NBA 2015-2016

This is getting ridiculous, Curry is insane!
The Draymond Green stat line is one of the funniest things ever

2 points, 14 assists, 14 rebounds, 6 steals and 4 blocks


This is interesting. Supposedly Draymond Green and Steve Kerr went at it at half time over Draymond's shooting. The crux of it apparently was that Kerr thought Green was taking low percentage shots (3PAs) and that with this team he had better options. During a half time rant Draymond told Steve Kerr that he had messed him up as far his shooting was concerned and that he wouldn't take another shot in the game if that's what he wanted. This is not the first game recently, however, where Draymond has struggled with his shot. Personally, I think it goes back to the all star game and the 3 pt. "contest" between him and Kevin Hart. It was supposed to be played as a joke with Draymond winning easily and Kevin Hart being the brunt of the joke. Trouble was, Hart shot out of his skin and ends up tying Draymond at 12 apiece. Now the thing is Draymond Green is a notorious trash talker and if you give it out, you sure as hell better be prepared to take it. My belief is that he is hearing it from the other players about this "contest" and right now it's getting in his head.

EDIT: Just as a matter of interest, prior to the all star break he was shooting 41.97% from 3, after the all star break he's hit 2-14 and 0 for his last 12.
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Watched the game until the first few mins of overtime. OKC were up by 5-7 points. Me being an idiot, left the house thinking the result was sure.


Cue Jesse Pinkman screaming about how they can't get away with it.
Green is an emotional guy and he let off a bit of'll be forgotten.

But he should have picked a better night to bitch about his lack of shots....he finished up 0/8 from the field

This is interesting. Supposedly Draymond Green and Steve Kerr went at it at half time over Draymond's shooting. The crux of it apparently was that Kerr thought Green was taking low percentage shots (3PAs) and that with this team he had better options. During a half time rant Draymond told Steve Kerr that he had messed him up as far his shooting was concerned and that he wouldn't take another shot in the game if that's what he wanted. This is not the first game recently, however, where Draymond has struggled with his shot. Personally, I think it goes back to the all star game and the 3 pt. "contest" between him and Kevin Hart. It was supposed to be played as a joke with Draymond winning easily and Kevin Hart being the brunt of the joke. Trouble was, Hart shot out of his skin and ends up tying Draymond at 12 apiece. Now the thing is Draymond Green is a notorious trash talker and if you give it out, you sure as hell better be prepared to take it. My belief is that he is hearing it from the other players about this "contest" and right now it's getting in his head.

EDIT: Just as a matter of interest, prior to the all star break he was shooting 41.97% from 3, after the all star break he's hit 2-14 and 0 for his last 12.
He also got into some trash talking with Whiteside before the game. That almost backfired as well.
Toronto legit contenders? Skinny version of Kyle Lowry is balling.


This happens every season. We end up bossing the regular season and then getting beat by some 5-8th seed team in the first play off round.

If we actually get pass the first round (and if its a team like the Bulls who we can never beat, I doubt it) then it would be an improvement.
really n00by thing to ask but i wanna get in to basketball and need a team to back.

are there any teams that are fun to watch + would be fun to support? Not the Warriors though, can't go straight for the best
really n00by thing to ask but i wanna get in to basketball and need a team to back.

are there any teams that are fun to watch + would be fun to support? Not the Warriors though, can't go straight for the best

What are your criteria?

History of success?
Play style?
Any favorite players or disliked players?
Financial power or small market?
really n00by thing to ask but i wanna get in to basketball and need a team to back.

are there any teams that are fun to watch + would be fun to support? Not the Warriors though, can't go straight for the best

The Spurs are a pretty fun team to watch, they're easily the second best team in the NBA atm. But again they're probably the most successful franchise over the last 10-15 years.

Otherwise just take your pick.

...or go with the Raptors :cool:
Toronto legit contenders? Skinny version of Kyle Lowry is balling.
Rap's are my team, and ive closely followed their evolution over the past 4 years in particular, definite contenders in the east. They may not have the star power of the big boys in the nba but theres a team spirit there you dont find in the majority of franchises. There's a core of players that are genuine mates, and whilst they may not have the experience to go all the way in the playoffs, the second unit they have is incredibly productive as well.

Also Kyle lowry is so underrated its unreal.
I'd go with OKC, they're a contender and fun to watch, you just have to hope Durant sticks around after this year.
It's a good time to jump on the 76ers bandwagon. Their repeated tanking is bound to pay off sooner or later.
A young, fast-paced team. Was thinking Memphis Grizzlies..

