It's the slowest game with the ball I've ever played. In fact they're faster when they're celebrating that at any point in the actual game when they're running. It's incredibly clunky too. kick push heaaaave. Kick push heaaaave. Get on with it!!! Oh feck it I'll just pass it then.

I feel I've made the right choice picking PES up instead of its glossy cousin - PES looks better than FIFA. It has for the last 2 years in fact. On pitch.

PES fans have always existed on the fringes of society - Excpet pre PS3 age when no one over the age of 14 would be seen dead with a copy of FIFA and EVERYONE played PES. But yeah, other than that, fringes of society.

My initial impressions are it's slow with the ball to the point of frustration and very easy to score (I've found). I also hate the way the ball hits the net. I'm not sure why. It looks liks something out of a manga cartoon. However almost everything else is decent and some things quite quality. it looks amazing (Old Trafford is beautiful) and so far, I'm finding it newly enjoyable. It's certainly not the same game as last year, nor is it anything like FIFA (which I still think is the better game, it just hasn't changed and I'm tired of it) and for that reason, I'll probably end up playing this more.

The 'speed' seems to be the main complaint in a lot of the reviews too - the same reviewers who seem to claim that FIFA's speed makes it the more realistic simulation. Yes, if you want to play a realistic simulation of Sunday league. FIFA, the moment you have the ball, you have two players hacking at your ankles and it's just a case of how quick your reflexes are in getting rid of the ball. My brain doesn't work that fast and at the end of the day it is just a game, therefore something to enjoy. So I'd rather be able to enjoy some good old build up play rather than FIFA's footballing equivalent of hack and slash.

As for looks ... interesting ... I still think PES looks ... well ... horrible. Apart from a couple of really good likenesses. FIFA looks like you're watching Sky Sports whereas I think PES looks like a stream of Bulgarian TV. Whatever that is.

All just my opinion though!
As for how it looks it depends what you mean. Graphics are much better in PES but the animations are very poor. Fifa "looks" better in that respect.
The 'speed' seems to be the main complaint in a lot of the reviews too - the same reviewers who seem to claim that FIFA's speed makes it the more realistic simulation. Yes, if you want to play a realistic simulation of Sunday league. FIFA, the moment you have the ball, you have two players hacking at your ankles and it's just a case of how quick your reflexes are in getting rid of the ball. My brain doesn't work that fast and at the end of the day it is just a game, therefore something to enjoy. So I'd rather be able to enjoy some good old build up play rather than FIFA's footballing equivalent of hack and slash.

And I'd quite like to be able to run passed ONE person at at least one point in a match...especially when I'm on the wing. I'd also like to feel like a break away was a break away and not a mild jog away. Each to their own I suppose but you can't have it both ways in regards to what it's strengths are. You can't say "it feels more like real football" and then when confronted with the lack of pace of anyone go "yeah, well I don't like that part of real football...and anyway, it's just a game"...That's praising it for being two contradictory things!

This is my main problem with the hardcore PS3 PES fans, they're so eager to praise it for something! that they end up praising it for shit it doesn't even do, or stuff that isn't actually anything amazing. For example the manual passing has been praised in this thread as a great innovation...But FIFA's had that for 3 years. Likewise the dual confliction of "It's like real football, but without pace, which is good cos I prefer passing"....

As for the graphics...well, I guess I just prefer the way PES looks. I doubt it'll be I did last year as well. I think the pitch, the stadiums, the ball physics and the general look of it looks far more polished than FIFA which I think looks very cartoony in comparison...but I agree about the animations.

I am quite liking it. It's certainly fun playing a new game after a year of 3 of the same FiFA ones. And it's nice to get back into PES. Even if it isn't quite how I remember it. I do think I'll play this more.
How are Konami (Sea Bass or whatever) for releasing patches for bugs? For instance the bug where you can jog down the touch line and not get tackled.

