Mesut Ozil SHOCKING transformation

You can't beat @Pogue Mahone's confidence to come in and definitively state something wrong, with no real deep understanding of the area of discussion.
Almost as admirable as your confidence about my (lack of) understanding. But you know me better than I know weight training, right?
Put Ozil's pics in front of anyone with decent knowledge of 'enhanced' bodybuilding and I could almost guarantee every single one of them would say he's on something. Nigh on impossible in that timeframe to be in that shape without it as someone in their mid 30s, especially given his body type.
It has nothing to do with that.
The dangers of roids are far underestimated i think.
Over the years i heard so many guys in gyms talking casually about it, sometimes even joking about how it would be nice if their balls shrank a bit.
Look up what that stuff does to your heart and to your brain.

Fitness Influencers claiming such muscle gain can be obtained in 1 year is like beauty influencers posting photoshopped pictures.
Its a bad influence for our youth and the society as a whole, increases body dismorphia and leads to more and more people taking roids and doing beauty operations because they also want to look like their unnatural role models.
My issue is that people have just jumped on the "he's on the juice" side of the argument, when I do believe that what he has done is achievable, given the time, finance and already impressive physical fitness he had to his advantage.

I completely agree on the points you've made regarding social media and it's negative shaping of accepted societal behaviours by the way, I hate it.
Anybody saying that you can achieve a body like that naturally has never stepped in a gym surely :lol: :lol:

Ozil was a professional footballer with access to personal training and state of the art equipment his entire life, and never achieved a body like that while at his prime playing in the most competitive league in the world. Suggesting that he can do it "because he has more free time and motivation" now is a hilarious take :lol::lol::lol:
Anybody saying that you can achieve a body like that naturally has never stepped in a gym surely :lol: :lol:

Ozil was a professional footballer with access to personal training and state of the art equipment his entire life, and never achieved a body like that while at his prime playing in the most competitive league in the world. Suggesting that he can do it "because he has more free time and motivation" now is a hilarious take :lol::lol::lol:
A lot of people seem to have a misconception that steroids etc. = 300lb brick shithouse.
Anybody saying that you can achieve a body like that naturally has never stepped in a gym surely :lol: :lol:

Ozil was a professional footballer with access to personal training and state of the art equipment his entire life, and never achieved a body like that while at his prime playing in the most competitive league in the world. Suggesting that he can do it "because he has more free time and motivation" now is a hilarious take :lol::lol::lol:
Disregarding the steroids point, he clearly never would have tried to build that body while playing. He wouldn’t have any mobility if he was that big in his playing days.
Put Ozil's pics in front of anyone with decent knowledge of 'enhanced' bodybuilding and I could almost guarantee every single one of them would say he's on something. Nigh on impossible in that timeframe to be in that shape without it as someone in their mid 30s, especially given his body type.

Anyone with any serious knowledge of strength conditioning wouldn't form an opinion based on one photograph, with no clue about Ozil's physique (or even weight) before and after this "12 month transformation". Other than fitness/bodybuilding influencers who can build a career out of posting hot takes online based on incomplete information. Or redcafe posters jealous or confused about a bloke who packed on what might well be just single digit kg's of muscle after 12 months extremely hard work. And I don't have a dog in this fight (other than my own argumentative nature) I just think it's definitely possible for someone to put on as much muscle as he has probably put on in a year, without taking PEDs. Because I've seen people do it. I think a lot of the most extreme takes here ("there's no way that's possible without taking steroids!") is based on over-estimating the size he is now and the under-estimating the size he was 12 months ago.
How much?

Why is everyone convinced he's put on an outrageous amount of muscle in the last 12 months based on one "after" photo where he is flexing, with a massive pump and the only "before" photo we have is 10 years old, completely relaxed? (in which he already seems to have a decent physique)
Well he wrote after 1 year I believe, and all pictures of him in the past show a very average physique. He's not naturally a muscular guy clearly.
Anyone with any serious knowledge of strength conditioning wouldn't form an opinion based on one photograph, with no clue about Ozil's physique (or even weight) before and after this "12 month transformation". Other than fitness/bodybuilding influencers who can build a career out of posting hot takes online based on incomplete information. Or redcafe posters jealous or confused about a bloke who packed on what might well be just single digit kg's of muscle after 12 months extremely hard work. And I don't have a dog in this fight (other than my own argumentative nature) I just think it's definitely possible for someone to put on as much muscle as he has probably put on in a year, without taking PEDs. Because I've seen people do it. I think a lot of the most extreme takes here ("there's no way that's possible without taking steroids!") is based on over-estimating the size he is now and the under-estimating the size he was 12 months ago.
Putting on muscle is one thing. Putting on muscle whilst getting absolutely shredded to the point where veins are popping is another.
Seriously? You’re that confident after looking at one photo? Have you not seen the video of him doing curls? He’s really not that much bigger then he was when he was at Arsenal, never mind in March ‘23.
Yes. And he's clearly much, much bigger than he was at Arsenal. Don't be silly.
Yes. And he's clearly much, much bigger than he was at Arsenal. Don't be silly.

