Moyes To Succeed Ferguson Anyone?

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Yes I get what your saying, and bridging the gap is probably one of the best things we can do after the phenomenon that is SAF. The only problem is your playing down the worse case scenario, the next few years could see city winning the league. Which is unpalatable for me!

If we are going to bridge the gap do it with a short term manager that will also bring success.... Jose step forward!

The problem in hiring Jose in this theory is that it wouldn't alleviate any pressure. If Jose didn't win a trophy inside 3 seasons and was sacked, the next job would be a poison chalice as well. If Moyes fails there will be much less pressure on the next manager, as they won't have to live up to a huge reputation.

Plus nothing can ever be as bad as last year, so there's always that solace!
But calling anyone questioning club appointments glory hunters etc, hipsters etc, that's perfectly valid.

Anyone voicing the opinion that they aren't entirely delighted with this potential appointment have been met with all kinds of vitriol today.

Well, you know what? I don't think he's the man for the job, I don't think he's the best option out there and I don't give a feck what people think of me for saying it. If he comes in I'll support him, because I support Manchester United, but I stand by that I think there are better options, and today has been a huge disappointment topped up by a further one. Losing Fergie was a huge blow, compounded by the knowledge that the man seemingly coming to replace him doesn't boast anywhere near the kind of pedigree this club should demand.

Who would you pick Nev? Realistically of course.
Who would you pick Nev? Realistically of course.

I dont think that really matters, and I have no desire to mention names to have them picked apart by people keen to have a go at my lack of support for the appointment of Moyes.

I'll say one thing, we are constantly talked about as the biggest club in the world. Would any of our rivals for that title be quaking in their boots right now at the prospect of who is coming in to replace Ferguson?
But calling anyone questioning club appointments glory hunters etc, hipsters etc, that's perfectly valid.

Anyone voicing the opinion that they aren't entirely delighted with this potential appointment have been met with all kinds of vitriol today.

Well, you know what? I don't think he's the man for the job, I don't think he's the best option out there and I don't give a feck what people think of me for saying it. If he comes in I'll support him, because I support Manchester United, but I stand by that I think there are better options, and today has been a huge disappointment topped up by a further one. Losing Fergie was a huge blow, compounded by the knowledge that the man seemingly coming to replace him doesn't boast anywhere near the kind of pedigree this club should demand.

If we had sigs, I might make this mine for a couple of days, just to avoid having to repeat it.

I'll get behind him 100% when it's confirmed. And I recognise there are qualities which make him an excellent choice - and about which I am excited. But he is not at all my first choice for the job, and I don't think it's unreasonable to say so.
Why is this being cited as pretty much a done deal by BBC and other sites? I must have missed something.
But calling anyone questioning club appointments glory hunters etc, hipsters etc, that's perfectly valid.

Anyone voicing the opinion that they aren't entirely delighted with this potential appointment have been met with all kinds of vitriol today.

Well, you know what? I don't think he's the man for the job, I don't think he's the best option out there and I don't give a feck what people think of me for saying it. If he comes in I'll support him, because I support Manchester United, but I stand by that I think there are better options, and today has been a huge disappointment topped up by a further one. Losing Fergie was a huge blow, compounded by the knowledge that the man seemingly coming to replace him doesn't boast anywhere near the kind of pedigree this club should demand.

Great stuff man....I love it when someone is brutally honest on here. A ripping riposte!
I'll say one thing, we are constantly talked about as the biggest club in the world. Would any of our rivals for that title be quaking in their boots right now at the prospect of who is coming in to replace Ferguson?

I don't think you are being overly fair in some stuff, but I cannot argue with that. No no other club will be worried about the prospect of facing David Moyes next season.

Hopefully the following season, they will though.
I dont think that really matters, and I have no desire to mention names to have them picked apart by people keen to have a go at my lack of support for the appointment of Moyes.

I'll say one thing, we are constantly talked about as the biggest club in the world. Would any of our rivals for that title be quaking in their boots right now at the prospect of who is coming in to replace Ferguson?

Picked apart like you have done Moyes?

Perhaps you are being naïve and people within the game think Moyes will do well. I've seen/heard numerous players say that Moyes is their no. 1 candidate to replace Fergie.
Why is this being cited as pretty much a done deal by BBC and other sites? I must have missed something.

