Pro Evolution Soccer 2011

When konami finally decide to fix the running animations where players look like they've got backpacks full of bricks on their backs, this game will look so much better.
That's what FIFA's better at, actually. Not gameplay or anything of sorts. Just animations. The illusion of controlling something that acts a bit like a human.
The refs annoy me. Sliding tackles from the side are instantly deemed fouls, even though it appears as though you clearly get the ball.
Not you, the old PES fanboy club of Pogue, Spammy, Solius et al.

I don't get why/how grown men can blindly stick up for a video game year-in, year-out though. It's very embarrassing.

If there is one thing, in any walk of life, that I am not, it is a fanboi.

I never have blind loyalty to any brand because I understand the relationship between the companies and consumer. I usually buy both, despite both being massively flawed. So it seems you are the embarrassing fanboi always sticking up for Fifa, refusing to see it's faults.

My major objection to the Fifa/EA fanboi train is the phenomenal marketing power EA displayed with the release of Fifa 09. They bought virtually all of the online reviews and made a mockery of thousands of gamers in one fell swoop. You could argue that Konami took the piss out of everyone by simply not bothering to put any effort into their product for 3 years, and I wouldn't disagree. But when you read reviews of Fifa saying things like 'they've nailed the gameplay, it's spot on', or 'the boot customisation options are amazing', it's kind of bullshit, and it irks me.
If there is one thing, in any walk of life, that I am not, it is a fanboi.

I never have blind loyalty to any brand because I understand the relationship between the companies and consumer. I usually buy both, despite both being massively flawed. So it seems you are the embarrassing fanboi always sticking up for Fifa, refusing to see it's faults.

My major objection to the Fifa/EA fanboi train is the phenomenal marketing power EA displayed with the release of Fifa 09. They bought virtually all of the online reviews and made a mockery of thousands of gamers in one fell swoop. You could argue that Konami took the piss out of everyone by simply not bothering to put any effort into their product for 3 years, and I wouldn't disagree. But when you read reviews of Fifa saying things like 'they've nailed the gameplay, it's spot on', or 'the boot customisation options are amazing', it's kind of bullshit, and it irks me.
How can something being well branded annoy you? They made a game better than PES were at the time and rightfully got praise for it. I've for years praised PES for being better and laughed at FIFA so I don't see the point in the other happening. I'd be pissed if they were getting all that praise despite releasing an inferior product which they didn't.

Btw, I like PES 2011. I don't know why people are complaining. It's miles better than the last one. Fifa is still probably better but there's something I really like about pro evo this time out. I think I'll get both this time.
And pro evo's presentation is excellent this time. The menus are superb. And the cutscenes are also very good with the motion blur used.
It's not the fact that it's well branded, it's that it bought lots of reviews. I thought I made that bit quite clear.

O no, Spammy's on his corruption in the world of football simulation crusade again.
I thought most of the Fifa reviews I read last year were quite blatantly bought out. Either that or written by maniacle fan boys who are prepared to lie about the game's faults rather than admit they exist.

For example, not one review had a bad word to say about the Fifa career mode, in fact most went out of their way to praise it, when in reality it was an absolute disgrace and bugged to the point of being unplayable. No reviewer could genuinely have failed to pick up on that. It becomes unignorably noticable from the off.
I thought most of the Fifa reviews I read last year were quite blatantly bought out. Either that or written by maniacle fan boys who are prepared to lie about the game's faults rather than admit they exist.

For example, not one review had a bad word to say about the Fifa career mode, in fact most went out of their way to praise it, when in reality it was an absolute disgrace and bugged to the point of being unplayable. No reviewer could genuinely have failed to pick up on that. It becomes unignorably noticable from the off.

Exactly, way too much overhyping.

Alot of the older guys like Pogue etc actually have high standards and I think saying they're stuck in the past is a tad unfair especially when someone like Mockney admits Fifa are just selling us the same game year in year out with barely noticeable tweaks.
Exactly, way too much overhyping.