I've never had a next gen PES so have no past experience...
How are Konami (Sea Bass or whatever) for releasing patches for bugs? For instance the bug where you can jog down the touch line and not get tackled.

I've never had a next gen PES so have no past experience...

They release a squad update patch every year that also corrects a few other things (I think).

This is my main problem with the hardcore PS3 PES fans, they're so eager to praise it for something! that they end up praising it for shit it doesn't even do, or stuff that isn't actually anything amazing. For example the manual passing has been praised in this thread as a great innovation...But FIFA's had that for 3 years. Likewise the dual confliction of "It's like real football, but without pace, which is good cos I prefer passing"'s just a bit, well, nonsense.

As for the graphics...well, I guess I just prefer the way PES looks. I did last year as well. I think the pitch, the stadiums, the ball physics and the general look of it looks far more polished than FIFA which I think looks very cartoony in comparison...but I agree about the animations.

I am quite liking it.

People have always done shit like this, and praised up these games for doing stuff that isn't actually new or amazing though Mockers.

The "Pro Passing" on Fifa is just normal passing except you have to press the button harder. Manual passing existed on every PES up until the most recent couple. Be A Pro/Legend is a carry on from an option that originally appeared in Fifa96, on the megadrive. etc.

Simplicity is where it's at, imo. Make the game flow as it should and feel fun/right to play, then add all the complicated shit....this PES just feels a lot better than last year (from the demo). I'm not even sure why, as a lot of the silly little niggles still seemed to be there.

I actually think Fifa looks better too, when you take in the entire presentation. I mean, PES is quite easily graphically better, and the players actually look like themselves, but there's just something about the whole colour and appearance, and the way everything moves, that doesn't look as spot on as with Fifa.

I've bought this, but wont be able to play it until next week probably. One thing that annoyed me about the demo is that people being much better than me at it actually seemed to tell this time around. Last year my general uselesness was nullified somewhat by the sheer amount of random crap that would influence how the games panned out.
Yeah they've all stolen off each other for sure. I don't think the FIFA manual thing is "just pressing it harder" btw...I set all my things to Manual and it was fecking impossible to cross the ball in any direction that wasn't "the crowd" for about an hour.

FIFA fans used to do this "pointing out things that aren't impressive or it doesn't actually do thing" when PES was the daddy I seem to remember (the main one of course being "But it looks more realistic) I think it's most stark when PES suddenly becomes the forerunner in something FIFA was sneared at back in the good old days...Like looking good for example. Being easy to score from long shots is another. That was derided recently by PES bods...Now it's far easier to score long range in PES than it is in FIFA. I've score the same goal 3 times now (hehe how about that noods..honestly...volley on the turn into the top corner off the bar) and I've had it for 2 hours. I doubt anyone will mention that, or it'll suddenly turn into a strength.

Not that the FIFA lot aren't any better. None of them seem able to accept FIFA 11 is virtually exactly the same as the 2 other FIFA games released in the last 12 months. Neither game is anything to get excited by IMO really. Which is a shame.
Hold on a second ... manual passing on FIFA? I didn't know anything about this. Why were we not told?!?!

Fifa has had manual options for years. You just need to select them.

The problem is that it is pretty much redundant online. The kids would rather just ping pong pass their way to goal on assisted with Barcelona and do a triple summersault to rub it in your face. Bastards.
Fifa has had manual options for years. You just need to select them.

The problem is that it is pretty much redundant online. The kids would rather just ping pong pass their way to goal on assisted with Barcelona and do a triple summersault to rub it in your face. Bastards.

I really didn't know that. Am I the only person on the planet who didn't get the memo?! So the innovative new PES isn't innovative at all, just an evolution of what FIFA have been doing for years?!
Yep. Though FIFA has stolen a fair bit of PES over the years too. It couldn't have gotten back to where it was without it.

Playing at OT in the rain looks damn good...Just scored a sick volley too. The piece de resistance of PES. Mmmmmmm. ... I just wish it didn't feel so clunky at times. But I can definitely see why some prefer it.