Because every journo in the land seems to know it is a done deal. Every journo in the land could be wrong, of course. I'd be surprised, though. There's a ridiculous amount of smoke here if there is no fire.
I dont think that really matters, and I have no desire to mention names to have them picked apart by people keen to have a go at my lack of support for the appointment of Moyes.

I'll say one thing, we are constantly talked about as the biggest club in the world. Would any of our rivals for that title be quaking in their boots right now at the prospect of who is coming in to replace Ferguson?

I'm not having a go at your lack of support for Moyes, I'm just curious as to who you (or anyone else) think would be a better replacement and why. I'm not going to lambast you for it, I genuinely want to know what other people think instead of just a load of "oh noes, not Moyes, anyone but Moyes" - Who?

I think if Jose were to come to United it would put a lot more fear in the rivals than that of Moyes being appointed, at least in the short term anyway. Once Jose goes the teams he leaves behind seem to struggle a bit - I don't know if there's stats to back that up, but it's my general feeling on it.

I have a lot of admiration for Ancelotti and would be over the moon for him to come here.
What makes a management appointment 'dull' ffs.

Chelsea have had lots of 'exciting' appointments in the last 5 years .... top foreign managers, world cup winners, European Cup winners etc none have lasted more than 5 minutes ... is that what you want?
A top foreign manager, yes that's what I want. I just don't want us to sack them like Abramovich...
I hope it isn’t Moyes. He’s a decent manager and a nice of enough bloke, but he’s not for United. This club needs somebody with a higher profile, somebody who is used to winning trophies and can handle the pressure that comes with this job.

United made a number of errors in trying to replace Sir Matt Busby and we spent a couple of decades wandering in the wilderness until Sir Alex. I fear we are repeating history if we hire David Moyes, he may not be as bad as McGuinness or O’Farrell, but this reminds me of Dave Sexton’s hiring.

Everton under Moyes have never played inspiring football and no top talent is going to come to United to play under Moyes. Players will still come, because we are still Manchester United, but it will be tougher to attract top notch talent under Moyes.
Picked apart like you have done Moyes?

Perhaps you are being naïve and people within the game think Moyes will do well. I've seen/heard numerous players say that Moyes is their no. 1 candidate to replace Fergie.
And given that Fergie himself is a major backer as well as likely the biggest reason behind going for Moyes, i've no doubt that its the best pick. In Fergie we trust :cool:
I wouldn't go so far as TN but I understand where he's coming from. If Moyes comes in ill fully support him, and there is no other candidate I'm completely happy with anyway. To me he is an understandable choice. What I would say though is I'm not excited about Moyes. If Guardiola, Klopp or Mourinho was coming I think there'd be more of a buzz. Still sadness at SAF leaving, but excitement about what the future might hold, which might be in short supply if we do go with Moyes.
I'd beg to differ, mate. Mourinho would have been a far bolder appointment as he would have been a challenge for the board themselves. Moyes will be like a starstruck teenager for the few season or two and will not rock the boat at all. In fact, so determined will he be not to lose games and be seen as weak, I envisage us playing very safe football next season.

I hope I'm wrong, mind.

Why on earth will he be like a starstruck teen? Do you know him well?
The guy is a good manager but he's a prick. It becomes about him and not the club. We can do without that bloody circus.

Perhaps, but he is quite possibly the only manager in the world who is capable of putting his stamp on the club, and has the experience and the personality to deal with the criticism that is bound to come the way of anyone who gets the job. For what it's worth, people seem to be forgetting that SAF will still be around the club. If Moyes needs advice on how to deal with the pressure, or how to handle certain situations that he won't have been in before, he has the ideal man to turn to.

As I said earlier, whoever gets the job will have my backing, and I expect the majority feel the same.
At least he plays good attacking football and has plenty of European experience and trophies under his belt....

How the hell did he get the job, I seriously just can't get my head around it. The only thing he's got is the fact he stayed at Everton for 12 years, that seems to be enough to get one of the biggest jobs in football. Bizarre.
"United's desire to secure Moyes took Everton by surprise with the Merseyside club feeling aggrieved that they did not receive the courtesy of an official approach from the champions. However, as Moyes's contract with Everton expires on 30 June United were not required to do so.