Alot of the older guys like Pogue etc actually have high standards and I think saying they're stuck in the past is a tad unfair especially when someone like Mockney admits Fifa are just selling us the same game year in year out with barely noticeable tweaks.

I just think it's down to preference.

PES used to tweak the same game year after year, in fact they did it about five years running, and I never really cared because it was great. Fifa have started doing the same, but I'm just not that into what Fifa offers.

It's not a defence of Pro Evo because PES10 was the first even half credible game in the series since they switched to the next gen consoles. It's just that this year looks like it might be something different.
Yeah but I'm not exactly a FIFA fanboi Raees...I've been switching between both games since I was about 12 and only stick up for the one I think's the best at whatever time.

There are definitely as many PES fanboi's as there are FIFA fanbois...many of whom are still seen by PES fanboi's as the same as they were during PES' prime (concerned with licensing over gameplay) which is a bit patronising IMO. FIFA made a very very good game while PES floundered, so claiming their fans are silly fanbois who only care about boot customisation is a bit sad when it comes from basically sheep who've lapped up complete rubbish for 3 years just because it came from their favorite stable. The intellectual superiority people who stuck by PES for the next gens have is quite laughable really. They were playing a worse game and being smug about it.
Yeah but I'm not exactly a FIFA fanboi Raees...I've been switching between both games since I was about 12 and only stick up for the one I think's the best at whatever time.

There are definitely as many PES fanboi's as there are FIFA fanbois...many of whom are still seen by PES fanboi's as the same as they were during PES' prime (concerned with licensing over gameplay) which is a bit patronising IMO. FIFA made a very very good game while PES floundered, so claiming their fans are silly fanbois who only care about boot customisation is a bit sad when it comes from basically sheep who've lapped up complete rubbish for 3 years just because it came from their favorite stable. The intellectual superiority people who stuck by PES for the next gens have is quite laughable really. They were playing a worse game and being smug about it.

Who are these "sheep" you're talking about?

Unless I'm very much mistaken, every cnut on here thinks all the next gen PES releases have been, basically, a bit shit. In fact, PES 2010 gets quite the kicking in this very thread.

The fact that a lot of people who used to enjoy the older PES games don't like the latest FIFA efforts, is neither here nor there. This seems to wind you and Plan M up, for some reason but it's not remotely the same thing as lapping up rubbish games because of some misplaced sense of brand allegiance. It's just a personal opinion that next gen FIFA games aren't much fun to play.

That's what I find most annoying in all these "fanboi" debates on here (the iPhone stuff being another good example) People love to take a swipe at hypothetical caftards that don't even exist. There may well be people like you describe on the internet in general, in which case you should probably save your rants about PES fanbois for the rest of the internet, rather than redcafe.
And you're taking the piss out of FIFA fanbois who don't exist

Heh. I'm fairly sure this an amusing piss-take of FIFA'tards like Plan M.

If not, we've flushed another one out the grass.

"Boot selection". Quality.

Those in glass houses...shouldn't get uppity
Plan M is a FIFA fanboi. He's fecking evangelical about the game. Keeps on bringing it up in threads which aren't even about the damn thing.

The converse of him doesn't exist though. Name one poster on here who refuses to shut up about how amazing the next gen PES games are?

I reckon you'd struggle to find a single post of that nature in the FIFA thread, while there are dozens of similar posts in this one, from him and others.
Er no. Go find the stuff yourself. Besides I had a gay e-argument with an editor of one of the review sites. I'm not proud and I don't want you to find out the details.

Honestly I doubt many people would care. I think 09 was the year that Fifa overtook PES, which is praiseworthy IMO. I never thought I'd ever switch from Pes to Fifa but it happened that year, I think. So whatever the reviews say, they came up with the better game, something I didn't think they could. And they again went a level up with fifa 10 whereas PES just shat itself.

Now this time I think both are going to very good. Fun times.
Plan M is a FIFA fanboi. He's fecking evangelical about the game. Keeps on bringing it up in threads which aren't even about the damn thing.