Incidentally, anyone else having bugs with the sound? Mine's just turned off completely twice now for no reason.
Hold on a second ... manual passing on FIFA? I didn't know anything about this. Why were we not told?!?!

Yeh. You can change everything to manual if you choose (passing, shooting, etc) and it's fecking solid.

Llike Noods said though, online you play against people that have assisted settings so you're at a disadvantage unless you're shit hot with it. You can choose to only play other people with manual settings also but there's not many that play that way so you can wait ages for a game.
They release a squad update patch every year that also corrects a few other things (I think).

People have always done shit like this, and praised up these games for doing stuff that isn't actually new or amazing though Mockers.

The "Pro Passing" on Fifa is just normal passing except you have to press the button harder. Manual passing existed on every PES up until the most recent couple. Be A Pro/Legend is a carry on from an option that originally appeared in Fifa96, on the megadrive. etc.

Simplicity is where it's at, imo. Make the game flow as it should and feel fun/right to play, then add all the complicated shit....this PES just feels a lot better than last year (from the demo). I'm not even sure why, as a lot of the silly little niggles still seemed to be there.

I actually think Fifa looks better too, when you take in the entire presentation. I mean, PES is quite easily graphically better, and the players actually look like themselves, but there's just something about the whole colour and appearance, and the way everything moves, that doesn't look as spot on as with Fifa.

I've bought this, but wont be able to play it until next week probably. One thing that annoyed me about the demo is that people being much better than me at it actually seemed to tell this time around. Last year my general uselesness was nullified somewhat by the sheer amount of random crap that would influence how the games panned out.

No. Its Libero Grande from the PS1

Fifa 96 was just a classic old school Fifa game with no such option. Libero Grande was a novelty football game that came out in the UK in 98.
Further observations. I've just beaten Rangers 4-1 and every goal was a peach. I've now scored 1420 goals from outside of the box. I've also never heard the MUFC-OK chant as much in a whole season as I have in a single match in this game.
No. Its Libero Grande from the PS1

Fifa 96 was just a classic old school Fifa game with no such option. Libero Grande was a novelty football game that came out in the UK in 98.

I remember that, was a cracking little game. My favourite part was completing the individual training challenges

I'm sure its dated horribly and I'd think it was a bag of toss now, but I enjoyed it at the time
When will there be an option file to DL, if there isn't one already?

Last year I tried to download several option files but couldn't get it to work. Determined to do it this time.

Already one out that works on my PS3 version of the game.

This one is for the UK version that you most likely have but its very basic atm - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Check Winning Eleven Next-Gen Blog | The independent WE/PES source, for the fans, by the fans for updates. They will probably release a improved UK version soon.
My immediate impression was dreadful. Doesn't matter what camera angle you select to play, the cameraman seems to be drunk. The play was way too slow, everything was at England vs Algeria pace. The ref is whistle happy, I made a cracking tackle in the penalty area, replay shows I took the ball and only the ball, and he awarded a spot kick. I conceeded three free kicks on the edge of the area, the first went in and the other two hit the post. And Van Der Sar saved a shot, a second passed, and then it randomly kicked on and rolled into the back of the net

I've changed the speed of the game to + 1 and its far better, why that isn't default I don't know. I've zoomed out a bit too to limit the drunkeness. I've played 4 games on this now, not actually scored a goal yet! (am on toughest level). Find that pretty refreshing, its not been ridiculously tough and there's been some good build up play with that much improved passing system. I was pretty gutted at first but I'm hoping now this is one of those games you find you're still playing heavily 6 months later (which the last Pro Evo certainly wasn't in my case)
The turning circle and supposed 360 dribbling is fecking appalling...To do a noodle, I honestly can't work out how you lot are so easily pleased with this...The game itself is a grower and a lot of it is a massive improvement... but the ridiculous roboticness of the players running/turning/everything is incredibly frustrating...It's like controlling Atari players with arthritis.
Already one out that works on my PS3 version of the game.

