At the very best, ye have him for one more season. I think, if anything, ye are considerably fortunate that Neymar's move dragged out as long as it did. Had that to have occurred 2 weeks earlier, ye'd already be talking about potential replacements.
While I gather the point about the season being a stones throw away and that at this stage, there is barely any time to source a replacement - you simply have to look at Barcelona and their scenario. Basically a mirror image with their season beginning and being forced into locating a replacement. Further to that, and despite your obvious love for the club - they're Barcelona! If they want a player from Liverpool, they're going to take a player from Liverpool, regardless of the potential backlash from the fans.
I get your anger about the media persuasion but with all due respect, I'm sure there are many individuals, sporting Le Tissier on their backs, that would have a word or two to say you also. Swings and roundabouts.