The news had been so unexpected at Goodison Park that until 2pm on Wednesday, four hours after Ferguson made his decision public, Everton's chairman, Bill Kenwright, had no idea that Moyes was wanted by United."
- Angry and Scottish
- Cheaper
- Hates Mancini
- Punnable name, prime for chants.

- May not be very good at winning trophies
Slowly but surely I am warming to the idea. Moyes comes across as passionate, ambitious, driven and hard working. He is not a phoney that's for sure, he is honest as they come and will demand a lot from his players with little regard for reputation I'd imagine. The team spirit shown at Everton really bodes well too. If he doesn't have the players respect from the start I'm confident he'll earn it quick enough.

People complaining about his style of play are being harsh IMO. He will have all the resources in the world at United and can decide to play whatever brand of football he sees fit; who's to say he doesn't relish the idea of having so many talented players at his disposal and that he wouldn't want to play in an attractive style given the opportunity?

Wait and see is my motto here, I'll certainly support him if he does indeed get the job.
I'm sorry but he needs to make an impact in Europe on a regular basis.....being United manager demands that. We cannot start lowering our expectations because it is David Moyes and not Jose Mourinho. If the board wish to appoint him he should be expected to make an impact in Europe with the squad he will have at his disposal, and the inevitable resources to purchase new players.

Granted I'm not expecting anything majorly significant in his first season, the league once again will be priority....but we have failed to reach the Quarter-Finals two years running now, that is not good enough. Klopp needed one season to become accustomed to the Champions League, Guardiola just one full season to actually win it. Mourinho won the UEFA Cup in his first full season with Porto....the Champions League the season after.

Moyes will need to get to that level and sharpish. The Champions League is too important to be dismissed as an afterthought. It is the biggest club trophy in the world and any top manager needs it on their CV. Moyes is going to be Manchester United manager more can he simply be plucky Davy Moyes from Everton (great job on limited resources etc.) he is now in the company of elite managers and he must prove he belongs there.

Yeah, I get that, and I agree. I mean that for the first season or two, we can't expect to be winning the thing. I'd love it if we did, obviously, and the signings we make this season will hugely dictate our success, but when you look at Bayern and see how dominant they've been this season and how much they're going to strengthen this summer, we would hardly expect to win it even with SAF at the helm. I think a good league(and I mean winning it or running the eventual winner close) and a domestic cup would be a good first season. Then, when it all settles down we can start to expect more in Europe.
"United's desire to secure Moyes took Everton by surprise with the Merseyside club feeling aggrieved that they did not receive the courtesy of an official approach from the champions. However, as Moyes's contract with Everton expires on 30 June United were not required to do so.

The news had been so unexpected at Goodison Park that until 2pm on Wednesday, four hours after Ferguson made his decision public, Everton's chairman, Bill Kenwright, had no idea that Moyes was wanted by United."

Mmm, thats interesting. You'd think either United or Moyes himself would let Kenwright know what's happening... That doesn't seem to add up.
I wouldn't go so far as TN but I understand where he's coming from. If Moyes comes in ill fully support him, and there is no other candidate I'm completely happy with anyway. To me he is an understandable choice. What I would say though is I'm not excited about Moyes. If Guardiola, Klopp or Mourinho was coming I think there'd be more of a buzz. Still sadness at SAF leaving, but excitement about what the future might hold, which might be in short supply if we do go with Moyes.

I'm sort of the same, albeit I'll start to get more excited if I see him playing a more progressive brand of football, as that's really my only concern with him. The rest will, I suspect, come if he's given time and patience to make his own way at the club.

I might not think he's the cast-iron certainty of success that some do on here but he's obviously a good manager and one that has a lot of potential, so once he's in our dugout I'll be desperate for him to succeed. I don't think acknowledging doubts based on what we've seen from him in the past is out of order, though. In fact, I can't really get my head around supporters not having some doubts, however small, based on his time at Everton.
Its worth remembering what shape Everton were in when he arrived. They were shite, no strangers to relegation dogfights. He took them to regular top 6. Put another way, he won the Everyone But The Top 5 Cup a shitload of times. Rags to riches. So who said he had never won anything?
I'm warming to the idea; let's have no doubt that SAF will have been able to hand-pick his successor. The Glazer's would certainly have deferred to his unparalleled knowledge. If SAF thinks that David Moyes is the best man for the job then in SAF I continue to trust.
The problem with finding a manager with experience winning trophies is that SAF has been winning most of them for a long time.