:lol: we're not fast-paced by any means. We are nearing the end of the Grit n Grind iteration of the team, a phase that produced a long playoff streak and a memorable run to the WC finals in 2013. Conley and Gasol are the current members of the core that will feature heavily in any success going forward (Conley's not leaving Eboue), and Z-Bo and Tony Allen are nearing the end of their careers.

If you want Showtime dunks, crossovers and flashy fun stuff this team isn't for you.
really n00by thing to ask but i wanna get in to basketball and need a team to back.

are there any teams that are fun to watch + would be fun to support? Not the Warriors though, can't go straight for the best
It's a real shame that you have nixed the Warriors from your choices as they are a really fun team to watch and IMHO have built their squad in the right way. All of their major players - Curry, Thompson, and Green were drafted by the organization and even their latest soon to be star Harrison Barnes (maybe gone this summer though) was drafted by the team. However, if they are not a possibility so be it. My choices therefore would be OKC, the Blazers and the Pacers probably in that order.
Why would Conley stay?

We're paying him the max if he stays
The Knicks and Nets are garbage dumps
Other teams that have a greater chance of winning over the next few years have better point guards
He has had a slump in form this season, which makes him slightly less desirable in the free market

The only factor that would make Conley seriously consider leaving IMO is the Grizzlies blowing everything up and aiming to rebuild through the draft ala Philly.
We're paying him the max if he stays
The Knicks and Nets are garbage dumps
Other teams that have a greater chance of winning over the next few years have better point guards
He has had a slump in form this season, which makes him slightly less desirable in the free market

The only factor that would make Conley seriously consider leaving IMO is the Grizzlies blowing everything up and aiming to rebuild through the draft ala Philly.

Memphis has no chance of winning. They are a lotto team in the near future.
Memphis has no chance of winning. They are a lotto team in the near future.

On the first point, no shit. No team apart from the Warriors, Spurs, Thunder and Cavs have a chance of winning.

Second point... It depends. We got some draft picks in recent trades, so it's up to the front office to determine what direction they want to head in. My hunch is that no one on Beale Street longs for the days when Grevier Vasquez was playing in front of empty stands, and the franchise's highest mention revolved around giving up Paul Gasol in exchange for Kwame fecking Brown, and they'll do anything to prevent sinking to that.
On the first point, no shit. No team apart from the Warriors, Spurs, Thunder and Cavs have a chance of winning.

Second point... It depends. We got some draft picks in recent trades, so it's up to the front office to determine what direction they want to head in. My hunch is that no one on Beale Street longs for the days when Grevier Vasquez was playing in front of empty stands, and the franchise's highest mention revolved around giving up Paul Gasol in exchange for Kwame fecking Brown, and they'll do anything to prevent sinking to that.

I get that from Memphis' perspective but I still don't see why that would matter to Conley.
I think you're in for a rude awakening when you see that 2/3 of the league has max cap room and Conley is one of the top players on the market. The cap will be around $90 million next year and Mike Conley would be eligible for 30% of the cap. If you start at Minnesota with $68 million committed, that's at least 20 teams with at least $22 million available next year and as we saw with Aldridge last year and Igoudala the year before, it's not hard to clear some salary in order to carve out enough room.
I think you're in for a rude awakening when you see that 2/3 of the league has max cap room and Conley is one of the top players on the market. The cap will be around $90 million next year and Mike Conley would be eligible for 30% of the cap. If you start at Minnesota with $68 million committed, that's at least 20 teams with at least $22 million available next year and as we saw with Aldridge last year and Igoudala the year before, it's not hard to clear some salary in order to carve out enough room.

We have plenty of cap space as well, but I see your overall point.
really n00by thing to ask but i wanna get in to basketball and need a team to back.

are there any teams that are fun to watch + would be fun to support? Not the Warriors though, can't go straight for the best

I am on a similar boat as you as I have only taken interest in NBA recently after long pause (due to betting and NBA 2K16) and am attached only to Bulls due to history of having spend a lot of time in Chicago.