Look at the photo ffs. He evidently already had reasonably big arms/shoulders by the end of his Arsenal career. He has got bigger (a process that was obviously well under way 12 months ago) but some of you are getting seriously carried away by that one “transformation” photo.
Seriously? You’re that confident after looking at one photo? Have you not seen the video of him doing curls? He’s really not that much bigger then the photo taken he was when he was at Arsenal (without a pump, outdoors) never mind in March ‘23.
It's not about size. It's pretty easy to tell when someone is juicing from the look of their muscles. It takes absolute years to naturally build out the sort of muscle definition you can get in a one year stint on the various enhancers out there.
The man’s on the juice, that’s clear as day. You don’t put on that amount of mass in the space of a year while maintaining a very low body fat percentage naturally. FS. :lol:
It's not about size. It's pretty easy to tell when someone is juicing from the look of their muscles. It takes absolute years to naturally build out the sort of muscle definition you can get in a one year stint on the various enhancers out there.

The way his face has puffed out is another giveaway.
Look at the photo ffs. He evidently already had reasonably big arms/shoulders by the end of his Arsenal career. He has got bigger (a process that was obviously well under way 12 months ago) but some of you are getting seriously carried away by that one “transformation” photo.
He really didn't.
What’s he put on, like 20kg of muscle? Maybe 25?

I’ve put on 8kg in one summer with a regular job and a ridiculous diet. He definitely could have gotten the bulk in 9 months and then shredded in 3, probably with the help of diuretics and what not near the end.
What’s he put on, like 20kg of muscle? Maybe 25?

I’ve put on 8kg in one summer with a regular job and a ridiculous diet. He definitely could have gotten the bulk in 9 months and then shredded in 3, probably with the help of diuretics and what not near the end.
What body type do you have? Pretty obvious from Ozil's entire career that he is a complete wretch, I would put him at the worst end of the spectrum in terms of muscle gaining ability.
What’s he put on, like 20kg of muscle? Maybe 25?

I’ve put on 8kg in one summer with a regular job and a ridiculous diet. He definitely could have gotten the bulk in 9 months and then shredded in 3, probably with the help of diuretics and what not near the end.

Probably less than half that. Look at the photo I posted from March 23.

There was a great comment a while back about how fitness influencers who take steroids are deceiving people into body dysmorphia. Another trick is pretending changes happen much more quickly than they actually did. You can see from the photo of him in March ‘23 (or even the one in the Arsenal shirt) that he was starting to put on muscle long before the last 12 months. So the stuff about “12 month transformation” is pure clickbait.
Probably less than half that. Look at the photo I posted from March 23.

There was a great comment a while back about how fitness influencers who take steroids are deceiving people into body dysmorphia. Another trick is pretending changes happen much more quickly than they actually did. You can see from the photo of him in March ‘23 (or even the one in the Arsenal shirt) that he was starting to put on muscle long before the last 12 months. So the stuff about “12 month transformation” is pure clickbait.
20-25kgs of lean muscle would be quite funny to see though. The guy would be enormous.
But how is that contradicting anything from the post you quoted? That post said, that "the reader" probably never was in a position to learn about the effect such a physique has on attention level. Obviously it is a wild guess about whether this applies to the reader but I don't know why anybody would debate the hypothesis that a great physique will lead to more attention. Not from all women, obviously, but that isn't something the post implied. And the 2nd part is that some women will feel intimidated by it. Again - the "some" gives the point away, there is no way this statement can be falsified as long as you haven't spoken to ALL women out there.

Nobody said you have to be shredded or x or y to get attention, nor has anybody said it is prerequisite for getting girls. But just have a look at the effect that male strippers have on some women or even movies like Magic Mike. Being shredded is part of what many consider to be beauty standard. The extent varies of course but claiming this effect wouldn't exist doesn't make sense to me.

Maybe I am misinterpreting the initial post, I can't really understand the reaction it got.
The post doesn't say "some" anywhere. It postulates a universal truth and that anyone not aligned with it has personal shortcomings (jealous/weak).

It's complete nonsense. Women are typically far more attracted by confidence and the expectation of a good time. In fact, I'd argue in many cases what attracts them to the chippendales you allude to isn't as much the fit body but the projection of those two things.
Hi, I'm Bob from the Doritos factory. I also work part-time as a Doritos taste tester. I can tell you for a fact that Özil is natty. This is just the level of excellence people like us strive for. Haters will claim that it's roids. Adonises like me know better.
Nothing on Fernando Torres. Guy turned into an absolute meathead.

Ozil's transformation doesn't look particularly otherworldly for an elite level athlete. Definite props for him to be disciplined to get in that shape, but I would expect an elite level athlete to have the means and discipline to do so.

Goretzkas transformation and regression is a much bigger sign of PEDs than this.
Tim Wiese enters the chat...
@Pogue Mahone has made some compelling arguments. The most compelling being we need the football season to start already.