This one is for the UK version that you most likely have but its very basic atm - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Check Winning Eleven Next-Gen Blog | The independent WE/PES source, for the fans, by the fans for updates. They will probably release a improved UK version soon.

Is there a way I can download an option file directly using the internet on my PS3 so I don't have to faff about with flash drives?
Love listening to the Solskjaer chant during United games on this :D
Is there a way I can download an option file directly using the internet on my PS3 so I don't have to faff about with flash drives?

Nope I don't think so. I even tried another way with my jailbroken ps3, to ftp the pes files to the correct ps3 save folder but the ps3 couldnt read them correctly so had to spend 25 mins copying from a flash drive...
Why Konami, why can't I change the freakin ball when playing Master League!!!! The default ball is like a beach ball....
The animation is fecked for the player in hitting that volley. His right foot just glides across the ground :wenger:

Animations have never been Konami's strong suit.A bit silly to keep analyzing them.Apart from that minor :wenger: thing, that's a great goal.

Any good patches out yet, kouroux?

Yes, the first pesedit and kitservers have been out.I'm downloading everything from french sites though, not sure how it'd help you
Animations have never been Konami's strong suit.A bit silly to keep analyzing them.Apart from that minor :wenger: thing, that's a great goal.

Don't get me wrong, good strike. It just doesn't look realistic to me.
Animations have never been Konami's strong suit.A bit silly to keep analyzing them.Apart from that minor :wenger: thing, that's a great goal.

PES on the PS2 had better animations than FIFA. It looks like PES is the same old this year, incredibly easy shooting and buggy goalkeepers.
PES on the PS2 had better animations than FIFA. It looks like PES is the same old this year, incredibly easy shooting and buggy goalkeepers.

The only thing that really annoys me about this PES is the way the goalies jump up in the air. Looks like shit. The shooting is very hit and miss for me so far.
PES on the PS2 had better animations than FIFA. It looks like PES is the same old this year, incredibly easy shooting and buggy goalkeepers.

That was a long time ago now.Did you expect some overhaul in terms of animations ?
My point wasn't anything like "pes is the best " was it ?
Has anyone tested out the online on the 360 yet? Is it ok or still shit?
That was a long time ago now.Did you expect some overhaul in terms of animations ?
My point wasn't anything like "pes is the best " was it ?

Well you did say never.

When of course one of the two main things that popularised Pro Evolution Soccer in the first place was the animation and how much more realistic they looked compared to the crappy Fifa ones. So it would be a big deal if Pro Evo suddenly had the better animations once again. Instead they are way behind.
You're being too sensitive.
No I'm not.You just think I am , I couldn't care less about video games than right now.
Well you did say never.

When of course one of the two main things that popularised Pro Evolution Soccer in the first place was the animation and how much more realistic they looked compared to the crappy Fifa ones. So it would be a big deal if Pro Evo suddenly had the better animations once again. Instead they are way behind.

Never in this current gen of consoles is what I meant.To say that PES are way behind in terms of animations is a given.I keep hearing it as if some significant changes was expected from Konami in that department.Maybe I was wrong with this perception
No I'm not.You just think I am , I couldn't care less about video games than right now.

Never in this current gen of consoles is what I meant.To say that PES are way behind in terms of animations is a given.I keep hearing it as if some significant changes was expected from Konami in that department.Maybe I was wrong with this perception

I think the common theory is that they need to start from the ground up like Fifa did. Redo all the animations and make them at least on par. Of course there's a bit of a difference in terms of resources, so it may never happen. We may be stuck with the outdated, horrible animations in every PES to come.
Check this goal scored by the CPU against me in the ML for Spurs by Aissati

I actually find that these goals happen too often. Almost every corner results in a volley from the edge of the box. I've scored a couple wonder goals like that myself during the little time I've played the game.