Go with Portland Trail Blazers. Great team to watch and two great talents in Lillard and McCollum. Cracking atmosphere too I think. Raptors also fit the bill plus obviously have the massive benefit of a dinosaur as a mascot.
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It's going to be a very tight race to make the Playoffs in the East, with the Bulls slumping and the Wizards playing well lately... I hope the Jazz make it over the Rockets as well in the West but going on a three game losing streak just when they had catched up certainly doesn't help, at least Houston is also playing very inconsistently so everything is still possible. Blazers look like a lock at this point although things can change quickly of course.
Good escape from Warriors, that late Green 3-pointer saved the day.
If there ever was a game where a player didn't actually play that confirmed that they are indeed the MVP of the league it was last night's Dubs vs Hawks game in which Steph Curry was sidelined by his ankle injury. By taking him (and to be fair Andre Iguodala) out of the equation, the Dubs went from arguably the greatest team in NBA history to a team that really should have lost to a truly average Hawks team. If Paul Millsap hits the open three at the end the Warriors (the way they were playing) were more than likely toast. In simple terms, when Curry plays the Warriors are almost unstoppable. When he doesn't it's literally a whole different ballgame.
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Thunder are incredible. Ahead by 20 points at half and by 17 before final quarter yet still somehow lost.
Wonder how they'll perform at Oracle Arena tonight. If Curry's not available (and I've seen that he's still to be confirmed) then I think Thunder will have a good shot at winning. Truthfully if they don't win with Curry and Iguodala sidelined they may as well give up, they're not going to get a better shot at stopping Warriors amazing home run. If Curry plays though, the fact that they're back to back after a tough Clippers game and must be mentally down after two heartbreaking losses recently, I'd imagine Warriors will win without problem (by which I mean it will be another thriller with 1-point win through last second shot).

Really surprised by Boston's easy win over Portland. I guess Portland have worn out physically a bit as they've had some intense weeks with good wins. Playoff spot looks nailed for them barring a collapse. Utah looked like they had a great shot at playoffs recently but find themselves two games behind Houston now although with the way Rockets have been playing I'll not be surprised at all if they miss out.

Chicago looking set for a difficult fight too. Washington have been playing very well recently, Charlotte are pulling away, Detroit have been good since Harris joined, Indiana are a decent team. Atlanta have been shaky recently but they're 3 games ahead and top 4 is already more or less out of reach for Bulls. Another disappointing season on the cards but I guess they can't do much more when Butler is sidelined for weeks. Really pleased about Raptors, 2nd place looks a realy possibility as they're better than Boston IMO and it even seems possible that they'll knock Cleveland from 1st which would be a great achievement. I don't think they will reach Finals or anything but it's nice to see them doing well.
I think Warriors can tie the record for most consecutive home games won as well tonight (44), would be a shame if they miss out on it because of injuries.
Don't understand the Thunder sometimes. When the game is on the line the ball somehow always seems to end up in Westbrook's hands. Same thing happened against the Warriors before Curry made his game winner. When you've got a player (and shooter) as good as Durant it just astounds me.
:lol: we're not fast-paced by any means. We are nearing the end of the Grit n Grind iteration of the team, a phase that produced a long playoff streak and a memorable run to the WC finals in 2013. Conley and Gasol are the current members of the core that will feature heavily in any success going forward (Conley's not leaving Eboue), and Z-Bo and Tony Allen are nearing the end of their careers.

If you want Showtime dunks, crossovers and flashy fun stuff this team isn't for you.

Definitely not Memphis then. Their best players are 34 and 31 + Conley who will likely leave in the offseason and they play the third slowest pace in the league.

I would suggest you look into Boston, Detroit, Portland, or Indiana.

A terrible shout by me. No one wants old men who aren't dunking and smashing the glass on impact

OKC or Portland til i die
I get the feeling that the Thunder will blow it all up soon.
A terrible shout by me. No one wants old men who aren't dunking and smashing the glass on impact

OKC or Portland til i die

Do not support the Thunder. For your sanity and overall health, I strongly urge you to not do it. They're a basket case of a team and don't let the popular opinion tell you otherwise. They have ZERO leadership on the playing roster, they have ZERO basketball I.Q on the playing roster and in the head coach/front office, and they have no chance of winning anything any time soon.

Durant will leave, but he is not the player he once was anyway. The toe injury has taken away something, he just isn't the same. Westbrook will leave the year after too. You can enjoy watching Westbrook though, he really is brilliant, but once it gets under the 5 minute mark of the 4th Q just turn it off. You'll see him hog the ball, jack up shots from half-court with still time left on the shot clock, cheat on defense to try and get the steal but just give up points.

The story of the Thunder is this: play well for 3Q, maybe even have the lead, then play iso basketball and don't let anyone other than Durant or Westbrook touch it (even when it is clear 2v5 isn't working the 'strategy' doesn't change), give up whatever lead has been built, watch Durant try and dribble like Curry and turn the ball over repeatedly, and watch Westbrook try and shoot like Curry and game over. Then in the post-match they'll come out and talk about 'talent', how it is just the regular season, how they'll 'be better' and everything will be ok. But it won't.

Excuse the rant! Needed to get it off my chest. I suggest you support Portland, they are good to watch and Lillard is a rising star in the league.