The converse of him doesn't exist though. Name one poster on here who refuses to shut up about how amazing the next gen PES games are?

To be fair it's hard to overrate something that isn't even good. PES hasn't been good the last few years, Fifa has, hence the over reaction at times. If PES becomes the better game, you'll see the tide turn.
What's shocking is that PES' presentation is so much better than Fifa's now. Graphically with the motion blur the cuts scenes look far better than FIfa's which are basically last years cut scenes. Surprising with all the money EA have.
Yeah but I'm not exactly a FIFA fanboi Raees...I've been switching between both games since I was about 12 and only stick up for the one I think's the best at whatever time.

There are definitely as many PES fanboi's as there are FIFA fanbois...many of whom are still seen by PES fanboi's as the same as they were during PES' prime (concerned with licensing over gameplay) which is a bit patronising IMO. FIFA made a very very good game while PES floundered, so claiming their fans are silly fanbois who only care about boot customisation is a bit sad when it comes from basically sheep who've lapped up complete rubbish for 3 years just because it came from their favorite stable. The intellectual superiority people who stuck by PES for the next gens have is quite laughable really. They were playing a worse game and being smug about it.

I prefered Fifa09 over PES09, and PES10 over Fifa10

But to be honest, I didn't really like any of them. Fifa09 was the best of the bunch simply because it was miles better than Fifa08.
What's shocking is that PES' presentation is so much better than Fifa's now. Graphically with the motion blur the cuts scenes look far better than FIfa's which are basically last years cut scenes. Surprising with all the money EA have.

I suspect, they're riding on the success of the current model for as long as they can, so when people do eventually get tired of it, they can go "aha!" and whip out this vastly improved game that they've actually been working on for about three years, but holding back because it hasn't been required.

Or at least, that's what they're doing if they aren't mugs.
What's shocking is that PES' presentation is so much better than Fifa's now. Graphically with the motion blur the cuts scenes look far better than FIfa's which are basically last years cut scenes. Surprising with all the money EA have.

What d'you mean by presentation?

I thought the way FIFA10 started games with a player kicking a ball round on the training pitch, before morphing into the stadium was quite cool. There's nothing in the new PES demo to match that.
I suspect, they're riding on the success of the current model for as long as they can, so when people do eventually get tired of it, they can go "aha!" and whip out this vastly improved game that they've actually been working on for about three years, but holding back because it hasn't been required.

Or at least, that's what they're doing if they aren't mugs.

I think that's how all of these games that release yearly work. They know on the back of the 09 and 10 they have a certain amount of people that will buy the game anyway because they loved the last two. So they make little tweaks, which to be fair in a year is probably enough, publicize those tweaks as revolutionary, keep the revenue stream coming in, and then release something thats actually a step up using all the time they need.

My only problem with this formula is - at least fecking bother to change up the cut scenes and try your hardest to make it look like a new game.
Aye, that might well happen.

Until that happens though, mockney is taking swipes at straw men of his own making.

Why exactly are you getting so worked up by that? There are plenty of PES fanbois...evil_geko is one, who's been popping into the FIFA thread going "PES is better at so and so this year" and, more to the point of that post, people who may agree PES has dropped in form, refuse to accept FIFA has raised its game and STILL refer to it's "fanbois" as the retarded bunch who prefered style over substance...The post I quoted of yours wasn't really having a go at Plan M, it ws having a go at your pre-concieved idea of a FIFA fanboi...which is rooted in about 2002.

Again..why did it bother you so much anyway? I was talking to Raees, and you suddenly jumped in in staunch defence of..erm, what?.. PES fans? but, but, there are none!!!
Why exactly are you getting so worked up by that? There are plenty of PES fanbois...evil_geko is one, who's been popping into the FIFA thread going "PES is better at so and so this year" and, more to the point of that post, people who may agree PES has dropped in form, refuse to accept FIFA has raised its game and STILL refer to it's "fanbois" as the retarded bunch who prefered style over substance...The post I quoted of yours wasn't really having a go at Plan M, it ws having a go at your pre-concieved idea of a FIFA fanboi...which is rooted in about 2002.