Wenger, Mourinho, Mancini, Roman Abramovich's latest pet ...

And if you go abroad to find someone experienced at winning trophies, then they will lack experience of the Premiership and of the culture and traditions in England.

No one checks all the boxes, no one can fill the gaffer's shoes.
I'm not having a go at your lack of support for Moyes, I'm just curious as to who you (or anyone else) think would be a better replacement and why. I'm not going to lambast you for it, I genuinely want to know what other people think instead of just a load of "oh noes, not Moyes, anyone but Moyes" - Who?

I think if Jose were to come to United it would put a lot more fear in the rivals than that of Moyes being appointed, at least in the short term anyway. Once Jose goes the teams he leaves behind seem to struggle a bit - I don't know if there's stats to back that up, but it's my general feeling on it.

I have a lot of admiration for Ancelotti and would be over the moon for him to come here.

I think we should be aiming for one of the European heavyweights. Someone with a pedigree of winning trophies and competing at the highest level, both domestic and in Europe. We're Manchester United, we're losing the best in the business and we should be looking to replace him with an elite manager with a proven track record.

Look, I can see the reasons in choosing Moyes. It's a brave decision and I respect the fact that we're giving a "lesser name" a chance. I'm just not sure the time to do that is when you're replacing the best out there.
Genuine question to those happy with Moyes' appointment: Do you see him being the one to bring the European Cup back to Old Trafford?

Not on his own, hopefully he will manage to create a team and a squad capable of doing so.
Moyes is the man. Football Manager says so:

By Simon Head

Computer says Moyes: Everton boss Moyes is the best man for Manchester United - says Football Manager 2013 simulation
8 May 2013 18:45

David Moyes is the best man to take over at Old Trafford and continue the remarkable run of success enjoyed by Sir Alex Ferguson, according to a Football Manager 2013 simulation
And the winner is...: David Moyes performed the best as United manager in the Football Manager 2013 simulation And the winner is...: David Moyes performed the best as United manager in the Football Manager 2013 simulation

David Moyes would bring immediate success to Old Trafford if he was named as Sir Alex Ferguson’s successor, but Jose Mourinho and Jurgen Klopp would struggle, according to a simulation run using Football Manager 2013.

During Moyes simulation as Fergie's replacement, the "former" Everton boss added yet another Premier League title and a League Cup to Manchester United’s already bulging trophy cabinet by finishing ahead of Mourinho’s rejuvenated Chelsea in the league and comfortably dispatching Stoke at Wembley.

Moyes was characteristically quiet in the transfer window, bringing Leighton Baines with him from Everton for £19million and selling the much-criticised Anderson to Juventus for £7million.

Moyes found a winning formula up front, with the strike partnership of Wayne Rooney and Robin van Persie scoring 40 goals between them in all competitions. Shinji Kagawa and David de Gea also stood out in Moyes’ squad with the latter keeping 13 clean sheets as United improved on the defensive frailties of this season.

No way for Jose

Jose Mourinho Drew a blank: Jose Mourinho finished the season-long simulation without a trophy to show for his efforts

Mourinho's simulation as United boss saw him end his season in the hot-seat trophyless after finishing second to Manchester City in the league and suffering defeats in the FA Cup and Champions League finals.

United actually found themselves down in third place heading into January before Mourinho sold Antonio Valencia, Danny Welbeck and Anderson after they failed to impress the ‘Special One’. He re-invested some of the £47 million he received for those three players into signing Marouane Fellaini and Andre Schurrle.

Mourinho was able to motivate the players in the second half of the season as they finished just two points adrift of City. Like Moyes, Mourinho was able to produce good form out of van Persie and Rooney as they surpassed the 40 goal mark between them.

De Gea also benefited from Mourinho’s leadership as he conceded just 31 goals in the league – six lower than this season. Mourinho failed to beat his old team Chelsea in the FA Cup final, losing 3-2 after extra time before being tactically outclassed by City in the Champions League final two weeks later.

