Moussa Dembele

Who? Valencia? :confused:

According to the fans and players.

According to the fans and players.

That's POTY mate, not "best player".

FYI, no-one actually thought Scott Parker was actually the BEST player in the Premier League in the season before last. Some stupid members of the press thought he was the POTY though.
The idea that a reporter would get hold of a piece of news like that and decide that, instead of publishing it in his newspaper, he'd start a rumour on the internet instead. I mean, come on.

Who said he didn't do something with it? Plus, you would need a little more than a potential slip of the tongue to make a story.
Ok. I guess you know. I'll say no more. Just passing on a little something I heard. Might be something. Might not. End of the day, I don't know.
Heard a rumour that when lukaku was talking about the Belgians he hopes to play with at Chelsea in the next couple of years, while on international duty this week, he said dembele along with those already signed up before correcting himself.
Might have let something slip he shouldnt have...
This was said to a Belgian journalist

Does that even mean anything though? All he said was that he hopes to play with Dembele, which doesn't have to mean that he is signing for Chelsea. All it means, if true, is that he thinks Dembele is a good player and would like to play with him at Chelsea.
Ok. I guess you know. I'll say no more. Just passing on a little something I heard. Might be something. Might not. End of the day, I don't know.

Well it may be something, because even before this leaked rumor, Dembele was already heavily linked to Chelsea.
Does that even mean anything though? All he said was that he hopes to play with Dembele, which doesn't have to mean that he is signing for Chelsea. All it means, if true, is that he thinks Dembele is a good player and would like to play with him at Chelsea.

Maybe. The way the guy told me he said it and then retracted was a bit suspect but truth is I don't know.
Just thought it was an interesting little snippet as link with Chelsea was being discussed.
I wasn't that bothered about Demebele until I read this thread and found out City and Chelsea were after him too. Now I'm desperate for us to sign him. What is it about transfer season that brings out my inner retard?
I think he'd be a brilliant aquisition for a top side, and probably a more reliable bet for us than Anderson long term. Similar to Anderson, Dembele doesn't score and assist as much as a player of his ability should, but i think thats more down to Fulhams direct long ball style of play not getting the best out of his qualities. He actually does have a pretty good shot on him from distance, and has come close a number of times to adding to his goal tally. I think he'd be similar to the Valencia signing, who also had a poor goal/assist return, but benefitted from playing around better players.

Unlike Anderson, i think we could rely on him to last 90 minutes, and stay fit for a sustained period of time. He would give us similar drive in midfield, but would give us better ball retention. He never ever seems to lose the ball when dribbling with it. He would give us increased mobility in midfield, and still do his best to help out defensively, though thats not really where he's at his best.

Bring it on i hope.

That is exactly what I have been saying for a few years now in regards to Dembele. "Give him the ball if you want to keep the ball in your team".

I hope he doesn't sign for Chelsea. I'd hate to see every skilled Belgian playing for our rivals in the league like somehow seems to be the case now.
That's POTY mate, not "best player".

FYI, no-one actually thought Scott Parker was actually the BEST player in the Premier League in the season before last. Some stupid members of the press thought he was the POTY though.

I was under the impression that when our fans and players in the club voted for United's player of the year, they were selecting the player to represent who they felt performed "best" that particular season. I can tell by your user name that you are likely to favor your own opinions, so I'll stop there.

Don't know about Scott Parker or his relevance to United's player of the year as selected by both the fans and players, but I'm sure he's selected in most Spurs' fans starting elevens.
Is there much of a gulf between them and say Barry, Cleverley, Arteta and Parker? I don't think there is.
All four are better than those two, and none of them are really top 4 starting XI quality either (tho' Cleverley may be in time).
All four are better than those two, and none of them are really top 4 starting XI quality either (tho' Cleverley may be in time).

feck the starting quality. It's a squad game nowadays and both of those (prefer Dembele) would make a positive impact at a top 4 club. Both would be upgrades on the likes of Park, Benayoun etc for a start.
Park's always been shit and Benayoun was a stop-gap. You want to spend money on players who can contribute and have the ability to grow into starters, neither of those two fit the bill IMO.
Park's always been shit and Benayoun was a stop-gap. You want to spend money on players who can contribute and have the ability to grow into starters, neither of those two fit the bill IMO.

I hope you're referring to Park Chu-Young there.
Park's always been shit and Benayoun was a stop-gap. You want to spend money on players who can contribute and have the ability to grow into starters, neither of those two fit the bill IMO.

Genuinely such a retarded comment. What's hilarious is how many times he's played well against you lot. Scored his share of goals too.

Maybe if you lot had more shit players like Park, you actually would've won something in the past few (7 isn't it now?) years. The notion that Fergie would pick a shit player so frequently for the very biggest games over the years is a baffling one.
Storey wumming again. As always, according to him, United players are shit and Arsenal players are better. In his own way, he is as deluded as RAWK.. Or a WUM. I think the latter.
Are you honestly using a single game in order to justify a comment regarding a 7 year United career?

This really is retarded, stop it.
He's been crap from the get-go, basically a £4M player who should have been playing for a midtable team. That game was just a recent technicolor exemplar of it.