Again..why did it bother you so much anyway? I was talkinh to Raess, and you suddenly jumped in in defense of..erm, what?.. PES fans? but, but, there are none!!!

I'm not worked up in the slightest. Just making an observation.

As moses once - brilliantly - said to elvis when he incorrectly accused him of getting worked up. Read my post back with the voice of Roger Moore and you'll get a better idea of exactly how un-worked up I really am.
I read everything in the style of Roger Moore, eyebrows an all....I love Roger Moore.

The kind of person I was describing wasn't a straw man, but the kind of person who still takes the piss out of FIFA and it's fans as being "the white boots and license" brigade whilst completely ignoring that PES have upped their presentation massively at the expense of gameplay whilst FIFA have upped their gameplay dramatically...It's essentially sticking with the arguments that were only relevant 5 years ago purely because they haven't got a lot to shout about...
I read everything in the style of Roger Moore, eyebrows an all....I love Roger Moore.

The kind of person I was describing wasn't a straw man, but the kind of person who still takes the piss out of FIFA and it's fans as being "the white boots and license" brigade whilst completely ignoring that PES have upped their presentation massively at the expense of gameplay whilst FIFA have upped their gameplay dramatically...It's essentially sticking with the arguments that were only relevant 5 years ago purely because they haven't got a lot to shout about...

True but Plan M was genuinely quite vitriolic about the sound effects and menus.

If the cap fits.
What d'you mean by presentation?

I thought the way FIFA10 started games with a player kicking a ball round on the training pitch, before morphing into the stadium was quite cool. There's nothing in the new PES demo to match that.

That's been there for the last two FIFA's. I mean the general menus and the cut scenes (where the user doesn't control things) I've seen of the two demos. Fifa has everything pretty much the same. PES seems to have done up the menus really well, as well as the cut scenes with the motion blur they use.
That's been there for the last two FIFA's. I mean the general menus and the cut scenes (where the user doesn't control things) I've seen of the two demos. Fifa has everything pretty much the same. PES seems to have done up the menus really well, as well as the cut scenes with the motion blur they use.

Are you kidding, the menus on Pro Evo look uglu as hell with a dodgy green highlight thing
Are you kidding, the menus on Pro Evo look uglu as hell with a dodgy green highlight thing

I quite like them. At least it's an effort and they're well polished. Fifa have barely changed a thing. The cutscenes are the same. PES' cutscenes are actually worth watching.
Oh the irony. You're one of the biggest video game-fanboys on here.

:wenger: :lol:

Plan M is a FIFA fanboi. He's fecking evangelical about the game. Keeps on bringing it up in threads which aren't even about the damn thing.

The converse of him doesn't exist though. Name one poster on here who refuses to shut up about how amazing the next gen PES games are?

I reckon you'd struggle to find a single post of that nature in the FIFA thread, while there are dozens of similar posts in this one, from him and others.

The difference between me and you is that I actually buy and try both titles every year. I bought PES last year and the year before and found out that they were shite. But at least I try the games and actually give them a good play before spouting the cliched crap that you come out with every year.

Seriously, rent FIFA 11 when it comes out and give it a good go - you might like it! I am going to rent PES 2011 despite being not been too fussed on the demo - the final release might be a great game.
I bought FIFA 2010 last year, the only FIFA game I've ever bought. I was round a mate's house, had a few games on FIFA and thought they might finally have cracked it. It was also around the same time I decided that PES 2010 actually was a bag o' shite, so the timing was perfect.

A few weeks later both games were gathering dust. They basically weren't very good.

I'm gonna have a crack at the FIFA demo this weekend but from all the comments I've seen on here it's pretty much the same game again, so I can't say I'm very hopeful.