Not Gunnar work

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer Cup winner: Ole Gunnar Solsjaer struggled in the league, but brought home the FA Cup

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is another name currently being linked to the Manchester United job but under Football Management simulation conditions he too found his league challenge thwarted by Manchester City.

Solskjaer was the only one of the managers to heavily strengthen the United squad in the summer by bringing in Yohan Cabaye, Christian Eriksen, Kyriakos Papadopolous and Leandro Damiao for a combined £57 million.

One feature of Solskjaer’s style of play was that goals flowed throughout every area of the team – no fewer than 13 players had at least one goal to their name.

Van Persie topped the scoring charts with 20 goals in all competitions but the team struggled defensively, which cost them any chance of the league title when they threw away a 2-0 lead against City in the final Manchester derby of the season.

Solskjaer didn't go trophyless, however, as he brought the FA Cup back to Old Trafford after a nine-year absence after United recorded a comfortable 2-0 win over Swansea at Wembley.

Klopped off

Juergen Klopp Sacked! Jurgen Klopp won't be smiling when he hears how he fared in the Football Manager 2013 simulation...

Jurgen Klopp was the only manager to be sacked in the simulation. His attempt to bring Dortmund's hard pressing style of play over to England lasted less than a year as he was relieved of his duties in mid-January 2014.

He brought in Cagliari’s Rajda Nainggolan for £20 million but was forced to sell a number of first team players in January including Vidic, Nani and Welbeck after they voiced their unhappiness at the team’s sixth place position in the league.

Klopp was not helped by the fact that van Persie was injured for the majority of his time at the helm but he was able to fashion a partnership between Rooney and Hernandez which produced 17 goals between them.

The final nail in the coffin for Klopp came after a 2-1 loss to Chelsea which left United 12 points adrift of leaders City.

Tale of the tape: How each manager fared in the simulation
David Moyes

1st in the PL – 79 points

Relatively quiet in the transfer market – Signs Baines for £19 million, sells Anderson for £7 million. Typical of his time at Everton?

Loses to Barcelona in the CL quarters

Wins League Cup

Out of FA Cup to Charlton in 4 round

Best players: RVP: 39 appearances, 21 goals, 4 assists, 7 PoM awards, 7.54 avg; Rooney: 37 games, 19 goals, 7.78 avg rating; Kagawa: 29 games, 11 goals; De Gea: 53 games, 52 conceded

Jose Mourinho

2nd in PL – 77 points

Sells Valencia, Welbeck and Anderson in a January clearout when the team is in 3.

Signs Fellaini and Schurrle for combined £32 million

Loses in CL and FA Cup finals

Best players: RVP: 42 games, 22 goals; Rooney: 50 games, 20 goals; Kagawa: 49 games, 18 goals; De Gea: 45 games, 39 conceded. (Gets injured, Lindegaard under performs. Costs United title)

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer

Finishes 2nd to City

Wins FA Cup

Signs Eriksen, Cabaye, Papadopolous and Damiao for £57 million.

Best players: RVP – 39 games, 20 goals; Nani – 43 games, 15 goals; Rooney – 41 games, 14 goals; Kagawa – 39 games, 12 goals

Jurgen Klopp

Sacked in January with the club in 6 place.

Signs RadjaNainggolan for £20 million and tries to clear out some of the United old guard in January in an attempt to save his job. Vidic, Anderson, Welbeck, Nani go for a combined £57 million.

Not helped by RVP being injured for 4 months of his reign

Out both cups but into CL 1 knockout round

Tries to play his Dortmund pressing style but United fail to adapt.

Best players: Rooney – 27 games, 10 goals; Hernandez – 15 games, 7 goals; Kagawa – 25 games, 5 goals
I'm warming to the idea; let's have no doubt that SAF will have been able to hand-pick his successor. The Glazer's would certainly have deferred to his unparalleled knowledge. If SAF thinks that David Moyes is the best man for the job then in SAF I continue to trust.

I remember having this conversation with someone years ago. If it would be SAF's choice, or if someone else had a final say, he would just be consulted. I actually incline towards the latter.
He will begin the long transitional era of this club. Hopefully it won't be as long as that of the scousers.
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